4G mobile networking Full Seminar Report Download

Recently the introduction of the third generation mobile networks has just been taking place which holds out the possibilities what have never been seen before. Every mobile generation created something new and more valuable for the users in comparison with previous networks and this will be the case also with the appearance of the fourth generation.

As time and the technology progresses, people get used to having access to information at any time, independently of the presence of any cables. Moreover, people want to have continuous high quality services and, at the same time, are unaware of how they will get it and where they are going next. Hence, they need a functioning mobile infrastructure capable of handling high amounts of data. Current mobile standards (the so called "2G", second generation, networks) can be used to transfer data at very limited speed. The recently implementing generation, 3G, will offer better data transfer capabilities, but its speed is still insufficient for many desired applications like video conferencing. Only the next generation, "4G", the fourth generation, will offer data transfer at fully acceptable rate.

However, since the 4G will need to use higher frequencies, it also provides much smaller coverage area per base station. This means, in particular, that while users could enjoy continuous video conferencing, a more complicated infrastructure of service providers has to be set up. Some effort has been done to elaborate on the 4G technical solutions but less on the economical side of this problem.

4G will provide different features like fully packet switching networks, higher bandwidths for providing multimedia services at cheaper rates, higher bit rates approx 100 mega bits per second, very high network security etc. It will have interactive multimedia services such as wireless internet and teleconferencing.

The 4G technology was predicted to become applicable around 2010 but due to so many features and facilities the researchers had put their efforts and by investing $30 billion the technology will be available by 2006, something which has never happened before.


Depending on the level of the reader 4G can be defined in different ways. In simplest terms, 4G is the next generation of wireless networks that will replace 3G networks sometimes in future. In another context, 4G is simply an initiative by academic R&D labs to move beyond the limitations and problems of 3G which is having trouble getting deployed and meeting its promised performance and throughput. In reality, as of first half of 2002, 4G is a conceptual framework for or a discussion point to address future needs of a universal high speed wireless network that will interface with wire line backbone network seamlessly.

Here's something we don't see often: a wireless technology that could actually arrive earlier than predicted. Fourth-generation (4G) cellular services, intended to provide mobile data at rates of 100Mbits/sec or more, were originally scheduled for 2010. Some cell phone companies have moved the target up to 2006, while rival wireless systems could bring similar bandwidth to a few fortunate networkers a lot sooner.

Two aspects characterize the resulting fourth generation wireless network scenario (4G). First, the network consists of a collection of heterogeneous networks that provide end-to-end IP connectivity over wireless. In addition, it is a "stupid network" scenario, where the network only provides packet transport, and therefore it is an "operator-less" network with respect to services. This scenario also implies that the mobile users and devices that participate in communication over 4G must become smarter, i.e., they must be able to respond to a wide range of events.

Whatâ„¢s new in 4G?
¢ Entirely packet-switched networks
¢ All network elements are digital
¢ Higher bandwidths to provide multimedia services at lower cost (up to 100Mbps, higher bit rates)
¢ Tight network security.
¢ Support interactive multimedia services such as teleconferencing, wireless Internet, etc.
¢ Global mobility and service portability, Scalability of mobile networks
¢ Seamless switching
¢ Scheduling and call admission control techniques
¢ Ad hoc networks and multi-hop networks

Challenges in 4G
¢ Multi-access interface, timing and recovery
¢ Higher frequency reuse
¢ Issues in the interface with the ad hoc networks
¢ Voice over multi-hop networks
¢ Variable QoS (Quality of Service) services and tight security
¢ Changing channel conditions
¢ Seamless roaming and transfer of services
see this for more http://en.wikipediawiki/4G
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With the rapid development of communication networks, it is expected that fourth generation mobile systems will be launched within decades. Fourth generation (4G) mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless technologies including GSM, wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. This contrasts with third generation (3G), which merely focuses on developing new standards and hardware. 4G systems will support comprehensive and personalized services providing stable system performance and quality service. This paper gives the details about the need for mobile communication and its development in various generations. In addition, the details about the working of 4G mobile communication were given. Finally, it narrates how 4G mobile communication will bring a new level of connectivity and convenece in communication.

