college time table generation system

plz.........send a mini project on college time table generation system

Title of the project
Development of a feature rich, practical Time table generation system for a college.
Abstract of the project
This project is aimed at developing a Time Table Generator for Colleges. Colleges are supposed to make time tables for each semester which used to be a very tedious and pain staking job. Each teacher and Student is eligible for viewing his own timetable once they are finalized for a given semester but they canâ„¢t edit them.
Generic Technology keywords
Databases, Network and middleware, Programming
Specific Technology keywords
MS-SQL server, HTML, Active Server Pages
UNIX, Shell, C, Oracle
Project type keywords
Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, User Interface
Functional components of the project
Following is a list of functionalities of the system. More functionality that you find appropriate can be added to this list. And, in places w re the description of functionality is not adequate; you can make appropriate assumptions and proceed.
1. For every branch and year the following rules are applied:
¢ It can have classes each have interval of 1 Hour.
¢ Maximum of 5 lectures in a day.
¢ Time for practicals and things should be there.
¢ Subjects can be of any of the following categories:
Compulsory subjects.
Department Electives.
College Electives.
¢ Maximum & maximum number of subjects should be specified.
2. A given teacher has following characteristics.
¢ Should be able to teach some of the subjects.
¢ Could be restricted to not more than certain number of classes in a day.
¢ Could choose that didn™t want to teach certain classes as well.
¢ May select that willing to teach.
¢ These are set by administrators only.
3. A student can select certain subjects from the categories mentioned in the .point 1 and a confirmation mail will be send back to the student. Subjects should be chosen within the limited period of time else random subjects will be allotted.
4. Email should be sent to all the persons concerned with a given class (teacher and students that timetable is sc duled.
5. A calendar should be there shows the public and nation holidays.
6. The time table will be generated accordingly and then corresponding persons will be informed.
Steps to start-off the project
T re are couples of alternatives to implement such a system.
A. Microsoft platform: the system is developed using Active Server Pages as the
Front end and SQL Server as the back end.
B. Unix-based platform: HTML or even Shell scripting, C programming, any
Relational database (e.g. Postgress or Oracle or even flat files), and tools in
The following steps will be helpful to start off the project.
1. Study and be comfortable with technologies such as
a. Active Server Pages/HTML and SQL server.
b. UNIX commands, Shell programming, C Programming, Tools like AWK etc.
Some links to the se technologies are given in the ËœGuidelines and Referencesâ„¢
Section of this document
2. Decide on a Time table policy and other related aspects.

3. Make a database of people whosoever login. Decide on the various details of the people that would be stored in the database (like name, age group, address, location, system-login, password in cryptic form, etc).
4. Create the front-page of the Time table system giving a brief description about the system and a login box.
5. Create the help-pages of the system in the form of Q&A. This will help you also w n implementing the system.
6. Create other sub-systems like automatic notification, screens for various functions (like selecting a course, cancelling the selection etc)
This page link has a demo project and source code for timetable generation:

please send me the documentation of this time table management system
Time Table Generation System


Colleges are supposed to make time tables for each semester which used to be a very tedious and pain staking job. Each teacher and Student is eligible for viewing his own timetable once they are finalized for a given semester but they can’t edit them.

Purpose of the System:
This project is aimed at
• Developing a Time Table Generator for College. College is supposed to make timetable for each semester, which used to be a very tedious and pain staking job.
• Make Time Table generation Activity much faster, easier at the same time avoiding conflicts.
• To provide interface which supports Time Table related activities which are required but not related to Time Table Generation.

I want to know about how to this time table generation project
I want to know about how to this time table generation project

Please Send me Bluetooth seminar abstract,definationprsentation,ppt.please send me complete detail
hi! i need coding for college time table generation system.
i want the source code and report of this project.
plz mail:- kapilgoyal.goyal1[at]
you can refer this page to get the details on college time table generation system
Thanx a lot for this article
and also for your documents....
Again Thanx

get the report here:

