biometric voting system

It has always been a tedious task for the Election commission to conduct free and fair polls in our country, the largest democracy in the world. Crores of rupees have been spent on this to make sure that the elections are riot free. But, now- a -days it has become common for some forces to indulge in rigging which may eventually lead to a result contrary to the actual verdict given by the people.
This paper aims to present a new voting system employing Biometrics in order to avoid Vote-rigging and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the process. The system uses thumb impression for voter identification as we know that the thumb impression of every human being has a unique pattern. Thus it would have an edge over the present day voting systems.
As a pre-poll procedure, a Database consisting of the Thumb impressions of all the eligible voters in a Constituency is created. During Elections, the Thumb impression of a voter is entered as input to the system. This is then compared with the available records in the Database. If the particular pattern matches with any one in the available record, access to cast a vote is granted. But in case the pattern doesnâ„¢t match with the records of the Database or in case of repetition, access to cast a vote is denied or the vote gets rejected. All the voting machines are connected in a network, through which data transfer takes place to the main host. The result is instantaneous and counting is done finally at the main host itself. The overall cost for conducting elections gets reduced and so does the maintenance cost of the systems.

Biometric Voting system
It has always been an arduous task for the election commission to
conduct free and fair polls in our country, the largest democracy in
the world. Crores of rupees have been spent on this to make sure that
the elections are riot free. But, now- a -days it has become common
for some forces to indulge in rigging which may eventually lead to a
result contrary to the actual verdict given by the people.
This paper aims to present a new voting system employing biometrics
in order to avoid rigging and to enhance the accuracy and speed of
the process. The system uses thumb impression for voter
identification as we know that the thumb impression of every human
being has a unique pattern. Thus it would have an edge over the
present day voting systems.
As a pre-poll procedure, a database consisting of the thumb
impressions of all the eligible voters in a constituency is created.
During elections, the thumb impression of a voter is entered as input
to the system. This is then compared with the available records in
the database. If the particular pattern matches with any one in the
available record, access to cast a vote is granted. But in case the
pattern doesnâ„¢t match with therecords of the database or in case of
repetition, access to cast a vote is denied or the vote gets
rejected. Also the police station nearby to the election poll booth
is informed about the identity of the imposter. All the voting
machines are connected in a network, through which data transfer
takes place to the main host. The result is instantaneous and
counting is done finally at the main host itself. The overall cost
for conductingelections gets reduced and so does the maintenance cost
of the systems.
Biometrics is the term given to the use of biological traits or
behavioral characteristics to identify an individual. The traits may
be fingerprints, hand geometry, facial geometry, retina patterns,
voice recognition, and handwriting recognition.
In this paper we have used thumb impression for the purpose of voter
identification or authentication. As the thumb impression of every
individual is unique, it helps in maximizing the accuracy. A database
is created containing the thumb impressions of all the voters in the
constituency. Illegal votes and repetition of votes is checked for in
this system. Hence if this system is employed theelections would be
fair and free from rigging. Thanks to this system that conducting
elections would no longer be a tedious and expensive job.
The design of the system consists of the following important
1. Scanning- using DSP Processor
2. Searching- based on the principle of GOOGLE SEARCH
3. Networking- all the election booths are connected in a network
4. Data transfer“ using telephone lines..
The only pre-requisite for the use of this finger print scanner is a
personal identification card. We hope that this system proves to be
efficient and enables the people to be smarter in choosing their
The main aim in designing this product is to provide the concept of
the personal identity for each individual. This is extended to a
special case of electronic voting machine concept. The summary of the
design can be briefly explained diagrammatically as follows.
As a pre-poll procedure the finger prints of all the voters are
collected and stored in a database initially at time of distributing
voting cards. At the time of voting, the option of the voter is taken
along with thefinger print. The finger print taken by the scanner is
sent to the
DSP chip through an in-built A/D converter. The processed image is
transferred to hard disk with biasing of SDRAM.
The option entered by the voter is transferred to chip through DEMUX
and is stored in the memory. If the transferred image is matched with
any of the records in the data base, then the interrupt is given by
the HARD DISK to DSP chip. Then the option is considered in the
count. After the acquisition of the count this is transmitted to the
HOST computer or central server using telephone lines .
As the count of each party is transmitted to the HOST from all the
VOTING MACHINES present in the constituency, the HOST will add
parallel count of particular party and makes the final count of each
party in ascending order. The final count is transferred to the main
HOST (head quarters) using either telephone lines or radio waves.


