RedTacton An innovative Human Area Networking technology

RedTacton An innovative Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a transmission path

RedTacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. RedTacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared. A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a RedTacton transceiver. Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication. Using RedTacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's natural, physical movements. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. RedTacton works through shoes and clothing as well.
RedTacton transmitter couples with extremely weak electric fields on the surface of the body. The weak electric fields pass through the body to a RedTacton receiver, where the weak electric fields affects the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal. The extent to which the optical properties are changed is detected by laser light which is then converted to an electrical signal by a detector circuit.
A communications path can be created with a simple touch, automatically initiating the flow of data between a body-centric electronic device and a computer that is embedded in the environment. For example, two people equipped with RedTacton devices could exchange data just by shaking hands. A wide range of natural human actions -- grasping, sitting down, walking, or standing in a particular place -- can be used to trigger RedTacton to start a networked process.
Using a RedTacton electro-optic sensor, two-way communication is supported between any two points on the body at a throughput of up to 10 Mbps. Communication is not just confined to the surface of the body, but can travel through the user's clothing to a RedTacton device in a pocket or through shoes to communicate with a RedTacton device embedded in the floor.
RedTacton can utilize a wide range of materials as a transmission medium, as long as the material is conductive and dielectric, which includes water and other liquids, various metals, certain plastics, glass, etc
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Human society is entering an era of ubiquitous computing, when networks are seamlessly interconnected and information is always accessible at our fingertips. RedWarmth, T-Touch, Acton-Action stands for Red Tacton. Instead of relying on electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data, Red Tacton uses weak electric fields on the surface of the body as a transmission medium. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) is pursuing research and development of an innovative Human Area Networking technology called Red Tacton that safely turns the surface of the human body into a data transmission path at speeds up to 10 Mbps between any two points on the body. Using a novel electro-optic sensor, NTT has already developed a small PCMCIA card-sized prototype Red Tacton transceiver. Red Tacton enables the first practical Human Area Network between body-centered electronic devices and PCs or other network devices embedded in the environment via a new generation of user interface based on totally natural human actions such as touching, holding, sitting, walking, or stepping on a particular spot. Red Tacton can be used for intuitive operation of computer-based systems in daily life, temporary one-to-one private networks based on personal handshaking, device personalization, security, and a host of other applications based on new behavior patterns enabled by Red Tacton. NTT is committed to moving Red Tacton out of the laboratory and into commercial production as quickly as possible by organizing joint field trials with partners outside the company
Red Tacton is a break-through technology that, for the first time, enables reliable highspeed HAN. In the past, Bluetooth, infrared communications (IrDA), radio frequency ID systems (RFID), and other technologies have been proposed to solve the "last meter" connectivity problem. However, they each have various fundamental technical limitations that constrain their usage, such as the precipitous fall-off in transmission speed in multi-user environments producing network congestion.
1. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared.
2. A transmission path is formed at the moment when a part of the human body comes in contact with a Red Tacton transceiver. Physically separating ends communication. the contact and thus ends the
3. Using Red Tacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's natural, physical movements.
4. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face and legs. Red Tacton works through shoes and clothing as well.
The basic principles of RED TACTON are 1. The Red Tacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body. 2. The Red Tacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter. 3. Red Tacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field. 4. Red Tacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electrical signal in an optical receiver circuit.
Fig.2.1. Figure shows the working of the RED TACTON device over the surface of our body. The transmitting RED TACTON device changes the electric field on the surface of our body. This is sensed by the electric field sensor and the variations are given to the receiving RED TACTON device.
Data is received using a photonic electric field sensor that combines an electrooptic crystal and a laser light to detect fluctuations in the minute electric field. The naturally occurring electric field induced on the surface of the human body dissipates into the earth. Therefore, this electric field is exceptionally faint and unstable. The photonic electric field sensor developed by NTT enables weak electric fields to be measured by detecting changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal with a laser beam.
Fig.2.2.Figure shows the various electric fields on the surface of our body induced by the RED TACTON device. Only a portion of the induced electric field is sensed by the receiving RED TACTON device. The remaining electric fields are dissipated to the ground.
Figure below shows the block diagram of a RED TACTON transceiver. The signal from the interface is sent to the data sense circuit and the transmitter circuit. The data sense circuit senses the signal and if the data is present it sends control signal to the transmitter which activates the transmitter circuit. The transmitter circuit varies the electric field on the surface of our body. This change in the electric field is detected by the electro-optic sensor. The output of the electro-optic sensor is given to the detector circuit, which in turn given to the interface of the receiving RED TACTON device.
Fig.2.4. Block diagram of Red TACTON transceiver.
1. A communications path can be created with a simple touch, automatically initiating the flow of data between a body-centric electronic device and a computer that is embedded in the environment. For example, two people equipped with Red Tacton devices could exchange data just by shaking hands. A wide range of natural human actions grasping, sitting down, walking, or standing in a particular place can be used to trigger Red Tacton to start a networked process.
2. Using a Red Tacton electro-optic sensor, two-way communication is supported between any two points on the body at a throughput of up to 10 Mbps. Communication is not just confined to the surface of the body, but can travel through the user's clothing to a Red Tacton device in a pocket or through shoes to communicate with a Red Tacton device embedded in the floor. Unlike wireless technologies, the transmission speed does not deteriorate even in the presence of large crowds of people all communicating at the same time in meeting rooms, auditoriums or stores. Because the body surface is the transmission path, increasing the number of connected users directly increases the available number of individual channels.
3. Red Tacton can utilize a wide range of materials as a transmission medium, as long as the material is conductive and dielectric, which includes water and other liquids, various metals, certain plastics, glass, etc. Using ordinary structures such as tables and walls that are familiar and readily available, one could easily construct a seamless communication environment at very low cost using Red Tacton. (Note that constraints are imposed by the length and environment of the propagating conductor, and by the thickness of the dielectric.)
RedTacton has three main functional features. 3.1.1 Touch Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping or connecting and disconnecting the equipment, or obtaining data.
Fig.3.1.Figure illustrating that RED TACTON device can be triggered by touching and gripping.
3.1.2 Broadband & Interactive Bandwidth does not deteriorate even with duplex operations and simultaneous access by many users! Duplex, interactive communication is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbps. Because the transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time. 3.1.3 Any Media In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination.
Fig.3.2.Any type of medium (metal, water, etc) can allow flow of signal.
3.2.1 One to one services With the ability to send attribute data from personal information devices worn on the body to computers embedded in the environment, one-to-one services could be implemented that are tailored to the individual needs of the user.
3.2.2 Intuitive operation of personal information Communication is triggered by totally natural human actions and behavior, so there is no need to insert smart cards, connect cables, tune frequencies, or any of the other inconveniences usually associated with today's electronic devices.
Fig.3.3. A simple handshake can transfer data.
3.2.3 Device personalization Setup, registration, and configuration information for an individual user can all be uploaded to a device the instant the device is touched, eliminating the need for the device to be registered or configured in advance.
3.2.4 New behavior patterns Tables, walls, floors and chairs can all act as conductors and dielectrics, turning furniture and other architectural elements into a new class of transmission medium. For example, a user could have instant access to the Internet merely by placing a laptop onto a conductive tabletop.
3.2.5 Marketing applications When a consumer stands in front of an advertising panel, advertising and information matching his or her attributes is automatically displayed. By touching or standing in front of items they are interested in, consumers can get more in-depth information.
Fig.3.4. A customer touching the advertising panel and getting information about that advertisement through RED TACTON device
3.2.6 Security applications Red Tacton could be installed on doors, cabinets and other locations calling for secure access, such that each secure access could be initiated and authenticated with a simple touch. At the same time, all the transaction details and relevant user attributes (personal identity, security clearance, etc.) could be logged by the security system.
The chart below shows the positioning of Red Tacton with respect to existing communication technologies. The focus on ubiquitous service has brought about the shortening of distances in communication. Red Tacton is positioned as the last 1m solution to ultimate close-range communication. Wireless communication creates connections when signals arrive, allowing for easy connections because connectors are unnecessary. However, seen from another aspect, the arriving signals can be intercepted, so security becomes an issue. Wired communication transmits data between two connection points, so interception is difficult and security can be considered to be high. However, connectors and cables are a nuisance. Taking the above points in account, Red Tacton is situated directly between wireless and wired communication. In other words, Red Tacton allows for easy connection without
connectors, while at the same time allowing transmission of data only between two contact points. It thus has the feature of being difficult to intercept.
Fig.3.5.Figure shows the comparison of RED TACTON device with other networks with respect to distance.
"Intra-body communication" using the human body as a transmission medium have been reported, but the electric field/photonics method employed by RedTacton is superior to conventional methods in terms of communication distance, speed, and interactivity. P: Possible N: Not possible P*: Possible under certain conditions
Table.3.1.Comparison of various methods.
The system envisioned by NTT, utilizes a conversion method which takes digital data into a stream of low-power digital pulses. These can be easily transmitted and read back through the human electric field. While it is true that similar personal area networks are already accessible by using radio-based technologies like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, this new wireless technology claims to be able to send data over the human skin surface at transfer speeds of up to 10Mbps, or better than a broadband T1 connection. Receiving data in such a system is more complicated because the strength of the pulses sent through the electric field is so low. Red Tacton solves this issue by utilizing a technique called electric field photonics: A laser is passed though an electro-optic crystal, which deflects light differently according to the strength of the field across it. These deflections are measured and converted back into electrical signals to retrieve the transmitted data. According to Tom Zimmerman, inventor of the IBM personal networking system, body-based networking is more secure than broadcast systems, such as Bluetooth, which have a range of about 10m.The issue is that with Bluetooth, it is difficult to rein in the signal and restrict it to the device you are trying to connect to. But in a busy place there could be hundreds of Bluetooth devices within range. Moreover, body-based networking seems to allow for more natural interchanges of information between humans, as only when you are in true proximity you can make this system work. There are some specific applications that would appear as being ideal matches for Red Tacton-like technologies.
Fig.3.6. Security devices whose development has been completed.
Fig.3.7.Transmission devices whose development is in progress.
The need for artificial body implants to communicate with each other as well as to report back to a portable device could have quite some value. In fact, according to other researchers, the most important application for body-based networking may well be for these type of communications within, rather than on the surface of, or outside, the body. Red Tacton technology is expected to dominate Bluetooth technology in the future. Red Tacton technology could put the use of cables to an end. The problem faced by the Red Tacton technology is the cost of development. This technology brings a new dimension of communication which effectively links the user to anyone he wants to communicate. Since it provides high speed communication, it can provide seamless service wherever, whenever and whoever uses it.
REFERENCES: [1] [2] masternewmedia2003/10/19/wireless_body_networkingat 10.htm [3] forum.itacumensindex.php?topic=12720.0 [4] [5] http://spectrum.ieeeprint/2596
This paper describes a novel networking technology, called RedTacton, developed by NTT. RedTacton could ultimately let people transfer data to each other's handhelds by means of a handshake or a slap on the back. Using a transmitter embedded in, say, a PDA, RedTacton sends a 5-volt pulse along the surface of the body. The human body shunts most of this electricity to the ground, resulting in a weak electric field that can be modulated to carry signals. The receiver is located either on another part of the body - a component of a hands-free headset or in an acquaintance's PDA. As it senses modulations in the electric field, the receiver decodes them to recover the data. While a good idea, RedTacton unfortunately has no compelling applications that aren't already available. It doesn't work reliably yet and has also been experiencing face perception problems among the general public.

