
sir i wanna ppt on this topic.plz helpme.
I need seminar report on claytronicsSmile
can u plz list some real good sites for seminar on claytronics... its very important.!!

A Presentation by: DEBAHUTI PATI ,
7th SEM, I&E


An ongoing project by CARNEGIE MELLON University and INTEL.
A form of Programmable matter.
Also known as “Dynamic Physical Rendering”.
A combination of modular robotics, nanotechnology and computer science.
Consists of nanoscale robots called catoms
Described as “An ensemble of material that contains sufficient local computation, actuation, storage, energy, sensing and communication which can be programmed to form interesting dynamic shapes and configuration”.
Based on the MOORE’S LAW.
ABSTRACT: Transmission and reception of sound energy by telephone was followed by a revolution in electronics and its digitalization. Picture along with sound were then transported successfully from one place to another along with the miniaturization of electronics. Such developments motivated to think about human teleportation. Matter teleportation is still a dream, a dream not far away. Claytronics may make this dream a reality.
In this paper it is proposed the way Claytronics can be inducted into teleportation, various fields that benefit and finally their applications in various branches.
Teleportation is the transfer of matter from one place to another instantaneously, either by paranormal means or through technological artifice. Matter teleportation, however, is still a day dream, but along these lines researchers have come up with a new science called claytronics. The idea is to create small robots of a few millimeters in size (perhaps even a few nanometers) and then have them organise themselves into a shape that is determined remotely.
Claytronics (also known as ‘programmable matter’) is an emerging field of engineering concerning reconfigurable nanoscale robots (claytronic atoms or catoms) designed to form large-scale machines or mechanisms. The catoms would be sub-millimeter computers that eventually gain the ability to move around, communicate with other computers, change colour, and electrostatically connect to other catoms to form different shapes when instructed by the software to do so. The forms made up of catoms could morph into any object, even replicas of human beings for virtual meetings
According to researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, US, claytronics is described as “An ensemble of material that contains sufficient local computation, actuation, storage, energy, sensing and communication,” which can be programmed to form interesting dynamic shapes and configurations.
Claytronics research arose out of a combination of work on micro-scale computing devices and on tele-presence. To get these claytronics manifestations organise themselves, it has been suggested that they adjust the size and locations of empty chambers within a group’s general structure to from raised area or troughs. This would allow their overall shape to be controlled delicately. Photo-sensors and pressure sensors would allow input to be transmitted to any location required.
Claytronics is a more workable version of nanotechnology, which in its most advanced form promises to do the same work but requires billions of self-assembling robots controlled with computarised information. Claytronics technology has the potential to become a reality because of the ever-increasing speed of computer processing predicted in Moore’s Law. As the processors are getting smaller and smaller, at the sub-millimeter level they could communicate and move around independently due to electrostatic forces.
Realising the vision of claytronics through self-assembly of millions of catoms into synthetic reality would have a profound effect on users of electronic information. The undergoing research combines modular robotic systems, nanotechnology and computer science to create dynamic, 3D display of electronic information.
Initial research is focused on creating the basic modular building blocks of claytronics, on designing and in writing robust and reliable software programs that will shape ensembles of millions of catoms into dynamic 3D forms. The aim is to give tangible, interactive forms to information so that a user’s senses can experience digital environments as if they are indistinguishable from reality. This technology will help to drive breathtaking advances in design and engineering of computing and hardware systems.
Researchers are designing a programmable clay that could morph into a working 3D replica of any person or object, based on information transmitted from anywhere in the world. The clay would be made of millions of tiny microprocessors called catoms, each less than a millimeter.
Claytronics would make possible a radical vision for the future of long-distance meetings. For instance, it may be possible to fax a copy of a speaker’s body, mimicking his moves in real time and speaking in his voice, to someone sitting miles away. The project — at the moment a long way from realization — aims to create nanoscale robotic mechanisms with computing abilities, capable of changing form and joining together to form large-scale mechanisms or objects. With claytronics, millions of tiny individual devices would assemble into macro-scale objects, connecting and disconnecting as they move.
The current large proof-of-concept catoms of 4.4 cm connect and move via electromagnetic or electrostatic connections, much like the ‘replicating’ robots difficult to control with the same technology. The catoms could have LCD or LED surfaces to produce a family glowing image of a person or object made of millions of tiny microbots that would actually look like the person or the object.
Researchers say they will have a hardware prototype of sub-millimeter electrostatic modules in five years and will be able to fax complex 3D models — of anything, from engagement rings to sports cars — by 2017. If it works, claytronics could transform communication, entertainment, medicine and more as it promises to:
1. Help users to carry around a lump of claytronics in their pockets that can reshape into any object and even act like 3D TV and create synthetic reality.
2. This technology would enable engineers to work remotely in physically hostile environments or surgeons to perform intricate surgery on enlarged claytronic replicas of organs, worked upon by a claytronic replica of the surgeon.
3. It may help scientists learn how to efficiently manage networks of millions of computers.
4. It will also advance our understanding of nanotechnology.
Many challenges need to be resolved before this vision can become reality. The hardware aspects of the task like making crude, clumsy and tiny devices work is difficult but manageable. The software challenges are, however, more staggering. Coordinating the work of a few dozen robots or programming millions to work together is incredibly difficult.
Arun K, Joseph Mattamana
Electronics And Communication Department

