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मैं आकांक्षा मिश्रा। कानपुर की रहने वाली हूँ। कानपुर से ही मैं ग्रेजुएशन कररही हूँ। अब मैं आगे बीएड करके अपने पैरों पर खड़ी होना चाहती हूँ। मुझे सिंगिंग का बहुत शौक है।
Amar Ujala is a Hindi-language newspaper published in India. It has 19 editions in seven states and one union territory covering 167 districts. It has a circulation of about two million copies. The India Readers Survey of 2013 reported that with 5.510 million, it had the 12th largest daily readership among Indian newspapers.

Amar Ujala was founded in Agra in 1948. In 1994, Dainik Jagran and Amar Ujala shared nearly 70 percent of Hindi newspaper readers in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Amar Ujala sold 4.5 lakh copies throughout its five editions. Amar Ujala publishes a daily number of 16 to 18 pages and also complements the focus on subjects such as careers, lifestyle, entertainment and women.

Rajul Maheshwari, head of the newspaper, announced in a press release that he was entering the market for "rural events and activation" in 2015, saying that "Amar Ujala is not just a newspaper, he is also a change agent" . The intention is to hold short events in several cities that would bring together significant participants in the local rural economy with agriculture-based agricultural service companies and government agencies.