
Presented by:
M.Pramodh Reddy
G.Avinash Valkya


 A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using two-way digital technology.
 Includes an intelligent monitoring system that keeps track of all electricity flowing in the system
 Also incorporates the use of superconductive transmission lines for less power loss, integrating alternative sources of electricity such as solar and wind.
 enhance transmission and distribution systems.
 Smart meters may be part of a smart grid, but alone do not constitute a smart grid.
 Load adjustment
 Demand response support
 Greater resilience to loading
 Decentralization of power generation
 Price signaling to consumers
 Modernizes both transmission and distribution
 When power is least expensive a smart grid could turn on selected home appliances such as washing machines or factory processes that can run at arbitrary hours. at peak times it could turn off selected appliances to reduce demand.
 Integrated communications
 Sensing and measurement
 Smart meters
 Phasor measurement units
 A wide-area measurement systems
Smart grid functions
 Self healing
 Consumer participation
 Resist attacks
 High quality power
 Accommodate generation options
 Enable electricity markets
 Optimize energy assets
 Enable high penetration of intermittent energy sources

 Important changes must be incorporated into the nature of electricity supply, as demand rises and traditional resources are depleted.
 Today’s grids are predominantly based on large central power stations connected to high voltage transmission systems which, in turn, supply power to medium and low-voltage local distribution systems.
 The transmission and distribution systems are commonly run by natural monopolies under energy authorities’ control.

 Distribution grids will become active and will have to accommodate bi-directional power flows.
 Distribution networks, on the other hand, have seen little change and tend to be radial with mostly unidirectional power flows and ”passive” operation. Their primary role is energy delivery to end-users.
Setting up smart grids

 Electricity grids of the future are Smart in several ways…..
 Firstly, they allow the customer to take an active role in the supply of electricity. Demand management becomes an indirect source of generation and savings are rewarded.
 Secondly, the new system offers greater efficiency as links are set up across Europe and beyond to draw on available resources and enable an efficient exchange of energy.
 In addition, environmental concerns will be addressed, thanks to the exploitation of sustainable energy sources.
 Today, most users are passive receivers of electricity without further participation in the operational management of the generation sources and the grid. Each user node is simply a ‘sink’ for electricity.
 However, in the last decade many countries have started the process of liberalization of their electric systems, opening access to transmission and distribution grids.
 Smart metering, with two way communications capability and greatly improved user information, is now a reality and deployment is already taking place in some European countries
An interactive grid
 Just like the internet, the electricity grid will be interactive for both power generation sources and power consumption sinks.
 Wide area monitoring and protection (WAM & WAP) systems will be applied to manage the congestions in the transmission systems in a way that improves the security and reliability of grid operation.
 One possible model for the electricity network of the future would be analogous to the internet, in the sense that decision-making is distributed and that flows are bi-directional.
First cities with smart grids

