

1. BARS is a tool used for :
(A) Designing layout plan(B)Performance appraisal
(C ) Checking quality of food(D)Feedback communication

2.An essential aspect of all learning is :
(A) Emotion(B)Motivation
(C ) Imitation(D)Association

3.Social learning theory stresses on the importance of:
(A) Models(B)Self - regulatory process
(C ) Cognitive process(D)All the above

4.The divide between computes literate and non— literate is known as :
(A) Digital divide(B)Cyber divide
(C ) Cyber space(D)Cyber gap

5.Levels of health care that give prominence to preventive and community health care
(A) Primary(B)Secondary
(C ) Tertiary(D)Immunity

6.In Pavlov’s original demonstration of classical conditioning, salvation to the bell was
(A) Conditional stimulus(B)Unconditional stimulus
(C ) Conditional response(D)Unconditional response

7.The first group test of intelligence was :
(A) The army alpha(B)The TAT
(C ) The Standard Binet(D)AGCT

8.A good research always indebted to :
(A) Size of sample(B)Sampling method
(C ) Selection of cohorts(D).Data analysisData analysis

9.According to Gestalt psychologists, learning involves :
(A)Trial and error(B) Insight
(C ) Imitation(D) Intelligence

10.In an intelligence test, a 16 years old boy was found to have mental age of 20 years. His IQ is :
(C )140(D)125

11.Which of the following are true?
1.Posters are generally used in the awareness stage.
2.A poster has to be bold in design, simple to understand and attractive in colour
3.• The components of a poster may be picture or illustration, the words, colour and space
4.While preparing illustrations keep in mind the experience of audience and use objects unfamiliar to them
(A)1, 3, 4(B)1, 2, 3
(C )1, 2(D)All the above

12.Which of the following are true?
1.The Victimizer of a woman can be a male or female.
2.There is a land of legitimacy given to gendered violence.
3.Battering of woman by their husbands or father is very often considered as personal matter.
4.Woman have been conditioned to playing submissive role.
(A)1, 2*(B)1, 2, 3, 4
(C )1,2,3(D)1,4

13.IEC stands for :
(A)Information Electronics and Communication
(B)International Export Council
(C )Information Education and Communication
(D)Indian Economic Council

14.Who is the father of Kinder garten?
(A)Pestalozzi(B) Rousseau
(C ) Locke(D) Froebel

15.Which animal can transmit influenza type AH 1N 1 virus
(C ) Rabbits(D)Cats

16.‘Creutzfeldt - Jakob’ disease is also known as :
(A)Leptospirosis(B) Mad cow disease
(C ) Cow pox(D) Bovine encephalitis

17.The researcher lives with the cultural community for a period of months or years is known as :
(A)Case study(B)Clinical study
(C )Ethnography(D)Specimen record

18.Colostrumis very good as it is rich in protein and :
(C )Vitamins(D)Minerals

19.The scientific study of man and his working environment is :
(A) Ecology(B) Ergonomics
(C ) Work life(D) Occupational health

20.Extension education as a discipline of teaching programme started in early : 
(A) 40s(B) 50s
(C ) 60s(D) 70s

21. Absorption of iron requires the following nutrient in the diet :
(A)Vitamin C(B)Zinc
(C )Iodine(D)FatFat

22.Major source of energy for the body is :
(C )Fat(D)All the above

23.Dyslexic refers to individual who have difficulty in :
(A)Learning to express(B)Learning to stand
(C )Learning to read and write(D)Learning to speakLearning to speak

24.Mental retardation is an indicator of deficiency of:
(A)Vitamin A(B)Iodine
(C )Calcium(D)Iron

25.Female sex hormone is :
A(C )Estrogen5(D)Oxytocin

26.Arrange the following programme of Adult education in India in chronological order of their inception :
a.National Adult Education Programme (NAEP)
b.National Literacy Mission (NLM)
c.Total Literacy Campaign
d.Continuing Education
(A)b, d, c, a(B) d, c, b, a
(C ) c, b, a, d(D) a, b, c, d

