

1.Which one of the following is called as valence electron in an atom ?
(A)No. of electrons in inner orbit
(B)No. of electrons in N shell
(C )No. of electrons in outermost orbit
(D)No. of electrons in M shell

2.One mega ohm is equal to_____________ohm.
(A)1 x 10*
(C )lxlO3
(D)1 x 10-3

3.Which factor docs not depend on resistance of tire conductor among the following factors ?
(C )Voltage

4.Which material has the negative temperature co - efficient among the following ?
(C )Tungsten

5.The equivalent resistance of the parallel circuit is___than the smallest single resistance.
(C )Equal

6.The total value of two resistance is 25 Ω when connected in series and 6 Ω when connected in parallel. Find the value of two resistance.
(A)10 Ω 15  Ω
(B)12 Ω 13  Ω
(C )20 Ω,5 Ω
(D)19 Ω,6  Ω

7.Size of the wires can be measured normally by standard wire gauge. Which instrument must be used for accurate measurement of wire size ?
(A)Vernier calliper 
(B)Depth gauge
(C )Fuel gauge
(D)Micro meter

8.The solder used for soldering consists of an alloy of tin and lead. What is the combination of tin and lead of solder used for electrician solder ?
(A)Tin 50%, lead 50%
(B)Tin 60%, lead 40%
(C ) Tin 35%, lead 65%
(D) Tin 90%, lead 10%

9.What is the use of Eureka wire ?
(B) Heating element 
(C ) Earth wire 
(D) Winding wire

10.What is the unit of work done in SI units ?
(B)Kg Meier
(C )Dyne

11.One watt is define as____________.
(B)Joule per minute 
(C )Joule per second 

12.The commercial unit of Electrical energy is___________.
(B)Kilowatt hour 
(C )Watt - hour 
(D)Ampere hour

13.An electric installation consists of ten light points of 60 watts each, used for only one second. What is the consumed power ?
(A)60 watts
(B)6 watts
(C )600 watts
(D)0.166 watts

14.An industry has 100 numbers of 200 watt light load. How many numbers of sub circuits are required ?
(C )5

15.How many numbers of positive and negative plates are placed in a 9 plate lead add cell ?
(A)4 positive plate and 4 negative plate
(B)5 positive plate and 4 negative plate
(C )5 positive plate and 5 negative plate
(D)4 positive plate and 5 negative plate

16.The capacity of storage cell is always specified in_________.
(A)Full voltage rating
(B)Ampere rating
(C )Ampere hour rating
(D)Voltage rating

17.Which type of DC generator is used for battery charging ?
(A) Cumulative compound generator 
(B) Shunt generator,. 
(C ) Differential compound generator 
(D) Series generator

18.In which type of DC motor, two point starter is used ?
(A)Series motor
(B)Shunt motorv
(C )Long shunt compound motor 
(D)Short shunt compound motor

19.A permanent magnet moving coil instrument will read :
(A)Only AC quantities
(B) Both AC andDCquantities
(C )Only DC quantities
(D) Pulsatingquantities

20.What is the colour of neutral in single phase or three phase circuits ?
(A) Black
(B) Blue
(C )Yellow
(D) Green

21.One lamp can he controlled from five locations by using intermediate switches and two way switches. How many numbers of intermediate switches and two way switches are required to control a lamp from 5 positions ?
(A)Intermediate switches 2andtwoway switches 3
(B)Intermediate switches 4andtwoway switches 1
(C )Intermediate switches 1andtwoway switches 4
(D)Intermediate switches 3andtwoway switches 2

22.What will happen to the value of earth resistance if the length of the earth pipe is increased ?
(C )Remain same
(D)None of theabove
23.What is the SWG of copper earth conductor if the maximum circuit current is 15 A ?
(A)No. 14
(C )No. 12
(D)No. 8

24.What is the thickness of copper plate used for earth electrode ?
(A)6.3 mm
(B)3 mm
(C )3.3 mm
(D)3.15 mm

25.What is the number of poles if the speed is 3000 RPM and frequency is 50 Hz of an alternator ?
(C )6

26.Alternators are rated in _________.

27.What is the working principle of a two winding transformer ?
(B)Mutual induction
(C )Principle of DC motor
(D)Lenz's Law

28.The core loss in a transformer is constant during_______
(A) quarter load 
(B) half load
(C )full load
(D) all load

29.Since transformeris a static device, it hasa veryhigh efficiency.What is the normal%
efficiency of a transformer ?
(A) 75-80%
(C )85-90%
(D) Above 90%

30.Which of the following speed is called synchronous speed in three phase induction motor ?
(A)Speed of the rotor
(B)Speed of the stator
(C )Speed of the rotating magnetic field
(D)Speed of the flux produced in the rotor

31.When a speed of an induction motor is increased, what will happen to the rotor frequency ?
(A) Decrease
(B) Increase
(C ) Remain constant 
(D) Zero

32.What is the main difference in the construction of slipping induction motor as compared to squirrel cage induction motor ?
(A)The rotor having skewed slots
(B)Rotor is wound with three phase winding and connected in star
(C )The copper bars are inserted into the rotor slotsf
(D)The ends of the rotor are embedded