College Of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram


‘Claytronics’ is the concept of the future which aims to break the barrier in transferring and transforming
tangible 3D objects. The concept basically is to make an object to be composed of millions of programed
nano scale robots and to move them relative to each other in a controlled coordinated manner to change
shape and other properties of the body. Claytronics consists of individual components called claytronic
atoms or ‘Catoms’. As the actual hardware is to manipulate itself to whatever desired form each catoms
should consist of CPU, a network device for communication, single pixel display, sensors, a means to adhere
with each other and power source. Organizing all of the communication and actions between millions of
catoms also require highly advanced algorithms and programing language. This idea is broadly referred to
as also ‘programmable matter’. Claytronics has the potential to greatly affect many areas of daily life, such
as telecommunication, human-computer interface, entertainment etc

Claytronics is a form a programmable matter that takes
the concept of modular robots to a new extreme and is
expected to make a new revolution in communication
sector. The concept of modular robots has been around for
some time. In general the goal of these projects was to
adapt to the environment to facilitate, for example,
improved locomotion. One of the primary goals of
claytronics is to form the basis for a new media type,
pario. Pario, a logical extension of audio and video, is a
media type used to reproduce moving 3D objects in the
real world. A direct result of our goal is that claytronics
must scale to millions of micron-scale units. Having
scaling (both in number and size) as a primary design goal
impacts the work significantly.
The long term goal of this is to render physical artifacts
with such high fidelity that our senses will easily accept
the reproduction for the original.When this goal is
achieved we will be able to create an environment, which
could be synthetic reality, in which a user can interact
with computer generated artifacts as if they were the real
thing. Synthetic reality has significant advantages over
virtual reality or augmented reality. For example, there is
no need for the user to use any form of sensory
augmentation, e.g., head mounted displays or haptic
feedback devices will be able to see, touch, pick-up, or
even use the rendered artifactsClaytronics is made up of individual components, called
catoms—for Claytronic atoms—that can move in three
dimensions (in relation to other catoms), adhere to other
catoms to maintain a 3D shape, and compute state
information (with possible assistance from other catoms
in the ensemble). Each catom is a self-contained unit with
a CPU, an energy store, a network device, a video output
device, one or more sensors, a means of locomotion, and a
mechanism for adhering to other catoms.
A Claytronics system forms a shape through the
interaction of the individual catoms. For example,
suppose we wish to synthesize a physical “copy” of a
person. The catoms would first localize themselves with
respect to the ensemble. Once localized, they would form
an hierarchical network in a distributed fashion. The
hierarchical structure is necessary to deal with the scale of
the ensemble; it helps to improve locality and to facilitate
the planning and coordination tasks.
The goal (in this case, mimicking a human form) would
then be specified abstractly, perhaps as a series of
“snapshots”or as a collection of virtual deforming
“forces”, and then broadcast to the catoms. Compilation
of the specification into local actions would then provide
each catom with a local plan for achieving the desired
global shape. At this point, the
catoms would start to move around each other using
forces generated on-board, either magnetically or
electrostatically, and adhere to each other using, for
example, a Nano fiber-adhesive mechanism. Finally, the
catoms on the surface would display an image; rendering
the colour and texture characteristics of the source
object.Except for taste and smell it will be an exact replica
that is, for the other three senses there won’t be any
difference between original and replica. If the source
object begins to move, a concise description of the
movements would be broadcast allowing the catoms to update their positions by moving around each other. The
end result will bea real time replica of the object and thus
next leap in communication industry.

Claytronic Hardware
A fundamental requirement of Claytronics is that the
system must scale to very large numbers of interacting
catoms and hardware part deals with designing of catoms.