Table of Contents
Sr. No
Title Page No
Abstract 1
1 Introduction 2
2 Literature Survey 4
2.1 Timetabling 4
2.1.1 The General View 5
2.1.2 The Object-Oriented View 6
2.1.3 Planning 6
2.1.4 Constraints 9
2.2 Rich Internet application 10
2.2.1 Introduction 10
2.2.2 History 10
2.2.3 General Benefits 11
2.2.4 Performance Benefits 12
2.2.5 Shortcomings 13
2.2.6 Software development complications 15
2.2.7 Current status of development 17
2.3 AJAX 23
2.3.1 Introduction 23
2.3.2 Use of AJAX 24
3 General Problem Formulation 25
3.1 Strong Constraints 26
3.2 Weak Constraints 26
4 Requirements and Analysis 28
4.1 Automatic Generation of Timetable 28
4.1.1 Details about Java 29
4.1.2 Different criteria and conditions to consider while
generating timetable
4.2 Standardized Knowledgebase representation 30
4.2.1 XML 30
4.3 Responsive Interface 31
4.3.1 Details about Google Web Tool Kit 32
4.3.2 Introduction of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) 32
4.3.3 GWT execution modes 32
4.3.4 GWT’s four major components/libraries 33
4.4 Jakarta Tomcat 34
5 System Design 35
5.1 Various Components of Project 35
5.2 Flow of Data within project 36
5.3 Design of Knowledge Base 37
5.4 Design of Timetabling Algorithm 39
5.4.1 The Proposed Timetabling Method 40
5.4.2 The Timetabling Algorithm 40
5.4.3 Data Structure for these lists is represented
visually as follows
5.4.4 Teacher-Subject Constraint 41
5.4.5 Teacher –Time Slot Constraint 41
5.4.6 Teacher -Day Constraint 42
5.4.7 Teacher-Year Constraint 42
5.4.8 Year (Semester) – Room Constraint 43
5.4.9 Constraint Matrix 43
5.5 Design of working of algorithm 44
5.6 Initialize Timetable Method 46
5.7 The Working Of Perform Allocation_Method 47
5.8 Data Flow within Algorithm 48
5.9 Front End Design 49
6 Implementation 51
6.1 Timetabling Algorithm 51
6.1.1 Details about Main class which is responsible for
generating timetable
6.1.2 Step by Step Execution of Algorithm 55
6.2 Front End Implementation 69
6.2.1 Implementation GWT Client Side Package 69
6.2.2 Implementation GWT Server Package 73
6.3 Screenshots of execution of algorithm 74
6.4 Screenshots of our front end built using Google
Web ToolKit
6.4 Installation Manual 90
6.5 Operation Manual 90
6.6 Performance of Algorithm 91
7 Conclusions 92
References 93
Future Work 94
Bibliography 95
List of Figures
No. Title Page No.
Fig.2.1 Class View & Teacher View 07
Fig.2.2 Mapping of Timetables 08
Fig.2.3 Redundancy of Information 09
Fig.4.1 The Structure of GWT 33
Fig.5.1 Various Components of Project 35
Fig.5.2 Flow of Data within Project 36
Fig.5.3 Design of Algorithm 39
Fig.5.4 Data Structures 40
Fig.5.5 Teacher-Subject Constraint 41
Fig.5.6 Teacher-Slot Constraint 41
Fig.5.7 Teacher-Day Constraint 42
Fig.5.8 Teacher-Year Constraint 42
Fig.5.9 Year-Room Constraint 43
Fig.5.10 Constraints Matrix 43
Fig.5.11 Design of Working of Algorithm I 44
Fig.5.12 Design of Working of Algorithm II 45
Fig.5.13 Sample Timetable 45
Fig.5.14 Steps for Initializing Timetable 46
Fig.5.15 Working of Perform Allocation Method 47
Fig.5.16 Data Flow within Algorithm 48
Fig.5.17 Client-Server Architecture 49
Fig.5.18 Compilation Process of GWT 50
Fig.6.1 Structure of Timetable 57
Fig.6.2-6.12 Step wise Execution of Algorithm 58-68
Fig.6.13 Debugging in NetBeans IDE 74
Fig.6.14 Representations of Lists in Memory 75
Fig.6.15 Internal Memory Allocation 76
Fig.6.16 Object Storage in Timetable Grid 77
Fig.6.17 Memory Representation of Teacher List 78
Fig.6.18 Memory Representation of Constraints List 79
Fig.6.19 Final HTML Output 80
Fig.6.20-6.28 Screen Shots of Front End 81-89
Fig.6.29 Performance of Algorithm 91
Fig.6.30 Conflict & Collision Percentage 91
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A college timetable is a temporal arrangement of a set of classes and classrooms in
which all given constraints are satisfied. Timetabling has long been known to belong to the
class of problems called NP hard. This project introduces a practical timetabling algorithm
capable of taking care of both strong and weak constraints effectively, used in an automated
timetabling system.
Rich Internet applications (RIA) are web applications that have the features and
functionality of traditional desktop applications. RIAs typically transfer the processing
necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of the data (i.e.,
maintaining the state of the program, the data etc) back on the application server. We have
used the Google Web Toolkit, which is RIA framework, for the same purpose. Our project
reduces the overhead on server of rendering client’s UI components and makes room for
processing time of Timetable Generator Algorithm.
Our Timetabling Algorithm is main component of our project which produces the
HTML based weekly timetable sheet as the output. Our project takes various inputs from the
user such as Teacher List, Course List, Semester List, Room List, Day List and Timeslot as well
as various rules, facts and constraints using web based forms, which are stored in XML based
knowledge base. This knowledge base serves as input to our Timetable Generator Algorithm
residing on server machine.
Both GWT Client Side UI code and our algorithm are written in JAVA, which makes our
project platform independent. Further benefits of choosing these frameworks are explained in
later part of report with practically acceptable results.
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1. Introduction
Even though most college administrative work has been computerized, the lecturetimetable
scheduling is still mostly done manually due to its inherent difficulties. The manual
lecture-timetable scheduling demands considerable time and efforts. The lecture-timetable
scheduling is a constraint satisfaction problem in which we find a solution that satisfies the
given set of constraints.
The college lecture-timetabling problem asks us to find some time slots and classrooms
which satisfy the constraints imposed on offered courses, instructors, classrooms and so on.
Therefore, the variables to be instantiated are time slots and classrooms of offered courses.
Since the problem is a combinatorial optimization problem belonging to NP-hard class, the
computation time for timetabling tends to grow exponentially as the number of variables
There have been a number of approaches made in the past decades to the problem of
constructing timetables for colleges and schools. Timetabling problems may be solved by
different methods inherited from operations research such as graph coloring and
mathematical programming, from local search procedures such as tabu search and simulated
annealing, from genetic algorithms or from backtracking-based constraint satisfaction
In our project, timetabling problem is formulated as a constraint satisfaction problem and
we proposed a practical timetabling algorithm which is capable of taking care of both strong
and weak constraints and finding variables’ instantiation, which is based on the forward
tracking search.
During designing of our project, we first decided to define the way of representation of
Knowledgebase. Since representation of knowledgebase was certainly going to affect our way
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of thinking during building of timetabling algorithm. We decided that XML is appropriate
because of its inherent features which are discussed in next section.
Our knowledgebase is in the middle, because it is between our timetabling algorithm and
GUI front end which is designed in the last. After the representation of KB is standardized, we
designed the timetabling algorithm. The design of timetabling algorithm took most of our
total time. During design of algorithm, first problem was, from where to start? Second
problem was, does it really going to work? But after all due to our superior design of
knowledgebase, flowcharts and enough thinking on timetabling data structure representation
helped us to really boosted building our fine working algorithm.
The algorithm which we have built totally uses our knowledge of theory subjects including
programming methodology, data structure and designing and analysis of algorithms. The
previous efforts which we have spent on learning these subjects at that time helped us during
designing and building of our whole project, especially in our timetabling algorithm.
After completion of testing of our timetable generator algorithm, we moved towards
designing of Front End. Our prime aim was to build the Rich Internet Application (RIA). Why
we have chosen RIA architecture is explained in details in next section along with our survey
for various RIA architectures. Once the survey was over we choose the Google’s Web Toolkit
(GWT) for building RIA. This decision is taken during our Requirement and Analysis phase and
details GWT is explained in that section.
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2. Literature Survey
2.1 Timetabling
A timetable construction is an NP-complete scheduling problem. It is not a standard
job–shop problem because of the additional classroom allocation. It is large and highly
constrained, but above all the problem differs greatly for different schools and educational
institutions. It is difficult to write a universal program, suitable for all imaginable timetabling
problems. Although manual construction of timetables is time-consuming, it is still
widespread, because of the lack of appropriate computer programs.
Many real-world Timetabling Problems are composed of organizational parts that need
to timetable their staff in an independent way, while adhering to some global constraints.
Later, the departmental timetables are combined to yield a coherent, consistent solution. The
last phase involves negotiations with the various agents and requests for changes in their own
solutions. Most of the real-world distributed timetabling problems that fall into this class have
global constraints that involve many of the agents in the system.
There exist many different timetabling problems such as university or examination
timetabling, school timetabling, sports timetabling or employee timetabling. Furthermore,
there exist many problem solving methods, which usually use the concepts of standard
optimization algorithms such as Backtracking, Evolutionary Algorithms or Constraint Logic