In an age where information is being considered as the blood of this century, the very idea of transmitting such data or information to someone very specific sends these cold waves all around our body. With so many hackers and other anti-social elements spread around the world, secure data transmission is considered to be a myth these days. With the recent technological advancements success has been achieved to an extent in tackling the above stated issue. One such solution to this issue is RED TACTON devices, which are going to make their mark very soon. And when they are out all the problems related to secure, efficient, reliable, hi speed data transmission will be solved. Yes they are going to be solved!!
The term wireless is normally used to refer to any type of electrical or electronic operation, which is accomplished without the use of a "hard wired" connection, though they may be accomplished with the use of wires if desired. Wireless communication is the transfer of information over a distance without the use of electrical conductors or "wires". The distances involved may be short (a few meters as in television remote control) or very long (thousands or even millions of kilometers for radio communications). Wireless communications is generally considered to be a branch of telecommunications.
Human society is entering an era of ubiquitous computing, when networks are seamlessly interconnected and information is always accessible at our fingertips. The practical implementation of ubiquitous services requires three levels of connectivity: Wide Area Networks (WAN), typically via the Internet, to remotely connect all types of severs and terminals; Local Area Networks (LAN), typically via Ethernet or Wi-Fi connectivity among all the information and communication appliances in offices and homes; and Human Area Networks (HAN) for connectivity to personal information, media and communication appliances within the much smaller sphere of ordinary daily activities-- the last one meter. NTT's REDTACTON is a break-through technology that, for the first time, enables reliable high-speed HAN. In the past, Bluetooth, infrared communications (IrDA), radio frequency ID systems (RFID), and other technologies have been proposed to solve the "last meter" connectivity problem. However, they each have various fundamental technical limitations that constrain their usage, such as the precipitous fall-off in transmission speed in multi-user environments producing network congestion.
REDTACTON was developed by a seven-person research team led by Yuichi Kado, executive manager of the Smart Devices Laboratory at NTT's Microsystems Integration Laboratories, in Atsugi, west of Tokyo. Using a transmitter embedded in, say, a PDA, REDTACTON sends a 5-volt pulse along the surface of the body. The human body shunts most of this electricity to the ground, resulting in a weak electric field that can be modulated to carry signals. The receiver is located either on another part of the body”a component of a hands-free headset, perhaps”or nearby, say, in an acquaintance's PDA. As it senses modulations in the electric field, the receiver decodes them to recover the data.