27.An effective extension programme :
(A)Takes care of the needs of the target group
(B)Works as per the government directions
(C )Works as per the extension workers plans
(D)Works within limited funds

28.The correct sequence of steps involved in behaviour change communication are :
(A)2, 6, 4, 3, 1, 5
(C )1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
(B)3, 2, 6, 5, 1,4
(D)-6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1

29.Communicability of disease depends upon availability of:
(A) Pathogen(B) Healthy person
(C )Parasite(D) Susceptible person

30.Good communication happens only when :
(A)More messages are given to more people
(B)Right message is given in the right form and to right people
(C )Various media are used to give messages
(D)Messages are detailed and with illustrations

31.Which of the following is a communicable disease?
(A)Diabetes mellitus(B)Diphtheria
(C )Hypertension(D)Kwashiorkor

32.The conformatory test used to diagnose AIDS is :
(A)ELISA(B)Western blot

33.Cancer is caused by:
(A) Uncontrolled mitosis (C ) Rupturing of cells
(B)Uncontrolled meiosis
(D)Loss of immunity of the cells

34.All of the following facts about coronary heart disease in India are true EXCEPT :
(A)CHD onset is a decade later in age than in western countries
(B)Diabetes is a common risk factor
(C )More commonin males than females
(D)Heavy smoking is anaetiological agent

35.Which of the following disease spreads through respiratory route?
(C )Measles(D)All the above

36.A disease that occurs rarely and without regularity is said to be :
(C )Epidemic(D)Pandemic

37.Alex. F. Osburn was popular with : (A) Epidemiology (C ) Co-operative learning
(B) Demography (D) Brain storming

38.Diseases that are due mostly to environmental changes, increased population densities and pollution that result from modernisation in third world nations are referred as :
(A) Disease of poverty(B) Disease of development
(C ) Schistomiasis(D) Disease of environment

39.“Prevalence rate” can be best understood as :
(A)The number of patients who have the disease at a particular time, divided by the population at risk of having the disease at that time
(B)The number of new cases of a diseased in a population over a period of time
(C )A greater than normal occurance of a disease for that population at that time
(D)Occurance of a disease constantly present in a population

40.Which of the following is an advantage of a case - control study?
(A)Multiple disease outcomes following a selected exposure can be readily studied
(B)Dependence on recall by subjects in the study minimised
(C )It is possible to determine the true incidence of disease
(D)It may be used to study etiology of a rare disease

41.There is a clear division between the leader and the followers in type of leadership.
(C )Participatory(D)Laissez-faire

42.The term“Hierarchy of needs” is associated with :
(C )Thorndike(D)CooleyCooley not a part of social case work.
(C )Termination(D)AppropriationAppropriation

44.Proxemics is a term introduced by :
(A)Marie Weil(B)Jean Baker Miller
(C )GladdingGladding(D)Edward T. Hall

45. A learning-oriented process, which occurs usually in an interactive relationship, with the aim of helping a person learn more about the self, and to use such understanding to enable the person to become an effective member of society is called :
(C )CounsellingCounselling(D)AdviceAdvice

46. System theory of Group Work was proposed by :
(A)Ludwig Von Bertalanffy(B)Goldenberg
(C )Edward Hall(D)DeLucia Waock

47. Transactional Analysis was founded by :
(A)Jurgen Habermas(B)G.H. Mead
(C )Sigmund Freud(D)Eric Berne

48.The processes which develop personality through adjustments consciously effected, Individual by individual, between men and their social environment with their problems are called :
(A)Social case work 
(C )Target grouping
(B) Event (D) Streaming

49.The process by which the social system of the community provides for integration and adaptation within the community is called :
(A) Social Reformation(B) Community organization
(C ) Acculturation(D) Integration

