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      I want program for abstacle avioding robot using 8051 mcu and ultrasonic sensor without aurdino
Robotics is the part of the current connection. ROBOTICS is the fast development and interesting area in the world today. This is the simplest method for changing modern technology. Currently, communication is part of the modern method and therefore we conclude operations on the ROBOTICS fields and concepts that will create human life easy as a routine and therefore we help this reason.

The Avoid Robot Obstacle using Project 8051 is the base level of any automatic robot. The technology has enough conceptual to include the great field of the given area. This includes the nuclear infrared that are applied to identify the obstacles that come in the ROBOT field. This would move specifically and ignore the obstacles that are happening in your path. There are two methods, two D.C engines, which are used to provide movement for the ROBOT. The manufacture of the ROBOT circuit is simple and little. The technological parts used under the circuits are simply present and also inexpensive.

The zero voltage is seen and therefore μc concludes to ignore the obstacles by turning left or right. When the sensor produces + 5v at μc which implies that there are no obstacles that are in the way and therefore, it moves straight down and until any obstacle is found.

There are two IR transmitting circuits that are present on the left and front side of the robot. The two infrared sensors are placed on the IR LEDs of the transmitters. The connections are made from important circuits to sensors with the help of common twisted pair cables. There are two motors, namely left motor and right motor that communicate to the IC controller (L293D).

Block diagram

[Image: Obstacle_Avoidance_Robotic_Vehicle_Block_Diagram.JPG]