The detailed description of each and every internal unit in the
VOTING SYSTEM is given below. It can be divided in to the following
main categories.
The finger print scanner consists of the following parts:
1. FINGER PRINT SENSOR: This is used to scan the thumb impression.
The data obtained from this is analog in nature. This is transferred
to the A/D converter for further processing.
2. A/D CONVERTER: This is used to convert the analog data from the
SENSOR into the digital data and transfer it to the processor.
3. FLASH ROM: This is for the storage of the data temporarily in the
DSP processor. This will work until the data is transferred to the
main memory of the HOST.
4. DSP CHIP: This is used to receive the data and process it. This is
connected to the USB port for further transfer of the data.
5. USB PORT: The sole purpose of the USB port is to establish a
communication page link between the DSP processor and the MEMORY

The next step in the process is the extraction of the thumb
impression from the memory. The features of the finger print are
stored in the form of pixels. This is further sent for pattern
matching where the finger print is then compared with the records in
the database. If the pattern matches with any one of he records then
the vote is accepted. If the feature doesnâ„¢t match with any one of
the finger prints stored in the data base then the vote is rejected.

The biometric sensor scans the image. This so scanned data is in the
analog form. This is converted into digital form by using an A/D
converter. Since the image is to be transferred quickly to the
converter, it is interfaced in parallel with the DSP chip. The data
received from the parallel in ports is further processed in the chip.
Parallel interfacing is done to have a quick performance.
The data which is processed in the DSP chip (finger print) is
transferred in parallel to the HARD DISK for searching process. The
BIOS language of the HARD DISK is stored in SDRAM which is also
interfaced in parallel with the chip. This helps the chip to transfer
the image to the HARD DISK for further process. The image transferred
to the HARD DISK is compared with that of the DATA BASE. The circuit
connections for the process explained are as shown below.
A DE-MULTIPLEXER is connected to the inputs in parallel to the chip.
The option which is given is transferred to the chip in binary form.
1. Party one, 2. Party two, 3. Party three, 4. Party four.
Suppose if the option is two then the binary data transfer to the
ports is 0010.DE-MULTIPLEXER is designed according to the number of
parties present in the constituency. The transferred data is stored
in a 16-bit register according to their option.
After counting takes place the count of each party is transferred to
the transmitter. A transmitter is interfaced serially to the DSP
chip. The transmitter data is transferred through the telephone lines
to the HOST. The counts of similar parties are added at the host and
the data is transferred to the STATE HEAD QUARTERS (main HOST) to
display the result of the particular constituency.
Here the identity of a person is checked whether he\she belongs to
the particular constituency or not. The machine which takes the
finger print of the person checks it with the data base already
stored in it. If the finger print matches it will give access to the
person to cast his vote and if it doesnâ„¢t match any of the finger
prints stored in the data base then it will reject the voter. Thus
his method will enable the members of that particular constituency
only to vote. This can be taken as the first step to avoid rigging.
To have a faster performance the searching technique is implemented
on the basis of GOOGLE SEARCH. The process in the form of a flow
chart is as given below.

After the person gets the PROCEED symbol from the voting machine,
there appears a screen on which all the parties names along with the
symbols are present. The person should select any one of the party by
giving the number allotted to that particular party as input through
the keypad. After the option is selected the voter is prompted for a
confirmation. In case the voter enters an invalid number, the screen
reappears and he\she is prompted to cast the vote again. Then
according to the option selected, the vote count of the particular
party gets incremented by one. Finally, at the end of the day, the
position of the parties in terms of the total votes cast can be
known. A very simple flow chart for the above process is as shown

