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1.A proof mark meaning let the original copy stand :
(A)OCS(B)Stet(C )NP(D)Nudge

2.How an image on one side of a printed sheet aligns with the image on the other side of the printed sheet is denoted by a term :
(A)Reverse position(B)Back up
(C )Turn ups(D)Align on

3.A business or department within a printing company that does the cutting, folding, collating, drilling and other finishing operations used on printing projects :
(A)Foundry(B)Bindery(C )Imagery(D)Print house

4.A brief notice at the end of a book usually describing the text typography, identifying the type face by name along with a brief history :
(A)Colofont(B)Type history
(C )Colophon(D)Type specification

5.The entire range of hues possible to reproduce on a specific system, such as a computer screen, or four - color printing press :
(A)Color Gamut (B)Color Chart (C )Color System (D)Color Range

6.A long metal rod that is threaded on both ends designed to use in tension :
(A)Torsion bar(B)Mono arm
(C )Swing arm(D)Stud

7.To press an image into paper with a die so it extends below the surface :
(A)Elevate(B)Deboss(C )Oblivate(D)Debase

8.A number of small lengths of steel of different thicknesses with measurements marked on each piece used to measure gap widths :
(A)Feeler(B)Steeler(C )Sensor(D)Slit checker

9.The process of averaging between pixels of different colors. This results in a smoother, blended transition between the edge of two areas rather than a jagged or 'stair-step' appearance :
(A)Dithering(B)Filthering(C )Resolute(D)Smoldering

10.FPO stands for :
(A) Figure placement only(B) For posting only
(C ) For position only(D) Figure position only

11.The viscosity and tack of Waterless offset inks when compared to conventional offset inks are:
(A)Higher(B)Fluid like
(C )Lower(D)None of the above

12.A single word or two left at the end of a paragraph, or a part of a sentence ending a paragraph, which loops over to the next page and stands alone :
(A)Paradow(B)Widow(C )Stand alone line (D)Solitary line

13.The degree of tonal separation or gradation in the range from black to white :
(A)Gradient(B)Gradation(C )Contrast(D)Tone Gradient

14.The part of a book "Table of Contents" was invented by :
(A)Sneider Beck(B)John McGregger
(C )Xei Chong(D)Quintus Valerius Soranus

15.The resistance of a hydraulic fluid to mix with water :
(A)Precipitability (B)Abyssimibility (C )Sublimation(D)Demulsibility

16.The process of stripping for general commercial offset printing has largely been eliminated through the use of digital prepress technology known as :
(A)Imposition software(B)Page layout software
(C )Compositionsoftware(D)Auto flow software

17.The removing of cyan, magenta or yellow from the shadow areas of a heavily colored image to limit the total amount of ink being applied to that image to avoid potential production problems :
(A)Neutral color enhancer(B)Under color removal
(C )Mono color diffuser(D)Real color removal

18.In offset press, excessive paper-to-blanket squeeze can result in :
(A) Smottle (C ) Fragmentation
(B)Blanket imperfection (D) Mottle

19.Name the color pigments that are classified according to their chemical makeup :
(A)Organic color pigments(B) Metallic color pigments
(C )Inorganic color pigments(D) Natural color pigments

20.A page with blind folio means :
(A)Unprinted folio but counted in sequence
(B)Missing folio which is not counted in sequence
(C )A page which contains only folio
(D)Blank page

21.A short piece written by someone other than the author which will provide context to the main work is called :
(A)Afterword(B)Foreward(C )Authorword(D)Foreword

22.Which of the following process employs a dry type of process that do not use any chemicals to produce image proofs ?
(A)Solid proof(B)Instant imageproofpaper
(C )Dry proof(D)Chemical proof paper

23.A title at the top of a page that appears on all pages of a book or chapter of a book :
(A)Page runner(B)Jumping head(C )Side head(D)Running head

24.The term that defines the limits of the particular color model being used :
(A)Color space(B)Model range
(C )System color limit(D)Color limit

23. Inconsistent positioning of the printed image on the sheets of paper as they travel through a printing press:
(A)Space backup(B)Set position(C )Print tolerance(D)Bounce

26.Name the printing process which utilizes a special silicone rubber coated printing plate and special inks:
(A)Fluid printing(B)Silicone stamping
(C )Waterless printing(D)Rubber transfer press

27.The term given to left - justified type that is uneven on the right:
(A)Ragged right (B) Jogged recto (C ) Rigid left(D) VJ

28.Carbon arc lamps are used as a light source for plate making process. This light source is generally not suggested due to a defect:
(A)High cost(B)Emission of fumes and dirt
(C )Radiation(D)Pollution

29.Getting the most out of a printing press by using the maximum sheet size to print multiple images or jobs on the same sheet:
(A)Pan and Step(B)Multiple spread(C )Gang(D)None of these

30.In earlier times Ammoniumbichromate combinedwith egg albumin was used for making :
(A)Film base(B)Photosensitive emulsion
(C )Diffuser base(D)Extender emulsion

