

Time : 1 hour and 15 minutes
1Hooke’s law is valid :
(A) Only above elastic limit ((B) Only within elastic limit
(C ) Only within plastic limit (D) Till breaking of substance

2The bending moment on a section is maximum where shear force is :
(A) Zero (B) Minimum
(C ) Changing sign (D) Maximum

3The bending moment diagram for a cantilever carrying uniformly distributed load will be :
(A) A triangle (B) A parabola
(C ) A cubic parabola (D) A rectangle

4. The moment of inertia of a circular section, about its axis, is given by :

(A) (D)4  /64                                       (B)(D)4/32
(C )  (D)4 /16                                           (D)(D)4/8

5A plane which is not subjected to shear stress is known as :
(A) Compound plane (B)Simple plane Simple plane
(C ) Non-shear plane CD) Principal plane

6The unit of torque in S1 units is : 
(A) kg cm (B) Newton-metre (N m)
(C ) kg/cm2 (D)none None

7In a cantilever beam tensile reinforcement is provided :
(A) On top of beam (B)On bottom of beam On bottom of beam
(C ) At middle of beam (D) On top and bottom of beam

8Euler’s formula is not valid for mild steel column when slenderness ratio is :
(A) More than 80 (B) More than 120
(C ) Less than 80 (D)More than 30 More than 30

9The thickness of cylindrical shell is designed on the basis of:
(A) Longitudinal stress (B) Bending stress
(C ) Circumferential stress (D) Hoop stress

10The stress at which a material fractures under large number of reversal of stresses is called :
(A) Residual stress (B) Creep
(C ) Endurance limit (D) Ultimate stress

11.In a closed coiled helical spring subjected to axial load, other quantities remaining the same, if the wire diameter is doubled, then the stiffness of the spring when compared to the original one, will become :
        (A)Twice                                                      (B)4 times
                                                                         (D16 times
        (C )8 times

12. A soil having uniformity coefficient less than 4 is called :
(A) Uniform (B)Fine Fine
(C ) Coarse (D)Well graded soil Well graded soil

13The maximum size of clay particle is : •
(A) 0.1 mm (B)0.03mm 0.03 mm
(C ) 0.002 mm (D)0.0002 mm 0.0002 mm

14The ratio between the total volume of voids and the total volume of solids is called :
(A) Void ratio (B)Porosity Porosity
(C ) Void fraction (D) Solid fraction

15The most accurate method of determining the water content in a sample of soil is :
(A) Sand bath method (B) Calcium carbide method
(C ) Oven drying method (D)Alcohol method Alcohol method

16Wet sieve analysis of fine particles is done if nearly sieve openings of: all soil particles pass through square
(A) 0.075 mm (B)0.045mm 0.045 mm
(C ) 0.212 mm (D)0.300mm 0.300 mm

17The plasticity index is equal to : 
(A) Liquid limit - Shrinkage limit (B) Liquid limit - Plastic limit
(C ) Plastic limit — liquid limit (D) Plastic limit - Shrinkage limit


18If during a permeability test on a soil sample with a falling head permeameter equal time intervals are noted for drop of head from h1, to h2 and again from h2 to h3 then which one of the following relation would hold good?
(A) (h, -h2) = (h2-h3) (B)h32=h1 h2 (B)h32=h1h2
(C ) h12=h2h3             (D)h22=h1h3 

19The soils most susceptible to liquefaction are :
(A) Saturated dense sand
(B) Saturated fine and medium sands of uniform particle size
(C ) Saturated clays of uniform size
(D) Saturated gravel and cobbles

20The angle between the horizontal and the maximum slope that a soil assumes through natural process is called :
(A) Angle of internal friction (B) Cohesiveness
(C ) Angle of repose (D) Hydraulic gradient

21A saturated clay layer with single drainage face takes .1 years to attain 50% degree of consolidation. If the clay layer had double drainage, then the time taken to attain 50% degree of consolidation is:
(A) 1 year (B) 2 years
(C ) 4 years (D) 8 years

22A comparatively sudden reduction in volume of a soil mass under an applied load is called :
(A) Primary compression (B) Secondary compression
(C ) Initial consolidation (D) Initial compaction

23The law that states that laminar flow in a saturated soil, the velocity is directly proportional to the hydraulic gradient is called :
(A) Reynold’s law (B) Blighrs law
(C ) Ijacey’s law (D) Darcy’s law