In recent years two main approaches seem to have been successful. The first approach
is based on local search procedures such as simulated annealing , tabu search and genetic
algorithms . These methods express constraints as some cost functions, which are minimized
by a heuristic search of better solutions in a neighborhood of some initial feasible solution.
Their greatest disadvantages are (1) the difficulty of taking into account hard constraints and
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(2) the need to determine their parameters through experimentation. Although they are good
for optimizing the initial feasible solution, they have problems with finding it.
The second approach is based on constraint programming (CP). Its main advantage is
declaratively: a straightforward statement of the constraints serves as part of the program.
This makes the program easy to modify, which is crucial in timetabling problems. The
constraints are handled through a system of constraint propagation, which reduces domains
of variables, coupled with backtracking search. In modern CP languages, both features do not
need to be programmed explicitly. The main disadvantages of this approach are (1) difficulties
with expressing soft constraints and (2) possible problems with improving the initial feasible
solution, which – as a rule – may be determined without difficulties. An attempt to overcome
the drawbacks with soft constraints was discussed, successfully combined local search with
constraint satisfaction to reduce their drawbacks. They determined an initial solution using
constraint logic programming and then optimized it using tabu search.
The ability to express complex constraints in a simple, declarative way is crucial for
introducing the requirements of the high school and university timetabling problem into the
program and is decisive for their successful solution, – a custom-tailored distribution strategy
is able to introduce soft constraints during a search, leading quickly to a “good” timetable, –
incorporation of local search into CP gives the ability to optimize effectively the timetable.
2.1.1 The General View
As mentioned before, many types of timetabling problems exist. But all these
problems have several properties in common. One of these similarities is that certain entities
have to be scheduled. For example, the high school timetabling problem has several entities
such as classes or students, teachers, subjects, lessons and rooms. All these entities have
properties. For example classes are linked to the subject the students of this class are taught.
Usually, these entities are differentiated into resources and events (or sometimes
called meetings). In addition, constraints have to be considered. In the employee timetabling
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case, for instance, we find those entities, too. There are employees with different
qualifications and monthly target hours or there are shifts to be assigned to employees. As
already mentioned, some of these entities are linked with others. There exist links from the
shifts to the employees assigned to these shifts or from the classes to their teachers. Some of
these links are fixed, such as the links from the shifts to the employees with the qualifications
required to work on these shifts, and cannot be changed. Others have to be assigned during a
planning process, e.g. linking a lesson to a suitable room. A planning algorithm has to
construct a timetable, so we have to define what a timetable consists of. A timetable can be
interpreted as an arbitrary sequence of events. To every event a certain number of time
intervals are assigned, each having a starting and an ending point.
2.1.2 The Object-Oriented View
The above section can be used to describe timetabling problems in an object-oriented
manner: There are different resources whose instances have references to each other, e.g. an
instance of the subject class refers to instances of the teacher class who are able to teach that
subject. Moreover, there are entities with a certain property, called events. This property is a
certain time interval (or several time intervals) that is assigned to these events
2.1.3 Planning
An algorithm for constructing a timetable has to assign instances of the different
resource classes to the event class instances. Some of these assignments are predetermined
and cannot be changed, and some have to be done during the planning phase. To construct a
timetable, one of the views mentioned in above section is used. In the school timetabling case
our algorithm might use the class view to assign a subject, teacher and room to a lesson. In
this case the class is fixed and the other instances have to be assigned to (see Figure 2.1).
Additionally, a time interval has to be assigned to each event class instance.
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Figure 2.1
For each viewing perspective there are as many timetables as instances of this class to
be planned exist. If we have t teachers at a high school, for example, t different teacher
timetables belong to them. That is, if there exist l lessons in a high school timetabling
problem, furthermore t teachers, r rooms and c classes, the number of instances of event
classes including all views will be (t+r+c)×l.
The timetables of the instances of one planning class contain all information necessary
to construct the timetables for the instances of the other planning classes: i.e. the timetables
of the different views can be mapped to timetables of other views. In the school timetabling
case the t teachers’ timetables can be mapped to the r rooms’ timetables (see Figure 2.2).
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Figure 2.2
That is why it is usually sufficient for a timetabling program to save the timetables of
one resource type only. This avoids data redundancy caused by storing the same event
information in different places, i.e. from different views (see Figure 2.3). Nevertheless, to be
able to check constraint violations, translations to other views have to be done, for example
to compute the number of assigned lessons of a teacher when working with the class view.
Otherwise expensive computing time has to be accepted in order to compute the necessary
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Figure 2.3
Nevertheless, to be able to check constraint violations (see the next section), translations to
other views have to be done, for example to compute the number of assigned lessons of a
teacher when working with the class view.
Otherwise expensive computing time has to be accepted in order to compute the necessary
2.1.4 Constraints
Assignments usually cannot be done arbitrarily, but many constraints have to be
considered. We distinguish two different types, namely hard and soft constraints. A solution is
feasible if no hard constraints are violated. A feasible solution is better than another if fewer
soft constraints are violated.
A timetabling algorithm can use different strategies to get a solution without violations
of hard constraints. Violations can either be avoided from the outset or penalized to lead the
algorithm towards better solutions and introduce repair mechanisms.
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2.2 Rich Internet application
2.2.1 Introduction
Rich Internet applications (RIA) are web applications that have the features and
functionalities of traditional desktop applications. RIAs typically transfer the processing
necessary for the user interface to the web client but keep the bulk of the data (i.e.,
maintaining the state of the program, the data etc) back on the application server.
RIAs typically:
• run in a web browser, or do not require software installation
• run locally in a secure environment called a sandbox
2.2.2 History
The term "Rich Internet Application" was introduced in a white paper of March 2002 by
Macromedia, though the concept had existed for a number of years earlier under names such
• Remote Scripting, by Microsoft, circa 1998
• X Internet, by Forrester Research in October 2000
• Rich (web) clients
• Rich web application
Traditional web applications centered all activity around a client-server architecture with a
thin client. Under this system all processing is done on the server, and the client is only used
to display static (in this case HTML) contents. The biggest drawback with this system is that all
interaction with the application must pass through the server, which requires data to be sent
to the server, the server to respond, and the page to be reloaded on the client with the
response. By using a client side technology which can execute instructions on the client's
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computer, RIAs can circumvent this slow and synchronous loop for many user interactions.
This difference is somewhat analogous to the difference between "terminal and mainframe"
and Client-server/Fat client approaches.
Internet standards have evolved slowly and continually over time to accommodate these
techniques, so it is hard to draw a strict line between what constitutes an RIA and what does
not. But all RIAs share one characteristic that they introduce an intermediate layer of code,
often called a client engine, between the user and the server. This client engine is usually
downloaded at the beginning of the application, and may be supplemented by further code
downloads as the application progresses. The client engine acts as an extension of the
browser, and usually takes over responsibility for rendering the application's user interface
and for server communication.
What can be done in an RIA may be limited by the capabilities of the system used on
the client. But in general, the client engine is programmed to perform application functions
that its designer believes will enhance some aspect of the user interface, or improve its
responsiveness when handling certain user interactions, compared to a standard Web
browser implementation. Also, while simply adding a client engine does not force an
application to depart from the normal synchronous pattern of interactions between browser
and server, in most RIAs the client engine performs additional asynchronous communications
with servers.
2.2.3 General Benefits
