

1. Who said ‘Man is of all forms of luggage the most difficult to transport’?
(A) Ricardo(B)Adam SmithAdam Smith
© Alfred Marshal(D)J.M. Keynes

2.Which state of India is known as 'Land of Dawn’?
(A) Sikkim(B)OrissaOrissa
© Tripura(D)Arunachalpradesh

3.The biggest tributary of the river Ganga :
(A) Yamuna(B)KrishnaKrishna
© KaveriCD)Godavari

4.Gandhiji’s first satyagraha in India is at:
(A) Kheda(B)Sabarmati
© Champaran(D)Chauri chaura

5.. Who set up 'Servants of India Society'?
(A) Tilak(B)Lala Lajpatrai
© Bipin Chandrapal(D)(D)Gopalakrishna Gokhale

6.Which article of the Indian constitution deals with Election commission?
(A) Article 352(B)Article 324Article 324
© Article 370(D)Article 24Article 24

7.The instrument used to measure the specific gravity of liquids :
(A) Hydrometer(B)HydrophoneHydrophone
©. Hygrometer(D)MicrometerMicrometer

8.Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) set up in:
(A) 1950(B)19511951
© 1956(D)19541954

9. Who has been selected for the J.C. Daniel award for 2014 in recognition of his contribution to the Malayalam film industry?
(A) l.V. Sasi(B)Kamal
© Adoor Gopalakrishnan(D)Jayaraj

10.The First President of Indian National Congress:
(A) S.N. Bannerji(B)AO. Hume
© Lord Dufferin(D)(D)W.C. Bannerji

11.Kuriakose Elias Chavara died in :
(A) 1871(B)18051805
© 1850(D)18601860

12.Who founded Sadhujanaparipalana Sangham?
(A) Pandit Karuppan(B)Dr. Palpu
© Ayyankali(D)V.T. Bhattathiripad

13.The book ‘Anandadarshanam' is written by :
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan(B)Brahmananda Sivayogi
© Vaikunda Swamikal(D)Chattampi Swamikal

14.Sree Narayanaguru was born at:•
(A) Chempazhanthi(B)Varkala
© Aluva(D)Thiruvillamala

15.Chattampi Swamikal attained Samadhi at:
(A) Kannanmoola(B)Sivagiri
© Venganoor(D)Panmana

16.Headquarters of Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha (PRDS):
(A) Palakkad(B)Iraviperoor
© Neyyattinkara(B)Kainakari

17. ‘Adukkalayilninnu Arangathekku' is a :
(A) Novel(B)Poetry
© Short story(D)DramaDrama

18.‘Jathikummi’ written by :
(A) Pandit Karuppan(B)Thycaud Ayya
© Kumaranasan(D)(D)Agamananda Swamikal

19.Nair Service Society founded on :
(A) 1st October 1914(B)31st December 1914
© 31st October 1914(D)(D)1st January 1914

20.The ‘Swadeshabhimani’ owned by:
(A) Abdul Rahman(B)Vakkom Abdul Khadar Moulavi
© K. Ramakrishna Pillai(D)K.P. Kesavamenon

21.In India the new flag code came into being in :
(A) 1950 January 26(B)1947 August 151947 August 15
© 1951 January 26(D)2002 january 262002 January 26 -

22.Who won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2015?
(A) Jean Tirole(B)Angus DeatonAngus Deaton
© Patrick Modiano(D)(D)Amartya Sen

23.Capital of Cuba:
(A) Havana(B)Ottava
© Capetown(D)AnkaraAnkara

24.Who wrote the play ‘Waiting for Godot’?
(A) Thomas Mann(B)T.S. Eliot
© Samuel Becket(D)Franz KafkaFranz Kafka

25.The study and collection of paper currency and banknotes is :
(A) Notaphily(B)GraphologyGraphology
© Epigraphy(D)PaleographyPaleography

26.National Drinking Water Mission started in :
(A)1981(B) 1986
©1980(D) 1991

27.The first climate change theatre in India was opened in :
(A)Agarthala(B) Chandranagar
© Gandhinagar(D) Kapurthala

28.Director of the film “Bicycle Thieves" : (A) Vittorio de sica © Akira Kurosawa
(B) Satyajit Ray (D) Alfred Hitchcock

29.‘Guernica’ is the famous painting of:
(A) Vangogh(B) Rodin
© Pablo Picasso(D) Salvador Dali

30.'The Test of My Life’ is written by :
(A) Kapil Dev(B) Yuvaraj Singh
© Sunil Gavaskar(D) Sachin Tendulkar

31.Which of the following has the fastest type of memory?
(A) Semiconductor Memories(B) Magnetic Disks
© Magnetic Tapes .(D) Compact Disks

32.ROM has a :
(A)Decoder followed by encoder
(B)Multiplexer followed by decoder
©Demultiplexer followed by an encoder
(D)None of the above

33.The smallest information that computer' can understand : 
(A) Unicode(B) Bit
© ASCII(D) Byte

34._________is a technique used for processingbank cheques.