For implementation of easy-to use ubiquitous services, human area network technology for communication between mobile terminals and terminals that are embedded in the environment has become important. When cables are used for communication between terminals, the routing of the cables is clearly inconvenient. When very weak radio signal is used for the communication, data speeds are reduced by packet collision and other such problems in crowded places such as exhibition sites and security risk from unwanted signal interception is another problem. Technology for solving such problems includes the use of personâ„¢s body as a signal path of communication. A transmission path is formed automatically when a person come into contact with a device, communication between mobile terminals begin. This makes it possible for communication to be initiated through natural actions such as grasping, sitting, walking and stepping onto something.
RED TACTON is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high-speed network transmission path. REDTACTON uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared. A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a REDTACTON transceiver. Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication. Using REDTACTON, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's natural, physical movements. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. REDTACTON works through shoes and clothing as well.

In the past, Bluetooth, infrared communications (IrDA), radio frequency ID systems (RFID), and other technologies have been proposed to solve the "last meter" connectivity problem. However, they each have various fundamental technical limitations that constrain their usage, such as the precipitous fall-off in transmission speed in multi-user environments producing network congestion. A communications path can be created with a simple touch, automatically initiating the flow of data between a body-centric electronic device and a computer that is embedded in the environment. For example, two people equipped with REDTACTON devices could exchange data just by shaking hands.
Exactly how the receiver senses these modulations in the electric field generated by the transmitter is one of the major differences between PAN and REDTACTON. An electro-optical sensor embedded in the receiver and composed of an electro-optical crystal, a laser diode, and photodetectors reads the body's electric field through an electrode, which then transmits that field to a bismuth silicon oxide optical crystal. The electric field changes the refractive index of the crystal, which in turn changes the polarization of the sensor's laser beam as it shines through the crystal. Photodetectors register polarization changes as changes in light intensity and convert those changes into electrical signals, which are then processed by your cellphone or PDA.
Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, REDTACTON can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum speed of 10 Mbps.

REDTACTON takes a different technical approach. Instead of relying on electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data, the technology uses weak electric fields on the surface of the body

as a transmission medium. The weak electric fields pass through the body to a receiver where the weak electric fields affect the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal. The extent to which the optical properties are changed is detected by laser light, which is then converted to an electrical signal by a detector circuit.
Using a REDTACTON electro-optic sensor, two-way communication is supported between any two points on the body at a throughput of up to 10 Mbps. Communication is not just confined to the surface of the body, but can travel through the user's clothing to a REDTACTON device in a pocket or through shoes to communicate with a REDTACTON device embedded in the floor. Unlike wireless technologies, the transmission speed does not deteriorate even in the presence of large crowds of people all communicating at the same time in meeting rooms, auditoriums or stores. Because the body surface is the transmission path, increasing the number of connected users directly increases the available number of individual communication channels.
The system works by creating a transmission path at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a REDTACTON transceiver. Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication. Using REDTACTON, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's natural, physical movements. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. REDTACTON even works through shoes and clothing as well.

One suggestion for the technology is for the system to be embedded into medicine bottles that would then transmit information on the medicines' attributes. If the user touches the wrong medicine, an alarm will trigger on the terminal he or she is carrying. The alarm sounds only if the user actually touches the medicine bottle, reducing false alarms common with passive wireless ID tags, which can trigger simply by proximity.
The transmitter sends data by inducing fluctuations in the minute electric field on the surface of the human body. Data is received using a photonic electric field sensor that combines an electro-optic crystal and a laser light to detect fluctuations in the minute electric field.
Using a novel electro-optic sensor, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) has already developed a small PCMCIA card-sized prototype REDTACTON transceiver. REDTACTON enables the first practical Human Area Network between body-centered electronic devices and PCs or other network devices embedded in the environment via a new generation of user interface based on totally natural human actions such as touching, holding, sitting, walking, or stepping on a particular spot. REDTACTON can be used for intuitive operation of computer-based systems in daily life, temporary one-to-one private networks based on personal handshaking, device personalization, security, and a host of other applications based on new behavior patterns enabled by REDTACTON.

REDTACTON doesn™t introduce an electric current into the body ” instead; it makes use of the minute electric field that occurs naturally on the surface of every human body. A transmitter attached to a device, such as an MP3 player, uses this field to send data by modulating the field minutely in the same way that a radio carrier wave is modulated to carry information.
Receiving data is more complicated because the strength of the electric field involved is so low. REDTACTON gets around this using a technique called electric field photonics: A laser is passed though an electro-optic crystal, which deflects light differently according to the strength of the field across it. These deflections are measured and converted back into electrical signals to retrieve the transmitted data.
The naturally occurring electric field induced on the surface of the human body dissipates into the earth. Therefore, this electric field is exceptionally faint and unstable. The photonic electric field sensor developed by NTT enables weak electric fields to be measured by detecting changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal with a laser beam.
One-to-One services
With the ability to send attribute data from personal information devices worn on the body to computers embedded in the environment, one-to-one services could be implemented that are tailored to the individual needs of the user.

Enable one-to-one services tailored to the user's situation and tastes. Attribute information recorded in the REDTACTON device is sent to the touched objects. The appropriate service is provided based on the attribute information received by the REDTACTON receiver.

Elemenating human error:-

REDTACTON devices embedded medicine bottles transmit information on the medicines' attributes. If the user touches the wrong medicine, an alarm will trigger on the terminal he is carrying. The alarm sounds only if the user actually touches the medicine bottle, reducing false alarms common with passive wireless ID tags, which can trigger simply by proximity.

Alert and contact record at medical, long-term care, and childcare facilities. Avoidance of risk at construction sites (an alarm sounds if special equipment is handled by anyone other than supervisors).

Elemenating human error Marketing application

Marketing applications(context awareness)
Touch advertising and receive information

When a consumer stands in front of an advertising panel, advertising and information matching his or her attributes is automatically displayed. By touching or standing in front of items they are interested in, consumers can get more in-depth information. Brochures only of products of interest to the visitor can be downloaded automatically at trade shows. Inside a shop, shoppers can view related information on their mobile terminals immediately after touching a product.

Intuitive operation of personal information devices

Communication is triggered by totally natural human actions and behavior, so there is no need to insert smart cards, connect cables, tune frequencies, or any of the other inconveniences usually associated with today's electronic devices.

Natural movements and actions are the trigger. Thereâ„¢s no "operation" any more. Just intuitive human interaction. REDTACTON transceivers embedded in two terminals can communicate not only data but also the control or configuration instructions needed to operate devices. Cable connections are eliminated. The body itself is used as transmission medium.

Touch a printer

Touch a printer to print:-
Print out where you want just by touching the desired printer with one hand and a PC or digital camera with the other hand to make the link. Downloading device drivers at first touch reduces complicated configurations.