Although developing applications to run in a web browser is a much more limiting,
difficult, and intricate process than developing a regular desktop application, the efforts are
often justified because:
1. installation is not required -- updating and distributing the application is an instant,
automatically handled process
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2. updates/upgrades to new versions are automatic
3. users can use the application from any computer with an internet connection, and
usually regardless of what operating system that computer is running
4. web-based applications are generally less prone to viral infection than running an
actual executable
Because RIAs employ a client engine to interact with the user, they are:
1. Richer. They can offer user-interface behaviors not obtainable using only the HTML
widgets available to standard browser-based Web applications. This richer
functionality may include anything that can be implemented in the technology being
used on the client side, including drag and drop, using a slider to change data,
calculations performed only by the client and which do not need to be sent back to the
server, for example, a mortgage calculator.
2. More responsive. The interface behaviors are typically much more responsive than
those of a standard Web browser that must always interact with a remote server.
2.2.4 Performance Benefits
The most sophisticated examples of RIAs exhibit a look and feel approaching that of a
desktop environment. Using a client engine can also produce other performance benefits:
1. Client/Server balance. The demand for client and server computing resources is better
balanced, so that the Web server need not be the workhorse that it is with a
traditional Web application. This frees server resources, allowing the same server
hardware to handle more client sessions concurrently.
2. Asynchronous communication. The client engine can interact with the server without
waiting for the user to perform an interface action such as clicking on a button or link.
This allows the user to view and interact with the page asynchronously from the client
engine's communication with the server. This option allows RIA designers to move
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data between the client and the server without making the user wait. Perhaps the
most common application of this is prefetching, in which an application anticipates a
future need for certain data, and downloads it to the client before the user requests it,
thereby speeding up a subsequent response. Google Maps uses this technique to
move adjacent map segments to the client before the user scrolls their view.
3. Network efficiency. The network traffic may also be significantly reduced because an
application-specific client engine can be more intelligent than a standard Web browser
when deciding what data needs to be exchanged with servers. This can speed up
individual requests or responses because less data is being transferred for each
interaction, and overall network load is reduced. However, use of asynchronous
prefetching techniques can neutralize or even reverse this potential benefit. Because
the code cannot anticipate exactly what every user will do next, it is common for such
techniques to download extra data, not all of which is actually needed, to many or all
2.2.5 Shortcomings
Shortcomings and restrictions associated with RIAs are:
1. Sandboxing. Because RIAs run within a sandbox, they have restricted access to system
resources. If assumptions about access to resources are incorrect, RIAs may fail to
operate correctly.
2. Disabled scripting. JavaScript or another scripting language is often required. If the
user has disabled active scripting in their browser, the RIA may not function properly, if
at all.
3. Client processing speed. To achieve platform independence, some RIAs use client-side
scripts written in interpreted languages such as JavaScript, with a consequential loss of
performance (a serious issue with mobile devices). This is not an issue with compiled
client languages such as Java, where performance is comparable to that of traditional
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compiled languages, or with Flash movies, in which the bulk of the operations are
performed by the native code of the Flash player.
4. Script download time. Although it does not have to be installed, the additional clientside
intelligence (or client engine) of RIA applications needs to be delivered by the
server to the client. While much of this is usually automatically cached it needs to be
transferred at least once. Depending on the size and type of delivery, script download
time may be unpleasantly long. RIA developers can lessen the impact of this delay by
compressing the scripts, and by staging their delivery over multiple pages of an
5. Loss of integrity. If the application-base is X/HTML, conflicts arise between the goal of
an application (which naturally wants to be in control of its presentation and
behaviour) and the goals of X/HTML (which naturally wants to give away control). The
DOM interface for X/HTML makes it possible to create RIAs, but by doing so makes it
impossible to guarantee correct function. Because an RIA client can modify the RIA's
basic structure and override presentation and behavior, it can cause failure of the
application to work properly on the client side. Eventually, this problem could be
solved by new client-side mechanisms that granted an RIA client more limited
permission to modify only those resources within the scope of its application.
(Standard software running natively does not have this problem because by definition
a program automatically possesses all rights to all its allocated resources).
6. Loss of visibility to search engines. Search engines may not be able to index the text
content of the application.
7. Dependence on an Internet connection. While the ideal network-enabled replacement
for a desktop application would allow users to be "occasionally connected" wandering
in and out of the hot-spots or from office to office, today (in 2008) the typical RIA
requires network connectivity.
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8. Accessibility. There are a lot of known Web accessibility issues in RIA, most notably the
fact that screen readers have a hard time detecting dynamic changes (caused by
JavaScript) in HTML content.
2.2.6 Software development complications
The advent of RIA technologies has introduced considerable additional complexity into
Web applications. Traditional Web applications built using only standard HTML, having a
relatively simple software architecture and being constructed using a limited set of
development options, are relatively easy to design and manage. For the person or
organization using RIA technologies to deliver a Web application, their additional complexity
makes them harder to design, test, measure, and support.
Use of RIA technology poses several new service level management (SLM) challenges, not
all of which are completely solved today. SLM concerns are not always the focus of application
developers, and are rarely if ever perceived by application users, but they are vital to the
successful delivery of an online application. Aspects of the RIA architecture that complicate
management processes are:
1. Greater complexity makes development harder. The ability to move code to the client
gives application designers and developers far more creative freedom. But this in turn
makes development harder, increases the likelihood of defects (bugs) being
introduced, and complicates software testing activities. These complications lengthen
the software development process, regardless of the particular methodology or
process being employed. Some of these issues may be mitigated through the use of a
web application framework to standardize aspects of RIA design and development.
However, increasing complexity in a software solution can complicate and lengthen
the testing process, if it increases the number of use cases to be tested. Incomplete
testing lowers the application's quality and its reliability during use.
One could argue that the above comment applies not specifically to RIA technology,
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but to complexity in general. For example, that exact same argument was used when
Apple and Microsoft independently announced the GUI in the 1980s, and perhaps
even when Ford announced the Model T. Nonetheless, humans have shown a
remarkable ability to absorb technological advances for decades, if not centuries.
2. RIA architecture breaks the Web page paradigm. Traditional Web applications can be
viewed as a series of Web pages, each of which requires a distinct download, initiated
by an HTTP GET request. This model has been characterized as the Web page
paradigm. RIAs invalidate this model, introducing additional asynchronous server
communications to support a more responsive user interface. In RIAs, the time to
complete a page download may no longer correspond to something a user perceives
as important, because (for example) the client engine may be prefetching some of the
downloaded content for future use. New measurement techniques must be devised
for RIAs, to permit reporting of response time quantities that reflect the user's
experience. In the absence of standard tools that do this, RIA developers must
instrument their application code to produce the measurement data needed for SLM.
3. Asynchronous communication makes it harder to isolate performance problems.
Paradoxically, actions taken to enhance application responsiveness also make it harder
to measure, understand, report on, and manage responsiveness. Some RIAs do not
issue any further HTTP GET requests from the browser after their first page, using
asynchronous requests from the client engine to initiate all subsequent downloads.
The RIA client engine may be programmed to continually download new content and
refresh the display, or (in applications using the Comet approach) a server-side engine
can keep pushing new content to the browser over a connection that never closes. In
these cases, the concept of a "page download" is no longer applicable. These
complications make it harder to measure and subdivide application response times, a