31.Printing one side of a sheet and turning it over from left to right using the same side guides and plate for printing the second side :
(A)Work and twist(B)Work and topple
(C )Work and turn(D)Work and swap

32.A 300 dpi bitmap image if printed on a 2400 dpi printer, the output will be the following values :
(A) 600 dpi(B)2400 dpi(C )300 dpi(D)450 dpi

33.Device that convertslight toelectrical signal:
(A)Light integrator(B)Photoconverter tube
(C )Photodiffuser(D)Photomultiplier tube

34.A document layout where the width is greater than the height:
(A)landscape(B)Landside(C )Portrait(D)Upright

35.DLT Drives are robust and durable medium for network backups which is expanded as :
(A)Dynamic line tape(B)Digital linear tape
(C )Digital logarithmic type(D)Dual linear tape

36.Production of fewer copies than ordered :
(A)Low count(B)Break even(C )Under run(D)None of these

37.Highlights of a printed halftone or illustration is represented by its :
(A)Darkest dots(B)Broadest dots(C )Diagonal dots(D)Finest dots

38.A concluding section in a book, typically written by a person other than the author :
(C )Editors Note(D)None of the these

39.The pages or part of a book that are traditionally numbered with lowercase roman numerals :
(A)Formatted matter(B)Chapter separators
(C )Front matter(D)Part opener

40.A mechanical linkage used especially in transforming rotary motion into linear motion or vice - versa :
(A)Dang(B)Rim(C )Cam(D)Swing arm

41.A work sheet contains___________number of columns.
(A)236(B)756(C )456(D)256

42.__________unit provides that communication from man to machine.
(A)Control unit(B)Input unit(C )Output unit(D)Memory unit

43.Which is the default location for saving a file ?
(A)My document(B)My computer(C )CD drive(D)Recycle bin

44.A microsoft excel file also known as_________
(A)File(B)Work sheet(C )Work space(D)Work book

45.The horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen is called___________
(A)Title bar(B)Scroll bar(C )Task bar(D)Menu bar

46.Location in word document can be named using_______________facility.
(A)Crossreference (B)Style(C )Book mark(D)None ofthese

47.The short-cut used for inserting page break is__________.
(A)Ctrl +enter(B)Ctrl + K(C )Ctrl +U(D)Ctrl + Z

48.___________is an example of Application software.
(A)DOS(B)Windows(C )Linux(D)MS. Excel

49.Insert or draw a table into the document uses___________.
(A)Table(B)Page breaks(C )Chart(D)Picture

50.The extension name of a paint file is______________.
(A) .jpg(B) .ing(C ) .dp
(D) .bmp

51.Footnote command is present in________________menu.
(A) Insert(B) Page layout (C ) View
(D) Review

52.___________is the short-cut of paste command.
(A) Ctrl + Z(B) Ctrl + V(C ) Ctrl + U
(D) Ctrl + S

53.__________command helps to repeat the last change made in a document.
(A) Undo(B) Redo(C ) Ctrl + U(D) None of these

54.End note command inserts a note at the end of a_
(A) File® Document (C ) Format
(D) All of these

55. Who invented mouse ? 
(A) Tim Berners Le (C ) Alen Turing
(B)Douglus Carl Engalbert
(D)None of these

56. F5 is the short-cut for____________?
(A) Replace(B) Sleep
(C ) Refresh
(D) Restart

57.__________ is the short-cut key for help.
(A) F7(B) F6(C ) F1
(D) F2

58.Spelling and grammar can be easily checked using the Function Key____________?
(A) F7(B) F5(C ) F3(D) F2

59.ISP stands for
(A) Internet Service Provider
(C )Idea Service Provider
(B)Internet Safe Protocol
(D)None of these

60.The graphical representation of a program seen on a desktop is called________.?
(A) Icon(B) Folder(C ) My computer (D) None of these

61.To save an existing document in the same file name with menu item is used________________?
(A) Save(B) Save as(C ) Both (A) and (B) (D) All of these

62.In a word document page number is inserted into ____ .
(A) Line Spacing(B) Mail Merge
(C ) Spell Check(D) Header and Footer

63.The margin of the word document can be set by_______.
(A) Print preview (B) Save as(C ) Page set up (D) All of these

64.The vertical alignment can be done in spreadsheet by using
(A)Left(B)Right(C )Top (D) Bottom

65.In a spreadsheet we can apply and use___________.
(A)Formula(B)Sort(C )Font(D)All of these

66.Maximum storing capacity of a Floppy is_________.
(A)240 Mb(B)100 Mb(C )144 Mb(D)244 Mb

67.An operating system is a large set of___________which is also an interface between users and computer system.
(A)Programs(B)Software(C )Application (D)All of these

68.The simplest operating system which allows only one user to work on a computer at a time
is known as__________.
(A) Single user operating system (B) Multi user operating system (C )Multi tasking operating system(D)All of them