After we have emerged out with a solution to check voterâ„¢s identity
in a constituency, our next task is to see that a particular person
cannot vote more than once i.e. to avoid multiple votes. This task
can be accomplished by simple software technique employed. It
consists of two folders namely searched and unsearched. Initially the
searched folder consists of no images. The thumb impression images of
all the voters of a constituency will be present in the unsearched
folder. As and when a vote is cast, the image of the particular voter
gets transferred to the searched folder. The searched folder is
programmed such that an image cannot be present more than once in
this folder. So when a voter casts multiple votes the exception is
generated and an alarm is raised and even the police can be informed
about the identity of the intruder indulging in this illegal
activity. This is shown in the block diagram given below
The scanned vote is first checked with the acceptability of the voter
as explained in the first flow chart. If the finger print is
accessible then the data of the specified person is taken into
account. The voterâ„¢s thumb impression is verified with the previously
cast votes. If there is no match then the vote is accepted and the
count is increased by one. If the vote matches with any of the
previous votes then the vote is rejected and the personâ„¢s identity is
stored and it is given to the police for further enquiry. There is a
flash ROM in which these details can be stored.
The voting machines present in a town are interlinked in the form of
a highly secure LAN. This network is formed with the help of the
telephone lines. All the data collected in the voting system is first
stored in the voting machine itself. Then it is sent to the HOST
which will be located at headquarters of the town. All the data is
collected there and it is transferred to the main HOST. The purpose
of saving the data in the voting machine at first is that even if
there is loss of data by some means then it can be easily retrieved
from the machine again. In this way all the things are bought into a

These hosts are again grouped into network through radio waves or
again telephone lines. Host is a device which consists of a PROCESSOR
and a RAM. It will accept the data from all the voting machines
through telephone lines and it will store the data in RAM (count of
all parties). Then it will add the count of similar parties and store
the count in ascending or descending order and display the result
whenever it is necessary.
Thus all the voting machines in the state can be formed into a
network. The network can make use of RADIO waves or TELEPHONE lines
for the data transfer.
1. The system is highly reliable and secure.
2. In the long run the maintenance cost is very less when compared to
the present systems.
3. Illegal practices like rigging in elections can be checked for.
4. It is possible to get instantaneous results and with high
Thus the advent of this biometric thumb impression voting system
would enable hosting of fair elections in India. This will preclude
the illegal practices like rigging. The citizens can be sure that
they alone can choose their leaders, thus exercising their right in
the democracy.
do you have ppt of biometric voting system
Biometric Voting system

It has always been an arduous task for the election commission to conduct free and fair polls in our country, the largest democracy in the world. Crores of rupees have been spent on this to make sure that the elections are riot free. But, now- a -days it has become common for some forces to indulge in rigging which may eventually lead to a result contrary to the actual verdict given by the people.
This paper aims to present a new voting system employing biometrics in order to avoid rigging and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the process. The system uses thumb impression for voter identification as we know that the thumb impression of every human being has a unique pattern. Thus it would have an edge over the present day voting systems.
As a pre-poll procedure, a database consisting of the thumb impressions of all the eligible voters in a constituency is created. During elections, the thumb impression of a voter is entered as input to the system. This is then compared with the available records in the database. If the particular pattern matches with any one in the available record, access to cast a vote is granted. But in case the pattern doesn’t match with the records of the database or in case of repetition, access to cast a vote is denied or the vote gets rejected. Also the police station nearby to the election poll booth is informed about the identity of the imposter. All the voting machines are connected in a network, through which data transfer takes place to the main host. The result is instantaneous and counting is done finally at the main host itself. The overall cost for conducting elections gets reduced and so does the maintenance cost of the systems.
Biometrics is the term given to the use of biological traits or behavioral characteristics to identify an individual. The traits may be fingerprints, hand geometry, facial geometry, retina patterns, voice recognition, and handwriting recognition.
In this paper we have used thumb impression for the purpose of voter identification or authentication. As the thumb impression of every individual is unique, it helps in maximizing the accuracy. A database is created containing the thumb impressions of all the voters in the constituency. Illegal votes and repetition of votes is checked for in this system. Hence if this system is employed theelections would be fair and free from rigging. Thanks to this system that conducting elections would no longer be a tedious and expensive job.
The design of the system consists of the following important parameters
1. Scanning- using DSP Processor
2. Searching- based on the principle of preloaded database
The only pre-requisite for the use of this finger print scanner is a personal identification card. We hope that this system proves to be efficient and enables the people to be smarter in choosing their leaders.
The main aim in designing this product is to provide the concept of the personal identity for each individual. This is extended to a special case of electronic voting machine concept. The summary of the design can be briefly explained diagrammatically as follows.
As a pre-poll procedure the finger prints of all the voters are collected and stored in a database initially at time of distributing voting cards. At the time of voting, the option of the voter is taken along with the finger print. The finger print taken by the scanner is sent to the
DSP chip through an in-built A/D converter. The processed image is transferred to hard disk with biasing of SDRAM.
The option entered by the voter is transferred to chip through DEMUX and is stored in the memory. If the transferred image is matched with any of the records in the data base, then the interrupt is given by the HARD DISK to DSP chip. Then the option is considered in the count. After the acquisition of the count this is transmitted to the HOST computer or central server using telephone lines .
As the count of each party is transmitted to the HOST from all the VOTING MACHINES present in the constituency, the HOST will add parallel count of particular party and makes the final count of each party in ascending order. The final count is transferred to the main HOST (head quarters) using either telephone lines or radio waves.