35.35.1 Gigabyte means:
(A) 210 bytes(B)220 bytes
© 2X bytes(D)(D)24° bytes

36.________memory is non volatile.
(A) Cache(B)PrimaryPrimary
© Secondary(D)None of these

37.Which of the following device can store large amounts of data?
(A) Floppy Disk(B)Hard DiskHard Disk
© . CDROM(D)Zip DiskZip Disk

38.The list of coded instructions is called:•
(A) Computer program(B)AlgorithmAlgorithm
© Flowchart(D)Utility programsUtility programs

39.What is M-commerce?
(A) Manual Commerce(B)Mobile commerceMobile Commerce
© Marketing Commerce(D)Money commerceMoney Commerce

40.In M8-Excel which is shortcut key for getting ‘Current Time":
(A) Ctrl + shift + t(B)Ctrl + shift + ;
© Ctrl + t(D)Ctrl +;

41.URL is the abbreviation of:
(A) Universal Resource Locator(B)Universal Report LocatorUniversal Report Locator
© Uniform Resource Locator(D)Uniform Report LabelUniform Report Label

42.etc. is the abbreviation of:
(A) exetra(B)et cetera
© extra(D)ex-cetera

43. SMS means:
(A)Small Message Sender(B)Short Mobile Sender
©Short Mobile Service(B)Short Message serviceShort Message Service

44.size of an A4 paper is :
(A)(A)8.5” x 11”(B)8.5"8.5” x 14”
©8.27” x 11.69”(D)8.27” x 11”

45.While drafting the address of a letter, after ‘from’ and ‘to’ which punctuation mark is to be written?
(A)comma © quotation
(B) full stop (D) no mark

46.Which function key is used for refreshing?
(A) F4(B) F7
© F5(D) F8

47.No. of dead keys are in a modified Malayalam Typewriter?
(A) Two(B) Three
© One(D) Four

48.What are the short cut keys for getting a double underline to a selected text in MS. Word document?
(A) Ctrl + shift + d(B) Ctrl + shift + u
© Ctrl + shift +1(D) Ctrl +shift + 2

49.The Maximum number of lines can be set for a Drop Cap is :
(A) 5(B)88
© 10(D)1313

50. In computing the term IP means :
(A) Insert Pin(B)International pinInternational Pin
© Internet Protocol(D)Internet Pin

51.From where, the CPU in a computer retrieves data :
(A)Main Memory(B)Secondary Memory
©Auxiliary memory(D)None of these

52.Which are short cut keys for converting the selected text into upper case in MS. Word?
(A)Ctrl + shift + 1(B)Ctrl + shift u
©Ctrl + shift + a(D)Ctrl + shift + c

53. The Key ‘N' is called ‘Master Key’ in a typewriting keyboard because :
(A)right hand index finger is using for typing
(B)it is fixed on the bottom of the key board
©it is the first letter installed in the keyboard
(D)none of these

54. The Designer of Malayalam Typewriter Keyboard is :
(A) T.K. Ramakrishnan(B)R. Arulappan
© N.S. Pandala(D)T.R. Krishnayyer

65.The unsolicited bulk commercial E-mails are known as:
(A) hoaxes(B)virusvirus
© junkCD)(D)spam

56. RTF is the abbreviation of:
(A) Real Text Format(B)Readable Text Form
© Rich Text Format(D)Real Text FunctionReal Text Function

57.Name the computerised system which helps managers of big oraganisation for decision making?Name the computerised system making?which helps managers of big organisation for decision
(A) Network(B)MISMIS
© Assembler(D)(D)Interpreter

58.The software installed on computers for collecting the information about the users without their knowledge is:
(A) Virus(B)WormsWorms
© Spyware(D)Spam

59. What is the meaning of‘Wiki’ in the word ‘Wikipedia’?
(A) Knowledge(B)Around the worldAround the world
© Quick(D)MediumMedium

60.The protection systems involve some unique aspect of a person’s body is :
(A) Authorization(B)BiometricBiometric
©' Authentication(D)None of theseNone of these

61.In which year the Government of India passed the Information Technology Act?
(A) 1999(B)2000
© 2001(B)20022002

62.Which of the following can be used for identification and tracking of products, animal etc.
© Router(D None of theseNone of these

63.SIM is the abbreviation of:
(A) Subscriber Identification Module(B)Subscriber Information Machine
© Subscriber Information Mobile(D)System of Information Mobile