33.Which is the cause for a 3 phase induction motor failing to start ?.
(A)Incorrect size of fuse
(B)High frequency
(C )Stiff bearing
(D)Dirt in ventilation duct
54. Whatis the effect of single phasing inthree phase induction motor ?
(A)Motor will not run
(B)Burn due to overheating
(C )No change in running
(D) Will make humming noise

35.A 6 pole induction motor is connected to a 50 C/S supply. It is running at 970 rev/min. What is the percentage slip ?
(C )5%

36.When motor is fed with reduced voltage, the motor draws excess current to drive the load. When a motor is fed with an over voltage, how much current will the motor draw ?
(C )Excesscurrent 
(D)Zero current

37.Which is the correct method to change the direction of rotation of a permanent capacitor motor ?
(A)By interchanging the supply terminals.
(B)By interchanging auxiliary winding terminals.
(C )By interchanging capacitor terminals.
(D)By interchanging the rotor position.

38.What will happen to the universal motor when it is started without load ?
(A)It will not run
(B)Run with very low speed
(C )Run with very high speed
(D)Run with normal speed

39.One of the main specifications of ceiling fan is sweep size. What does the sweep size represent in ceiling fan ?
(A)Length of each blade
(B)Twice the length of one blade
(C )The size of the fan housing
(D)Two times of the radius of the performed by the blade circle

40.Which type of single phase motor has very high starting torque ?
(A)Permanent capacitortype
(B)Double capacitor motor
(C )Universal motor
(D)Capacitor start induction run motor

41.Which part of the PMMC instrument produces eddy current damping ?
(A)Moving coil
(B)Aluminium former
(C )Permanent magnet
(D)Soft iron cylindrical core

42.Which quantity can be measured by using dynamometer type watt meter ?
(A)AC and DC power
(B)AC power only
(C )DC power only

43.Instalment used to measure very high value of resistance is :
(A)Ohm meter
(C )Meter bridge

44.Among the following, which device cannot be used as a safety device ?
(B)Earth tester
(C )Circuit breaker

45.Which is the working principle of an instrument transformer ?
(A)Self - induction
(B)Lenz's law
(C )Mutual induction
(D)Fleming's right hand rule

46.A clip-on meter is used to measure _ ___ ____.
(C )Voltage

47.The energy meter disc completes 800 revolutions in 8 minutes when 2 kW load is connected. Which is die meter constant of the meter ?
(C )3000

48.What happens if the output filter capacitor is opened in a battery charger ? 
(A) It will not work
(B) Make humming noise
(C ) High output
(D) Take more output current

49.Switch board is fixed at a height of as per IE rules.
(A)1.5 M
(B)2.5 M
(C ) 2 M
(D) 3 M

50.I low many light points are allowed in one circuit ?
(A)15 points
(B)12 points
(C )14 points
(D)10 points

51.Batten wiring is recommended tor which of the following wiring ?
(C )Permanent

52.Farthing is done for providing a path to ground :
(A)High voltage
(C )Over current
(D)Circuit current

53.The rating of fuse is expressed in terms of__________.
(C )Voltage

54.A delayed action cartridge fuse is for___________.
(A)Lighting circuits
(B)Heating circuits
(C )Motor circuits
(D)Fluorescent lamp circuit

55.In continuity test, short in an installation is indicated in a Megger by______.
(A)500 MΩ
(B)Infinity MU
(C )I M Ω
(D)0 MU

56.A four pole 1200 RPM alternator will generate emf at a frequency of___________.
(A)25 Hz
(B)40 Hz
(C )50 Hz
(D)60 I Iz

57.A lead acid cell is rechargeable because_________.
(A)it is a wet cell
(B)its electrolytehashigh specific gravity
(C )its chemical reaction is reversible 
(D)its electrolyteisH2S04

58.The metal used for the control spring in an electrical instrument is__________.
(C ) Hard drawn copper
(D) Phosphor bronze

59.The fixed coils of a dynamometer are used as_____________in a watt meter.
(A)Deflecting coil
(B)Pressure coil
(C )Current coil
(D)Both pressure and currentcoil

60.The maximum current that can pass through a 2 U, 2 watt resistor will be :
(A) 1 A
(B)3 A
(C ) 2 A
(D) 4 A

61.The function of current reverser in the earth tester is_________.
(A)to convert AC into DC
(B)to invert AC intoDC
(C )to reverse the current direction 
(D)to invert DC intoAC

62.One BOT unit is equal to____________.
(A)1000 Wh
(B)746 Wh
(C )1500 Wh
(D)1200 Wh

63.When the phase and neutral of an energy meter are inter changed, its disc_____________.
(A) rotates in reverse direction
(B) rotates in correct direction
(C ) will stop
(D) will rotate slowly

64.The quantity' of scale on the dial of the Multimeter at the top most is :
(A)DC current
(B)AC current
(C )AC voltage

65.The resistor element used in fan regulator is___________.
(C )Nichrome

66.The dielectric strength of insulation is called_________.
(A)Barriers voltage
(B)Peak inverse voltage
(C )Breakdown voltage
(D)Peak voltage

