COMPUTER OPERATOR - INFORMATION AND PUBLIC kerala psc previous question paper


Maximum : 100 marks
Time : I hour and 15 minutes

1.The key which moves cursor along a line to a preset position is :
(A)Enter Key. (B)Tab Key
(C )Back Space Key (D)Arrow Key

2.The fine powder ink kept in laser printers is called :
(A)Catridge(B) Drum
(C )Toner(D)Inkjet

3.Which of the following programming language is the oldest?
(A)Fortran (B)Java
(C )Pascal (D)COBOL

4.The major component used in second generation computers is :
(A)Vacuum tubes (B) Transistors
(C ) Integrated circuits (D) Microprocessors

5.Compiler translates:
(A)High level language to Machine language
(B)Assembly language to Machine language
(C )Machine language to High level language
(D)Machine language to Assembly language

6.In a Microcomputer, Microprocessor is :
(A)A chip inside CPU (B) CPU
(C ) ALU (D) A chip inside ALU

7.The grammatical rules of a programming language is called :
(A)Coding rules (B) Syntax
(C ) Semantics (D) All the above

8.Mail merge feature is commonly associated with :
(A)Internet (B) Spread sheet
(C ) Word processor (D) Data base

9.In computers, the number system used for data storage and processing is :
(A)Hexadecimal (B)Binary
(C )Decimal (D)Octal

10.Which of the following is not true about Static RAM?
(A)It is non - volatile (B) Reading and writing is possible
(C )It is constructedusing flip flops (D)It is volatile

11.The stack pointer always points to :
(A)Top of the stack
(B)Location from which next element is to be popped .
(C ) Location stored at SP register
(D)All the above

12.The output of a AND gate is high when :
Any one of the inputs is low All the inputs arc high
designed using:
MS-Paint MS-Excel
(A)Any one of the inputs is high
(B) Any one of the inputs is high
(C )All the inputs are low
(D) All the inputs are high

13.Which of the following is a seven bit code?
(A)UniCode (B) BCD

14.In Windows operating system, presentation slides are
(A) MS-Word. (B) MS-Paint
(C )MS-Power point (D)MS Excel

15.Which of the following is'an optical storage device?
(A) Hard Disk (B) Flash memory

16.In 1SO-OSI network Architecture, routing is performed by :
(A)Data LinkLnyer
(B)Network Iayer
(C )Physical Layer
(D) Transport Layer

17.Elements stored in an array are accessed by using their:
(A)Values (B) Names
(C )Positions (D)Orders in whichthey are stored

18.An expression which always give a True/False Value is :
(A)Relational Expression
(B) Logical ExpressionLogical Expression
(C ) Conditional ExpressionConditional Expression
(D) All the aboveAll the above

19.Group of logically related data items is called :
(A)Record (B) Data baseData base
(C )Table (D) FileFile

20.The Error in a program which can be detected atthe time of compilation is
(A)Run time error (B) Logical Error
(C )Syntax Error (D) Semantic ErrorSemantic Error

21.Hard disk of a computer can be used as :
(B) OutputOutput
(C ) StorageStorage
(D) All the aboveAll the above

22.Which of the following is not true about a laser printer?
(A)It is an impact printer
(B) It is a page printerIt is a page printer
(C )Works on the principle of electro photography
(D)Works on the principle of LED technology

23. USB stands for :
(A)Uniform Synchronous Bus 
(B)Uniform Serial Bus
(C ) Universal Serial Bus
(D) Universal Synchronous Bus

24. BIOS software is stored in :
(C ) Disk
(D) Static RAMStatic RAM

25.One GB is equal to
(A) 1021 Mega bytes
(B) 1024 Bytes1024 Bytes
(C ) 1024 Kilo bytes 
(D)1000 Kilo bytes

26.Which of the following is an application software?
(A)' Operating System
(B) BrowserBrowser
(C ) Driver

27.Hackers gaining access to a computer through anetwork are prevented using :
(A) Firewall
(B) Antivirus
(C ) Proxy server
(D)Search Engine

28.In a spread sheet, cell address is formed by :
(A) Column letter - Row number
(B) Row number- Colum letter
(C ) Row letter - Column number
(D)Column number —Row letter

29.In a program flow chart, parallelogram is used to indicate :
(B) DecisionDecision
(C )Input/Output

30. To open an action by using mouse :
(A) Click left button
(B)Click right button
(C ) Double click left button
(D) Double click right buttonDouble click right button

31.Which of the following term is not related with a computer monitor?
(D). DPT

32.Power On Self Test (POST) is performed by 
(B) OS (D) None

33.The network device used to connect multiple
(A) Switch (C ) Bridge
(B)Router (D)Repeater

34.Internet is an example for :
(A) LAN (C ) WAN
(B)MAN (D) All the above

35.Which of the following is not a web browser?
(A) Google
(C ) Google Chrome

36.An IP address has :
(A) 1G bits     (C )48 bits
(B)24 bits (D) 32 bits

37.In HTML, closing tags are preceded by :
(A) Semicolon (Wink
(B)Hash (#)
(D) Forward slash (/)
(C )Angle brackets (<>)

