DATA ENTRY OPERATOR - kerala psc previous question paper


1.The chairman of Board of Governors of NIRDESH:
(A)Home Minister
(B)Defence Minister
(C )Prime Minister

2.Which day is observed as World Autism Day ?
(A)May 2nd
(B)April 2nd
(C )June 1st
(D)August 1st

3.First C hairman of Planning Commission of India :
(A)Vallabhbai Patel
(B)Lai Bahadur Shastri
(C )Jawaharlal Nehru
(D)None of these

4.Which state is the largest contributor of E-Waste in India ?
(B)Andhra Pradesh
(C )Maharashtra

5.The process of fermentation was discovered by :
(A)Luis Pasteur
(B)Alexander Flemming
(C )Hdward Jenner

6.Which is the Capital of Uttarakhand ?
(C )Dehradun

7.Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) was created in :
(A)January 1991
(B)December 1991 
(C )October 1992
(D)March 1992

8.The first Indian to win Grammy Award :
(A)Pandit Ravishankar
(B)Usthad Ali Khan
(C )Mrinalini Sarabhai
(D)M.S. Subhalakshmi

9.Fathometer is used to measure :
(C )Ocean depth
(D)Sound intensity

10.The most abundant element in earth's crust:
(C )Oxygen

11.The author of Crime and Punishment:
(A)E. M. Foster
(C )Destovsky
(D)Maxim Gorky

12.Entomology is the science that studies :
(A) The Formation of Rocks
(B) Behaviour of Human beings
(C )Origin of Words

13.Which article reads 'The State shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country' ?
(A)Article 48A
(B)Article 46 B
(C )Article 44 A
(D)Article 47 B

14.Which day is observed as 'Nirbhaya day' ?
(A)June 10
(C )December 16
(D)October 6

15.Who is the Present Chief of Indian Army ?
(A)Devendrakumar Joshi
(B)General Vikram Singh
(C )Nirmalkumar Venna
(D)None of these

16.First and only sportsman to achieve Bharath Ratna :
(A) Abhinav Bindra ‘
(B) Kapil Dev-
(C )Sachin Tendulkar
(D)None of these

17.Indira Gandhi award for National Integration 2012 was given to :
(A)Prof. Yaspal
(B)M.S. Swaminathan
(C )Arundathi Roy
(D)Latha Mangeshkar

18.The official slogan of 2014 FIFA World Cup is :
(A)One for All
(B)All in one Rhythm
(C )All for One
(D)Unite for All

19.The name of Indian Submarine sank on August 2014 at a naval dock Mumbai harbour : 
(A) I.N.S. Garuda
(B) I.N.S. Vikranth
(C ) I.N.S. Sahyadri
(D) l.NS. Sindhurakshak

20.The last formed High Court of India is :
(A) High Court of Jharkhand
(B)High Court of Delhi
(C ) High Court of Tripura
(D) High Court of Goa

21.Which movie won the Golden Elephant Award for the best film for this year in International Children's film Festival of India held in Hyderabad ?
(A) Kauwboy
(C ) The Good Road
(D) Bhaag Milkha Bhaag

22.Which state has emerged as champions in the 26th Junior National Athletic Championship held in Bangalore ?
(A) Karnataka 
(B) Maharashtra 
(C ) Kerala
(D) Punjab

23.The name of first talking Robot sent to space :
(A) Space Robo 
(C ) Techrobo 

24. The State which introducedPanchayati Rajfor the first time in India ?
(A) Kerala 
(C ) Rajasthan 

25. Brass is an alloy of:•i
(A) Copper and zinc
(B)Copper and Aluminium
(C ) Copper and iron
(D)Copper and Tin

26.Who was the President of Indian National Congress at the time of Indian Independence ? 
(A) Rajendra Prasad
(B) J.B. Kripalani
(C ) Abdul Kalam Azad
(D) Rajagopalachari

27.Who was in-charge of Fxtemal Affairs of Interim Government of India in 1946 ?
(A)Jawaharlal Nehru
(B)Vallabhbai Patel
(C )V.K. Krishna Menon
(D)K.M. Panikkar

28.Which among the following Committees was constituted by the British Government to inquire into the relationship between the Indian states and the Paramount Power in economic matters ?
(A)Simon Commission
(B)Butler Committee
(C )Hunter Committee
(D)None of these