67.Soldering is done on joints to improve_____.
(A)tensile strength 
(C ) ductility'

68.When the disc of an energy' meter is rotating even without connecting any load, the error is
(A)Creeping error 
(B) Phase error
(C ) Friction error
(D)Speed error

69. Cells are connected in series to______________.
(A)decrease the output voltage
(B)increase the output voltage
(C )decrease the internalresistance
(D)increase the currentcapacity

70.In the case of pure metallic conductors, the resistance is
(A)inversely proportional to the sp: resistance
(B)directly proportional to the cross sectional area
(C )directly proportional to the length
(D)none of the above

71. What percent is 40 paisa of ^ 2 ?
(A) 20%
(C )50%
(D) 10%

72. The length of a rectangle is lour times its width. If the area is 100 m2, what is the length of the rectangle ?
(A) 6 m
(B)25 m
(C )5 m
(D) 20 m

73. HCF'of18, 24 and 36 is:
(A) 6(B)72
(C ) 36
(D) 18

74.(1.1)2-H1.2)2 fe.100
(A) 2.65
(C )0.0265
(D) 0.265

75.The weight of 8 identical articles is 4.8 kg. What is the weight of 11 such articles ?
(A)6 kg
(B)6.6 kg
(C )66 kg
(D)0.6 kg

76.ITie ratio between two quantities is 3 : 4. If the first quantity is ^ 810 find the .second.
(A)* 3240
(B)* 2430
(C )* 1080
(D) 1890

77.8-4(3 —2) +10 + 5 is :
(A) 10 ' 
(B)  8
(C ) 6
(D) 7

78. The average height of 8 boys in a class is 168 cm. When a ninth boy joins the group, the average height becomes 167'Om. Find the height of the ninth boy.
(A) 159 cm ..,
(B)169 cm
(C )195 cm-
(D) 176 cm

79— of a pole is in the mud. When — of it is pulled out 250 cm of the pole is still in the mud. What is .the full length of the pole ?
(A)1050 cm
(B)750 cm
(C )850 cm
(D)950 cm

80.Sheeja can do a work in 9 days. Swapna can do it in 6 days. If they both work together, the number of days needed to complete the work is :
(A)7 1/2
(C )51
(D)3 |

81.The first social organisation in Kerala, Samathwa Samaj, was founded by :
(A) Ayya Vaikunda Swamikal
(B) Kumaraguru
(C ) Vagbhatananda
(D) Sree Narayana Guru

82.Chennara, the birth place of Vallathol is in which of the following districts ?
(C )Malappuram

83.'Mazha Kanakkunnu' is the work of :
(A)Nirupama Rao 
(B)B. Sandhya
(C )Anupama
(D)Arundhti Roy

84.Partition of Bengal was cancelled in :
(C )1907

85.Pandit Karuppan was popularly known as :
(A) Father of Kerala Renaissance
(B)Kerala Gandhi
(C ) Kerala Kalidasa
(D)Lincoln of Kerala

86.Suraj Venjaramoodu received National Award for best actor in the 1
(A) North 24 katham
(C ) Dam 999

87.The southern most tip of India is :
(A) Kanyakumari
(C ) Indira Point

88.Who among the followingwas not a member of the cabinet mission ?
(A)Lord Pelhic Lawrence
(B)George Simon
(C )Stafford Cripps
(D)A.V. Alexander

89.Ayyankali was the founder of:
(A)Nair Service Society
(B)Sadhujana Paripalana Sangham
(C )Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam
(D)Atma Vidya Sangham

90.The longest river in India is :
(C )Ganga

91.Sree Narayana Guru attained Samadhi in :
(C )1928

92.The first lady president of Indian National Congress was :
(A)Annie Besant
(C )SarojiniNaidu 
(D)Sonia Gandhi

93.Bhoodan Movement was organized by :
(A)Mahatma Gandhi
(B)Jawaharlal Nehru
(C )Vinoba Bhave
(D)Baba Amte

94.Which of the following is the work of V.T. Bhattathiripad ?
(C )Mathilukai
(D)Kanneerum Kinavtim

95.Gandhiji stopped Non-Cooperation Movement in protest against:
(A)Malabar Rebellion
(B)Chauri Chaura incident
(C ) Jallianwala Massacre 
(D) Wagon Tragedy

96.First Chief Minister of Telangana is :
(A)K. Chandrasekhar Rao
(B)Jagan Mohan
(C )Venkayya Naidu
(D)Chandra Babu Naidu

97.Which one of the following is not an east flowing river ?
(A) Kabani
(C ) Pambar

98.The chairman of Indian Planning Commission is :
(A)Prime Minister
(B)Finance Minister
(C )President of India
(D)Governor of RBI

99.Higs Boson is so named to honour an IndianScientist:
(A)Jagadeesh Chandra Bose
(B)Subhash Chandra Bose
(C )Khudiram Bose
(D)Sathyendranath Bose

100.James Rodriguswho won the golden boot inBrazil World Cup Football 2014 belongs to :
(A) Germany
(C ) Netherlands
(D) Columbia

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