Communication is one of the important areas of electronics and always been a focus for exchange of information among parties at locations physically apart. There may be different mode of communication. The communication may be wired or wireless between two links. Initially the mobile communication was limited to between one pair of users on single channel pair. Mobile communication has undergone many generations. The first generation of the RF cellular used analog technology. The modulation was FM and the air interface was FDMA. Second generation was an offshoot of Personal Land Mobile Telephone System (PLMTS). It used Gaussian Shift Keying modulation (GMSK). All these systems had practically no technology in common and frequency bands, air interface protocol, data rates, number of channels and modulation techniques all were difficult. Dynamic Quality of Service (QoS) parameter was always on the top priority list. Higher transmission bandwidth and higher efficiency usage had to be targeted. On this background development of 3G mobile communication systems took place. In this Time Division Duplex (TDD) mode technology using 5MHz channels was used. This had no backward compatibility with any of the predecessors. But 3G appeared to be somewhat unstable technology due to lack of standardization, licensing procedures and terminal and service compatibility. Biggest single inhibitor of any new technology in mobile communication is the mobile terminal availability in the required quantity, with highest QoS and better battery life. The future of mobile communication is FAMOUS-FUTUERE Advanced Mobile Universal Systems, Wide-band TDMA, Wideband CDMA are some of the technologies. The data rates targeted are 20MBPS. That will be the 4G in the mobile communication. 4G must be hastened, as some of the video applications cannot be contained within 3G.
The communication industry is undergoing cost saving programs reflected by slowdown in the upgrade or overhaul of the infrastructure, while looking for new ways to provide third generation (3G) like services and features with the existing infrastructures. This has delayed the large-scale development of 3G networks, and given rise to talk of 4G technologies. Second generation (2G) mobile systems were very successful in the previous decade. Their success prompted the development of third generation (3G) mobile systems. While 2G systems such as GSM, andIS-95 etc. were designed to carry speech and low bit-rate data. 3G systems were designed to provide higher data-rate services. During the evolution from 2G to3G, a range of wireless systems, including GPRS, IMT-2000, Bluetooth, WLAN, and Hiper LAN have been developed. All these systems were designed independently, targeting different service types, data rates, and users. As these systems all have their own merits and shortcomings, there is no single system that is good to replace all the other technologies. Instead of putting into developing new radio interface and technologies for 4G systems, it is believed in establishing 4G systems is a more feasible option.
In 4G architecture, focus is on the aspect that multiple networks are able to function in such a way that interfaces are transparent to users and services. Multiplicities of access and service options are going to be other key parts of the paradigm shift. In the present scenario and with the growing popularity of Internet, a shift is needed to switch over from circuit switched mode to packet switched mode of transmission. However 3G networks and few others, packet switching is employed for delay insensitive data transmission services. Assigning packets to virtual channels and then multiple physical channels would be possible when access options are expanded permitting better statistical multiplexing. One would be looking for universal access and ultra connectivity, which could be enabled by:
(a) Wireless networks and with wire line networks.
(b) Emergence of a true IP over the air technology.
© Highly efficient use of wireless spectrum and resources.
(d) Flexible and adaptive systems and networks.
Some key features (mainly from the users point of view) of 4G networks are:
1. High usability: anytime, anywhere, and with any technology
2. Support for multimedia services at low transmission cost
3. Personalization
4. Integrated services
First, 4G networks are all IP based heterogeneous networks that allow users to use any system at any time and anywhere. Users carrying an integrated terminal can use a wide range of applications provided by multiple wireless networks.
Second, 4G systems provide not only telecommunications services, but also data and multimedia services. To support multimedia services high data-rate services with good system reliability will be provided. At the same time, a low per-bit transmission cost will be maintained.
Third, personalized service will be provided by the new generation network.
Finally, 4G systems also provide facilities for integrated services. Users can use multiple services from any service provider at the same time.
To migrate current systems to 4G with the features mentioned above, we have to face number challenges. Some of them were discussed below.
In order to use large variety of services and wireless networks in 4G systems, multimode user terminals are essential as they can adopt different wireless networks by reconfiguring themselves. This eliminates the need to use multiple terminals (or multiple hardware components in a terminal). The most promising way of implementing multimode user terminals is to adopt the software radio approach. Figure.1 shows the design of an ideal software radio receiver
Analog Digital