24A foundation is considered as shallow if its depth is :
(A) Equal to or less than its width (B) Less than 1 meter
(C ) Greater than its width (D) Greater than 1 meter 

25A grillage foundation is essentially a :
(A) Shallow foundation (B) Deep foundation
(C ) Spread foundation (D) Pile foundation

26Maximum bearing capacity can be expected from :
(A) Laminated rocks (B) Compact coarse sand
(C ) Soft rocks (D) Granite rocks

27The type of foundation suitable for under water structures is
(A) Cast in situ concrete piles (B) Pier foundation
(C ) Continuous footing (D) Stepped foundation

28The most common sampler used for obtaining a disturbed sample of soil is :
(A) Split spoon sampler (B) Thin wall shelby tube sampler
(C ) Open drive sampler (D) Piston sampler

29The ultimate bearing capacity of a surface strip footing on clay, according to Terzaghi’s theory is:
(A) 5.7 c (B) 5.14 c
(C ) quB (I)) 9 c
Where c = unit cohesion, gu = unconfined compressive strength, and B = width of footing

30Negative skin friction on a pile under vertical compressive load acts :
(A) Downwards and increases the load carrying capacity of the pile
(B) Downwards and reduces the load carrying capacity of the pile
(C ) Upwards and increases the load carrying capacity of the pile
(D) Downwards and maintains the same load carrying capacity of the pile

31An ideal fluid is one which :
(A) Obeys Newton’s law of viscosity
(B) Flows through pipes with least friction
(C ) Is frictionless and incompressible
(D) Satisfies continuity equation
32.For a fluid in motion, if pressure at a point is same in all directions, then the fluid is said to be: 
(A)A real fluid                   (B)A non newtouian  fluid
(C )An ideal fluid                 (D)A  newtouian  fluid    

33The point at which the resultant pressure on an immersed surface acts on it is known as :
(A) Centre of gravity (B) Centre of depth
(C ) Centre of immersed surface (D) Centre of pressure

34A flow in which the velocities of liquid particles at all sections of the pipe or channel are equal is called as :
(A) Uniform flow (B) Laminar flow
(C ) Turbulent flow (D) Unsteady flow

35Bernoulli’s theorem deals with the principal of conservation of:
(A) Momentum (B) Energy
(C ) Mass (D) Force

36Pitot tube is a device used in the Flowing fluid for measurement of:
(A) Discharge (C ) Velocity

37A hydrograph is a plot of:
(A) Precipitation against time (C ) Recorded run off against time

38Unit hydrograph method for flood estimation is applied to :
(A) Large basins (C ) Small and medium sized basin

39An aquifer that is confined at bottom and top is:
(A) Partially confined aquifer (B) Unconfined aquifer
(C ) Piping or uplift (C ) Crushing

41. Rabi crops pertain to :
(A) Monsoon season (C ) Winter season 

42. Duty of a canal water is expressed in :
(A) (A) Cumecs (B)Centimetres (C ) Millimetre (D)Ha per cumec

43Elementary profile of a gravity dam is : 
(A) Trapezoid (B)Right angled triangle Right angled triangle
(C ) Square (C )Pyamid Pyramid

44The measure of the amount, to which light material in water, is called : is adsorbed or scattered by the suspended
(A) Colour (B) Turbidity'
(C ) pH (D) Acidity

45Blue baby disease is caused in infants due to concentrations of: drinking water, containing higher
(A) Nitrates (B)Cadmium Cadmium
(C ) Sulphides (D)Chlorides Chlorides

46The commonly used indicator for measuring iron concentration in water is:
(A) Sodium thiosulphate (B)Silver nitrate Silver nitrate
(C ) Enochrome black T (D) 1, 10 phenanthraline

47The suitable method for distribution system for a city with haphazard growth pattern is :
(A) Ring system (B)Grid system Grid system
(C ) Tree system (D)Reticulated system Reticulated system

48The settling of particles in a sedimentation tank depends upon :
(A) Length of tank (B)Width of tank Width of tank
(C ) Depth of tank (D)Length and width of tank Length and width of tank

49A floatation unit is usually provided to remove : 
(A) Suspended solids (B) Oil and grease
(C ) Grit ( D)Stones Stones