38.A 24x CD-ROM has a transfer rate of:
(A)2400 KB/Sec
(B)1800 KB/Sec
(C )3600 KB/Sec
(D)4800 KB/Sec

39.The size of a monitor is its :
(A) Horizontal length 
(B)Vertical length 
(C ) Diagonal length
(D) Horizontal length x Vertical length

40.Recursion means:
(A) Calling a function several times 
(B)Calling a function by itself
(C ) Calling a function within a loop
(D) Calling a function indefinitely

41.In communication, duplex means data transmitted in :
(A)One direction only
(B)In both directions, but one direction at a time
(C )In both directions simultaneously
(D)In one direction only by removing duplicate frames

42.The capacity of main memory which can be accessed by CPU is determined by 
(A) Data lines (B) Address lines
(C ) Control lines (D)Both (A) and (B)

43.Parity bit is added for:
(A) Checking errors (B)Malting fixed size data
(C ) Counting the size of the data (D)All the above

44.Once programmed, the data or instructions cannot bechanged in:

45.Variable which stores the address of a memory location is :
(A) Register (B) PointerPointer
(C ) Program Counter (D)Memory Address Register

46.The HTML tag used for hyper linking is :

47.PHP is a:
(A) . Server side scripting language
(B) Client side scripting languageClient side scripting language
(C ) Mark up language
(D) General programming languageGeneral programming language

48.Which of the following is a valid string inprogramming?
(A) "ABCD” (B) "AB12"
(C ) "1234” (D) All the above

49.In MS-Exccl, absolute addressing uses :
(A)% symbol (B)# symbol
(C )& symbol (D)$ symbol

50.The process of loading operating system to memory is called :
(A)Initializing (B)Booting
(C )Loading (D)Allocating

51..doc is the default filename extension of Microsoft Windows
(A) Note pad
(B)Power point
(C ) Word
(D)Spread sheet

52.Cache memory is used in computers to :
(A) Extend memory capacity 
(B)Increase speed
(C ) Increase accuracy
(D) Protect data loss due to power failure

53.Inheritance is a concept used in :
(A) Object oriented programming (C ) Internet programming
(B)Procedure oriented programming (D) Data base programming

54.The Operating System works as an interface between :
(A) Hardware and Software (B) User and Software
(C )User and Processor. (D) User and Hardware

55.Variables that hold Truc/False type values are :
(A) Character type (B) Integer type
(C ) Boolean type (D) Floating point type

56.Which of the following statement is used for looping?
(A)if (B) goto 
(C )'switch (D)for

57.The language associated with DBMS is :
(A) DML- (B) XML

58.In linux, the file having extension .gz is a : 
(A) Image file
(B) Compressed file
(C )System File
(D)None of the above

59.The undeclared variables in Visual Basic is treated ns :
(A) String type (B) Long type
(C )Variant type (D) Generic type

60.The decimal equivalent of hexadecimal number C2 is :
(C )34
(B) 14

61.PDF stands for :
(A) Portable Document Format 
(B)Printable Document Format
(C )Printable Data Format
(D)Portable Document File

62.Most effective chart with small number of data points is :
(A)Bar Chart (B) Column Chart 
(C )Line Chart (D)Pie Chart

63.The program that runs when the computer remains idle for a certain period of time :
(A)Wall Paper (B) Control Panel 
(C )Screen saver (D) Welcome screen 

64.The smallest individually addressable unit of information stored on a hard disk is :
(A)Sector (B) Track 
(C )Cylinder (D)Block

65.Which of the following is not a component of a computer power supply?
(A) Transformer (C ) Filter '
(B) Rectifier (D) Amplifier

66.The geometric arrangement of nodes and cables in a network is called :
(A) Network Protocol
(B) Network Topology
(C ) Network Architecture
(D) Network Cabling

67.In an IP address, which of the following number as first octet causes loop back address : .
(A)192 (B) 127
(C )255 (D) 168

68.Which of the following wireless technology has higher data rate?
(A)WiFi (B) Bluetooth
(C )HomeRF (D)WiMax

69.Arrange the names : babu, Balan, Anil, arun in alphabetical order :
(A) Anil, Balan, arun, babu (B) arun, babu, Anil, Bulan
(C ) Anil, arun, Balan, babu (D) arun, Anil, babu, Balan

70.UPS is commonly used with computer systems to provide :
(A)Perfect ac
(B)Perfect dc
(C ) Protect from power failure problems 
(D) Maintain proper voltage

71.Byte Code is:
(A) An international coding standard
(B) Code generated by Java compiler
(C ) An executable machine code
(D) An extended form of Uni Code

72.Which of the following is used to select only one item in the group?
(A)Radio button
(B) Check box
(C )List box
(D)  Options (A) or (B)