BPF LNA ADC Base band

Figure.1: An ideal software radio receiver
The analog part of the receiver consists of an antenna, a band pass filter (BPF), and a low noise amplifier (LNA). The received analog signal is digitized by the analog to digital converter (ADC) immediately after the analog processing. The processing in the next stage (usually still analog processing in the conventional terminals) is then performed by a reprogrammable base band digital signal processor (DSP). The Digital Signal Processor will process the digitized signal in accordance with the wireless environment.
In order to provide wireless services at any time and anywhere, terminal mobility is a must in 4G infrastructures, terminal mobility allows mobile client to roam across boundaries of wireless networks. There are two main issues in terminal mobility: location management and handoff management. With the location management, the system tracks and locates a mobile terminal for possible connection. Location management involves handling all the information about the roaming terminals, such as original and current located cells, authentication information, and Quality of Service (QoS) capabilities. On the other hand, handoff management maintains ongoing communications when the terminal roams. MobileIPv6 (MIPv6) is a standardized IP-based mobility protocol for Ipv6 wireless systems. In this design, each terminal has an IPv6 home address whenever the terminal moves outside the local network, the home address becomes invalid, and the terminal obtain a new Ipv6 address (called a care-of address) in the visited network. A binding between the terminalâ„¢s home address and care-of address is updated to its home agent in-order to support continuous communication.

Vertical handoff
Horizontal handoff
Figure.2: Vertical and Horizontal handoff of a mobile terminal

Figure.2 shows an example of horizontal and vertical handoff. Horizontal handoff is performed when the terminal moves from one cell to another cell within the same wireless system. Vertical handoff, however, handles the terminal movement in two different wireless systems (e.g, from WLAN to GSM)
In addition to terminal mobility, personal mobility is a concern mobility management. Personal mobility concentrates on the movement of users instead of userâ„¢s terminals, and involves the provision of personal communications and personalized operating environments.
A personal operating environment, on the other hand, is a service that enables adaptable service presentations inorder to fit the capabilities of the terminal in use regardless of network types. Currently, There are several frame works on personal mobility found in the literature. Mobile-agent-based infrastructure is one widely studied solution. In this infrastructure, each user is usually assigned a unique identifier and served by some personal mobile agents (or specialized computer programs running on same servers. These agents acts as intermediaries between the user and the Internet. A user also belongs to a home network that has servers with the updated user profile (including the current location of the userâ„¢s agents, userâ„¢s performances, and currently used device descriptions). When the user moves from his/her home network to a visiting network, his/her agents will migrate to the new network. For example, when somebody makes a call request to the user, the callerâ„¢s agent first locates userâ„¢s agent by making a location request to userâ„¢s home network. By looking up userâ„¢s profile, his/her home network sends back the location of userâ„¢s agent to the callerâ„¢s agent. Once the callerâ„¢s agent identifies userâ„¢s location, the callerâ„¢s agent can directly communicate with userâ„¢s agent. Different agents may be used for different services.
Security requirements of 2G and 3G networks have been widely studied in the literature. Different standards implement their security for their unique security requirements. For
example, GSM provides highly secured voice communication among users. However, the existing security schemes for wireless systems are inadequate for 4G networks. The key concern in security designs for 4G networks is flexibility. As the existing security schemes are mainly designed for specific services, such as voice service, they may not be applicable to 4G environments that will consist of many heterogeneous systems. Moreover, the key sizes and encryption and decryption algorithms of existing schemes are also fixed. They become inflexible when applied to different technologies and devices (with varied capabilities, processing powers, and security needs). As an example, Tiny SESAME is a lightweight reconfigurable security mechanism that provides security services for multimode or IP-based applications in 4G networks.
The future of mobile communication is FAMOUS-Future Advanced Mobile Universal Systems. The data rates targeted are 20 MBPS. That will be the FOURTH GENERATION 4G in the mobile communication technology. 4G must be hastened, as some of the video applications cannot be contained within 3G.This paper highlights that current systems must be implemented with a view of facilitate to seamless integration into 4G infrastructure. Inorder to cope with the heterogeneity of network services and standards, intelligence close to end system is required to map the user application requests onto network services that are currently available. This requirement for horizontal communication between different access technologies has been regarded as a key element for 4G systems. Finally, this paper describes how 4G mobile communication can be used in any situation where an intelligent solution is required for interconnection of different clients to networked applications aver heterogeneous wireless networks.
1. Mobile and Personal Communication Systems and Services
---Raj Pandya
2. Emerging Trends in Mobile Communication
---IETE Technical Review Magazine
3. Technology Advances for 3G and Beyond
---IEEE Communications Magazine
4. Challenges in the migration to 4G mobile systems
---IEEE Communications Magazine
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http://studentbank.in/report-4g-wireless...t-download and http://studentbank.in/report-4g-mobile-n...t-download

