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1.AS-2 is related with
A)Depreciation Accounting(B) Contract Account
C) Segment ReportingD) Inventory Valuation

2.IFRS-2 deals with
A)Share based paymentB) Financial instruments
C) Insurance contractD) Consolidated financial statement

3.As per the revised Schedule VI of the Final Accounts of companies, the Profit and Loss Account is renamed as
A)Income StatementB)Statement of Profit and Loss
C)Schedule of Profit and LossD)None of these

4.Which of the reserve does not appear in the Balance Sheet of a company ?
A)General ReserveB)Capital Reserve
C)Specific ReserveD)Secret Reserve

5.Pooling of interest is applicable for amalgamation in the nature of
A) ConsolidationB)Reconstruction
C) RealizationD)Merger

6.Which of the following is a Statutory Reserve ?
A)Development Allowance Reserve
B)Workmen’s Compensation Fund
C)Capital Redemption Reserve
D)Capital Reserve

7.Alteration of shares of smaller amounts into shares of larger amount is called
A) Surrender of sharesB) Subdivision of shares
C) Consolidation of sharesD) None of these

8.Dividend paid in the form of shares are called
A) Final dividendB)Interim dividend
C) Unclaimed dividendD)Strip dividend

9.Intrinsic value of share means
A)Total AssetsB)Total Liabilities
No.Of Preference SharesNo. of Equity Shares
C)Gross capital/No.of Equity sharesGross CapitalD)Net Assets
No. of Equity SharesNo. of Equity Shares

10.The accounting standard deals with amalgamation is
A)AS-16B) AS-13C) AS-21D) AS-14

11.Gross profit of pre-incorporation and post-incorporation period is apportioned on the basis of
A) TimeB) Wholly to the period after incorporation
C) Respective sales ratioD) None of these

12.Which of the following account is debited when Statutory Reserve of the transferor company is taken over by the transferee company ?
A) Goodwill AccountB) Amalgamation Adjustment Account
C) Capital Reserve AccountD) Statutory Reserve Account

13.Voluntary return of shares by shareholders to the company for cancellation is called
A) Transfer of sharesB) Forfeiture of shares
C) Surrender of sharesD) Buy back of shares

14.Under the scheme of buy back of shares, the company in order to perform its obligation is required to open an account called
A) Fixed DepositB) ESCROW Deposit
C) Savings DepositD) Current Deposit

15.Consolidation of fully paid shares are called
A) StockB) Employees stock option
C) Sweat sharesD) None of these

16.Capital Reduction Account is used to 
A) Write off tosses C) Issue of bonus shares
B) Transfer to capital D) None of these

17.A set of characteristics that sets one group of people apart from another is called as
A)EthicsB) Culture C) ValuesD) None of these

18.Certain norms governing the conduct of workers involved in a work situation is called
A) Work ethosB) Work dynamics
C) WorkgroupD) Group dynamics

19.The application of ethical principles rather than actual specified action refers to
A) Ethical standardsB) Virtue ethics
C) MoralityD) None of these

20.How many stages are in the model of an organisation social responsibility progression ?
A) 4B) 3C) 5D) 6

21.Article 15 of Indian Constitution deals with
A) EducationB) Gender Equality
C) HealthD) Freedom of Speech

22.The term that best describes when a company is presenting an environmentally responsible public image that is unfounded or intentionally misleading 
A) Stewardship B) Greenwashing
C) Due diligenceD) Lobbying

23.Ethics is a
A) Normative ScienceB) Pure Science
C) Inexact ScienceD) None of these

24.A written document in which one person appoints another person to act as an agent on his or her behalf conferring authority on the agent to perform certain acts or functions on behalf of principal A) Partnership DeedB) Power of Attorney
C) Lease AgreementD) Gift Deed

25.Which of the following is the fundamental document of a company ?
A)Memorandum of AssociationB) Prospectus
C) Articles of AssociationD) Statement in Lieu of Prospectus

26.The new Section 60 B introduced by the Companies (Amendment) Act 2000 is related to
A) ProspectusB) Information Memorandum
C) Articles of AssociationD) None of these

27.Articles of Association can be altered by
A) A special resolutionB) Permission from company law tribunal
C) An ordinary resolutionD) A resolution of board of directors

28.A company sells an asset to another party who intum leases it back to the company is called
A) Open ended leaseB) Sale and lease back
C) Leveraged leaseD) None of these

29.Technique of material cost control which leads to low carrying cost as a result of low investment in inventory
A) JIT inventory systemB) Perpectual inventory system
C) ABC analysisD) VED analysis

30.The smallest segment of activity or area or responsibility for which costs are accumulated
A) Cost centre B) Cost driver C) Cost object D) None of these

31.Added value is the change in
A) Agreed value B) Market value C) Cost
D) Income

32.Which of the following is a recorded fact ?
A) DebtorsB) Market value of investments
C) Replacement costD) None of these

33.At Break Even Point contribution will be equal to 
A) Fixed Cost B) Variable Cost C) Profit A-6-
D) Semi Variable Cost

