Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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Good evening sir indeed emtl important questions with answers
Electromagnetic or electromagnetic waves is a topic that has fascinated humans for many centuries. In ancient times people used to ask questions such as why stars shine and planets do not blink or why there is lightning or if I put a magnetic needle in certain environments why the magnetic needle deflects, how does light come from the sun To the land When there is no middle ground.

Then we have application of electromagnetic waves in the area of Antennas that can transmit electromagnetic energy or can receive electromagnetic energy. We require knowledge of electromagnetic waves in a topic called Satellite Communication, we require knowledge of electromagnetic waves in the area of Fiber Optic Communication and we require this knowledge in Wireless Cellular Communication and applications in Radar and classical topics such as Radio Astronomy and also subjects related to Electromagnetic Interference and electromagnetic compatibility. Therefore, in this course we will essentially try to investigate how electric and magnetic fields change over time behave especially when the operating frequency is large.

As we all know that in general the phenomenon of Electromagnetism is governed by the four classical equations called Maxwell's equations. Maxwell's equations represent the phenomena of Electromagnetism as a whole. However, as we progress in this course whenever it is not necessary to go to the regression analysis of the Maxwell equations and under certain approximations we can investigate the same phenomena in terms of voltages and currents in terms of electric circuits, however We will see the representation of this in terms of tensions and currents become difficult. Then we can move on to the general phenomena of electric and magnetic fields.