fundamental requirement for problem isolation and service level management. Tools
designed to measure traditional Web applications may -- depending on the details of
the application and the tool -- report such applications either as a single Web page per
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HTTP request, or as an unrelated collection of server activities. Neither description
reflects what is really happening at the application level.
4. The client engine makes it harder to measure response time. For traditional Web
applications, measurement software can reside either on the client machine or on a
machine that is close to the server, provided that it can observe the flow of network
traffic at the TCP and HTTP levels. Because these protocols are synchronous and
predictable, a packet sniffer can read and interpret packet-level data, and infer the
user’s experience of response time by tracking HTTP messages and the times of
underlying TCP packets and acknowledgments. But the RIA architecture reduces the
power of the packet sniffing approach, because the client engine breaks the
communication between user and server into two separate cycles operating
asynchronously -- a foreground (user-to-engine) cycle, and a background (engine-toserver)
cycle. Both cycles are important, because neither stands alone; it is their
relationship that defines application behavior. But that relationship depends only on
the application design, which (in general) cannot be inferred by a measurement tool,
especially one that can observe only one of the two cycles. Therefore the most
complete RIA measurements can only be obtained using tools that reside on the client
and observe both cycles.
2.2.7 Current status of development
RIAs are still in the early stages of development and user adoption. There are a number of
restrictions and requirements that remain, which are
1. Browser adoption: Many RIAs require modern web browsers in order to run.
Advanced JavaScript engines must be present in the browser as RIAs use techniques
such as XMLHTTPRequest for client-server communication, and DOM Scripting and
advanced CSS techniques to enable the rich user interface.
2. Web standards: Differences between web browsers can make it difficult to write an
RIA that will run across all major browsers. The consistency of the Java platform,
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particularly after Java 1.1, makes this task much simpler for RIAs written as Java
3. Development tools: Some Ajax Frameworks and products such as Curl, Adobe Flex and
Microsoft Silverlight provide an integrated environment in which to build RIAs.
4. Accessibility concerns: Additional interactivity may require technical approaches that
limit applications' accessibility.
5. User adoption: Users expecting standard web applications may find that some
accepted browser functionality (such as the "Back" button) may have somewhat
different or even undesired behaviour. JavaScript / Ajax
The first major client side language and technology available with the ability to run
code and installed on a majority of web clients was JavaScript. Although its uses were
relatively limited at first, combined with layers and other developments in DHTML it has
become possible to piece together an RIA system without the use of a unified client-side
solution. Ajax is a new term coined to refer to this combination of techniques and has recently
been used most prominently by Google for projects such as Gmail and Google Maps.
However, creating a large application in this framework is very difficult, as many different
technologies must interact to make it work, and browser compatibility requires a lot of effort.
In order to make the process easier, several open source Ajax Frameworks have been
developed, as well as commercial frameworks. Google's GWT framework
Google released the 'Google Web Toolkit' or GWT in 2006 which allows the
development and testing of JavaScript based AJAX RIA's using the Java language. The GWT
programming paradigm centers around coding user interface logic in Java (similar to the
Swing/AWT model), and then executing the GWT compiler to translate this logic into crossbrowser-
compatible JavaScript. Designed specifically for Java developers, GWT enables Java
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programming, refactoring, debugging and unit testing of RIAs using existing tools (e.g. Eclipse),
without requiring knowledge of JavaScript or specific browser DOM irregularities (although
hand-written JavaScript can still be used with GWT if desired). Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR
Adobe Flash is another way to build Rich Internet Applications. This technology is
cross-platform and quite powerful to create an application UI. Adobe Flex provides the option
to create Flash user interface by compiling MXML, an XML based interface description
language. Adobe is currently working on providing a more powerful platform with the product
Adobe AIR, a technology combining HTMLs (including AJAX applications) Flash player based
applications and PDFs. Appcelerator
Appcelerator is an open source platform for developing rich Internet applications using
a service-oriented architecture and standards such as HTML, CSS and Javascript. Appcelerator
applications can integrate automatically with several different integration points on the
service tier using Java, PHP, Python, .NET, Perl and Ruby on Rails. Appcelerator applications
can use pre-built widgets to assemble high quality RIAs. Appcelerator is licensed under the
GNU GPL version 2 License. OpenLaszlo
OpenLaszlo is an open source rich Internet application framework developed by Laszlo
Systems Inc.. The OpenLaszlo server compiles programs written in the LZX language (a mixture
of XML tags and JavaScript) into either DHTML (commonly known as AJAX now) or Adobe
Flash bytecode, currently supporting Flash7 and Flash8. The server - which originally was a
proprietary software - was open sourced in October 2004 under the Common Public License.
OpenLaszlo is the only rich Internet application platform which is capable of compiling into
two different runtimes from the same code base.
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PRMIT&R//DCSE//07-08 20/95 Curl 5.0, Rebol 2.6 and Seaside for Smalltalk
Available alternatives to Java for RIA include abstract machines for the Curl, Rebol and
Smalltalk programming languages. Curl facilitates Client-side persistent data, Rebol does not
require a browser and Seaside for Smalltalk uses a minor extension to Smalltalk to provide a
much richer web experience. All three alternatives are far more mature than more familiar
options and as old or older than Java and the JVM. JavaFX
Sun Microsystems has announced JavaFX, a family of products based on Java
technology designed to provide a consistent experience across a wide variety of devices
including desktops, (as applets and stand-alone clients) set-top boxes, mobile devices, and
Blu-Ray players. The JavaFX platform will initially comprise JavaFX Script and JavaFX Mobile.
Invented by Sun Software Engineer Chris Oliver as a skunk works project, JavaFX Script
enables rapid development of rich 2D interfaces using a declarative syntax similar to SVG. Sun
plans to release JavaFX Script as an open source project, but JavaFX Mobile will be a
commercial product available through an OEM license to carriers and handset manufacturers. Java applets
Java applets run in standard HTML pages and generally start automatically when their
web page is opened with a modern web browser. Java applets have access to the screen
(inside an area designated in its page's HTML), as well as the speakers, keyboard and mouse of
any computer their web page is opened on, as well as access to the Internet, and provide a
sophisticated environment capable of real time applications. Java applications
Java based RIAs can be launched from within the browser or as free standing
applications via Java Web Start which integrate with the desktop. Java RIAs can take
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advantage of the full power of the Java platform to deliver rich functionality, 2D & 3D
graphics, and off-line capabilities.
Java is widely adopted and there is a vast range of both commercial and open source
libraries available for the platform, making it possible to include support for virtually any
system, including native applications via JNI or JNA. When it comes to RIAs Java's main
weakness is its multimedia support. Java 6 Update N improves some features that have
hindered the use of Java for RIAs including startup time and download size, and Sun may even
include new multimedia support in this release (due Q2,2008).
Numerous frameworks for Java RIAs exist, including XUL-like XML-based frameworks
such as XUI, Swixml, or Canoo's, UltraLightClient. Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft Silverlight, which can be considered a subset of Windows Presentation
Foundation (WPF) allows developers to develop RIA. Like Windows Presentation Foundation,
Silverlight uses XAML. Therefore, developers with previous development experiences in the
field of .NET Framework 3.0 and XAML will find Silverlight familiar, appealing and easy to use.
Client machines need to install a small (about 2MB) plug-in (Silverlight Runtime) in
order to be able to play Silverlight contents. At this time, Silverlight client for Windows and OS
X is available from Microsoft. A third-party open-source plug-in called Moonlight is also
available for Linux. Microsoft has also promised to broaden the range of supported clients.
During the opening keynote at MIX08 conference in Las Vegas, the first beta of Silverlight 2
was shown running on a Nokia S60 platform as well as a Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 device.
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Mozilla Prism is a product in development which integrates web applications with the
desktop, allowing web applications to be launched from the desktop and configured
independently of the default web browser ActiveX controls
Embedding ActiveX controls into HTML is a very powerful way to develop rich Internet
applications. However they are only guaranteed to run properly in Internet Explorer, since no