Design of catoms should besimple, and each will have
atleast following four capabilities:
1) Computation: It is believed that catoms could
take advantage of existing microprocessor
technology. Given that some modern
microprocessor cores are now under a square
millimeter, they believe that a reasonable amount
of computational capacity should fit on the
several square millimetres of surface area
potentially available in a 2mm-diameter catom.
2) Motion: Although they will move, catoms will
have no moving parts. This will enable them to
form connections much more rapidly than
traditional micro robots, and it will make them
easier to manufacture in high volume. Catoms
will bind to one another and move via
electromagnetic or electrostatic forces,
depending on the catom size. Imagine a catom
that is close to spherical in shape, and whose
perimeter is covered by small electromagnets. A
catom will move itself around by energizing a
particular magnet and cooperating with a
neighbouring catom to do the same, drawing the
pair together. If both catoms are free, they will
spin equally about their axes, but if one catom is
held rigid by links to its neighbours, the other
will swing around the first, rolling across the
fixed catom's surface and into a new position.
Electrostatic actuation will be required once
catom sizes shrink to less than a millimeter or
two. The process will be essentially the same, but
rather than electromagnets, the perimeter of the
catom will be covered with conductive plates. By
selectively applying electric charges to the
plates, each catom will be able to move relative
to its neighbours.
3) Power: Catoms must be able to draw power
without having to rely on a bulky battery or a
wired connection. Under a novel resistor-
network design the researchers have developed,

only a few catoms must be connected in order for
the entire ensemble to draw power. When
connected catoms are energized, this triggers
active routing algorithms which distribute power
throughout the ensemble.
4) Communications: Communications is perhaps
the biggest challenge that researchers face in
designing catoms. An ensemble could contain
millions or billions of catoms, and because of the
way in which they pack, there could be as many
as six axes of interconnection.At present a lot of
emphasis is put on hardware part and with the
development of nano-technology hardware part
will be a reality, the next challenge is software
(or program part of it).

The following are some catoms-
• Planar catoms
• Electrostatic latches
• Stochastic catoms
• Giant helium catoms
• MEMS sphere
In the future with the development of nanotechnology the
hardware hurdle will be crossed and next hurdle will be

Claytronic Software
The usual programming languages like C++ or Java are
not suitable fora massively distributed system composed
of numerous resource-limited catoms. It is also difficult to
think of programing in these languages and debugging
errors is even harder, for this special high level language
withmore abbreviated syntax and a different style of
command is required.The goal of a claytronics matrix is
to dynamically form three dimensional shapes. However,
the vast number of catoms in this distributed network
increases complexity of micro-management of each
individual catom. So, each catom must perceive accurate
position information and command of cooperation with its
neighbors. In this environment, software language for the
matrix operation must convey concise statements of high-
level commands in order to be universally distributed.
Specially for this purpose two new programming
languages are being developed-
1) Meld
2) Locally Distributed Predicates (LDP).

Meld is a declarative language, a logic programming
language developed for programming catoms. By using
logic programming, the code for an ensemble of robots
can be written from a global perspective, enabling the
programmer to concentrate on the overall performance of
the claytronics matrix rather than writing individual
instructions for every one of the thousands to millions of
catoms in the ensemble. This dramatically simplifies the
thought process for programming the movement of a
claytronics matrix and also consumes 20 times less
memory than C++.

Meld use a collection of facts and a set of production rules
for combining existing facts to produce new ones. Each
rule specifies a set of conditions (expressions relating
facts and pieces of facts), and a new fact that can be
proven (i.e., generated safely) if these conditions are
satisfied. As a program is executed, the facts are
combined to satisfy the rules and produce new facts which
are in turn used to satisfy additional rules. This process,
called forward chaining, continues until all provable facts
have been proven. A logic program, therefore, consists of
the rules for combining facts while the execution
environment is the set of base facts that are known to be
true before execution begins.

Expect the revolution to occur in a few years to half a
century, just a few barriers to be broken and the humanity
will not look back. As giant companies like Intel
competes to crack the problem of nanotechnology and as
algorithms get better, this will be a reality.