 The earliest, and still largest, example of a smart grid is the Italian system installed by Enel S.p.A. of Italy. completed in 2005, the TELEGESTORE project was highly unusual in the utility world because the company designed and manufactured their own meters, acted as their own system integrator, and developed their own system software.
 Austin, Texas
 Boulder, Colorado
 Hydro One, in Ontario, Canada
 regulatory environments that don't reward utilities for operational efficiency, excluding U.S. awards.
 consumer concerns over privacy.
 social concerns over "fair" availability of electricity.
 limited ability of utilities to rapidly transform their business and operational environment to take advantage of smart grid technologies.
 concerns over giving the government mechanisms to control the use of all power using activities.
 The importance ,advantages, disadvantages of smart grid technology have been presented in this paper. However this technology is more advantageous compared to present system. Hence we conclude saying that this technology improves economy of a country by reducing electrical losses and giving way for alternate sources of energy.
“Smart grids are emerging as the next
strategic challenge for the energy sector and as a key catalyst to achieve the vision of a low-carbon economy.”
In the following section we will describe the power grid , how it operates today and how a smarter grid will change the design and operations to lead to more efficient ,effective power delivery in the future. There are several Challenges which are leading decision-makers to consider this technology as an option and in some cases a requirement. This section will explore the different capabilities which sit within the smart grid construct and how they help respond to those challenges. Once it is
recognized that smart grids are not a simplistic one- size fits
all, it is possible to examine the geographic variances
which occur and identify several smart grid arche -types which correspond to a location’s specific starting point and implementation objectives.
The next-generation electricity grid, known as the “smart grid” or “intelligent grid,” is expected to address the major shortcomings of the existing grid. In essence, the smart grid needs to provide the utility companies with full visibility and pervasive control over their assets and services. The smart grid is required to be self-healing and resilient to system anomalies. And last but not least, the smart grid needs to empower its stakeholders to define and realize new ways of engaging with each other and performing energy transactions across the system.
The utility industry across the world is trying to address numerous challenges, including generation diversification, optimal deployment of expensive assets, demand response, energy conservation and reduction of the industry’s overall carbon footprint. It is evident that such critical issues cannot be addressed within the confines of the existing electricity grid. The existing electricity grid is unidirectional in nature. It converts only one-third of fuel energy into electricity, without recovering the waste heat. Almost 8% of its output is lost along its transmission lines, while 20% of its generation capacity exists to meet peak demand only (i.e., it is in use only 5% of the time). In addition to that, due to the hierarchical topology of its assets, the existing electricity grid suffers from domino effect failures.
2 What a smart grid is……..
“Smart grids incorporate embedded
computer processing capability and
two-way communications to the current
electricity infrastructure. Smart grids
operate across the utility value chain,
and should not be confused with smart meters. “
A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using digital technology with two-way communications to control appliances at consumers' homes to save energy, reduce cost and increase reliability and transparency. It overlays the electrical grid with an information and net metering system. Such a modernized electrical grid is being promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy independence, global warming and emergency resilence issues.
The smart grid is made possible by applying sensing, measurement and control devices with two-way communications to electricity production, transmission, distribution and consumption parts of the power grid that communicate information about grid condition to system users, operators and automated devices, making it possible to dynamically respond to changes in grid condition.
A smart grid includes an intelligent monitoring system that keeps track of all electricity flowing in the system. It also incorporates the use of superconductive transmission lines for less power loss, as well as the capability of integrating renewable electricity such as solar and wind. When power is least expensive the user can allow the smart grid to turn on selected home appliances such as washing machines or factory processes that can run at arbitrary hours. At peak times it could turn off selected appliances to reduce demand.
A smart grid uses sensing, embedded processing and digital communications to enable the electricity grid to be:
• observable (able to be measured and visualized)
• controllable (able to manipulated and optimized)
• automated (able to adapt and self-heal)
• fully integrated (fully interoperable with existing systems and with the capacity to incorporate a diverse set ofenergy sources).
A smart grid will create the platform for a wide range of advanced and low-carbon technologies.The smart grid, as defined in Figure 2, encapsulates embedded intelligence and communications integrated at
any stage from power generation to end point
consumption. To date, the majority of the industry debate
has centred on smart meters and advanced metering
infrastructure – devices designed to accurately measure
and communicate consumption data in the home or office
environment. Confusion can arise if the term “smart
meter” is used synonymously with “smart grid”. One of
the objectives of this paper is to provide some clarity
regarding this misunderstanding. The reality is that, with
the holistic smart grid, the smart meter becomes just one
more node on the network, measuring and relaying flow
and quality data.
Gear cutting tool design and production requires much specialized knowledge, which has been acquired and refined over generations.
A smart grid is a form of electricity network using digital technology. A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using two-way digital communications to control appliances at consumers' homes; this could save energy, reduce costs and increase reliability and transparency if the risks inherent in executing massive information technology projects are avoided. The "Smart Grid" is envisioned to overlay the ordinary electrical grid with an information and net metering system, that includes smart meters. Smart grids are being promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energyindependence, global warming and emergency resilience issues.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) provides consumers with the ability to use electricity more efficiently and provides utilities with the ability to monitor and repair their network in real time. Smart grid communication technologies must allow the power grid control center to access each meter connected to it interactively several times in a second, offering dynamic visibility into the power system. Some implementations exist of this infrastructure using wireless technologies. The use of the existing infrastructure; i.e.the low voltage power-lines for high speed, reliable simultaneous two way communication between the head end (i.e. the nearest power grid communication hub) and meters located on different parts of the network is explored. Data communication through the power grid offers several advantages in that new infrastructure is not required, and in principle even enclosed sensors not accessible by wireless technologies can be read.
Chapter 2

The backbone of the smart grid is an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI). This consists of a grid management system, so-called “smart meters” and a communications network binding it together. The basic structure of the AMI communications system is shown in Figure 1. Each residence contains a smart meter, which is equipped with short haul communications that service the local area. The local area usually consists
of up to 500 residences, which is generally the number of residences connected to an LV transformer. Information from the meters is collected at intervals by the data collection unit through the short haul communications. Information is then collected from the data concentrators through long haul communications where it is stored in a centralised database. The long haul communication path is commonly implemented as some form of internet connectivity like GPRS. The centralised database and control receives interval readings such as power usage and can make decisions about the need for load shedding to protect the power grid.
Currently, the most viable technologies to realize the AMI short haul communications network are wireless and power line communication (PLC) technologies. Power distribution companies have traditionally been interested in PLC because it represents the most cost effective solution and does not require additional investment in communications infrastructure.
Narrowband Power Line Communication (PLC) systems appear to be well suited to implement the smart grid network due to their inherent low costs. However, the characteristics of the power line channel within the frequency range of 9 to 490 kHz used by narrowband are extremely complicated and thus present a number of communication difficulties, limiting the potential of narrowband PLC. For example, recent trials raised major concerns about the reliability and throughput of narrowband communication systems.As a result, PLC technologies were not considered further for the Victorian AMI network. Such outcomes highlight the need for greater reliability and higher throughputs from PLC systems.
What is The Smart Grid?
1.1 Smart Grid