64.In MS. Word, pressing ‘Alt + Backspace’ gives the result of:
(A) Delete(B)RedoRedo
© Exit(D)UndoUndo

65.Find the odd one :

66.A Court Case Number is written as OP 1/2016.Here OP stands for:
(A) Open Petition(B)Opposite PartyOpposite Party
© Other Party(D)Original PetitionOriginal Petition

67.One KB is equal to :
(A) 1000 bytes(B)1012 bytes1012 bytes
© 1014 bytes(D)(D)1024 bytes

68.The Computers which have Artificial Intelligenceis:
(A) 1st Generation(B)2nd Generation2nd Generation
© 3rd Generation•(D)(D)4th Generation

69.How many bits are in a nibble?
(A) 4(B)88
© 16(D)32

70.The most important feature of cloud computing is :
(A) on demand service(B)software servicesoftware service
© platform service(D)infrastructure service

71.In an MS. Word document, ‘Ctrl + Delete’ keys can be used for :
(A) delete a letter(B)delete a rowdelete a row
© delete a paragraph(D)delete a worddelete a word

72.Which is function key using for spelling checking?
(A) F3(B)F5F5
© F7(D)F9F9

73.Which of the following is used to read PDF files?
(A) MS Word(B)MS Excel
© Power Point(D)Acrobat Reader

74.G.Os are issued by :
(A) Governor(B)SecretarySecretary
© Chief Minister(D)Home Minister

75.F.O.B means:•
(A) Free On Boat(B)Free On BusinessFree On Business
© Free On Board(D)None of these

76. MIPS means:
(A)Multiple Information Processing System
(B)Multiple Information Per Second
©Millions Instructions Per Second
(D)None of these

77. Which is a 'presentation software’?
(A) MS Access(B)Power PointPower Point
© MS Excel(D)Word ProcessorWord Processor

78.The mistake made in the typing-process of printed material is known as :
(A) Scribal error(B)Typographical ErrorTypographical Error
© Clerical error(D)Spelling errorSpelling error

79.In MS Word document. Alt + F8 is the short-cut key for?
(A) Review(B)Mailing.
© Reference(D)MacrosMacros

80.To print in wide format, which orientation is suited :
(A) Vertical(B)Horizontal
© Portrait(D)Landscape

81.How cute the baby looks!
(A) Interrogative sentence(B)Exclamatory sentence
© Declarative sentence(D)Imperative sentence •

82.My best friend and severest critic__________________my mother.
(A) was(B)werewere
© are(D)isis

83.This is the dogI bought yesterday.
(A) who(B)thatthat
© which(D)whosewhose

84.Have you heard the _________________ news.•
(A) latest(B)laterlater
© latter(D)latelate

85. Come here :
(A) quick(B)quickerquicker
© quickly.(D)quickest

86.Everyone respects- honest man.•
(A) a(B)anan
© the .*CD)that

87.In our childhood days, we——— to take longwalks.
(A) used(B)oughtought
© dare(D)needneed

88.One should not be too strict,?
(A) shall one(B)would onewould one
© shouldn't one(D)should one

89.Iyou are wrong.
(A) think(B)thinksthinks
© thought(D)are thinking

90.Unless you change your habits,:
(A) you would suffer’(B)you should suffer
© you will suffer(D)you shall suffer

91.God has been kind- me.
(A) of(B)forfor
© with(D)to

92.'Don’t overeat’, said the doctor to the patient:
(A)The doctor warned the patient did not overeat
(B)The doctor warned the patient not to overeat
©The doctor requested patient you don’t overeat
(D)The doctor requested the patient not to overeat

93. The passive form of "Don’t disturb the patient" is :
(A)Let the patient is not be disturbed
(B)Let the patient are not be disturbed
©Let not the patient be disturb
(D)Let not the patient be disturbed

94.Complete the sentence using the appropriate idiom Becareful lest you :
(A) get into hot water(B)get the better of get the better of
© hold water(D)wash one’s hand of

95.Find out the correct spelling of:*
(A) warobe(B)wardrobewardrobe
© wadrobeCD)(D)wardobe

96.One word substitute for "a room where the food supplies of a household are
(A) scullery(B)butterybuttery
© larder(D)pantrypantry

97.I am sure he willfrom this crisis.
(A) pull down(B)pull throughpull through
© pull off(D)pull up

98.A synonym for the word ‘overjoyed’:•
(A) felicity(B)happyhappy
© jubiliant(D)novicenovice

99.The antonym of the word ‘obscure’:
(A) famous(B)familiarfamiliar
© fair(D)foul

100. The feminine gender of‘gentleman’:
(A) woman(B)maidmaid
© gentle woman(D) ladylady

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