Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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 i would like to get details on seminar report of nano tree
Nano tree is an artificial tree that makes use of renewable energy from the sun, wind and solar and wind energy collection. Biomimicry is a developing science that attempts to solve human difficulties by adapting and implementing systems from nature to human technology. This is made possible by the use of nature's design with synthetic trees, shrubs, plants and flowers. Energy Harvest Trees are environmentally friendly man-made trees will use renewable energy from the sun along with wind energy, which is a clean, ecological and healthy means of collecting solar radiation and wind energy. It uses three different power generation technologies, such as photovoltaic, thermoelectric and piezoelectric. The leaves are distributed through artificial trees and plants and can supply the entire home with maximum efficiency. It is profitable and attractive looking and providing electric power.

It can be understood in the following video: