CURATOR GR II - ZOO - MUSEUMS AND ZOOS kerala psc previous question paper

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Maximum : 100 marks
Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes

1.Malaria is caused by:
(A)Kntamoeba histolytica (B) Leishmania
(C ) Clostridium (D)Plasmodium

2.Respiratory pigment found in human :  
(A) Haemocyanin (B) Haemoerythrin
(C ) Haemoglobin (D)None of these

3.which theroy holds that the cells in the reproductive organs carry a complete set of geneticWhich theory holds that the cells in the reproductive organs carry a complete set of genetic
information that is passed to the egg and sperm? 
(A) Pangenesis (B) Preformationism
(C ) Germ plasm Theory (D)Cell Theory

4.Father of Modern Genetics : 
(A) Aristotle (B) Gregor MendelGregor Mendel
(C ) Robert hook (D) Schleiden

5.The acrosome of sperm is derived from:The acrosome of sperm is derived from :
(A) Golgi complex (B) Lysosome
(C ) Nucleosome (D) MitochondriaMitochondria

6.Who developed PCR? 
(A) Walter Gilbert (B) Frederick SangerFrederick Sanger
(C ) Sewall Wright (D) Kary Mull is

7.Telomerase is a : 
(A) DNA polymerase
(B) RNA polymcrase
(C ) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
(D) DNA dependent RNA polymeraseDNA dependent RNA polymerase

8.The vehicle of genetic information within a cell:
(A) Gene (B) ChromosomesChromosomes
(C ) Nucleotide (D)Nitrogen bases

9. Who proposed cell theory?
(A) Schleiden and Schwann (B) Klilkins and Franklin
(C ) James Watson and Francis Crick (D)Walter Gilbert and Frederick Sanger

10.In enkaryotics, DNA is closely associated witha special class of proteins, which helps to form
tightly packed chromosomes?
(A) Chromtin (B) HistonesHistones
(C ) Cy toskeleton (D) NucleusNucleus

11.The unit of recombination :
(A) Cm (B) RadRad
(C ) Dalton (D) Centi Morgan

12.are the natural ends, the tips, of a linear chromosome , they serve to stabilize
the chromosome ends.
(A) Kinetochore (B) TelomeresTelomeres
(C ) Chromatids (D) Sister chromatidaSister chromatids

13.Sepia belongs to which class :
(A) I sopoda (B) GastropodaGastropoda
(C ) Scyphopoda (D)Cephalopoda

14.Petasma is seen in :
(A) Crab (B) PrawnPrawn
(C ) Lobster (D)Mussel

15. Which is the correct order of stages in the cell cycle?
(A)S, Gl, anaphase, prophase metaphase
(B)S, Gl, prophase, metaphase, anaphase
(C )Prophase, S, Gl, metaphase, anaphase
(D)Gl, S, prophase metaphase, anaphase

16. The grasping organ of molluscs :
(A)Flame cells (B) Radula
(C )Cnidoblast (D) Petagium

17. The production of gamatcs in a male animal:
(A) Spermatogenesis (B) SpermatogoniaSpermatogonia
(C ). Spermatids (D)Spermatocytes

18.Which of the following is an important sanctuary in Kerala?
(A) Vedanthangal (B) Bharathpur
(C ) Manas(D) Peppara (D) Peppara

19.The locomotory organ of earthworm :
(A) Parapodium (B) Chloride cellChloride cell
(C ) Setae (D) AppendagesAppendages

20.The connecting link between aves and reptiles :
(A) Peripatus (B) Archeopterx
(C ) Dinosaur (D)Crocodile

21.Rearing of silk worm is called :
(A) Apiculture (B) Pearl culturePearl culture
(C ) Pisciculture (D)Sericulture

22.When the sister chromatids separate and move toward opposite spindle poles in cell cycles?
(A) Prometaphase (B) MetaphaseMetaphase
(C ) Anaphase (D) TelophaseTelophase

23.When the heterozygote has a phenotype intermediate between the phenotypes of the two homozygotes, the trait is said to?
(A) incomplete dominance (B) Test crossTest cross
(C ) Epistasis (D) Monohybrid crossMonohybrid cross

24.The device used for the detection of toxic chemical at ultralevels in industrial products and chemical substances for biomedical diagnosis :
(A) Electrofusion (B) BioaugmentationBioaugmentation
(C ) Biosensor (C ) BioreactorBioreactor