73.Executing a program based on a change in hardware or software is called :
(A)Object oriented programming
(B) Procedure oriented programming
(C )Visual programming
(D) Event driven programming 

74.To permanently remove an item from Desk top, press :
(A)Delete Key
(B) Ctrl + Delete key
(C )Shift + Delete Key
(D) Alt + Delete key

75.If the shell prompt in linux show s # symbol, it means currently logged in user is :
(B) User 
(C )Guest
(D) Super user

76.The diameter of most common compact disk is :
(A)100 mm
(B) 110 mm
(C )120 mm
(D) 130 mm

77.Arrange the following softwares based on their preference of use :
(A)Operating System, Application Software, Antivirus
(B)Antivirus, Operating System, Application Software
(C )Application Software, Operating System, Antivirus
(D)Operating System, Antivirus, Application Software

78. Which of the following term is not related with internet?
(C )Browsing 
(D) SpoofingSpoofing

Bash is a:
(A)Linux kernel
(B)Linux file systemLinux file system
(C )Linux editorLinux editor
(D) Linux shellLinux shell

Data encoding on CD-ROM is in the form of:•
(A)Concentric track
(B)Spiral trackSpiral track
(C )Elliptical track
(D)Concentric with pits and lands 

Right to education is included in— of the constitution.
(A)Article 21 
(B) Article 29Article 29
(C )Article 309Article 309
(D) Article 312

82.The right to property was a fundamental Right in the beginning. But it was deleted from the list through ———— amendment.
(C )42nd
(D) 25th

83.Food Security Act came into force in the year : 
(C )2011
(D) 2013

84. Which among the following organisation took initiative to spread education in Malabar? 
(A)Liondon mission society
(B)Church mission society
(C )Basel evangelical mission
(D)Salvation army group

85. The first English school in Ernakulam started during the rule of:
(A)Swati Tirunal
(B)Sri Mulam Tirunal
(C )Gouri Parvathi Bai
(D)Rani Lekshmi Bai

88.The paliyam satyagraha was launched by : 
(A) A.K. Gopalan 
(C ) C. Kesavan
(B) P. Krishna pillai 
(D) K Kelappan

87. The ‘Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam’ was founded by :
(C )Chattampi swamikal
(D)V.T. Bhattaihirippad

88. Who is known as ‘Kerala Paninf? 
(A) Kunchan Nambiar
(C )Vallathoi
(B) A.R. Raja Raja Varma 
(D) Kumaranasan

89.The author of “Indonesian Diary” is : 
(A) N.V. Krishnawarrior 
(C ) S.K. Pottakkad
(B) K.P. Kesava Menon 
(D) K.M. Panicker

90.Who translated into Malavalam the biographies of Karl Marx and Gandhiji for the first time? 
(A) M.C. Joseph 
(B) G. Sankara Kurup
(C )T.K. Madhavan
(D)Swadeshahhimani Ramakrishna pillai

91.* Wagon tragedy is related to :
(A) Malabar rebellion
(B) Aikya kerala movement
(C ) Punnapra - Vayalar uprising
(D) Abstention movement

92.Name the first Woman High' Court judge of Kerala :
(A)Arya Pallam
(B)Lalitha Prahhu
(C )Anna chandi
(D).Justice sreedevi

93.“Aiyyavazhi” is a dharmic belief system introduced by :
(A)Sree Narayana Guru
(B)Vaikunda Swamikal
(C )Brahraananda Sivayogi
(D)Kumara Guru

94.The •Savarnajatha’ under Mannath Padmanabhan was the highlight of which agitation’:
(A)Salt satyagraha
(B)Guruvayur satyagraha
(C )Electricity agitation
(D)Vaikom satyagraha

95.Nalanda, the ancient Buddhist university was situated in the present state of:
(C )Tamil Nadu
(D)West Bengal

96.The champion of 2015, French open women’s singles is :
(A)Sereena Williams
(B)Flavia Penetta
(C )Venus Williams
(D)Martina Hingins

97.Choose the one which is related to bureaucracy :
(A) Plural Executive (B)Nominal Executive
(C ) Political Executive (D) Permanent Executive
98.The Travancore Government issued a royal proclamation on restrictions in the matter of dress.
(A)abolishing all
(B ) July 26, 1859 
© August 28, 1859 
(D) November 20, 1851)

99.Who is know n as “Missile man of India”? 
(A) Vikram Sarabhni 
(B) Sardar Vnllabhai Patel
(C ) C.V. Raman 
(D) Dr. A.P.J. Abdulkalnm

100. The ‘RajiveGandhi Khel Retna Award' of 2015 is won by :
(A) Mahendra Singh Dhoni (B) Sania Mirza
(C ) Abhinav Bindra (D) Susil Kumar

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COMPUTER OPERATOR - INFORMATION AND PUBLIC kerala psc previous question paper - by amrutha735 - 11-04-2017, 09:24 AM

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