DRAFTSMAN - POLICE - TELECOMMUNICAION UNIT kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1. The supply frequency of alternating current in India :
(A) 60 Hz
(B)50 Hz
(C ) 100 Hz
(D)40 Hz

2.A lead acid battery of 24 volts consists : ‘
(A) 12 cells in parallel' 
(B)6 cells series
(C ) 24 cells in parallel
(D)12 cells in series

3.The quality of a good conductor is :
(A) any specific resistance
(B)medium specific resistance
(C ) low specific resistance
(D)high specific resistance

4.Unit of capacitance denotes in :
(A) Farad'
(C ) Ohm x

5.The term “C F L” stands for :
(A) Chloro Fluro Lamp
(B)Carbon Filament Lamp
(C ) Compact Fluorescent Lamp
(D)Cathod Filament Lamp

6.Which, of the following is a good semi conductor ?
(A) Germanium
(C ) Mercury

7. A generator converts :
(A)Electrical energy into mechanical energy
(B)Mechanical energy into electrical energy
(C )Mechanical energy into potential energy  
(D) Electrical energy into kinetic energy

8. If five resistances of 5 ohm is connected in parallel the total resistance will be :
(A) 5 ohm
(B)10 ohm
(C ) 2.5 ohm
(D)1 ohm

9.Which of the following gives Direct Current ?
(A) Transformer
(C ) D.C. Generator
(D)A.C. Motor

10.The abbreviation “P C B” stands for :
(A) Polythene Circuit Board
(B)Printed Circuit Board
(C ) Permanent Circuit Board
(D)Paraffin Circuit Board

11.In a series circuit:
(A) Voltage is divided and current will be same
(B)Current is divided and voltage will be 
(C )Current and voltage will be same 
(D)Current and voltage will be dividedsame

12.Which material is used for making heating element ?
(A) Copper
(C ) Nichrome

13.Which material is used for making bulb filament?
(A) Silicon
(C ) Eureka

14.Multimeter is used for measuring :
(A) Resistance
(C ) Current
(D)All the above

15.As per Ohm’s law which statement is correct ?
(A) I = V/R
(B)§ II >
(C ) R = V x I
(D)X > II 1—1

16.Moving coil instrument is used for measuring :
(A). A.C. Values
(B)D.C. Values
(C ) Both A.C and D.C Values
(D)None of the above

17.The unit of electric charge : .*
(A) Ampere
(C ) Coulomb

18.*Electrolyte used in lead acid battery is :
(A) Hydrochloric acid
(B)Sulphuric acid
(C ) Nitric acid
(D)Citric acid

19.The purpose of using flux in soldering is :
(A) It makes the solder to flow rapidly
(B)It cleans the job
(C ) It prevents oxidation
(D)All the above

20.A 1000 Watts bulb connected to 250 Volts supply. How much current does
(A) 10 Amps
(B)8 Amps
(C ) 4 Amps
(D)2.5 Amps

21.The resistance of a 100 Watts bulb at 250 Volts supplyis :
(A) 625 ohms
(B)62.5 ohms
(C ) 62500 ohms.
(D)6.25 ohms

22.The material used for making fuse wire is :
(A) Aluminium
(C ) Lead and Tin alloy

23.The C.G.S unit of heat is
(A) Joule
(C ) Temperature

24.The insulation used between the commutator segmentis :
(A) Mica
(C ) Porcelain 

25.The R.P.M of a 4 pole Alternator at 50 Hz supplyis :
(A) 6000 .
(C ) 1500

26. The material used for making brush in a D.C. Machine :
(A) Bakelite
(C ) Lead

27.The height of a switch board to be fixed in domestic wiring :
(A) 2 meters
(B)1.5 meters
1 (C ) 1 meter
(D)1.75 meters

28.The maximum number of lighting points in a circuit is
(A) 8 points
(B)6 points
(C ) 10 points
(D)5 points

29.Which of the material is used for making transformer core ?
(A) Steel
(B)Cast iron
(C ) Aluminium
(D)Silicon steel

30.The. speed of a synchronous motor is :
(A) Constant
(C ) Absolutely constant
(B)1500 r.p.m

31.The type of oil used in transformer :
(A) Mineral oil
(B)Vegetable oil
(C ) Synthetic oil

32.A synchronous motor with 8 poles and 50 c/s frequency will run at:
(A) 1440 r.p.m
(B)1550 r.p.m
(C ) 4000 r.p.m
(D)750 r.p.m

33. Current flowing through a resistance depends on :
(A)Only applied voltage
(B)Only value of resistance
(C )Both value of resistance and applied voltage
(D)None of the above

34. Power factor of an a.c circuit equals :
(A)Cosine of phase angle
(B) Unity for reactive circuit
(C ) Zero for resistive circuit
(D) Tangent of phase angle

35. An open inductive coil has :
(A) 1000 ohm resistance
(B)Zero resistance
(C ) 100 ohm resistance
(D)Infinitive resistance