25.The collective changes in membrance potential, beginning with depolarization to threshold and ending with return potential, that occur with stimulation of an excitable cell and act as a basis for neural communication is called :
(A) Action spectrum (C ) Action potential
(B)Activation energy. (D) Actin

26.Alternate form of the same gene is known as :
(A) Alleles 
(B) Aerobes
(C )Allostric modulation
(D) Amide bond

27.The formation of new blood vessels termed as : 
(A) Angistorm (C ) Angiogenesis
(B) Anion       (D) Aneuploidy

28.Elephantiasis is caused by :
(A) Wuchereria bancrofti. (B) Ascaris lumbricoid
(C ) Liver fluke (D) Entamoeba histolica

29.Phosphofructokinase is a key enzyme in :
(A) Kreb cycle (B) Glycolysis
(C ) Ornithine cycle (D) HMP shunt

30.Which of the following phylum shows alternation in generation?
(A)Arthropoda (B) Echinodermata
(C )Cnidaria* (D) Protozoa

31.Proteins that bind to other polypeptides, preventing their aggregation and promoting their folding and or assembly in to multimeric proteins is :
(A) Chaperonins (B) Chromatid
(C ) Chromatin (D) Chaperones

32.The non protein component of an enzyme, it can be cither inorganic or organic is : 
(A) Coenzyme (B) Coated vesicles
(C ) Codons (D) Cofactor

33. The infectious protein particle which cause Kuru disease and mad cow disease :
(A)Virion (B) BacteriophageBacteriophage
(C ) PrionPrion (D) PlasmidPlasmid

34.Oxidative phosphorylation takes place in :
(A)(A) Cytosol
(B) NUcleusNucleus
(C ) Entoplasimic reticulum

The enzymes responsible for constructing new is calledBig GrinNA strands during replicati
(A) DNA polymerases
(B) DNA ligase
(C )DNA gyrase
(D) DehydrogenaseDehydrogenase

Red wines and red grapes are important source of which anti tumor agent:
(B) VincristineVincristine
(C ) ResveratolResveratol
(D) Bradystnnin

Osteomalacia is caused by the deficiency of:
(A) Vitamin BVitamin 
(B) Vitamin AVitamin A
(C )Vitamin 
(D) Vitamin DVitamin D

The process of synthesis of RNA from DNA is called :
(B) TranslationTranslation
(C ) Reverse transcriptinReverse transcription
(D) TranscriptomeTranscriptomc

39.The process by which a patient is treated by altering the genotype of diseased cells is :
(A)Gene duplication
(B) Genome
(C )Gene therapy
(D)Genetic polymorphismsGenetic polymorphisms

40.The hormone responsible for the ejection of milk from mammary gland :
(B) Oxytosin
(C )Renin

41.Who proposed species concept? 
(A) Mayer (C ) Aristotle
(B) Mason (D) Simpson

42. Indian breed of horse :
(A) Deccan (B) LohiLohi
(C ) Nali (D) Bhutia

43. Biological name of king vultureBiological name of King vulture :
(A) Sarcogyps calvua (B) Haliaster Indus
(C ) Oriolus oriolus (D) Columba lapraColumba lapra

44.Kazhiranga National park is in :
(A) Orissa (B) GujarathGujarath
(C ) Rajasthan (D) AssamAssam

45. The smallest bone of human stapes located in which organThe smallest bone of human stapes located inwhich  organ:
(A) Eye (B) EarEar
(C ) Brain (D)Nose

46.Larvae of Balanoglossus:
(A) Tomaria (B) Zoea
(C ) Planula (D)Nauplius

47.Father of Green revolution:
(A) Varghese Kuriyan (B)  Heslop-Harrison 
(C ) M.S Swaminathan (D) Black wolderBlack welder

48.The hormone secreted by kidney :
(A) Erythropoeitin (B) ADU
(C ) Adrenaline (D)Oxytocin

49.Father of modern taxonomy :
(A) Simpson (B)MasonMason
(C ) Carolus Linnaeus (D)Black WelderBlack welder

50.The gland which serves as both endocrine and exocrine
(A) Thyroid (B)Pituitory
(C ) Parathyroid (D)PancreasPancreas