Other examples:-
-Display notebook PC screen on projectors with just a touch.
-Transfer songs to portable music players from notebook PCs with just a touch.

Instant Praivate Data Exchange:-

o Instataneous private network via personal handshake:-

By shaking hands, personal profile data can be exchanged between mobile terminals on the users. (Electronic exchange of business cards). Communication can be kept private using authentication and encryption technologies.


Group photos taken with digital cameras are instantly transferred to individual's mobile terminal. Diagrams written on white boards during meetings are transferred to individual's mobile terminals on the spot.

Device personalization
Setup, registration, and configuration information for an individual user can all be uploaded to a device the instant the device is touched, eliminating the need for the device to be registered or configured in advance.

Digital lifestyle can be instantly personalized with just a touch. A pre-recorded configuration script can be embedded in a mobile terminal with built-in REDTACTON transceiver. When another device with REDTACTON capabilities is touched, personalization data and configuration scripts can be downloaded automatically.

Personalization of mobile phones:-

Your own phone number is allocated and billing commences. Automatic importing of personal address book and call history.
The PC is configured to the user's specifications simply by touching the mouse. Room temperature and lighting are customized when a switch in the living room is pressed.

Personalization of automobiles:-

Just sitting in the seat triggers the car to laod all its presets, just the way u like.
The seat position and steering wheel height adjust to match the driver just by sitting in the car. The driver's home is set as the destination in the car navigation system. The stereo plays the driver's favorite song. Touching the TV remote control triggers a filter/search routine according to your personal programming preferences.

New behavior patterns
Tables, walls, floors and chairs can all act as conductors and dielectrics, turning furniture and other architectural elements into a new class of transmission medium. For example, a user could have instant access to the Internet merely by placing a laptop onto a conductive tabletop. Various conductors and dielectrics can be used as REDTACTON. Communication media and this have the potential to create new behavior patterns.

o Conferencing system:-

REDTACTON can carry music or video between headsets, mobile devices, mobile phones, etc. Users can listen to music from a REDTACTON player simply by putting on a headset or holding a viewer connecting head mounted displays.

Security applications

REDTACTON could be installed on doors, cabinets and other locations calling for secure access, such that each secure access could be initiated and authenticated with a simple touch. At the same time, all the transaction details and relevant user attributes (personal identity, security clearance, etc.) could be logged by the security system.

Automatic user authentication and login with just a touch. ID and privileges are recorded in a mobile REDTACTON device. Corresponding REDTACTON receivers are installed at security checkpoints. The system can provide authentication and record who touched the device, and when Carrying a mobile.

o User verification and lock management at entrances: -

REDTACTON-capable device in one's pocket, ID is verified and the door unlocked when the user holds the doorknob normally. Secure lock administration is possible by combining personal verification tools such as fingerprint ID or other biometric in the mobile terminal. Automated car door lock/unlock just by touching the handle; unlocking a bicycle just by sitting on it.

Automatic access log for confidential document storage:-

A REDTACTON receiver in a cabinet where important documents are stored enables lock administration and keeps a record of who accessed documents at what time. Seat reservation management by verifying that the right person is in the right seat. Log and verification of the person who touched the terminal.

Communication in new domain: -

Potential for use as communication method in outer space and under water. Potential for use as communication method with devices inside the human body



Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data.

Using REDTACTON, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations through physical contact according to the human's natural movements.


Duplex, interactive communication is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbps. Because the transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time.

Communication speed can deteriorate in crowded spaces due to a lack of bandwidth. Device drivers can be downloaded instantly and executable programs can be quickly sent. Taking advantage of this speed, device drivers can be downloaded instantly and execute programs can be sent.


In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination. In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination.




A communication environment can be created easily and at low-cost by using items close at hand, such as desks, walls, and metal objects.


REDTACTON surpasses other human area networks in terms of communication performance and user convenience.

Evaluation criteria Wireless LAN Close-range
wireless Infrared REDTACTON
Transfer speed E P P E
Performance deterioration
during periods of congestion. P P E E
Duplex data transfer
(Interactive processing) E E E E
User friendly P P P E


REDTACTON has a wide range of unique new functional features and enormous potential as a Human Area Networking technology. NTT is committed to quickly identifying and opening up those application areas with the most commercial promise for REDTACTON, a business development process to be coordinated under NTT's Comprehensive Producer Function program.


1. redtactonen/info
4. Data Communication & Networking By FOROUZAN

Technology is making many things easier; I can say that our concept is standing example for that. So far we have seen LAN, MAN , WAN , INTERNET & many more but here is new concept of RED TACTON which makes the human body as a communication network by name .... HAN (Human Area Network).
NTT lab from Japan is currently testing & developing this revolutionary technology. Red Tacton is a new Human Area networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field generated by human body as medium for transmitting the data. The chips which will be embedded in various devices contain transmitter and receiver built to send and accept data in digital format.
In this paper we will discuss about red tacton, and its working.
States, and applications of red tacton various fields. And we will compare our red tacton with the other technology for data transmission.
And know about human area network .
hey please read and for human area network or redtacon technology information


Working Principle
Human Area Network
Intuitive Operations


Technology is making many things easier.
Red Tacton is a new human area network technology.
It gives us safe and high speed network transmission.
Def :-

Red Tacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body.
Working Principle
Red Tacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field.

Human Area Network

In addition to the WANs (Internet) and LANs, there are applications best served by Human Area Networks (HANs) that connect the last meter
Human society is entering an era of ubiquitous computing, where everything is networked

Human Area Network

Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data
drivers can be downloaded instantly and execute programs can be sent.


In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination

Intuitive Operations
Security Applications

We conclude that, when we compare Red Tacton with other technology present today it can give a better performance over others
And we can say that to connect the network with in short distances Red Tacton is best.
In this technology there is no problem of hackers as our body is itself a media.
digit magazine