2. en.wikipediawiki/Claytronics
3. techresearch.intelarticles/Exploratory/15
4. http://post-
5. jumpingelectronsScience/Claytroni
6. youtubewatch?v=bcaqzOUv2Ao

"Claytronics" is an emerging field of engineering concerning reconfigurable Nanoscale
robots ('claytronic atoms', or catoms) designed to form much larger scale machines or
mechanisms. Also known as "programmable matter", the catoms will be sub-millimeter
computers that will eventually have the ability to move around, communicate with each
others, change color, and electrostatically connect to other catoms to form different shapes.
The forms made up of catoms could morph into nearly any object, even replicas of human
beings for virtual meetings.
With Claytronics we are talking of intelligent material. How can a material be intelligent?
By being made up of particle-sized machines. At Carnegie Mellon, with support from Intel,
the project is called Claytronics. The idea is simple: make basic computers housed in tiny
spheres that can connect to each other and rearrange themselves. It’s the same concept as
we saw with Modular Robotics, only on a smaller scale. Each particle, called a Claytronics
atom or Catom, is less than a millimeter in diameter. With billions you could make almost any object you wanted.
This project combines modular robotics, systems nanotechnology and computer science to
create the dynamic, 3-Dimensional display of electronic information known as Claytronics.
The main goal is to give tangible, interactive forms to information so that a user's senses
will experience digital environments as though they are indistinguishable from reality.
Claytronics is taking place across a rapidly advancing frontier. This technology will help to
drive breathtaking advances in the design and engineering of computing and hardware
Our research team focuses on two main projects:
· Creating the basic modular building block of Claytronics known as the claytronic
atom or Catom, and
· Designing and writing robust and reliable software programs that will manage the
shaping of ensembles of millions of catoms into dynamic, 3-Dimensional forms.
Realizing the vision of Claytronics through the self-assembly of millions of catoms into
synthetic reality will have a profound effect on the experience of users of electronic
Development of this powerful form of information display represents a partnership between
the School of Computer Sciences of Carnegie Mellon University and Intel Corporation at its
Pittsburgh Laboratory. As an integral part of our philosophy, the Claytronics Project seeks
the contributions of scholars and researchers worldwide who are dedicating their efforts to
the diverse scientific and engineering studies related to this rich field of nanotechnology
and computer science.
The Role of Moore’s Law
This promise of claytronic technology has become possible because of the ever increasing
speeds of computer processing predicted in Moore's Law (the number of transistors that can
be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit has increased exponentially, doubling
approximately every two years).
Claytronics Vs Nanotechnology
Forget Nanotechnology, Think Claytronics
Videoconferencing is like visiting someone in prison. You talk through a glass wall, but you
can't deal with each other in a meaningful way.
With Claytronics you could fax over an exact copy of your body, which will sit in that
conference room thousands of miles away, mimicking your moves in real time and speaking
with your voice.
Claytronics experts are designing a kind of programmable clay that can morph into a
working 3-D replica of any person or object, based on information transmitted from
anywhere in the world. The clay would be made out of millions of tiny microprocessors
called catoms (for "claytronic atoms"), each less than a millimeter wide. The catoms would
bond electro-statically and be molded into different shapes when instructed by software.
Think of Claytronics as a more workable version of nanotechnology, which in its most
advanced form promises to do the same thing but requires billions of self-assembling
Processors are getting ever smaller, and at the submilli-meter level, they could
communicate and move around independently, thanks to electrostatic forces. This makes
the possibility of Claytronics even greater.
Intel and Carnegie Mellon joined forces in 2005 to cosponsor a project with a team of 25
robotics researchers and computer scientists. Their first breakthrough came when they
developed software that can root out bugs in a system where millions of processors are
working together.
The researchers say they will have a hardware prototype of submillimeter electrostatic
modules in five years and will be able to fax complex 3-D models --anything from
engagement rings to sports cars -- by 2017.
These are the fundamental building blocks for a new world of processing. Intel can see the
That potential could change the world. Who needs a TV when you can watch a live-scale
replica of Super Bowl LXX being fought out by claytronic football players on your coffee
table? Why would a firefighter run into a burning building when he can send a claytronic
version of himself? It's computing in 3-D in everyday life.
1. SHAPE-SHIFTING: Millions of tiny processors called catoms could turn, say, a
laptop into a cell phone. Here's how.
2. Electrostatic forces bind catoms together in laptop form. Some act as antennas,
picking up Wi-Fi.
3. The software tells each Catom where to go. Catoms are spherical and roll around one
4. The catoms arrive in the shape of a cell phone. Antenna catoms are now picking up
3G signals.
Claytronics Hardware
Through hardware engineering projects, researchers in the Carnegie Mellon-Intel
Claytronics Project investigate the effects of scale on micro-electro-mechanical systems and
model concepts for manufacturable, Nanoscale modular robots capable of self-assembly.
Catoms created from this research to populate claytronic ensembles will be less than a
millimeter in size, and the challenge in designing and manufacturing them draws the CMUIntel
Research team into a scale of engineering where have never been built. The team of
research scientists, engineers, technicians and students who design these devices are testing
concepts that cross the frontiers of computer science, modular robotics and systems
The team of research scientists, engineers, technicians and graduate and undergraduate
students assembled at Carnegie Mellon and in the Pittsburgh Intel Lab to design these
devices is testing the performance of concepts beyond boundaries commonly believed to
prevent the engineering of such a small scale, self-actuating module that combines in huge
numbers to create cooperative patterns of work.
At the current stage of design, Claytronics hardware operates from macroscale designs with
devices that are much larger than the tiny modular robots that set the goals of this
engineering research. Such devices are designed to test concepts for sub-millimeter scale
modules and to elucidate crucial effects of the physical and electrical forces that affect
Nanoscale robots.
Types of Catoms
· Planar catoms: Test the concept of motion without moving parts and the design of
force effectors that create cooperative motion within ensembles of modular robots.
· Electrostatic latches: Model a new system of binding and releasing the connection
between modular robots, a connection that creates motion and transfers power and
data while employing a small factor of a powerful force.
· Stochastic Catoms: Integrate random motion with global objectives communicated in
simple computer language to form predetermined patterns, using a natural force to
actuate a simple device, one that cooperates with other small helium catoms to fulfill
a set of unique instructions.