51. Protein synthesis takes place in :
(A) Nucleus (B) RibosomeRibosome
(C ) Cytosol (D) Entoplasmic reticulum a global voluntary non governmental organisation formed in
conservation of environment
(A) Green peace (B) IUCN
(C ) WWF        (D) IBWLIBWL

53.Which gas is responsible for Bhopal tragedy?
(A) Chloro fluro carbon (B)Methyl isocy anate
(C ) Methane (D)Sulpher dioxide

54.The smallest egg:
(A) Reptilian ' (B) MammalianMammalian
(C ) Avian (D)Fish

55.Conditioned learning was described and demonstrated by :
(A) Charles Darwin
(B) AristotleAristotle
(C ) Ivan P Pavlov
(D) Lamarck

56.Technic used to identify individuals by examining their DNA sequences :
(A) DNA foot printing (B) DNA libraryDNA library
(C ) Genetic library (D) DNA fingerprintingDNA fingerprinting

57.Progressive denerative brain disorder
(A)Asphyxia (B) Alzhemer's diseaseAlzheimer's disease
(C )Epilepsy (D)Parkinson's disease

58.Extra embryonic membrane forming aclosed sacaround the embryo :
(A)Allantois (B) ChorionChorion
(C )Amnion (D) Archenteron

59.Atechnique for recording the electrical activity of the brain :
(C ) UV Scan (D) ScanningScanning

60.Functional unit of Kidney :
(A) Neuron (B) AxonAxon
(C ) Dynein (D) NephronNephron

61.The clinical test used to detect cervical cancer ;
(A) Ames test (B) Radio immune assayRadio immune assay
(C ) Paps smear (D) Chorionic villus samplingChorionic villus sampling

62.Surgical remove of breast:
(A) Mastectomy (B) Mamography
(C ) Autogamy (D) Isogamy

63.Hyper secreation of aldosternone :
(A) Cushings syndrome (B) Conns SyndromeConns Syndrome
(C ) Adrenal virilism (D) EunochoidismEunochoidism

64.Causative agent of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome:
(A) Corona virus (B) PapilomaPapiloma
(C ) SM virus (D) Rhabdovirus

65. Which of the follow is NOT a neurotransmitter?Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmittcr?
(A) Acetyl choline (B) DopamineDopamine
(C ) Insulin (D) ScrotoninSerotonin

66.Which of the following bacteria playa key role in nitrogen fixation?
(A) Pseudomonas (B) Bacillus typhiBacillus typhi
(C ) Clostridium (D) Agrobacterium tumifaciens

67.Type of dentition in humans :
(A) Bunodont (B) PleurodontPleurodont
(C ) Lophodont (D) SolenodontSolenodont

68. Which mineral is essential to the sperms in male?Which mineral is essential to the protect the sperms ini male?
(A) Phosphorous (B) MagnesiumMagnesium
(C ) Calcium (D) SeleniumSelenium

69. Macrophages found in the liveMacrophages found in the liver:
(A) Preganglionic fibres
(B) Kuffer cells
(C ) Propriocepters
(D) Pacinian corpusclesPacinian corpuscles

70.Last part of the vertebral column :
(A) Fascicule (B) Coronal SutureCoronal suture
(C ) Coccyx (D) TendonTendon

71.Contractile protein found in a muscle :
(A) Myosin (B) RenninRennin
(C ) Sprain (D) AdductorAdductor

72.Allopurinol is used for the treatment of:
(A) Scurvey (B) Muscular dystrophyMuscular dystrophy
(C ) Gout (D) PoliomyelitisPoliomyelitis

73.Western bloting is used for the detection :
(A) DNA (B) ProteinProtein
(C ) RNA (D) EnzymesEnzymes

74.The book “Origin of species" is related to :
(A) Ecology (B) Molecular biologyMolecular biology
(C ) Evolution (D) EthologyEthology

75. A protein digesting enzyme secreted by the pancreasA protein digesting enzyme secreted by the pancreas :
(A) Chymotrypsin (B) ChyleChyle
(C ) Cholecystokinin (D) TrypsinTrypsin

76.Artificially made insulin :
(A) Pepsin (B) AmylaseAmylase
(C ) Leptin (D) HumulinHumulin

77.Protein deficiency disease :
(A)Kwashiorkor   (B) Scurvy
(C ) Rickets (D) Pellagra