34.The first step in preparing the budget is determining the
A) Cost of goods soldB) Cost of material purchase
C) CashD)Sales

35.The costing method used in automobile industry
A) Operation CostingB)Multiple Costing
C) Operating CostingD)Contract Costing

36.Average cost method is suitable in inventory valuation in times of
A) Falling pricesB)Rising pricesRising prices
C) Prices are stableD) Price fluctuates considerably

37.ZBB was first used in
A) JapanB) America C) Korea
D) India

38.Capital Budgeting is a 
A) Strategic decision C) Operative decision
2B)Administrative decision D) None of these

39.The contribution per unit is Rs. 2 and Fixed Costs are Rs. 15,000. For earning a profit of Rs. 50,000, the company must have sales of
A) Rs. 1,30,000B) Rs. 1,00,000
C)Rs. 32,500D) 32500 units

40.When margin of safety is 60% and PN ratio is 25%, the profit earned will be
A) 35%B) 15%C) 25%D) 20%

41.When profit is Rs. 5,000 and PN ratio is 20%, margin of safety is
A) 25,000B) 10,000C) 30,000D) 50,000

42.Which of the following is a Period Cost ? A) Direct material C) Factory utilities
B) Indirect material
D) Administrative expenses

43.Part of the capital not represented by assets are called 
A) Average stockB) Base stock
C) Watered stockD) Stock in trade

44.EBIT level at which EPS remains same irrespective of the debt equity mix is termed as
A)BEPB) Optimum capital mix
C) Point of differenceD) Trading on equity

45.Which of the following is not a capital budgeting decision ?
A)Expansion programmeB) Replacement of an asset
C) Inventory valuationD) Merger

46.Real rate of return is equal to
A)Nominal Rate x Inflation Rate C) Nominal Rate + Inflation Rate
B)Nominal Rate - Inflation Rate
D)Nominal Rate + Inflation Rate

47.Cost of capital for government securities is known as
A)Risk free rate of interestB)Maximum rate of return
C)Rate of interest onfixed deposit D)None of these

48.Financial Leverage is zero if
A)EBIT = InterestB)EBIT = 0
C) EBIT = Fixed costD)EBIT = Preference dividend

49.Judicious use of leverage is suggested by
A) Net income approachB) Net operating income approach
C) Traditional approachD) None of these

50.Which method is based on conservative principle ?
A) Pay back period C) Net present value
B) Internal rate of return D) None of these

51.The flotation cost is higher in case of
A) Equity sharesB) Debt
C) Preference sharesD) Bank borrowings

52If the operating prof it of the firm change by 30% due to change in sales by 15%, then operating leverage will be
A) 0.5B) 1.0C) 1.5D) 2.0

53.A preference share having face value Rs. 100 carry a dividend rate of 12%. If the required rate of return is 15% on a similar risk class, then intrinsic value will be 
A) 60B) 80C) 97D) 100

54.Special audit can be ordered by
A)Central Government C) SEBI
B) Shareholders D) Debenture holders

55.Audit in depth means
A)Audit of each and every item
B)Audit of few selected items
C)Intensive audit of each and every item
D)Intensive audit of few items

56.Valuation of assets on wrong basis is called
A)Compensation errorB) Clerical error
C) Technical errorD) Error of principle

57.Section 224 of the Companies Act 1956 deals with
A)Special AuditB) Secretarial Audit
C) Cost AuditD) Appointment and Remuneration of Auxitor

58Government may order for special audit under
A) Section 227B)Section 224
C) Section 233(A)D)Section 233(B)

59.For granting subsidy to sick units, the audit required would be
A) Management AuditB) Statutory Audit
C) Internal AuditD) Financial Audit

60.Statutory auditor of a company in the case of a casual vacancy may be appointed by
A) Managing DirectorB) Board of Directors
C) Extra Ordinary General Meeting D) Government

61.Consider the following documents.
I) Audit note bookII)Audit programme
III) Audit reportIV)Audit files
The correct sequence in which an auditor prepares these documents is A) II, I, III, IV B) I, II, III, IV C) II, I, IV, III D) I, II, IV, III Standards on Auditing are issued by

63.An audit note book is maintained by
A)AuditorB) Management ,
C) Audit ClerkD) None of these

64.The scope of work of internal audit is decided by
A) GovernmentB) Shareholders C) ManagementD) Law

65.Which of the following is the most detailed audit ?
A) Continuous AuditB) Statutory Audit
C) Balance Sheet AuditD) Interim Audit

66.The first stock exchange to be set up in India was in
A) CalcuttaB)MadrasC)DelhiD)Bombay

67.What denotes the acquisition of a right to purchase securities ?
A) Put optionB) Double optionC)Call optionD)None of these

68.The gilt edged market refers to the market for
A)Shares and debentures
B)Public limited company securities
C)Industrial securities
D)Government and semi government securities

69.The total number of recognized stock exchanges in India at present are
A) 24B)26C)25D)23

70.In BSE, F list deals with
A) DerivativesB) Government Securities
C) Equity SharesD) Debentures and Preference Shares