This paper encloses the information regarding the
present interesting topic, the biometrics; biometrics
technology allows determination and verification of
ones identity through physical characteristics. To put
it simply, it turns your body in to your password. We
discussed various biometric techniques like finger
scan, retina scan, facial scan hand scan etc. An algorithm have been proposed by taking a multi
modal biometric voting system to authenticate a
person and consider his voting .
We conclude that this voting system is superior for
use in a general election when compared with
traditonal voting system and ven
Biometrics, Hashing, Database, Covert Surveillance
Elections allow the people to choose their
representatives and express their preferences for how
they will be governed. Naturally, the integrity of the
election process is fundamental to the integrity of
democracy itself. The election system must be
sufficiently robust to withstand a variety of
fraudulent behaviors and must be sufficiently
transparent and comprehensible that voters and
candidates can accept the results of an election.
Unsurprisingly, history is littered with examples of
elections being manipulated in order to nuence their
out come. The design of a “good” voting system,
whether electronic or using traditional paper ballots
or mechanical devices, must satisfy a number of
sometimes competing criteria.
The anonymity of a voter’s ballot must be preserved,
both to guarantee the voter’s safety when voting
against a malevolent candidate, and to guarantee that
voters have no evidence that proves which candidates
received their votes. The existence of such evidence
would allow votes to be purchased by a candidate.
The voting system must also be tamper-resistant to thwart a wide range of attacks, including ballot stuffing by voters and incorrect tallying by insiders. Another factor, as shown by the so-called “butter y ballots” in the Florida 2000 presidential election, is the importance of human factors. A voting system must be comprehensible to and usable by the entire voting population, regardless of age, infirmity, or disability. Providing accessibility to such a diverse population is an important engineering problem and one where, if other security is done well, electronic voting could be a great improvement over current paper systems. Flaws
in any of these aspects of a voting system, however, can lead to indecisive or incorrect election results.
In electronic voting system there have been several threats, and poor software development processes including unauthorized privilege escalation, incorrect use of cryptography, vulnerabilities to network
1.1Draw back of traditional and electronic voting system-need for Biometrics
Up to now the voting systems are taking the data of voting and they are not bothered about the authenticity of the person where by providing a chance for others to cast the votes i.e unauthorized privilege escalation .
The proposed voting system authenticates the person and considers the voting
2. Classification of biometrics:
The two categories of biometric techniques are:
The physiological based techniques, which measure the physiological characteristics of a person. These include fingerprint verification, iris analysis, facial analysis, hand geometry-vein patterns, ear recognition, odor detection and DNA pattern analysis.
The behavioral based techniques, which measure the behavior of a person. These include hand written signature verification and speech analysis. These techniques involve two major steps. These are the Authentication & the verification.
Authentication is a process of one-to one
comparison, rather than a mass searching process. Identification is a process of checking for a particular identity in the database available.
The setting of the error tolerance of these systems is critical to their performance. Both errors (False Rejection and False Acceptance).
Should be low and they should both are quoted by the
3.How biometric technology works Process involved in using a
biometric system for security is:
During enrollment:
Capture the biometrics, which has to be stored in the
Process the biometric, extract and enroll the
biometric template;
Store the template in a local repository, a central
repository, or a portable token such as a smart card.
During access to database:
4) Live-scan the biometric feature;
5) Process the biometric and extract the biometric
6) Match the scanned biometric against stored
7) Incase of successful verification; provide a
matching score to business application;
8) Record a secure audit trail with respect to system
Biometric applications depend on comparing as new
Measure against previously captured information. In
Biometric application some aspect of a person is
measured; the measure is processed; and the resulting
data is stored; At a subsequent time, the same aspect
of a person is measured and compared against the
stored data .If it is being used for authentication, the
new data is compared against the data, already in
storage for that person. If it is being used for
identification, the entire database is searched, in order
to locate one or more individuals that are a close fit to
the new data. Most biometrics technologies do not
seek exact equality between the new and the stored
measures. Instead they have a pre-set tolerance range
within which the two are deemed to be sufficiently
close. In order to reduce transmission time, costs and
to require less storage space, compression algorithms
are used. To provide better transfer rate of data
during identification & authentication ‘hashing’ is
used. Hashing is a process of detecting the perfect
match of a particular input record from a large
database using a hashing function.
4.Applications of biometrics
All the information regarding the fingerprints, retina
etc… Are digitalized and stored. This can be
compared with a database in seconds and with an
extraordinary degree of accuracy. Fingerprints have
the advantage of being cheaper and simpler than most
other biometrics.
4.1E-commerce Applications:
E-commerce developers are exploring the use of biometrics to more accurately verify a trading party’s identity.
4.2 Covert Surveillance:
Facial and body recognition biometric techniques come in to picture automatically to identify known suspects entering buildings or traversing crowed security areas such as airports.
5.Types of Biometric security technologies:
5.1 Finger scan:

Finger-scan biometrics is base on the distinctive
characteristics of the human fingerprint. A fingerprint image is read from a capture device, features are extracted from the image, and a template is created. Fingerprints are used in forensic applications: large- scale, one-to-many searches on databases of up to millions of fingerprints. These searches can be done within only a few hours by using AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems). The basic in both finger scan and finger prints is that the curvatures, deltas, crossovers, pores, loops etc, are of a person are captured and stored in the database in digitized for and are encrypted in cases of authentication or identification .

Presented By
K.Malathi ,

 What is biometrics ?
 Applications of biometrics
 Use of biometrics in voting systems

 The design of the system consists of the following important parameters
1. Scanning- using DSP Processor
2. Searching- based on the principle of GOOGLE SEARCH
3. Networking- all the election booths are connected in a network
4. Data transfer– using telephone lines.

 Main aim -to provide concept of personal identity for each individual.
 Pre-poll procedure -finger prints of all the voters are collected.
 At the time of voting, option of voter is taken along with the finger print & sent to DSP chip.
 The option entered is transferred to chip through DEMUX and is stored in the memory.

 The finger print scanner consists of the following parts:
1. FINGER PRINT SENSOR: Scans the thumb impression.
2. A/D CONVERTER: Converts the analog data from the sensor into the digital data.
3. FLASH ROM: Stores the data temporarily in the DSP processor.
4. DSP CHIP : Receives the data and processes it.
5. USB PORT: Establishes a communication page link between the DSP processor and the memory.
1.Highly reliable and secure.
2. Maintenance cost is very less
3. Illegal practices in elections can be checked for.
4. Instantaneous results with high accuracy.
 As the thumb impression of every individual is unique, it helps in maximizing the accuracy
 Illegal votes and repetition of votes is checked for in this system.
 Hence if this system is employed the elections would be fair and free from rigging.

sir i want some ppts and project for this can u provide me.

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what is his Algorithm? and its flow chat ?
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