Presented By:
Velalar College of Engineering and Technology
Erode “ 603 012
Much of Networking today is performed using the concept of wireless technology. Now we are furiously rising to a technique that will be more advantageous than the previous system. Networking that is performed using wired or wireless media requires high power capacities and usually meets up with traffic congestion, data loss and security problems. The new material that we have found to be sound enough to build the next generation of Networking is Red Tacton. This technology mainly enables communication between people and objects in close proximity. It enables ubiquitous services based on human-centered interactions and therefore more intimate and easier for people to use. It utilizes the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path thus forming the concept of Human Area Networking. The embedding of Red Tacton in real time networks to perform complex networking tasks are dealt with in this paper which takes Red Tacton a step further.
Red Tacton “ A Description
In this technology communication starts by touching (Touch), leading to various actions (Act on) and the color red is added to convey the meaning of warmth in communication. Combining all the phrases we get the word Red Tacton
Principle of Communication
A Red Tacton consists of a transceiver and an electro optical sensor crystal which is used for sensing the optical property of the electrical field on the surface of the body.
RedTacton PC card prototype
RedTacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared. A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a RedTacton transceiver. Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication. Using RedTacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's natural, physical movements. Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. RedTacton works through shoes and clothing as well.
Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, RedTacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body.
Principle of Red Tacton
1. The RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.
2. The RedTacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter.
3. RedTacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field.
4. RedTacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electrical signal in an optical receivercircuit.
Mechanism of Communication
The transmitter sends data by inducing fluctuations in the minute electric field on the surface of the human body. Data is received using a photonic electric field sensor that combines an electro-optic crystal and a laser light to detect fluctuations in the minute electric field.
Mechanism of Red Tacton
The naturally occurring electric field induced on the surface of the human body dissipates into the earth. Therefore, this electric field is exceptionally faint and unstable. The photonic electric field sensor enables weak electric fields to be measured by detecting changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal with a laser beam.
Interesting Facts
RedTacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum speed of 10 Mbps.
RedTacton can utilize a wide range of materials as a transmission medium, as long as the material is conductive and dielectric, which includes water and other liquids, various metals, certain plastics, glass, etc. Using ordinary structures such as tables and walls that are familiar and readily available, one could easily construct a seamless communication environment at very low cost using RedTacton.
Features of Red Tacton
RedTacton has three main functional features
(1) Touch “ Communication with just a touch or a step.
Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data.
(2)Broadband & Interactive “ Bandwidth does not deteriorate even with duplex operation and simultaneous access by many users.
Duplex, interactive communication is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbps. Because the transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time.
(3) Any Media “ works with many transmission media common in human life.
In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination.
Human Area Networking
When cables are used for communication between terminals, the routing of cables is clearly inconvenient. When very weak radio signals are used, data speeds are reduced by unwanted packet collision and other such problems in crowded places such as exhibition sites and security risk from unwanted signal interruption is another problem. All these problems have been overlooked by more robust and energy efficient technology. Using the Red Tacton, we can establish a communication network with the help of the electrical energy on the surface of the body. The network here increases with number of users in contact with each other. And this forms the cutting edge technology of the upcoming era, an era ubiquitous computing, when networks are seamlessly interconnected and information is always accessible at our fingertips both literally and metaphorically.
RedTacton “ Manner of signal transmission without loss
RedTacton does not require the electrode be in direct contact with the skin. High-speed communication is possible between two arbitrary points on the body. With the electric amperage method, a clear signal line and ground line are required. With the electric voltage method, capacity coupling can substitute. Therefore, the electrode does not have to be in direct contact with the skin.
On the other hand, photonic electric field sensors used in RedTacton can measure stand-alone contacts without being influenced by grounds. As a result, the received waveform is not distorted, regardless of the receiver location. This makes long-distance and high-speed body surface transmission possible.
Comparison of Red Tacton with other Technologies
Red Tacton surpasses other communication techniques in terms of performance and user convenience
This is depicted by a comparison table where
E stands for excellent and P stands for poor
Data configuration at
initiation of communications
(Registration of ID profiles, etc) WL E CRW
Tasks required at time of
each communication
(Adjustment of contacts and optical axis) E E P E P E
Synchronization with
user behavior
(Specification of
user positioning) P P E E P E
Here the various communication techniques that are compared are
WL - Wireless LAN
CRW - Close Range wireless
CIC - Contactless IC Card
PWT - Passive Wireless ID Tag
IR - Infrared Standards
RT - Red Tacton
Transfer speed, Simultaneous access and Interactive Processing are of excellent nature in Red Tacton rather than other communication techniques.
Comparison with other Human Communication Methods
On comparison with other technologies here we apply electric field photonics which can be used for capacity coupling between equipment and the earth ground. It can communicate through any part of the body where as in other human communication system it utilizes a particular part of body for data transfer. Duplex communication can be established between mobile terminals and also between mobile terminals and external equipments.
Advantages over Bluetooth and RFID
Here the technology is clearly advantageous over Bluetooth and RFID in the following factors
(1) The Traffic and Network congestion does not occur here and it decreases with increase in number of users joining the network. It highly supports interactive processing.
(2) It greatly reduces the power consumption and cost of transmission media under usage.
(3) The data transfer rates are very impressive and it ranges to maximum of 10 Megabits per second.
(4) It turns our body into a swipe card which can be applied in security purposes.
(5) It can be applied for security purposes in a variety of domains.
Applications of Red Tacton
There are six major applications that are done using Red Tacton
(1) One to One Services
(2) Intuitive operations
(3) Personalization
(4) New Behavior patterns
(5) Security applications
(6) Communication in new domains
(1) One to One Services:
Enable one-to-one services tailored to the user's situation and tastes. Attribute information recorded in the RedTacton device is sent to the touched objects. The appropriate service is provided based on the attribute information received by the RedTacton receiver.
(A) Elimination of Human Errors
RedTacton devices embedded medicine bottles transmit information on the medicines' attributes. If the user touches the wrong medicine, an alarm will trigger on the terminal he is carrying. The alarm sounds only if the user actually touches the medicine bottle, reducing false alarms common with passive wireless ID tags, which can trigger simply by proximity.
Examples of Similar Applications
Alert and contact record at medical, long-term care, and childcare facilities.
Avoidance of risk at construction sites (an alarm sounds if special equipment is handled by anyone other than supervisors).
(B) Marketing Applications (Context Awareness)
Touch Advertisements and receive Information
When a consumer stands in front of an advertising panel, advertising and information matching his or her attributes is automatically displayed. By touching or standing in front of items they are interested in, consumers can get more in-depth information.
Examples of Similar Applications
Brochures only of products of interest to the visitor can be downloaded automatically at trade shows.
Inside a shop, shoppers can view related information on their mobile terminals immediately after touching a product.
(2) Intuitive Operation:
Natural movements and actions are the trigger.
There's no "operation" any more. Just intuitive human interaction. RedTacton transceivers embedded in two terminals can communicate not only data but also the control or configuration instructions needed to operate devices. Cable connections are eliminated. The body itself is used as transmission medium.
Touch a printer to print
Print out where you want just by touching the desired printer with one hand and a PC or digital camera with the other hand to make the link. Complicated configurations are reduced by downloading device drivers "at first touch".
Examples of Similar Applications
Display notebook PC screen on projectors with just a touch
Transfer songs to portable music players from notebook PCs with just a touch
(A) Instant private data exchange
Instantaneous private network via personal handshake
By shaking hands, personal profile data can be exchanged between mobile terminals on the users. (Electronic exchange of business cards). Communication can be kept private using authentication and encryption technologies.
Examples of Similar Applications
Group photos taken with digital cameras are instantly transferred to individual's mobile terminal.
Diagrams written on white boards during meetings are transferred to individual's mobile terminals on the spot.
(3) Personalization
Digital lifestyle can be instantly personalized with just a touch. A pre-recorded configuration script can be embedded in a mobile terminal with built-in RedTacton transceiver. When another device with RedTacton capabilities is touched, personalization data and configuration scripts can be downloaded automatically.
(A) Personalization of Mobile Phones
Just touching a phone makes it your own
Your own phone number is allocated and billing commences Automatic importing of personal address book and call history.
Examples of Similar Applications
The PC is configured to the user's specifications simply by touching the mouse.
Room temperature and lighting are customized when a switch in the living room is pressed.
(B) Personalization of Automobiles
Just sitting in the seat triggers the car to load all its presets, just the way we like
The seat position and steering wheel height adjust to match the driver just by sitting in the car. The driver's home is set as the destination in the car navigation system. The stereo plays the driver's favorite song.
Examples of Similar Applications
Touching the TV remote control triggers a filter/search routine according to your personal programming preferences.
(4) New Behavior Patterns
Various conductors and dielectrics can be used as RedTacton communication media, and this has the potential to create new behavior patterns.
Connect to network just by putting a laptop on the table
An electrically conductive sheet is embedded in the table. A network connection is initiated simply by placing a lap-top on the table. Using different sheet patterns enables segmentation of the table into subnets.
Examples of Similar Applications
Walls and partitions can be used as communication media, eliminating construction to install electrical wiring.
Ad hoc networking using conductive liquid sprays is possible
(A) Wearable:
Wireless headset
RedTacton can carry music or video between headsets, mobile devices, mobile phones, etc. Users can listen to music from a RedTacton player simply by putting on a headset or holding a viewer.
Examples of Similar Applications
Connecting head mounted displays.
(5) Security
Automatic user authentication and log-in with just a touch. ID and privileges are recorded in a mobile RedTacton device. Corresponding RedTacton receivers are installed at security check points. The system can provide authentication and record that touched the device, and when carrying a mobile RedTacton-capable device in one's pocket, ID is verified and the door unlocked when the user holds the doorknob normally. Secure lock administration is possible by combining personal verification tools such as fingerprint ID or other biometric in the mobile terminal.
User verification unlocking with just a touch
Examples of Similar Applications
Automated car door lock/unlock just by touching the handle; unlocking a bicycle just by sitting on it.
As a pass in amusement facilities.
(A) Confidential Domain Management
Automatic access log for confidential document management
A RedTacton receiver in a cabinet where important documents are stored enables lock administration and keeps a record of who accessed documents at what time.
Examples of Similar Applications
Seat reservation management by verifying that the right person is in the right seat.
Log and verification of the person who touched the terminal.
(6) Communication in New Domains
Potential for use as communication method in outer space and under water
Potential for use as communication method with devices inside the human body.
Thus Red Tacton can be used as an alternative to present day networking technologies which are limited by traffic congestion and data loss. Thus the future of networking finds a competent technology that can take networking to greater heights which is unimaginable. The Future proposal in this field of networking is that we can embed Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networking concepts which take Red Tacton a step further. Thus Human Area Networking sets a wide horizon for upcoming data transfer technologies.