50.The process recording in which the student records the dialogue of the session, board or community meeting, etc., is called :
(C )Verbatim(D)Summary

51.The book“Social Diagnosis” was authored by :
(A)Mary Richmond(B)Marie Weil
(C )HamiltonHamilton(D)Skidmore

52.The method of intervention as the focus is on the change of physical situation, or an alteration of any of the social systems, which may be essential for the client for better functioning is called :
(A) Social Conformation(B) Administration
(C ) Environmental modification(D) Eco Restoration

53.Among the following--------
(A) Physical fitness (C ) Sociability
(D)Sense of Humour

54.Marginalisation of people or areas and the imposition of barriers that restrict them from access to opportunities to integrate with the larger societies is called :
(C )Social Exclusion(D)Displacement

55.The group in the social group work is : i
(A)Spontaneous(B)Formed in a planned manner
(C )DisunitedDisunited(D)None of the above

56.In communication information starts from :
(C )OrganizationOrganization(D)None of these

57. When the client reacts inappropriately with irrational feeling towards the case worker, it is called:
(A) Termination (C ) Transparent

58. Among the following —
is not an ethic of a Social worker.
(A)Respect the dignity of the individual as the basis for all social relationships
(B)Have faith in the capacity of the client to advance towards his/her goals
(C )Strive maximum to achieve rewards and monetary benefits
(D)Believe and accept the differences and individuality of others

59.National Association of Social Workers is based at:
(A)United States(B)India
(C )Australia(D)Canada

60.A group of individuals, families, or groups that share geographic location, identity, values, experiences or interests is called :
(A)Association(B)Social Group
(C )Community(D)Clan

61.The practice of treating people differently and negatively based on a difference such as gender, age, religion, political orientation, sexual orientation, or ability is called :
(C )Disintegration
(B) Discrimination (D) Degradation

62.Formal assessment of an organization or community’s ability to complete certain objective or task, including the resources required to do this is called :
(A) Feasibility study (C ) Pilot study
(B)Pre test
(D)Diagnostic study

63.The information that is not impartial and used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively is called :
(C )Rumour(D)News Thread

64.Study of the social, psychological, cultural, biological and spiritual aspects of ageing is called :
(A)Genetics(B)Social Pathology
(C )Gerontology(D)Geriatrics

65.Tendency of a social system to seek and maintain a balance or steady state which can be positive or negative is called :
(A) Restoration(B) Rejuvenation
(C )Maintenance(D)Homeostasis

66.The therapeutic technique of using short words or sentences rather than questions to
encourage clients to continueto communicate is called:
(C )Active listening(D)Engagement

67.Administration of a research tool to a small group of individuals prior to the research in order to determine if the tool effectively measures what it is designed to measure is called :
(A)Action research(B)Pilot study
(C )Experimental study(D)Post test

68.The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act introduced in the year :
(C )1993(D)1986

69.A form of community organising that focuses a technical process of problem solving regarding substantive social problems that utilizes the expertise of professionals is called :
(C )SocialEmpowerment(D)SocialInclusion

70.Among the following_________ is not an element of Community Organisation.
(A) Democratic procedures(B)Voluntary cooperation
(C ) Political affiliation(D)Self-help

71. Sociometry was introduced by :
(A) Likert(B)J.L. Moreno
(C ) Bogardus(D)Garfinkal

72. Human Poverty Index (HPI) is introduced by :

73.The book “The Handbook of Community Practice” is authored by :
(A) Perlman H. Helen(B)Marie Weil
(C ) Marshall B. Clinard(D)‘ A.R.Desai

74.Among the following, the one who identified four types of cooperation, that is, spontaneous, traditional, directed and contractual is :
(A) Sumner(B)Malinowski
(C ) Radcliff Brown(D)Lewis Coser

75.Social System theory is an example of:
(A) Micro theory(B)Macro theory
(C ) Mezzo theory(D)Middle range theoryMiddle range theory