36.Power is defined as :
(A) Capacity to do a work
(B)Rate of doing work
(C ) Efficiency to do a work
(D)Effect of gravitational force on mass

37.The term LED stands for :
(A) Liquid Emitting Diode
(B)Lasor Emitting Diode
(C ) Lower Emitting Diode
(D)Light Emitting Diode

38.The atomic number of silicon is 14. It means its atomhas 14 :
(A) Valence electrons
(C ) Electrons
(D)Protons and neutrons together

39.The constituents in a solder wire is :
(A) Lead and copper
(B)Lead and tin
(C ) Copper and lead
(D)Copper and tin

40.Which semi conductor material is most commonly used for making IC’s ?
(A) Silicon
(C ) Gallium

41.Which part of an atom determines whether conductor ?a material is conductor, insulator or semi
(A) Electrons
. (C ) Neutrons
(D)Valence electrons

42.Transformers are rated in :
.(A) KW
(C ) MW
(D)' KV

43.The chemical contained in the breather of a transformer :
(A) Calcium carbonate
(B)Calcium oxide
(C ) Calcium chloride
(D)Calcium hydroxide

44.The efficiency of a transformer will be maximum when :
(A)Iron losses are equal to copper losses
(B)Iron losses are more than copper losses
(C )Iron losses are less than copper losses
(D)None of the above

45.Commonly used a.c. Motor in industrial area :
(A)Slipring induction motor
(B) Squirrel cage induction motor
(C ) Synchronous motor
(D) Universal motor

46.The advantage of transistor over vacuum tube is :
(A)Transistor operates at lower voltage
(B)Transistor is very small in size
(C )Less losses in the transistor
(D). All the above

47. If three resistances of R1, R2 and R3 are connected in series the total resistance is :
(A) R1 + R2 + R3
(B)R1 x R2 x R3
(C ) 1/R1 + I/R2 + 1/R3
(D)1/R1 x I/R2 x I/R3

48.The conversion of energy which takes placein thermal power plant:
(A) Solar energy to electrical energy
(B)Hydro energy to electrical energy
(C ) Heat energy to electrical energy
(D)Light energy to electrical energy

49.Which motor is used in domestic mixy’s ?
(A) Shaded pole motor
(B)Universal motor
(C ) Slipring motor
(D)Capacitor start motor

50.The unit of impedance is in :
(A) Ohm
(C ) Siemens

51.In a star connection the ratio of the line voltage and phase voltage :
(A) 1.414
(C ) 3

52. The E.M.F of a single dry cell is :
(A)2 volts
(C )- 2.3 volts

53. According to Faraday’s law the magnitude of e.m.f induced in a conductor is proportional to :
(A)Rate of change of flux
(B) The magnitude of voltage
(C ) The size of conductor
(D) The magnitude of the current

Lead peroxide Red lead

56. If four incandescent lamps of 100 watts, 60 watts, 40 watts and 25 watts are connected in series with 250 volts supply. Which bulb glows brighter ?
(A)60 watts
(B)25 watts
(C )100 watts
(D).40 watts

57.Why the earth pin of a three pin plug become thicker and longer ?
(A)For identifying the earth pin
(B)For correct plugging
(C )For reducing resistance
(D)All the above

58.The specific resistance of the electrolyte is measured with :
(C )Barometer

59.One Horse power is equivalent to :
(A)746 watts -
(B)735 watts
(C )750 watts
(D)1000 watts

54.The positive elecrode of a lead acid battery is made of:
(A) Spongy lead
(C ) Lead sulphate

55.In case of electric fire spreads :
(A)Throw water
(B)Throw wet sand
(C )Pour soap water
(D)Use liquid carbon dioxide fire extinguisher

60. The instrument used for measuring r.p.m of a motor is :
(A) Tong tester
(B)Snap on meter
(C ) Tachometer

61.Joule’s law states that the heat produced in aconductor is proportional to :
(A) Voltage
(C ) Size of conductor
(D)Square of the current

62.One B.O.T unit is equivalent to :
(A) 1 kw/second
(B)1 kw/minute
(C ) 1 kwh
(D)746 watts

63.The depolorizer used in dry cell is :
(A) Manganese dioxide
(B)Manganese sulphate
(C ) Copper sulphate
(D)Ammonium chloride

64.The specific gravity of a fully charged lead acid battery is :
(A) 1180
(C ) 1280

65.Which type of bulb is usually used in line testers ?
(C ) Argon 

66.The abbreviation “L C D” stands for :
(A) Light Crystal Display
(B)Logical Crystal Display
(C ) Linear Crystal Display
(D)Liquid Crystal Display

67.Dielectric strength of insulation is denoted in
(A) Kilo volts
(B)Kilo volts/mm 
(C ) Volts
(D)Kilo watts/mm

68.Which rectifier have more efficiency ?
(A) Full wave bridge rectifier
(B)Half wave rectifier
(C ) Centre tapped rectifier
(D)None of the above