RedTacton is a new innovative Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed data transmission path. It works on the principal that the property of an electro-optic crystal can be changed by a varying electric field. It uses an electro-optic sensor which consists of an electro-optic crystal and a laser to detect the changes in the electric field. Using this technology communication can be done with just a touch or step. This technology is broadband and interactive which works through any media and has a variety of applications in today

Presented By,



Technology is making many things easier; I can say that our concept is standing example for that. So far we have seen LAN, MAN , WAN , INTERNET & many more but here is new concept of RED TACTON which makes the human body as a communication network by name .... HAN (Human Area Network).
NTT lab from Japan is currently testing & developing this revolutionary technology .Red Tacton is a new Human Area networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field generated by human body as medium for transmitting the data. The chips which will be embedded in various devices contain transmitter and receiver built to send and accept data in digital format.
In this paper we will discuss about red tacton, and its working.
States, and applications of red tacton various fields. And we will compare our red tacton with the other technology for data transmission.
And know about human area network .


We may have imagined the feature as a place crawling with antennas and emitters, due to the huge growth of wireless communications. And it is seems that the current means of transferring data might already have a very serious competitor none other than the human boby.
Thus NTT labs from Japan has announced that is currently testing a revolutionary technology called red tacton ,which use the electric fields generated by the human body as medium for transmitting the data . The chips which will embedded in various devices contain a transmitter and receiver built to send and accept data in digital format. The chips can take any type of file such as mp3 music file or mail and convert it in to the format that takes the form of digitals pulse that can be passed and read through a human being electric field .the chip in receiver devices reads these tiny changes and convert the file back into its original form.

Red tacton

Red Tacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared .A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a Red Tacton transceiver. Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication Using Red Tacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations according to the user's Communication is possible using any body surfaces, such as the hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs or torso. Red Tacton works natural, physical movements.

Working principle

Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, Red Tacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum seed of 10 mbps
The Red Tacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body. The Red Tacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter .Red tacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field. Red Tacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electrical signal in a optical receiver circuit. The transmitter sends data by inducing fluctuations in the minute electric field on the surface of the human body. Data is received using a photonic electric field sensor that combines an electro-optic crystal and a laser light to detect fluctuations in the minute electric field.
The naturally occurring electric field induced on the surface of the human body dissipates into the earth. Therefore, this electric field is exceptionally faint and unstable. The photonic electric field sensor developed by NTT enables weak electric fields to be measured by detecting changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal with a laser beam.
Human area network
In addition to the WANs (Internet) and LANs, there are applications best served by Human Area Networks (HANs) that connect the last meter.
Human society is entering an era of ubiquitous computing, where everything is networked.By making Human Area Networks feasible, RedTacton will enable ubiquitous services based on human-centered interactions and therefore more intimate and easier for people to use.
Feature of red tacton
Red Tacton has three main functional features.

Communication with just a touch or step

Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data. using RedTacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices are linked in various combinations through physical contact according to the human's natural movements.