other web browser at this time supports ActiveX controls. In addition, ActiveX controls are not
executed in sandbox. Therefore, they are potential targets for computer viruses and malware
making them high security risks.
At the time of this writing, the Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer is implemented as an
ActiveX control for Microsoft environments, as well as in multi-platform Netscape Plugin
wrappers for the wider world. Only if corporations have standardized on using Internet
Explorer as the primary web browser, is ActiveX per se a good choice for building corporate
applications. User interface languages
Instead of HTML/XHTML, new user interface markup languages can be used in RIAs.
For instance, the Mozilla Foundation's XML-based user interface markup language XUL - this
could be used in RIAs though it would be restricted to Mozilla-based browsers, since it is not a
de facto or de jure standard. The W3C's Rich Web Clients Activity has initiated a Web
Application Formats Working Group whose mission includes the development of such
standards . The original DARPA project at MIT which resulted in the W3C also resulted in the
web content language Curl which is now in version 5.0.
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RIA's user interfaces can also become richer through the use of scriptable scalable
vector graphics (though not all browsers can render those natively yet) as well as
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL). Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP)
The RAP project enables developers to build rich, Ajax-enabled Web applications by
using the Eclipse development model, plug-ins with the well known Eclipse workbench
extenstion points, JFace, and a widget toolkit with SWT API (using qooxdoo for the client-side
presentation). The project has graduated from incubation and released its 1.0 release.
2.3 AJAX
2.3.1 Introduction
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), or Ajax, is a group of inter-related web
development techniques used for creating interactive web applications. A primary
characteristic is the increased responsiveness and interactivity of web pages achieved by
exchanging small amounts of data with the server "behind the scenes" so that entire web
pages do not have to be reloaded each time there is a need to fetch data from the server. This
is intended to increase the web page's interactivity, speed, functionality, and usability.
AJAX is asynchronous; in that extra data is requested from the server and loaded in the
background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. JavaScript
is the scripting language in which AJAX function calls are usually made.[1] Data is retrieved
using the XMLHttpRequest object that is available to scripting languages run in modern
browsers, or alternatively Remote Scripting in browsers that do not support XMLHttpRequest.
There is, however, no requirement that the asynchronous content be formatted in XML.
AJAX is a cross-platform technique usable on many different operating systems, computer
architectures, and web browsers as it is based on open standards such as JavaScript and the
DOM. There are free and open source implementations of suitable frameworks and libraries.
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2.3.2 Use of AJAX
• Real-time form data validation: Form data such as user IDs, serial numbers, postal
codes, or even special coupon codes that require server-side validation can be validated
in a form before the user submits a form.
• Autocompletion: A specific portion of form data such as an email address, name, or
city name may be autocompleted as the user types.
• Load on demand: Based on a client event, an HTML page can fetch more data in the
background, allowing the browser to load pages more quickly.
• Sophisticated user interface controls and effects: Controls such as trees, menus, data
tables, rich text editors, calendars, and progress bars allow for better user interaction
and interaction with HTML pages, generally without requiring the user to reload the
• Refreshing data and server push: HTML pages may poll data from a server for up-todate
data such as scores, stock quotes, weather, or application-specific data. A client
may use Ajax techniques to get a set of current data without reloading a full page.
Polling is not the most effecient means of ensuring that data on a page is the most
• Partial submit: An HTML page can submit form data as needed without requiring a
full page refresh.
• Mashups: An HTML page can obtain data using a server-side proxy or by including an
external script to mix external data with your application's or your service's data. For
example, you can mix content or data from a third-party application such as Google
Maps with your own application.
• Page as an application: Ajax techniques can be made to create single-page
applications that look and feel much like a desktop application.
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3. General Problem Formulation
The considered college is a four-year college which has the following characteristics on its
course administration. The college offers courses for daytime students. The classes for
daytime students are scheduled in the weekday’s daytime and Saturday morning.
The types of lectures are theory lecture, tutorial, or practical. The class size of theory
lectures is from 40 to 70. A minimum time slot is a 30 minutes interval. For theory and tutorial
classes, 2 slot time corresponds to 1 credit, and 1 credit for practical takes 4 slots time.
Once an instructor decides to offer a course for a specific year-session of a
department, an offered course Xi takes place in the timetabling problem, which is expressed
as a tuple of attributes (course, credits, department, instructor, year, section, class-group,
course-type, lecture-type, TimeSlots, Rooms). Except TimeSlots and Rooms, all attributes of Xi
are determined at the time the course is decided to be offered. Both TimeSlots and Rooms are
list fields to contain assigned time slots and classrooms for the course Xi. To indicate an
attribute attr of an offered course Xi, we use the notation Xi.attr.
The time slots are generally assigned from 11 AM to 5.30 PM for weekdays and from
7.30 AM to 11 AM on Saturday. The time time slots are labeled as Ti (i = 1 . . . 55)..
There are various constraints to be satisfied at the time to instantiate variables about
time slots and classrooms. The constraints can be categorized into strong and weak
constraints as follows:
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3.1 Strong Constraints
C1: A classroom is not assigned to more than one lecture at the same time.
C2: An instructor cannot teach more than one class at the same time.
C3: Courses for the same year-session students of a department cannot take place at the
same time.
C4: The classroom for a course should have enough capacity to take students registered in the
C5: The classroom should be well equipped with required facilities for the classes.
3.2 Weak Constraints
C6: The lectures are not assigned to time slots which are in the instructor’s forbidden time
C7: Instructors’ daily lecture hours should be restricted to be within the allowed maximum
C8: As far as possible, classes are scheduled in the instructor’s preferred time zones.
C9: A lunch/dinner break must be scheduled.
C10: If possible, the lectures should not be scheduled on too late night time slots.
C11: The theory courses are scheduled on Monday and Tuesday, and the practical courses are
scheduled on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
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C12: For daytime students, the cultural subjects courses are scheduled in the morning time
slots (1st to 4th time slots on weekdays), and major courses are scheduled in the afternoon
time slots (5th to 8th time slots).
C13: For nighttime students, the cultural-subjects courses are scheduled on the 11th to 12th
slots, and the major courses are scheduled on the 13th to 16th time slots on weekdays.
C14: If possible, the lecture hours for a course should be scheduled consecutively.
C15: As far as possible, classes should be scheduled in their corresponding department’s
exclusive-use classrooms.
C16: The classrooms should be allocated in a manner to minimize the distances between
adjacent classes’s classrooms.
It is desirable for timetables to satisfy all strong and weak constraints. However, it is
usually not easy to meet all these constraints. The strong constraints must be satisfied all the
times, but weak constraints can be somewhat sacrificed to find feasible timetables. Among
the weak constraints, constraints from C6 to C14 are imposed on the allocation of time slots.
Constraints C15 and C16 are imposed on the allocation of classrooms. The constraints
are arranged in the order of importance in the scheduling. For example, if it is impossible to
find schedules satisfying both C6 and C7 simultaneously, it is preferred to choose a schedule
that satisfies C6 but C7 rather than a schedule satisfying C7 but C6.
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4. Requirements and Analysis
In this section we formulate the various requirements of our project.
4.1 Automatic Generation of Timetable
The prime requirement was to build the automatic weekly Lecture-Room timetable generator
application for our college which will solve problem involved manual construction of timetable. There
are always weekly or monthly changes in structure of timetable, so all the time reconstructing the
timetable is very tedious job. So we wanted to build the automatic timetable generator algorithm that
is adaptable to these changes.
There are various timetabling algorithm developed for solving our college timetabling
problem. But in most of the cases either the actual implementation is not available on the Internet or
the projects which are available freely are not suitable to our meet requirement of our college’s
timetabling problem.
Also due to fixed time period, we have decided to develop our own timetabling algorithm
tailored to our college’s timetabling problem rather than wasting time for searching various
timetabling algorithms or ready to use software.
Although during literature survey, we found only one open source software name UniTime