50A commonly used coagulant is : 
(A) Sodium (B)Cholorine Chlorine
(C ) Alum (D) Lime

51From septic tank the effluents are discharged into :
(A) Soak pit (B) Drainage
(C ) Oxidation pond (D) Public sewer

52The maximum efficiency of BOD removal is achieved in :
(A) Aerated lagoons (B) Trickling filters
(C ) Digestion tank (D)Oxidation ditch

53Biochemical oxygen demand of wastewater represent:
(A) Total concentration of biochemical matter
(B) Total organic matter
(C ) Concentration of biodegradable organic matter
(D) Concentration of chemically degradable organic matter

54. Bulking of sludge can be controlled by :
(A) Denitrification (B)Aeration Aeration
(C ) Coagulation (D)Chlorination Chlorination

55An underground passage used by pedestrians, vehicular traffic etc is known as :
(A) Sub-way (B)Service road Service road
(C ) Fly over (D)Sidewalk Sidewalk

56An ideal horizontal transition curve should be a: 
(A) Hyperbola (B)Circle Circle
(C ) Spiral (D) Parabola

57A road connecting one town with another town is known as:
(A) Main road (B)Highway Highway
(C ) Country road (D)Ring road Ring road

58The maximum allowable super elevation is: 
(A) 1 in 12 (B) 1 in 15
(C ) 1 in 18 (D) 1 in 30

59The best example of a rigid pavement is : 
(A) Concrete road (B)Bitumen road Bitumen road
(C ) Gravel road (D)Water bound macadam road Water bound macadam road

60. First operation during the detailed survey of a hill road is :
(A) Hydrological and soil survey
(B) Longitudinal survey and cross sectioning
(C ) Adjustment of alignment
(D) Fixation of bench marks

61.. The maximum design gradient for vertical profile of a road is :
(A) Ruling gradient (B) Limiting gradient
(C ) Minimum gradient (D) Maximum gradient

62Bearing plates are used to fix :
(A) Double headed rails to wooden sleepers
(B) Single headed rails to wooden sleepers
(C ) Flat footed rails to wooden sleepers
(D) Flat footed rails to cast iron sleepers

63Arrangement made to divert trains from one track to another is called :
(A) Railway point (B) Turnout
(C ) Railway crossing (D) Railway junction

64Distance between inner faces of the flanges is kept:
(A) Equal to gauge distance (B) Slightly less than gauge distance
(C ) Double amount of gauge distance (D) Slightly more than gauge distance

65The place where a railway line and a road cross each other at the same Level:
(A) Crossover (B) Railway junction
(C ) Level crossing (D) Road junction

66Gauge of a permanent way is:
(A) Minimum distance between running face of rails
(B) Width of formation
(C ) Distance between centres of rails
(D) Distance between outer faces of rails 

67The kind of survey work in which curvature of earth is ignored is called :
(A) Aerial survey (B) Geological survey
(C ) Geodetic survey (D) Plane survey

68As per Indian standard specification, the length of one link in 30 metre chain i8
(A) 20 cm (B) 30 cm
(C ) 40 cm (D) 10 cm

69Example for an obstacle that obstructs both chaining and ranging:
(A) River (B) Hillock
(C ) Lake (D) Building

70The instrument that is used for measurement of angles :
(A) Gcodimeter (B) Tellurometer
(C ) Sextant (D) Telescope

71The magnetic hearing of a line is 62° 20. and the magnetic declination at that place is 2° 50' east, then the true bearing of that line will be :
(A)64° 70                (B)60° 30   (C ) 59° 30     (D) 65° 10

72In a plane table survey the plotting of inaccessible points can be done by :
(A) Method of intersection (B) Method of interpolation
(C ) Method of radiation (D) Method of traversing

73Mean sea level MSL is established after analysing the tidal fluctuations over a period of:
(A) 10 years (B) 16 years
(C ) 19 years (D) 50 years

74A star is observed at its upper culmination when it is north of zenith. The latitude of the place of observation is 30° N and declination of the star is 50° N. The zenith distance of the star is:
(A) 10°                          (B)      20°
(C ) 40°                               (D)       80°

75The method of levelling in which the heights of mountains are found by observing the temperature at which water boils is known as :
(A) hypsometry ((B) barometric levelling
(C ) reciprocal levelling (D) check levelling 