Duplex, interactive communication is possible at a maximum speed of 10Mbps. Because the transmission path is on the surface of the body, transmission speed does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time .Taking advantage of this speed, device drivers can be downloaded instantly and execute programs can be sent.
Communication speed can deteriorate in crowded spaces due to a lack of bandwidth
(wireless LAN) Device drivers can be downloaded instantly and executable programs can be quickly sent.(RED TACTON)



In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be
used in combination


( signals pass through materials) (signals travel along surface)
A communication environment can be created easily and at low-cost by using items close at hand, such as desks, walls, and metal objects. But there is one limitation on the length of the conductor to be propagated, on installation locations, and on the thickness of the dielectric to be passed through.
Application fields
Many application using Red Tacton are introduced. Some are:
Red tacton devices embedded medicine bottles transmit information on the medicines' attributes. If the user touches the wrong medicine, an alarm will trigger on the terminal he is carrying. The alarm sounds only if the user actually touches the medicine bottle, reducing false alarms common with passive wireless ID tags, which can trigger simply by proximity.
When a consumer stands in front of an advertising panel, advertising and information matching his or her attributes is automatically displayed. By touching or standing in front of items they are interested in, consumers can get more in-depth information.
Print out where you want just by touching the desired printer with one hand and a PC or digital camera with the other hand to make the page link Complicated configurations are reduced by downloading device drivers "at first touch".
By shaking hands, personal profile data can be exchanged between mobile terminals on the users. (Electronic exchange of business cards) Communication can be kept private using authentication and encryption technologies
Your own phone number is allocated and billing commences .Automatic importing of personal address book and call history.
The seat position and steering wheel height adjust to match the driver just by sitting in the car. The driver's home is set as the destination in the car navigation system .The stereo plays the driver's favorite song¦
An electrically conductive sheet is embedded in the table. A network connection is initiated simply by placing a lap-top on the table. Using different sheet patterns enables segmentation of the table into subnets.
Red Tacton can carry music or video between headsets, mobile devices, mobile phones, etc. Users can listen to music from a Red Tacton player simply by putting on a headset or holding a viewer.

Carrying a mobile
RedTacton-capable device in one's pocket, ID is verified and the door unlocked when the user holds the doorknob normally. Secure lock administration is possible by combining personal verification tools such as fingerprint ID or other biometric in the mobile terminal.
NTT has made three types of prototypes
Protocols : TCP/IP
Communication method :Half-duplex
Interface: PCMCIA
Protocols :TCP/IP
Communication method : Half-duplex
Interface: RJ45
(under constructions)

Comparison with other technologies

Wireless Infrared Red
Evaluation criteria Wireless LAN Close-range
wireless Contactless IC
cards Passive
ID tag Standard
Transfer speed
(Can DVD-quality images
be sent?) E P P P P E
Performance deterioration
during periods of congestion
(Simultaneous use by many
people in small spaces) P P E E E E
Duplex data transfer
(Interactive processing) E E E P E E
Data configuration at
initiation of communications
(Registration of ID profiles, etc) E E P P E E
Tasks required at time of
each communication
(Adjustment of contacts and optical axis) E E P E P E
Synchronization with
user behavior
(Specification of
user positioning) P P E E P E
E: Excellent P: Poor

So we conclude that, red tacton is the best technology when compared with other data communication technologies present today. In this technology there is no problem of hackers as our body is itself a media. If red tacton is introduced into cyber market it brings a marvelous & tremendous change and will be adopted by many more people.

CONTENTS Topics page no
1. Abstract 3
2. Introduction 4
3. Red tacton 4
4 . Working principle. 5
5. Human area network 6
6. Features 7
7. Applications 9
8. Comparison with other technology 12
9. Conclusion 13
pleasr send me full project report and power point presentation on red tacton..

with regards,
Pallav Garg,
I want to do seminar on redtacton so can you please send me more information about exact working of it. my e-mail Id-m1pathak[at]

thank you.


Affiliated to Anna University ,Final Year, Dept. of ECE, SVCE
Sriperumbudur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


-Human area networking (HAN) is an emerging trend
in the field of communication. Red tacton is a technology that
uses human body as a medium for transfer of data. Red tacton
uses IEEE 802.3 standard to achieve a data rate of 10Mbps. Red
tacton transceivers use the body's electrical field to transmit
digital messages. Optical crystal and laser technology converts
the changes in electrical field back into a signal at the receiver.
This method of data transfer is harmless. This method is user
friendly and fast . It also has an additional advantage of being
independent of the environment in which it is used in. The major
disadvantage posed by this method is noise interference. This
causes loss of data in other words security lapse.We use an
improved vascular pattern extraction algorithm for person
verification applications. The proposed direction-based vascular
pattern extraction (DBVPE) algorithm is based on the directional
information of vascular patterns.The solution posed by us is
towards the drawback faced by the red tacton. The best solution
is the embedded solution. This method uses the near-infrared
light , reflected or transmitted images of blood vessels of a hand
or finger are derived and used for personal recognition. The
person using the tacton has to scan his vascular pattern. For this,
we use a Micro-Controller chip and vascular pattern Image
processing is done by the micro-controller and if the image
patterns match then data flow takes place through the human
skin . If the images do not match a buzzer beeps as an alert and
data transfer is denied . This gives maximum safety to the data
present in the tacton.

for more ::->

i need a full detailed report on redtacton.plz send it as quickly as possible.
i jszz wanted to read d RFC of dis technology .so plzz fwrd me d rfc no of dis.
regards neeti
i need this document "redtacton" for my seminars
please send this to my ID gururaj.evionics[at]
 Technology is making many things easier.
 Red Tacton is a new human area network technology.
• It gives us safe and high speed network transmission
“Red Tacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body”.
Working Principle:
Red Tacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field
Human Area Network:
 In addition to the WANs (Internet) and LANs, there are applications best served by Human Area Networks (HANs) that connect the last meter
 Human society is entering an era of ubiquitous computing, where everything is networked
 Touching, gripping, sitting, walking, stepping and other human movements can be the triggers for unlocking or locking, starting or stopping equipment, or obtaining data
Drivers can be downloaded instantly and execute programs can be sent.
In addition to the human body, various conductors and dielectrics can be used as transmission media. Conductors and dielectrics may also be used in combination
 Wired communication transmits data between two connection points, so interception is difficult and security can’t be assured.
 Taking the above point in account, RedTacton allows for easy connection without connectors, while at the same time allowing transmission of data only between two contact points.
 Equipment involved in RedTacton are small in size and portable.
 We conclude that, when we compare Red Tacton with other technology present today it can give a better performance over others
 And we can say that to connect the network with in short distances Red Tacton is best.
 In this technology there is no problem of hackers as our body is itself a media
 Red Tacton is a new Human Area networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path.
 Red Tacton uses the minute electric field generated by human body as medium for transmitting the data
 The chips which will be embedded in various devices contain transmitter and receiver built to send and accept data in digital format
 All these devices need the separate voltages for their working
 Along with power they need a medium
 Red Tacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body. Technically
 A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a RedTacton TRANCEIVER
 Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication Using RedTacton
 Using Red Tacton, communication starts when terminals carried by the user or embedded in devices
 They linked in various combinations according to the user's Communication is possible using any body surfaces
 The body surfaces may be any of our body parts like hands, fingers, arms, feet, face, legs

 RedTacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum seed of 10 mbps
 RedTacton uses SUPER SENSETIVE PHOTONIC electric field sensor to achieve the above
 The RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.
 The RedTacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter
 RedTacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field.
 RedTacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electrical signal in a optical receiver circuit
 The transmitter sends data by inducing fluctuations in the minute electric field
 These fluctuations disturbs the minute electric field on the surface of the body

Presented by:

Red Tacton is a technology developed by Japanese company NTT, which claims it can send data over the surface of the skin at speeds of upto 10Mbps--- equivalent to a fast broadband data connection.
It takes a different technical approach.Instead of relying on electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data ,it uses weak electric fields on the surface of the body as a transmission medium.
The name chosen for this technology is derived from “Tacton” meaning “action triggered by touching” combined with red ,which in Japanese culture is an auspicious colour with connotations of warmth and love,to convey the cordiality and warmth of interpersonal communications.
Human Area Network
What is Red Tacton?