29."We have now an open conspiracy to free the country from the foreign rule and you, comrades, and all our country men and country women are invited to join it". Who said this ?
(A) M.N. Roy
(B) Subhas Chandra Bose
(C )Bhagat Singh
(D)Chandra Shekhar Azad

30.Jallianwalabag Massacre was committed on :
(A)13th April 1919
(B)14th April 1919
(C )13th May 1919
(D) 14th May 1919

31.In India the Federal Court was constituted by an Act of:
(C )1935

32.The first President of the All India Trade Union Congress was :
(A)Lala Lajpat Rai
(B)S.A. Dange
(C )N.M. Joshy
(D) V.V. Giri

33.Who was known as "The Mother of Indian Revolutions" ?
(A)Rani Lakshmi Bai
(B)Bina Das
(C )Kalpana Datta

34.Who among the following British Prime Ministers announced Communal Award ?
(B)RamsayMac Donald
(C )Clement Atlee

35.Poverty anti Unbritish Rule in India is the work of:
(A)R.P. Dutt
(B)K.C. Dutt
(C )Dadabai Naoroji
(D)M.G. Ranade

36.'The first session of Indian National Congress was held at:
(C )Madras

37.Partition of Bengal was cancelled on :
(C )1905

38.The conspiracy case charged against Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru was 
(A)Lahore Conspiracy Case
(B)Meerut Conspiracy Case
(C )Kakori Conspiracy Case
(D)Amritsar Conspiracy Case

39.Who among the following was described by the British as the 'Father of Indian Unrest' ?
(A)Surya Sen
(B)Balagangadara Tilak
(C )Subhas Chandra Bose

40.The Royal Proclamation which abolished all restrictions in the matter of covering of the upper parts of body by Shannar women was passed in :
(A)June 21st1858
(B)July 26th 1859
(C )June 20th 1891
(D)July 26th1892

41.The Kizhariyur Bomb case in Kerala was related to :
(A)Quit India Movement
(B)Civil Disobedience Movement
(C )Non Co-operation Movement 
(D)Revolutionary Terrorists Movement

42.The newspaper edited by C. Krishnan :
(C )Mitavati

43.Vaikkom 5atyagraha had ended in :
(C )1926

44.Who hailed the Temple Entry Proclamation of 1936 as "a miracle of the modern times" ?
(C )Ayyankali
(D)Swami Vivekanada

45.Who has been hailed as "Father of Modem Kerala Renaissance" ?
(A)Sri Sankaracharya
(C ) Vaikunta Swamikal
(D) Sreenarayana Guru

46.Who wrote the first work on the history of malayalam literature 'Malayala Bhaha ChariUiram' ?
(A) P. Govinda Pillai
(B) P. Sankaran Nambiar
(C )R. Narayan Panikkar

47.A District Congress Committee was formed at Malabar in :
(C )1906

48.First women's magazine weekly in Malayalam was published by :
(A)Anna Chandy
(B)Accamma Cherian
(C )Kuttimalu amma
(D)Captain Lakshmi

49.In relation with Paliyam satvagraha who among the following met with tragic death in a police lathi charge ?
(A)A.G. Velayaudhan
(B)T.K. Madhavan
(C )T. Subrahmanian
(D)P. Krishnan Nair

50.The credit for having’laid the foundation of Western Education in Malabar area goes to :
(C )B.E.M.
(D)None of these

51.What are the concentric circles on floppy disks known as ?
(C )Sectors

52.Google chrome is a :
(A) Web server 
(B)Web host
(C )Web browser
(D)Web address

53.JPEG is the acronym for :
(A) Joint Picture Export Group
(B) Jumbled Pictures Expert Group
(C ) Joint Pictures Expert Graph
(D) Joint Pictures Expert Group

54.Which generation of computers is covered by the period 1964 - 77 ?
(A) First
(C )Fourth

55.Main storage in computer is also called :
(A) Control Unit 
(B) Memory
(C ) Register Unit 
(D) None of these

56.Group of instructions that directs a computer is called :
(A) Storage
(C )Programme

57.Which of the following is first generation computer ?
(A) ICL-2900
(C )CDC-1604

58.Chief component of first generation computer was :
(B)Vacuum l ubes and Valves
(C )Integrated Circuits
(D)None of the above

59.Microprocessors as switching devices 
(A) First Generationare for which generation computers ? 
(B) Second Generation
(C )Third Generation
(D)Fourth Generation