71.Section 77A, 77 AA, 77 B of the Companies Act 1956 deals with
A) Right issue of sharesB) Bonus issue of shares
C) Fresh issue of sharesD) Buy back of shares

72..SEBI Act was passed in A) 1956B) 1972
C) 1992
D) 2000

73.A model that describes the relationship between risk and expected return
A) CAPMB) Decision Tree Analysis
C) Market ModelD) None of these

74.The standardized form of derivative instrument is called
A) ForwardsB) Futures
C) SWAPD) None of these

75.Debt securities issued without interest and issued at a discount to the face value is called as
A) FCCBB) Deep Discount Bond
C) Fixed Rate BondD) None of these

76.Listed companies issue securities to a selected group of persons under Section 81 of the Companies Act 1956 is called as
A) Right issueB) Initial public offer
C) Fast track issueD) Preferential issue

77.Mechanism adopted in IPO for efficient price discovery
A) Offer of sale B) Book building
C) Pricing and lock inD) None of these

78.The organisation which maintains investors securities in electronic form
A) SEBIB) Stock exchange
C) DepositoryD) None of these

79.Native stock and share brokers associationis the oldname of

80.The number ofshares which areless than the market lots are called as
A) Grey LotB) Tag LotC)Odd LotD)Tied Lot

81.Which among the following works of Shree Narayana Guru is written in Sanskrit ?
A) Sivasatakam C) Daivadasakam
B)Darsanamala D) Jathinimayam 

82.The 'Savama Jatha’ organized under the leadership of Mannath Padmanabhan was connected with
A)Ambalapuzha Satyagraha
B)Paliyam Satyagraha
C)Guruvayoor Satyagraha
D)Vaikom Satyagraha

83.Who owned the ‘Swadesabhimani' a popular Malayalam paper published from Thiruvananthapuram ?
A)Vakkom Abdul Khader Moulavi
B)Kandathil Vargheese Mappila
C)Nalappat Narayana Menon
D)K. P. Kesava Menon

84.Who among the following was a prominent leader of ‘Malayan Memorial' ?
A) C. KesavanB) G. P. Pillai
C) K. KelappanD) T. K. Madhavan

85.Who was known as ‘Kerala Vyasan’ ?
A)A. R. Raja Raja Varma
B)Panthalam Kerala Varma
C)Kunhikkuttan Thampuran
D)Kerala Varma ValiyaKoyi Thampuran

86.'Wagon Tragedy' was associated with
A)Malabar Rebellion
B)Pazhassi Revolts
C)Velu Thampi Revolts
D)Quit India Movement

87‘.Keralan’ was the pen name of
A)Kesav Dev
B)V. T. Bhattathirippad
C)Swadesabhimani Ramakrishna Pillai
D)K. P. Kesava Menon

88.Who established ‘Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha' in 1909 ?
A)Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chavara
B)Sahodaran Ayyappan
C)Thycaud Ayya Vaikundar
D)Kumara Guru

89.“Ormayude Theerangalil” is the autobiography of
A) C. KesavanB) C. H. Kunhappa
C)ThakazhiD) P. Kunhiraman Nair

90.Who was the first Vice Chancellor of Thiruvithamkur University started in 1937 ?
A)A. Ramaswami Muthaliar
B)C. P. Ramaswami Aiyer
C)Dr. John Mathai
D)Prof. Samuel Mathai

91.Who among the following social reformers of Kerala came to be known as ‘Vidhyadhiraja’ ?
A)Ayyan Kali
B)Swami Ananda Theerthan .
C)Brahmananda Siva Yogi
D)Chattampi Swamikal

92.Who set up Thathwaprakasika' a school for the poor and untouchables at Karaparamba near Kozhikode in 1906 ?
A) Dr. PalpuB) Vagbhadananda
C) Moorkoth KumaranD) Pandit K. P. Karuppan

93.Who entered on a 'fast unto death’ in front of the Guruvayur Temple on September 21,1932 ?
A)K. Kelappan
B)A.K. Gopalan
C)T. Subrahmanian Thirumumbu
D)P. Krishna Pillai

94.Which among the following short stories is written by Ponkunnam Varkey ?
D)Sabdhikkunna Kalappa

95.The travelogue ‘Bilathi Visesham’ is written by
A) S. K. PottekkatB) Vettur Raman Nair
C) K. P. Kesava MenonD) Chandu Menon

96.'Thunchan Parambu' is in the district of
A) MalappuramB)PalakkadC)TrissurD)Kozhikode

97.Which among the following is an item included in the concurrent list ?
A) Taxes on Land and Buildings B) Foreign Affairs C) ElectricityD) Fisheries

98.The name ‘Oriya’ is respelt as ‘Odia' in 2011. Which Constitutional Amendment brought about this change ?
A) 95thB)96thC)97thD)98th

99.In which of these following neighbouring nations the Indian troops took military action over the militants in recent time ?
A) Myanmar8)PakistanC)Sri LankaD)China

100Which of the following is known as ‘Mango City' ?
A) ChennaiB)PuneC)JaipurD)Salem

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