69.A voltmeter is accidently connected in series with 100 watts lamp across 240 V supply. What will be the effect of voltmeter and the bulb ? •
(A)The lamp will not glow
(B)The voltmeter will not give correct reading
(C )The lamp will give partial glow
(D)The voltmeter will give incorrect reading and the lamp will partially glow

70.NPN transistors are most commonly used than PNP transistors why ?
(A)NPN transistors have low cost
(B)NPN transistors have higher switching speed
(C )Easy in + ve supply rail
(D)None of the above

71.When a diode is reverse biased the resistance is :
(A)<100 ohm
(C )>100 Mega ohm

72.The material which is not a semi conductor ?
(C )Selenium

73.In delta connection of three phase :
(A)Line voltage = 1.732 times of phase voltage
(B)Line voltage = 3 times of phase voltage
(C )Line voltage and phase voltage are same
(D)Line voltage is 220 volts and phase voltage is 440 volts

74.The ratio of true power to apparent power denotes :
(A)Form factor
(B)Power factor
(C )R.M.S value
(D)Average value

75.Which of the following instrument takes higher power consumption ?
(A)Hot wire instrument
(B)Moving coil instrument
(C )Moving iron instrument
(D)Integrating type instrument

>100 ohm Infinitive

76. Pure form of semi conductors are named as : 
(A) Extrinsic semi conductor 
(B) Doped semi conductor
(C ) Intrinsic semi conductor
(D)Radio and T.V receivers

77.A gang capacitor is used in : 
(A) Filter circuits 
(B)Voltage stabilizers
(C ) Ignition systems 
(D)None of these

78.Which metal used in construction of cathodes in vacuum tubes ?
(A) Tungsten
(B) Molybdenum
(C )Copper
(D) Zinc

79.Tong tester is used for measuring :
(C )Current without disturbing the circuit or making any connection

80.Filter circuit used in electronic devices is for :
(A)Convert A.C into D.C
(B)Convert D.C into A.C
(C )Purifying the rectifier circuit
(D)Removing the remaining A.C content from output of rectifier

81. “The Father of Political Movement” in modern Travancore :
(A)N. Narayana Pillai
(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C )G. Parameswaran Pillai
(D)A.K. Pillai

The 20th Common Wealth Games was held at:
(C )Canberra

83.The first President of the Indian National Congress : 
(A) A.O. Hume
(B)D.E. Wacha
(C )S.N. Banerjee
(D)W.C. Banerjee

84.The Brand Ambassador of Telegana state:
(A)M.S. Dhoni
(C )P.V. Sindhu
(D)Sachin Tendulkar

85.The volunteer captain of the Guruvayoor Satyagraha was :
(A)K. Kelappan
(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C )A.K. Gopalan
(D)C. Krishnan

86.Misra-bhojanam (inter dining) was popularised in Kerala by :
(A)K. Ayyappan
(B)Dr. Palpu
(C )C.V. Kunhiraman
(D)Pandit Karuppan

87.By which congress session passed the historic resolution, Poorna Swaraj (complete Independence) at:
(A)Nagpur Congress Session 1920
(B)Karachi Congress Session 1931
(C )Bombay Congress Session 1942
(D)Lahore Congress Session 1929

88.The Foreign Secretary of India :
(A)Nirupama Rao‘
(B)Sujatha singh
(C ) Sushama swaraj 
(D) Meera kumar

89.The first complete census was held in India in 1881 under :
(A)Lord Lytton
(B)Lord Mayo
(C )Lord Rippon
(D)Lord Dufferin

90.The Apex level agency of ‘Kudumba Sree’ project in Kerala :

91.The Rourkela Steel Plant in Orissa (Odisha) with the collaboration of:
(C )U.K

92. Which soil is suitable for the production of cotton ?
(A) Alluvial soil
(B)Black soil
(C ) Red soil
(D)Laterite soil

93.“Atma Vidya Sangham” founded by :
(A) Swami Vagbhatanda
(B)Swami Agamanda
(C ) Vaikunda Swamikal
(D)Chattambi Swamikal

94.“The Accidental Prime Minister” a book written by :
(A) Salman Khurshid
(B)M.K. Narayan
(C ) T.K.A. Nair
(D)Sanjay Baru

95.Part III of Indian constitution refers :
(A)The Union 
(B)The Fundamental Rights 
(C )The Union and its territory
(D) Directive Principles and fundamental duties

96.When the Travancore - Cochin states united ?
(A) 27th July 1947
(B)March 24, 1948
(C ) July 1st 1949
(D)October 18, 1947

97.Who has been chosen for the Jnanpith award 2013 ?
(A) Kedarnath Singh
(B)Ravuri Bharadwaj
(C ) Mahesweta Devi
(D)Sugatha kumari

98.Human Rights Day observed on :
(A) June 5
(B)October 24
(C ) July 11
(D)December 10

99.Which organ is called, “the laboratory of the human body” ?
(A) heart
(C ) lungs

100.The currency of South Africa :
(A) Real
(C ) Rouble
(D)Renminibi Yuan

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