A smart grid, as in figure 1.1.1 is a form of electricity network using digital
technology. A smart grid delivers electricity from suppliers to consumers using two-way
digital communications to control appliances at consumers' homes; this could save energy,
reduce costs and increase reliability and transparency if the risks inherent in executing
massive information technology projects are avoided. The "Smart Grid" is envisioned to
overlay the ordinary electrical grid with an information and net metering system, which
includes smart meters. Smart grids are being promoted by many governments as a way of
addressing energy independence, global warming and emergency resilience issues.
The idea of two way communications from suppliers to consumers to control
appliances is not new, and systems have been implemented using analog technology for many
years. The growth of an extensive digital communication network for the internet has made it
practical to consider a more sophisticated type of smart grid. The increased data transmission
capacity has made it conceptually possible to apply sensing, measurement and control
devices with two-way communications to electricity production, transmission, distribution
and consumption parts of the power grid at a more granular level than previously. These
devices could communicate information about grid condition to system users, operators and
automated devices, making it possible for the average consumer to dynamically respond to
changes in grid condition, instead of only utilities and very large customers.
Like existing utility grids, a smart grid includes an intelligent monitoring system that
keeps track of all electricity flowing in the system, but in more detail. Like the existing grid,
it also has the capability of integrating renewable electricity such as solar and wind, but has
the potential to do so more effectively. When power is least expensive the user can allow the
smart grid to turn on selected home appliances such as washing machines or factory
processes that can run at arbitrary hours. At peak times it could turn off selected appliances to
reduce demand. There are many technical obstacles to be overcome to make this practical for
the average homeowner; for example, if wind speeds decrease in the middle of a wash cycle,
would consumers want their laundry.
A widely overlooked fact about the smart grid is that it is not a substitute for a real
grid, but only an enhancement. The construction of a larger and better infrastructure of highvoltage
transmission lines for the efficient delivery of electric power is a prerequisite to the
construction of an effective smart grid.

ONE of the fundamental challenges of power system operation is running a true supply-on-demand system that is expected to be absolutely reliable. Historically this challenge led to a power system based on highly controllable supply to match a largely uncontrolled demand. However, with the dual concerns of climate change and energy security alternative sources of energy have become an increasingly attractive proposition and are now beginning to achieve

significant levels of penetration in certain areas. This can cause problems with the conventional system balancing methodologies. Since penetration levels of renewable energy are likely to continue increasing a rethink of the existing energy balancing paradigm may be required. Fortunately, an operational smart grid has the potential to mitigate some of the difficulties that are posed by high levels of renewable energy generation. The use of smarter grid operations allows for greater penetration of variable energy sources through the more flexible management of the system. This can be achieved in many ways from active demand-side management (DSM) to temporary storage technologies, whether dedicated to electricity or sourced through a symbiotic supply (such as electric vehicles).
One of the key aspects to a smarter grid is the ability to make decisions on how to operate the power system on both the supply-side and the demand-side. The right information is essential in order to make the right decisions and this is ubiquitous throughout the entire smart grid system.

The term “smart grid” is somewhat qualitative since there are various proposed implementations that have varying levels of sophistication However, standard among all implementations is the use of advanced sensor and communications technologies to enable better use of assets provide improved reliability and enable consumer access to a wider range of services. There are some defining features that exist in most smart grids.
A. A smart grid will provide an interface between consumer appliances and the traditional assets in a power system (generation, transmission and distribution)

Weather-driven, non-scheduled, renewable energy sources require new operational procedures. Conventional fossil fuel power plants can be operated in accordance with the needs of the power system; the present power system operating procedures were designed with this in mind. Renewable energy sources such as wind or solar are variable and thus the operating schedules of such plants are largely dictated by the changing “fuel” supply. This is especially pertinent in the case of wind, photovoltaic solar and run-of-the-river hydro, none of which have inherent storage in their power plant design. These systems cannot be controlled in the same manner as a conventional generation facility.

A smart grid must be able to make decisions and those decisions must be based upon information. However, not all of that information is necessarily “live” data. In fact, when designing a smart grid the likely limitations on the system must be understood – some of these limitations will be physical, some will be contractual and some may even be political.

When actually operating smart grids forecasts of future requirements are essential to be able to prepare the flexible systems to behave in the appropriate manner. Non-scheduled renewable energy resources add another variable to an already complicated balancing act
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