78.Which is a tumor suppressor gene?
(A) bcl2 (B) p63
(C ) Apaf (D) Bax

79.The method used for determination of age of fossils :
(A) immuno assay (B) Radio labelling
(C ) Remote sensing (D) Carbon dating

80.Tnq polymerase the key enzyme used in PCR is derived from :
(A) Streptococcus (B) Bacillus thuringenesis
(C ) Thermae aquaticas (D) Cyanobacteria

81.All the restrictions in the matter of covering upper parts by Shanar women legalised with :
(A)Royal proclamation of July 26th 1859
(B)Royal proclamation of November 1857
(C )Royal proclamation of July 7th 1856
(D)Royal proclamation of August   1858

82.W.T. Ringle Tab, a Christian Missionary who took interest in the introduction of Western education in Kerala belongs to :
(A) Russia (B) PrussiaPrussia
(C ) Syria (D) CroetiaCroetia

Right to Information Act came into being in :
(A) 2005 (B) 2006
(C ) 2008 (D) 2010

84.The social reformer named Perior involved in one of the important Satyagraha in Kerala : 
(A) Bardoli Satyagraha (B) Guruvayoor Satyagraha
(C ) Payyannur Satyagraha (D) Vaikkom Satyagraha

85.The first annual meeting of SNDP yogam met at the place :
(A)Chempnzhanti (B) Kadavankodam
(C ) Varkala (D)Aruvipurnm

86.The prominent daily ‘Malayala Manorama’ became a 'daily' from the date :
(A)16th January 1928 (B)16,th February 1928
(C )20th January 1928 (D) 20,th February 1928

87.Travancore Muslim Mahajana Sabha which look interest in the upliftment of Muslims in Kerala founded by:
(A)Moulana Muhammed Ali
(B) Choudhari Rahmath Ali
(C )Vakkom Abdul Khadcr Moulavi
(D)Moulana Abdul KalamAzad

88.The procedure for amending the constitution. We indebted to the constitution of: 
(A) Ireland
(B) England
(C ) South Africa
(D) South America

89.The Keralite mentioned in the autobiography :
‘My Experiments with truth* of M.K. Gandhi
(A) G. Parameswaran Pillai
(B) It. Balakrishna Pillai
(C ) K. Govinda Pillai
(D) Ramakrishna Pillai

90.The first Generation Feminist Anna Chandi was born in :
(A) 1905,   (B) 1900
(C ) 1910   (D) 1906

91.The political leader arrested in June 1935 as a result of Abstention movement: 
(A) C. Kesavan. (B) K. Kelappan
(C ) T.M. Varghese (D) N.V. Joseph

92.The well known autobiography 'Kozhinja TlakaT is related to :
(A) Joseph Mundasseri (B) Joseph Rabhan
(C ) M.P. Paul (D) P.K. Varrier

93.The Article in our constitution dealing with the Election Commission : 
(A) Article 324 (B) Article 339
(C ) Article 72 (D) Article 42

94.The Chief Justice who appointed as the Chairman of National Human Rights Commission in 2010:
(A) Justice R.M. Lotha (B) H.J. Kenia
(C ) Justice Fathima Beevi (D) K.G. Balakriahnan

95.Agnisakshikal is the one and only novel of:
(A) Balamani Amma (B) Sugata Kumari
(C ) Lalitambika Anterjanam (D) P. Vatsala

96.The social reformer who worked for the upliftment of the downtrodden people in the kingdom of Travancore was:
(A)Swami Dayananda (B) Swami Vivekananda 
(C )Vaikunta Swami (D) Swami Vagbadananda

97.The translation of Sakuntalam won the title ‘Kerala Kalidasan' to :
(A)A.R. Raja Raja Varma
(B)Raja Ravi Varma
(C )Kerala Varma Valiya Koil Tampuran 
(D)Kottarakkara Tampuran

98.The founder-editor of Vivekodayam issued in April 1904 :
(A)Kumaran Asan (B)Ullor. S. Parameswaraier
(C )Vallathol (D)Vailoppalli Sreedhara Menon

99.Travel to Rome’ the first travelogue in Malayalam written by:
(A) Dr. Herman Gundert (B) Benjamin Bailey
(C ) Robert Bristow (D) Paremakkil Thoma kattanar

100.The most important Dalit leader of modern Kerala :
(A) Ayyappan (B) Ayyan Kali
(C ) K. Gopalan (D) Dr. Palpu

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