Red Tacton is a new human area networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path.
General Theory
Types Of Red Tacton Transceivers
Red Tacton relies upon the principle that
the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal can vary according to the changes of a weak electric field.
How Red Tacton works?
Mechanism of Communication
Continued… Touch:
Continued… Broadband And Interactive:
Application Fields
An alaram sounds automatically to avoid accidental medicine ingestion.
Touch advertising and receive information.
Touch a printer to print.
Instantaneous private network via personal handshake.
Just touching a phone makes it your own.
Just sitting in the seat triggers the car to load all its presets,just the way you like.
Connect to the network just by putting lap-top on the table.
Wireless headset.
User verification and unlocking with just a touch.
Pros And Cons
Data transfer is faster and easier.
Data loss during transfer is less.
Use of minimum amount of power.
Security is more than in Blue tooth.
Superior than infrared and Wi-Fi technologies.
Used within few centimeters only.
Too costly.
Future Scope
Reduction in size to be embedded in
other communication devices.
Artificial Intelligence in Red Tacton.
We conclude that, when we compare Red Tacton with other technology present today it can give a better performance over others and we can say that to connect the network with in short distances Red Tacton is best.
In this technology there is no problem of hackers as our body is itself a media.

presented by:

Defenition :-

“Red Tacton is a new Human Area Networking technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path. Red Tacton uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body”.
• These chips that will be embedded in various devices contain transmitter and receiver built to send and accept data in digital format. The chips can take any type of file such as mp3 music file or mail
and convert it in to the format that takes the form of digitals pulse that can be passed and read through a human being electric field . the chip in receiver devices reads these tiny changes and convert the file back into its original form.
• A transmission path is formed at the moment a part of the human body comes in contact with a Red Tacton transceiver.
• Physically separating ends the contact and thus ends communication.
• Working
• Features
• Touch
• The people can connect to the network without experiencing any degree of complexity simply by performing natural actions such as touching, sitting or stepping on other objects.

• Touch a Printer to Print
• An Alarm Sounds automatically to Avoid Accidental Medicine Ingestion
• Instantaneous Private Network via Personal Handshake
• User Verification & Unlocking by just a Touch
Personalization of Mobile Phones
• Automatic Access Log for Confidential Document Storage
1- Advantages over past Bluetooth, IRDA(Infrared comm.), RFID(Radio Frequency ID system) & other technologies who have been proposed to solve the “Last Meter” connectivity problem.
2- Communication path by just a Simple Touch thus eliminating use of hectic arrangements of wires.
• 3- RedTacton does not require the electrode be in Direct Contact with the skin
3- Very secure Data Transmission since medium is individual body
5- Transmission speed does not deteriorate in congested areas where many people are communicating at the same time.
• Very high Initial Cost.
• High Sensitivity of Receiver is required.
• Complexity in Design.
• The application of Red Tacton are enormous, medical security, communication & data transfer are just a start.
• In future this technology can make the complete extinction of the key and ID cards as we know today.
• Although this technology employs a weak A.C. electric field, it easily satisfies the standards for weak Tx, Rx & protective guidelines.
• It has been concluded that Red Tacton when compared with other Technologies present today can give better performance over others.
i want thefull report on RedTacton Human Area Networking technology please send as soon as possible
i want full report on RedTacton An innovative Human Area Networking technology
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RedTacton is a human area network technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe high-speed network transmission path. The technology is called TACTON because this influences communication that starts by touching leading to various actions. RED is used to convey the meaning of warmth in communication. Instead of relying on electromagnetic waves or light waves to carry data, a RedTacton transmitter couples with extremely weak electric fields on the surface of the body. The weak electric fields pass through the body to a RedTacton receiver, where the weak electric fields affect the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal. Physically separating ends the contact and thus closes the communication. The RedTacton chips will be embedded in machines and contain a transmitter and receiver built to send and accept any form of data stored in digital format.
1. How Red Tacton works?
Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, RedTacton can achieve duplex communication over the human body at a maximum speed of 10 Mbps.
1. The RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.
2. The RedTacton receiver senses changes in the weak electric field on the surface of the body caused by the transmitter.
3. RedTacton relies upon the principle that the optical properties of electro-optical crystal can vary according to changes of a weak electric field.
4.Redtacton detects changes in the optical properties of an electro-optic crystal using a laser and converts the result to an electric signal in an optical receiver circuit.
It is to be noted that Redaction transceivers which integrate transmitter and receivers, are also available. The physical layer enables half-duplex communication(transmission and reception are done alternatively)using proprietary CSMA/CD protocol. As with Ethernet cards, each transceiver card has a unique address. The upper layer above this is compliant with TCP/IP protocol.
2.Method of communication with RedTacton
The transmitter sends data by inducing fluctuations in the minute electric field on the surface of the human body. The surface of the human body loses some field due to the returning to ground and electric field dissipated to the earth from legs. Data is received using a photonic electric field sensor that combines an electro-optic crystal and a laser light to detect fluctuations in the minute electric field. This sensor measures faint electric field by using a laser beam to detect fluctuations in the optical properties of electro-optic crystal that are caused by peripheral electric fields.
The illustration is as shown in the figure. It clearly depicts various paths of the field.
the crackling sensation one feels when shocked by static electricity is caused by an electric current of several dozen milli-amperes suddenly flowing into the body from the outside. The RedTacton electrode is covered with an insulating material, no current flows into the body from the RedTacton transceiver. As a result, there is no shock caused by the inflow of electric current from the outside. However, as in mobile phones, a weak induction current is created in the body owing to the minute electric filed created near the body when the movement occurs. This induction current is very weak and similar to those occurring in everyday life. The size of the induction current emitted on the body with RedTacton is in conformity with the "Radio Frequency-Exposure Protection Standard <RCR STD-38> established by the Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB).
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RedTacton uses the human body as a path for the electric signals that are communicated to represent data. The transmitter worn on a body uses the body’s electrical field to transmit digital messages. For example, by shaking hands two people can exchange business cards. When a user touches a door handle, the system realizes who the person is and gives the authorization. By holding a camera in one hand and touching the printer with the other the photographs can be printed. By touching a mobile phone, the address book can be downloaded. However, a distinction between an electric sensor and a photonic electric field sensor is also illustrated. Photonic electric field sensors used in RedTacton can measure stand-alone contacts without being influenced by grounds. As a result, the received waveform is not distorted, regardless of the receiver location. This makes long-distance and high-speed body surface transmission possible.

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