for all details about 4G mobile technology
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http://studentbank.in/report-4g-wireless...t-download and http://studentbank.in/report-4g-mobile-n...t-download

for all details about 4G mobile technology
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hi . i want full seminar report on 4g mobile networking .... and ppt ...
can u give it to me....
THKS for topics of computer
k.....plz send ur email address
this is the 4G technology for seminars
as i final year student so i need project

4G technology

4G There is no formal definition for what 4G is; however, there are certain objectives that are projected for 4G. These objectives include: that 4G will be a fully IP-based integrated system. 4G will be capable of providing between 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s speeds both indoors and outdoors, with premium quality and high security.
Many companies have taken self-serving definitions and distortions about 4G to suggest they have 4G already in existence today, such as several early trials and launches of WiMAX. Other companies have made prototype systems calling those 4G. While it ispossible that some currently demonstrated technologies may become part of 4G, until the 4G standard or standards have been defined, it is impossible for any company currently to provide with any certainty wireless solutions that could be called 4G cellular networks that would conform to the eventual international standards for 4G. These confusing statements around “existing” 4G have served to confuse investors and analysts about the wireless industry.
According to the 4G working groups, the infrastructure and the terminals of 4G will have almost all the standards from 2G to 4G implemented. Although legacy systems are in place to adopt existing users, the infrastructure for 4G will be only packet-based (all-IP). Some proposals suggest having an open platform where the new innovations and evolutions can fit. The technologies which are being considered as pre-4G are the following: Flash-OFDM, WiMax, WiBro, iBurst, and 3GPP Long Term Evolution. One of the first technology really fulfilling the 4G requirements as set by the ITU-R will be LTE Advanced as currently standardized by 3GPP. LTE Advanced will be an evolution of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution. Higher data rates are for instance achieved by the aggregation of multiple LTE carriers that are currently limited to 20MHz bandwidth








The 4G concept supports the provisioning of multiple types of services, ranging from simple network access to complex multimedia virtual reality, including voice communication services. 4g mobile data transmission rates are planned to be 100 megabits per second on the move and 1000gigabits per second stationary. The intent of this paper is to describe about 4G, its architecture, specifications, and the new technologies involved like OFDM, IPv6, transmission schemes are explained. Here, we have compared 4G with the older generation and described the need and the evolution of it. The consequences of this technology are also included.
4G will change the way we work, live and play. Some features are cheap end user costs, fast, always on, reliable connectivity, where ever you are, what ever you do. With higher speeds and increased reliability, video broadcast applications become more commercially viable. Raw footage can be beamed back and forth easily. With this type of capability, many fixed devices may incorporate wireless technology. 4G can also provide broadband access to rural communities. Any portable electronic device can be made mobile phone by inserting OWA powered mobile RTT card. 4G will provide 40MHz bandwidth to the palm of user.

4G will change the way we work, live and play. Cheap end user costs, fast, always on, reliable connectivity, where ever you are, what ever your doing. The key advantages are enhanced reliability, more consistent service, seamless roaming, low cost to the end users, lower power consumptions, and better transmission rates without any interference. A modified IP will be the universal network layer protocol in the future. The entire network would be digital and packet switched. TV, internet, phone, radio, home environment sensors all reachable through one device:- the cell phone.
hello, give me the full information regarding 4g mobile networking... with 30 documentations
this is a good one buddy....................
nice topic for youngers
thanx and please send me more about 4G mobile networking............

i need the report for 4g mobile networks can anyone send it plzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I want full PROJ REPORT PLZ send it to dvnharishcse[at]yahoo.com
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