76.The length of a line measured with a 20m chain was found to be 634.4 m. If the chain was 5 cm too long throughout the measurement, then the true length of the line is :
(A) 632.420 m
(C ) 634.420 m

77The vertical distance between any two consecutive contours is known as :
(A) Contour line (B) Contour gradient
(C ) Horizontal equivalent (D) Contour interval

78Spire test is used in permanent adjustment of a theodolite for:
(A) Adjusting the line of sight (B) Adjusting the horizontal axis
(C ) Adjusting the vertical axis (D) Adjusting the plate levels

79The highest value of coefficient of refraction occurs during:
(A) Early morning (B) Evening
(C ) At noon (D) Afternoon

80The curve having varying radii and introduced in between a straight and a circular curve is :
(A) Vertical curve (B) Transition curve
(C ) Compound curve (D) Superelevation

81Who said “give me blood and I will give you freedom"?
(A) Bagat Singh (B) Subash Chandra Bose
(C ) Lala Lajpat Rai (D) Dadabhai Naoroji

82Who is the Chairman of the National Farmers Commission in India?
(A) Goswamy (B) T.S. Batra
(C ) M.S. Swaniinathan (D) Ashok Mehta

83We have borrowed the concept of “Directive principles of state policy" from the constitution of:
(A) U.S.A.
(C ) U.K.

84Who is the President of France? 
(A) Laurent Fabius (C ) Jean Yves Le Drain 

85The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on :
(A) 14th August 1918 (B) 6th March 1920
(C ) 13th April 1919 (D) 10th September 1921

86The festival 'Mamankam' was celebrated once in twelve years at the bank of the river :
(A) Periyar (B) Bharathapuzha
(C ) Pampa (D) Chaliyar

87Dr. B.R. Ambedkar had described which of the fundamental right as “the heart and soul” of the constitution?
(A) Right to equality ((B) Right to Freedom
(C ) Right to religion ((D) Right to constitutional remedies

88The financial relation between union govt, and states are discussed in the Indian constitution under article :
(A) 266-273 (B) 265-270
(C ) 268-281 (D) 270-278

89The name associated with “Misrabhojanam” in Kerala :
(A) Sahodaran Ayyappan (B) T.K Madhnvan
(C ) R. Sankar (D) Mannath Padmanabhan

90“If God were to tolerate untouchabiiity I would not recognise him as God at all" said it?
(A) Dr. Rajendraprasad (B) lokmanya Tilak
(C ) Vinoba Bhave (D) Mahatma Gandhi

91Who proposed 'the preamble' before the Drafting Committee of the constitution of India?
(A) B.R. Ambedkar ((B) K.M. Munshi
(C ) Sir Krishnaswami Ayyangar (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

92“Privy Purse" was abolished by which one of the following constitution Amendment Acts?
(A) 25th (B) 26th
(C ) 42nd (D) 44th 
93The Lokayukta and Upalokyukta Act was first passed in:
(A) Maharastra (B)Kerala Kerala
(C ) Karnataka (D) Odisha


94The concept of public Interest litigation in India relates to:
(A) Greater Federalism (B) Judicial Supremacy
(C ) Accountability (D)Parliamentary Parliamentary Sovereignty

95Who raised the slogan “Do or Die"? 
(A) • Bhagath Singh (B) Mahatma Gandhi
(C ) Badruddin Tyabjii (D) (D)Sardar Pattel

96Who says that “every Judge is an activitst, either on the forward gear or on the reverse"?
(A) Justice Hidayathulla (B) Justice Malimath
(C ) Justice Krishna Iyer (D) Justice Dipak Misra

97When a non-member of parliament is inducted into the council of ministers he must become a member of parliament with in?
(A) Three months (B)Six months Six months
(C ) Five months (D)Seven months Seven months

98Who was the first Chief Minister of Thiru-Kochi? 
(A) A.J. John (B) C. Kesavan
(C ) T.K. Narayana Pillai (D) Panambilli Govinda-Menon

99Which of the following committee suggested fundamental duties in the constitution of India? the inclusion of a seperate chapter on
(A) M.R. Srivastava Committee (B) Swaran Singh Committee
(C ) M.K. Kaw Committee (D) Rajinder Sachar Committee

100“Sadhu Jana Paripalana Yogam” was founded by 
(A) Sree Narayana Guru (B) Dr. Palpu
(C ) Chattambi Swamikal (D) Ayyankali

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