available from to be very impressive or effective to implement. But again this
software was developed on very large scale, it has hundreds of packages and it has used all leading
Java Web based frameworks including Strut & Hibernate. It uses MySQL database for storing its data.
So finally we decided that we will not borrow our algorithm from any other source rather we
will build it our self. Next question came to mind was, which language we should use. Whether we
should use LISP or Prolog? But since we were not familiar with these languages, we decided that we
will go with JAVA only. Since JAVA is cross platform and there are various IDE available to assist us
building algorithm. Also GWT uses JAVA for writing web application. We decided that we will use JAVA
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4.1.1 Details about Java
Java is a programming language originally developed by Sun Microsystems and
released in 1995 as a core component of Sun's Java platform. The language derives much of its
syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java
applications are typically compiled to bytecode which can run on any Java virtual machine
(JVM) regardless of computer architecture.
On 13 November 2006, Sun released much of Java as free software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License (GPL). On 8 May 2007 Sun finished the process, making all of
Java's core code open source, aside from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the
copyright. Platform independence
One characteristic, platform independence, means that programs written in the Java
language must run similarly on any supported hardware/operating-system platform. One
should be able to write a program once, compile it once, and run it anywhere.
4.1.2 Different criteria and conditions to consider while generating timetable
We wanted that timetable generator should be able to consider following different resources
1. Teachers
2. Courses
3. Semesters
4. Rooms
It should provide mechanism for specifying various constraints such as
1. Teacher-Room Constraints
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2. Year-Room Constraints
3. Teacher-Timeslot Constraints
4. Teacher-Day Constraints
5. Teacher-Year Constraints
4.2 Standardized Knowledgebase representation
Not just we wanted to implement automation process but we also wanted to keep out data in
standard form, so that any external application can access our data. By doing to so we were
thinking ahead of time. We were thinking about Future implementation of automatic timetable
generator by some other groups or by our self in other language and on other platform. Keeping
knowledgebase portable, we can write cross platform application and transfer our knowledgebase
seamlessly between two platforms.
We decided we will go with XML. Details about choosing XML for Knowledgebase are as
4.2.1 XML
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a general-purpose specification for creating
custom markup languages. It is classified as an extensible language because it allows its users
to define their own elements. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the sharing of structured data
across different information systems, particularly via the Internet, and it is used both to
encode documents and to serialize data. In the latter context, it is comparable with other textbased
serialization languages such as JSON and YAML.
It started as a simplified subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML),
and is designed to be relatively human-legible. By adding semantic constraints, application
languages can be implemented in XML. These include XHTML, RSS, MathML, GraphML,
Scalable Vector Graphics, MusicXML, and thousands of others. Moreover, XML is sometimes
used as the specification language for such application languages.
XML is recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium. It is a fee-free open
standard. The W3C recommendation specifies both the lexical grammar and the requirements
for parsing.
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1. It is text-based.
2. It supports Unicode, allowing almost any information in any written human language to be
3. It can represent common computer science data structures: records, lists and trees.
4. Its self-documenting format describes structure and field names as well as specific values.
5. The strict syntax and parsing requirements make the necessary parsing algorithms extremely
simple, efficient, and consistent.
6. XML is heavily used as a format for document storage and processing, both online and offline.
7. It is based on international standards.
8. It can be updated incrementally.
9. It allows validation using schema languages such as XSD and Schematron, which makes
effective unit-testing, firewalls, acceptance testing, contractual specification and software
construction easier.
10. The hierarchical structure is suitable for most (but not all) types of documents.
11. It is platform-independent, thus relatively immune to changes in technology.
12. Forward and backward compatibility are relatively easy to maintain despite changes in DTD or
13. Its predecessor, SGML, has been in use since 1986, so there is extensive experience and
software available.
14. An element fragment of a well-formed XML document is also a well-formed XML document.
4.3 Responsive Interface
We knew that the success of any application lies not only in powerful algorithms but also in the
successful graphical user interface designs. We wanted to build the Rich Internet Application which will
exactly behave as our normal desktop application. So that user will find it friendly and easy to work on.
We also wanted the output of our algorithm to flexible enough so that we can zoom it, print it or able
modify it manually.
Question was how to build the Rich Internet Application? So we did lot of survey on various
platforms available for RIA. Finally we decided we will go with AJAX based Google Web ToolKit.
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4.3.1 Details about Google Web Tool Kit
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is a Java development framework that seeks to ease AJAX
(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) application development. GWT allows you to develop and
debug AJAX-based applications in Java using common Java development tools and deploy the
same applications as client-side HTML and JavaScript, and server-side Java. GWT also
simplifies typical AJAX-style RPC (remote procedure call) conversations between client-side
JavaScript and server-side Java services.
4.3.2 Introduction of the Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
The Google Web Toolkit is an application development platform composed of a Java
class library, AJAX-style UI components called widgets, an RPC-based request/response
communication framework, and an integrated debugging environment. GWT provides a
subset of the java.lang and java.util packages, along with a Java API that facilitates
component-based GUI development, which can be compiled to HTML and JavaScript for
deployment to a browser.
4.3.3 GWT applications can be executed in two modes:
1. Hosted mode: This mode executes a GWT application as a regular Java application,
allowing standard Java debugging. To support hosted mode, GWT provides a proprietary Web
browser that can interact with a JVM.
2. Web mode: This mode allows a GWT application to be deployed and executed as
native JavaScript and HTML, generated from Java source code by the GWT Java-to-JavaScript
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4.3.4 GWT has four major components/libraries, as follows:
1. GWT Java-to-JavaScript compiler: This component translates Java source code to
native JavaScript and HTML
2. GWT hosted Web browser: This component allows GWT applications to be
executed as Java code within a JVM-aware Web browser
3. JRE emulation library: This library provides subsets of the java.lang and java.util
4. GWT Web UI class library: This library is a set of proprietary interfaces and classes,
called widgets, that can be used to create browser-based GUI components
Figure 4.1 shows the structure of Google’s web toolkit
Figure 4.1
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4.4 Jakarta Tomcat
Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation
for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. The Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages
specifications are developed by Sun under the Java Community Process.
We have choosen Apache Tomcat web server for our development and deployment purpose
because of its 100% compatibility of Google Web Toolkit.
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5. System Design
5.1 Various Components of Project
Figure 5.1 shows how the knowledge base, Error Handling System, inference engine, conflicts
resolution strategy and priority maintenance systems are interconnected.
Figure 5.1
Inference Engine
Knowledge Base
Inbuilt in Front End
Inbuilt in Algorithm
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5.2 Flow of Data within project
Figure 5.2 shows the flow of data from user to timetable generator algorithm and back to user
Figure 5.2
Generated Timetable Sheet
GUI Interface
for Input
GUI Interface
for Input
GUI Interface
for Input
GUI Interface
for Input
including Policies,
Dynamic Timetable
Data & Soft
Constraints (XML)
Weekly Timetable Generator
Algorithm (Java)
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5.3 Design of Knowledge Base
The middle part is the representation of knowledge based using XML format
We have defined the standard format for representing the knowledgebase so that Front End and Last
End can communicate successfully to generate effective timetable.
XML File contains following sections
1. Teacher List
2. Course List
3. Day List
4. Semester List
5. Room List
6. Formatting Options
7. Constraints, Rules, Policies
The sample XML file will look as follows
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Teacher Name="Prof.M.A.Pund" Initials="m.a.p" Id="1"/>
<Course Name="Digital Signal Processing" ShortForm="DSP" Id="1" Sem="8th" Type="Theory" />
<Room Name="R2" Id="1" Type="Theory" Resources="7
Submitted by: -
Anisha Verma
Harshita Rai
Ankita Aswal
Divya Sharma