69.By default there are three worksheets in a work-book and they are named______________respectively.
(A)'Sheet 1', 'Sheet 2.'Sheet3',(B)'Sheet 4', 'Sheet5', 'Sheet 6',
(C )Both (A) and (B)(D)None of them

70.In MS. Excel you can enter number and mathematical formulas into____________.
(A)Dialog box(B)Rows(C )Columns(D)Cells

71.MS. Excel has a set of prewritten formulas called_________
(A)Function(B)Data type
(C )Variables(D)Rows and columns

72.Which is the following is not valid version of M.S. Office ?
(A)Office 2007(B)Office 2010(C )Office 2003(D)Officevista

73.Which is not a data source component ?
(A)Data records(B)Data fields
(C )I leader row(D)Mail merge toolbar

74.How much does 'K' represent in terms of memory ?
(A)1024 bits(B)1024 bytes(C )1000 bits(D)1000 bytes

75.An assembly language program must be translated into_______.
(A)High level language(B)Markup language
(C )Machine language(D)None of these

76.The tangible part of a computer system is called :
(A)Hardware(B)Output data(C )Software(D)Input data

77.Data can be permanently held with the help of:
(A) Primary storage(B) Secondary storage
(C ) Bios(D) Memory

78.Moving the mouse in any direction while keeping the left mouse button pressed is called
(A) Selection(B)Dragging

79.What is PDF standfor ?
(A) Pro Described File(B)
(C ) Portable Document Format (D)

80.Browsers are used for seeing_________.
(A) Blog spot(B)Website
(C ) Browsing(D) None of these

81.Grief Flection Commissioner of India is :
(A) V.S. Sampath(B)Hari Shankar Brahma
(C ) VS. Ramadevi(D)Sukumar Sen

82.Prathiaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha (PRDS) was founded by :
(A)Ayyankali(B)Pampady John Joseph
(C )Poikayil Yohannan(D)Sahodaran Ayyappan

83.Who was the leader of 'savarna jatha', organized from Vaikom to Trivandrum by savama Hindus who supported the agitation of Vaikom Sathyaghraham ?
(A) K.P. Kesava Menon(B) Changanacherry Parameswaran Pillai
(C )K. Kelappan(D)Mannathu Padmanabhan

84.Publisher of the magazine 'Muslim' in the year 1906 in Travancore ?
(A)Vakkam Maulavi(B)Muhamed Abdurahiman
(C )P.P. Ummar Koya(D)Makthi Thangal

85.Writer who selected for the Jnanpith Award for 2014 :
(A)Kusumagraj(B)V.S. Khandekar
(C )V.V. Shirwadkar(13)Blachandra Nemade

86.MGNRHGA is implemented for :
(A)enhancing livelihood(B)enhancing agricultural production
(C )enhancing growth(D)enhancing community health

87.Year in which Malayalee Memorial submitted to the Raja of Travancore ?
(A)1896(B)1891(C )1903(D)1924

88.Channar agitation was for :
(A)Right to travel in public places
(B)Better Wage
(C )School Education
(D)Right of their women to dress like upper caste Hindu women

89.Year in which National Food Security Act came into force ?

90.Author of the Drama ‘Ithu Boomiyannu' :
(A) C.|. Thoma(B) Thoppil Bhasi
(C ) K T. Muhammed(D) Kdasseri Govindan Nair

91.Who among the following is lhe founder of Kerala Kaumudi Newspaper :
(A)Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishna pillai
(B)Kaumudi Balakrishnan
(C )M.S. Mani
(D)C.V. Kunhiraman

92.Identify' the Christian Priest who translated the Holy Qurbann from Syriac to Malayalam language known as 'Ara Kurbana' :
(A)Abraham Malpan(B)I lerman Gundert
(C )K.P. Yohanan(D)Edward Brennen

93.Author of 'Atmopadesa Satakam' ?
(A)Sukumar Azhikoade
(C )Chinmayanantha Swamikal

94.Kerala Panini ?
(A)Kodungalloor Kunhikuttan Thampuran
(B)A.K. Raja Raja Varma
(C )Kerala Varma Valiya Koyithampuran
(D)Ulloor S. Parameswara lyar

95.Name the Novel got Vayalar Award for the year 2014 :
(C )Kesawantte Vilapam(D)Thattakam

96.Venue of next Olympics :
(A) Tokyo(B) London(C ) Beijing(D) Rio De Janeiro
(B) P.K. Balakrishnan (D) Sree Naravana Guru

97.Which among the following joined Indian Union in 1975 :
(A) Arunachal Pradesh (C ) Sikkim
(B) Nopal (D) Tibet

98.Power to Proclaim emergency in India is vested with :
(A) Prime Minister (C ) Cabinet Secretary
(B)Union Cabinet

99.Year in which the age of Adult Franchise reduced to 18 years :
(A) 1977
(C )1950
(D) 1949

100.This Fundamental right was removed from our constitution in 1978 :
(A)Right to Property
(B)Right to form associations and unions
(C )Right to move freely throught the territory of India
(D)Right to assemble peacefully and without arms

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