Today, computing engages a user’s senses of sight and hearing through video and audio devices whose effects the user must integrate in his or her mind. Suppose that electronic media could offer users an active form of original information that would fully integrate sight and sound and add the sense of touch for the user experience.
Suppose that the person using information could interact physically with it. This is the concept of claytronics, which is also known as programmable matter. Through this medium, users would engage with information in realistic, 3-dimensional forms represented in the immediacy of the user’s personal space Claytronics technology combines nano-robotics and large-scale computing to create synthetic reality, a revolutionary 3-dimensional display of information. The vision behind this research is to provide users with tangible forms of electronic information that express the appearance in actions of original sources. The clay would be made out of millions of tiny microprocessors called catoms (for “claytronic atoms “), each less than a millimeter wide. The catoms would bond electro-statically and be molded into different shapes when instructed by software.
Claytronics is nothing but making a machine intelligent. The idea is simple: make basic computers housed in tiny spheres that can connect to each other and rearrange themselves, which is similar to Modular- Robotics. Modular self-reconfiguring robotic systems or self-reconfigurable modular robots are autonomous kinematic machines with variable morphology which helps them to change their own shape deliberately by rearranging the connectivity of their parts.
With claytronics, millions of tiny individual devices -- "claytronic atoms" or "catoms" -- would assemble into macro-scale objects, connecting and disconnecting as they move. Each catom is less than a millimetre in diameter.
With billions you could make almost any object you wanted. Catoms are described as being similar in nature to a nano-machine, but with greater power and complexity. While microscopic individually, they bond and work together on a larger scale. Catoms can change their density, energy levels, state of being, and other characteristics using thought alone. These catoms are designed to form much larger scale machines or mechanisms. Also known as "programmable matter", the catoms will be sub-millimetre computers that will eventually have the ability to move around, communicate with each others, change colour, and electrostatically connect to other catoms to form different shapes. The forms made up of catoms could morph into nearly any object, even replicas of human beings for virtual meetings.
Programmable matter:
Any physical substance whose properties (or apparent properties) can be adjusted precisely and repeatedly through electrical or optical stimulation may be referred to as programmable matter. Programmable matter is an ensemble of material that contains sufficient local computation, actuation, storage, energy, sensing and communication, which can be programmed to form different dynamic shapes and configurations. Catoms will be so small that electric forces will be more important than gravity so they’re using helium filled cubes to test how catoms will work when gravity is no longer the dominate force. Programmers have to create a system where catoms can communicate wirelessly over relatively long ranges and with little power. In a single cubic meter, there could be a billion catoms.
That means a billion computers trying to talk to each other and move themselves to form a shape. It’s a daunting task but it’s helped by a great concept known as “fungibility” anything which is fungible, not only is twice as many twice as useful, its half as many is half as useful. Right now, computers are not fungible. With programmable matter, they would be. That same cubic meter of a billion catoms is essentially a network of a billion computers. That’s a lot of computational power – more than enough to organize it into different shapes. And if the computer was separated into sections, the overall computing power would still be the same. Programmable matter and fungible computers will allow you to “pour out” as much computer as you need to solve a problem. The amount of computational strength you need would be matched by a physical quantity in the real world.

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