The project called Time Table Generator is a software for generating conflict free time tables. This project is aimed at developing a Time Table Generator for Colleges. Colleges are supposed to make time tables for each semester which used to be a very tedious and pain staking job. Each teacher and Student is eligible for viewing his own timetable once they are finalized for a given semester but they can not edit them.
This timetable generator is a semi automatic time table scheduling software. The manual method of generating time table is very cumbersome and requires a lot of time and not even completely removes all the conflicts . this project will be generating time tables that will ensure the conlict free allocation of subjects assigned to various faculties.
This project will be suitable from the security point of view as well. The project differentiates between users on the basis of their designation. Only the administrator will be having the authority to create the timetable and faculties and students will only be viewing the time table. We provide another facility to export the generated time table to ms excel from where it can be printed.

The manual method of generating time table is very cumbersome and requires a lot of time and not even completely removes all the conflicts. This was about the old system. The new system will be generating time tables semi-automatically that will ensure the conflict free allocation of subjects assigned to various faculties.
The system includes the administrative login as well as the student login. Through the student login we can only view the timetable which has been generated, whereas through the administrative login, the faculty and the administrative block can login where the various functions can be performed.
The faculty members are given a provision to register themselves and view the timetable. If required, they can request for changing the lecture timings also.
The work of the administrative block is to keep a track of all the registered faculty members, assign them the subjects, and generate the timetable for various sections of students.they also accept the requests made by the faculty members and make changes as per the requirements so that still there is no conflict in the timetable generated.
Since all the timetables are generated manually in the college, the college can use this project to generate the timetable semi-automatically, by reducing the chances of conflicts of any kind.
• The first and foremost benefit of the proposed system is that it is useful for the college administrative authorities
• The generation of the timetable will be fast.
• The timetable will be accurate.
• The system will provide error-free timetable without any conflicts.
• The resources can be used else-where since the time table will be generated within few seconds.
• The faculty members have the provision of sending request for changing the time table according to the timing that best suits them.
• The proposed system is extensible; i.e. it can be extended to generate the time table for as many branches as required.
Hey friends i also need the project on time table management of my college.
hi friend you can refer these pages to get the details on college time table management system
i am doing my final project on this topic only will you please send me the document.for this mail id janu.raj90[at] will be very useful for me
to get information about the topic"college time table generation system" refer the page link bellow
to get information about the topic timetable generation full report,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow
to get information about the topic Time Table Information System full report,ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow
I need Time Table Management project in Java very urgently....... plz send me on setia.khushi[at]
plz plz plzzzzzz Sad
to get information about the topic"college time table generation system" refer the page link bellow
plz give more details abut time table generation sys.
please send me the full length report on above topic
to get information about the topic "college time table generation system" full report ppt and related topic refer the page link bellow

pls send the code for timetable mini project in c .code and report .plsss

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Popular Searches: dom kulture, future scope of the automated time table, time table generation in java, mlb college bhopal time table, genetic algorithm java code for time table generation, free time table, source code for time table creator in vb**78## **source code for time table creator in vb,

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