76.Goal-setting theory was propounded by :
(A) Peter and Luckman(B)Earnst and Brain
(C ) Good and Hatt(D)Locke and Latham

77.The process by which people exchange information, feelings and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages is called :
(A) Interpersonal communication(B)Empathy
(C ) Sensitising(D)Decision making

78.According to Tonnies, neighbourhood is a type of
(A) Primary group(B)Social group
(C ) Secondary group(D)Community

79.In a Social group, the standards that largely govern behaviour within a group are maintained by:
(A) Group Forms(B)Group Laws
(C ) Values(D)Group Norms

80.The assumption that the people are motivated strictly by rewards and punishments is associated withleadership.
(A) Transformational(B)Transactional
(C ) Situational(D)Traditional

81.The Winter Olympics 2014 was held in :
(C )Sochi(D)Rio de Janeiro

82.Pope Francis I hails from :
(A) Germany*(B) France
.(C )Brazil(D)Argentina

83.Nation which granted asylum for Edward J.Snowden :
(C )Germany(D)Venezuela

84.Artist who designated Chief Curator of the second season of Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2014 : 
(A)Riyas Komu(B)Jitish Kallat
(C )Bose Krishnamachari(D)Balan Nambiar

85.National level programme for enhancement of higher education :

86.A private sector company Reliance is associated with the exploration of Natural Gas in : 
(A)Bombay High(B)Godavary-KrishnaBasin
(C )Upper Assam(D)Rajasthan

87.Who authored the book Gandhi and Anarchy?
(A)Muhammad Ali Jinnah(B)Abul Kalam Azad
(C )C. Sankaran Nair(D)B.R. Ambedkar

88.The national newspaper started in protest against the Vernacular Press Act passed by the British:
(A) The Hindu(B) Hindustan Times
(C ) National Herald(D) The Statesman

89.The longitude passes through Allahabad which is being based upon for the calculation of Indian Standard Time :
(A) 82.5°E(B) 87.5°E
(C ) 82°E(D) 87°E

90.National leader who started Swadesi Shipping Company in wake of Swadesi Movement: 
(A) Jamnalal Bajaj(B) M.G. Ranade
(C ) V.O. Chidambaram Pillai(D) Satyendranath Tagore

91.The organization which supported the British and critical of national leaders :
(A) Abhinav Bharat(B)Indian Association
(C ) Patriotic Association(D)India League

92.District of Kerala where cotton is cultivated : 
(A) Idukki(B)Palakkad
(C ) Malappuram(D)Kasargode

93.Headquarters of Tipu Sultan in Malabar :
(A) Kozhikode(B)Sultan Batheri
(C ) Feroke(D)Mahe

94.Founder of the newspaper ‘Swadesabhimani’ of Travancore :
(A) Ramakrishna Pillai(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C ) C. Krishnan(D) Vakkom Maulavi

95.The first political conference of Kerala was convened in 1921 at:
(A) Palakkad(B)Ottappalam
(C ) Manjeri(D)Kozhikode

96.Number of districts in Kerala while the state was formed in 1956 :
(A) 5(B)6
(C ) 7 •(D)8

97.Village Panchayats were started in Travancore during the reign of:
(A) Sri Moolam Tirunal(B) Sri Chithira Tirunal
(C ) Uthram Tirunal(D) Sethu Lakshmi

98.Who wrote the poem ‘Ente Gurunathan’ on Gandhi?
(A) Amsi Narayana Pillai(B) Vallathol
(C ) Pandalam K.P.(D) Bodheswaran

99.The first keralite to become Governor : 
(A) V.P. Menon (C ) M.M. Jacob
(B) V. Viswanathan (D) P.C. Alexander

100.Nedungadi Bank the first commercial bank in Kerala was merged with which of the following?
(A) Syndicate Bank(B) Canara Bank
(C ) State Bank of Travancore(D) Punjab National Bank

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