60.FORTRAN is :
(A)File Translation
(B)Format Translation
(C )Formula Translation
(D)Floppy Translation

61.The command used in MS DOS to display all the files in your current drive 
(C )Dir

62.The output quality of a printer is measured by :
(A)Character per inch
(B)Dot per sq. inch
(C )Dots printed per unit time
(D)All of the above

63.A computer program that translates one program at a time into machine language is called a/an :
(C )Compiler

64.Codes consisting of light and dark lines which may be optically read is known as :
(A)Bar code
(C )Mnemonics
(D)All the above

65.The personnel who deals with the computer and its management put together are called ;
(C )Human ware

66.All modem computer operate on :
(C )Word

67.A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an :
(C )Compiler

68.Programs designed to perform specific tasks is knows as :
(A)System software
(B)Application software
(C )Utility programs
(D)Operating system

69.The instructions for starting the computer are housed on :
(A) Random Access Memory
(B) Read Only Memory Chip
(D)All the above

70. An error in computer data is called : 
(A) Chip
(B) Bug
(C ) CPU
(D) Storage device

71.Which of the following memories allows simultaneous read and write operations ?
(D)None of the above

72.Which of the following produces the best quality graphics reproduction ?
(A)Laser printer
(B)Ink jet printer
(C ) Plotter
(D) Hot matrix printer

73.Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for :
(A) Synonyms and Antonyms word 
(B) Grammar options 
(C ) Spelling suggestions
(D) All the above

74.What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool in formatting toolbar ?
(A)8 and 72
(B)8 and 64
(C )12 and 72
(D)None of the above

75.Instructions and memory addresses are represented by :
(A) Character codes 
(B) Binary codes 
(C ) Binary words 
(D) None of these

76.What is the defaull number of lines to drop for drop cap ? 
(A) 3
(C )15
(D) 20

77.The key FI 2 opens a :
(A) Save As dialog box (C ) Save dialog box
(B) Open dialog box (D) Close dialog box

78.Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS Word screen ?
(A) Tab stop box 
(B) Left Indent 
(C ) Right Indent 
(D) Centre Indent

79.How many ways you can save a document ?
(C )5

80.Portrait and Landscape are :
(A)Page Orientation
(B)Paper size
(C )Page Layout
(D)All the above

81.Which of the following is not a font style ?
(C )Regular

82.If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu will you choose ?
(C )Format

83.What function displays row data in a column or column data in row ?
(C )Row’s

84.Howare data organized ina spreadsheet ?
(A)Lines and spaces
(B)Layers and planes
(C )Rows and columns
(D)Height and width

85.A function inside another function is called a_________function.
(C )Sum

86.Which function calculates your monthly mortgage payment ?
(C )PV
(D)All the above

87.Which of the following methods can not be used to enter data in a cell ?
(A)Pressing an arrow key
(B)Pressing the tab key
(C )Pressing the Esc key
(D)Clicking the enter button to the formula bar

88.You can activate a cell by :
(A) Pressing the tab key
(B)Clicking the cell
(C ) Pressing an arrow key
(D) All the above

89.Which of the following is an absolute cell reference ?
(C )#a#l

90.A typical worksheet has_____________number of columns.
(C )512

91.Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with a cell name :
(A)Cell names
(B)Column numbers and row letters
(C )Column letters and row numbers
(D)Cell locator coordinates

92.The most popular internet service is :
(A)Yahoo service
(B)Search engines
(C )Electronic mail 
(D)None of these

93.The function that is used in MS Excel to find the total value :
(A) Total
(B) Sum 
(C ) Value

94.DOS command to create a Directory :

95.The features in MS Excel which helps to copy data to adjacent cells ?
(A)Auto fill
(B)Auto sum
(C )Copy
(D)None of these

96.It makes the 1st letter of a paragraph large enough to span several lines 
(A)Word drop
(B)Word wrap
(C )Wordart
(D)Drop cap

97.The process of converting encrypted data into a human readable format
(C )Encoding
(D)None of these

98.Keyboard shortcut to open a previously saved document:
(A)Ctrl + N
(B)Ctrl + S
(C )Ctrl+Z
(D)Ctrl + O

99.A programme designed to detect and remove malicious virus :
(C )Spyware

100.The first anti virus programme was :
(C )Reaper
(D)Me A fee

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