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Hi am Mohamed i would like to get details on cinema booking system java code ..My friend Justin said cinema booking system java code will be available here 
Code  is given below :

// Class that contains methods for Database manipulation

import java.awt.*;
//import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;

public class FullDataBaseGenerator

    // Method that takes a String (from the film time cb)
    // And returns a String of the name of the text file it belongs to
    public static String returnFileName(String input)

        String timeFileName  = input;

        if (input.equals("1.00 PM"))
            timeFileName = "SEAT DATABASE 1.00 PM.txt";
        else if (input.equals("3.00 PM"))
            timeFileName= "SEAT DATABASE 3.00 PM.txt";
        else if (input.equals("5.00 PM"))
            timeFileName= "SEAT DATABASE 5.00 PM.txt";
        else if (input.equals("7.00 PM"))
            timeFileName = "SEAT DATABASE 7.00 PM.txt";
        else if (input.equals("9.00 PM"))
            timeFileName= "SEAT DATABASE 9.00 PM.txt";

        return timeFileName;

    //Method to Create a blank database of all the seats available
    public ArrayList<Integer> seatNumberCalculate()
        // Variables to values for each block of seats
        int A = 0;
        int B = 0;
        int C  = 0;

        // ArrayList to hold the values
        ArrayList<Integer> al = new ArrayList<Integer>();

        // Add zero at the start of the array to act as a defauilt value for the cbs

        // Calculate the seatnumbers and add them into the array
        for (int i=0; i < 36; i++)
            A = 101+i;
        for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++)
            B = 201+i;
        for (int i = 0; i < 36; i++)
            C = 301+i;

        return al;

    // Method that generates a fresh database
    public void FullDataBaseGeneration(String file_name)
        // Name of database (calculated by 'returnFileName' method)
        String name = file_name;

        // Get ArrayList cointaining values for every seat
        ArrayList <Integer> input = seatNumberCalculate();

        // Name of database
        String selectedTime = returnFileName(name);

        File selectedTimeFile = new File(selectedTime);

        // if the file exists, do not create a new file (leave existing file alone)
        if (selectedTimeFile.exists() == true)
        }catch (Exception ex){

        // if the file doesnt exist..

            // create a new file with the correct name

            // Start dependencies for file reading
            FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(selectedTimeFile.toString());
            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fs);
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));

            //Start dependancy for file writing
            String stringLine;
            BufferedWriter fw1 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(selectedTime));

            // Write a ; to the file (this is needed to add some content to replace)
            // Close this write dependancy

            // While there are Lines left to be read
              while ((stringLine = br.readLine()) != null)
                // Create dependencies for writing to same file
                BufferedWriter fw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(selectedTime));
                int x=0;
                // Iterate through the new edited array (orginal array minus selected seat)
                while(x < input.size())
                    // Rewrite every line of the text file with each entry in the new array
                    String line = input.get(x).toString();
                    fw.write(line + ";");
                //Close the file writing dependency

            }catch (Exception ex){


        // Method for returning an array of the available seats, for passing into the Main class
        public static ArrayList<Integer> AvailableSeatsArrayReturn(String file_name)
            ArrayList<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>();

            String name = file_name;
            String selectedTime = returnFileName(name);
            File selectedTimeFile = new File(selectedTime);

            if (selectedTimeFile.exists())


                 FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(selectedTimeFile.toString());
                  DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fs);
                  BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
                  String stringLine;

                  while ((stringLine = br.readLine()) != null)
                      String[] array = stringLine.split(";");

                    // For every object in the array, built from items in the text file
                      for (int i=0; i < array.length; i++)
                        // Convert the item to an integer
                          Integer num = Integer.parseInt(array[i]);

                          // Add Item to arraylist to be rerturned


                    }catch (Exception ex){System.err.println(ex.getMessage());}

            return temp;

// Main Class File

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Main extends JFrame implements ActionListener

// Creates an icon, attached to a label to act as a banner  for the program
// Get resource is required for finding the image within the JAR achive once packed
final public ImageIcon icon = (new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("images/ProgramBanner.png")));
JLabel iconHolder = new JLabel(icon);

//Labels and TextFields for the GUI
JLabel filmTimeLabel = new JLabel("Time ");
JLabel ticketTypeTitle = new JLabel("Ticket ");
JLabel ticketTypeCostTitle = new JLabel("Total Price: ");
JLabel ticketQuantityTitle = new JLabel("Ticket Quantity: ");
JLabel adultLabel = new JLabel("Adult");
JLabel childLabel = new JLabel("Child");
JLabel oapLabel = new JLabel("OAP");
JTextField ticketQuantityValue = new JTextField(1);
JTextField ticketTypeCostValue = new JTextField(4);

// GUI Buttons
JButton orderButton = new JButton("ORDER");
JButton resetButton = new JButton("Delete DB");

//Labels For Each Ticket (Do not appear until called by selecting a Ticket Type quantity)
JLabel seatLabel1 = new JLabel ("Ticket 1");
JLabel seatLabel2 = new JLabel ("Ticket 2");
JLabel seatLabel3 = new JLabel ("Ticket 3");
JLabel seatLabel4 = new JLabel ("Ticket 4");
JLabel seatLabel5 = new JLabel ("Ticket 5");

// Labels and ComboBoxes for for various Quantity of Tickets (Like their label, also do not appear untill called)
JComboBox seatCombo1 = new JComboBox();
JComboBox seatCombo2=  new JComboBox();
JComboBox seatCombo3=  new JComboBox();
JComboBox seatCombo4=  new JComboBox();
JComboBox seatCombo5=  new JComboBox();

// Arrays for Quantity of each ticket type
Integer[] adultQuantityList = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
Integer[] childQuantityList = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
Integer[] oapQuantityList = {0,1,2,3,4,5};

// Comboboxes to hold the state of the desired quantity of each ticket type
JComboBox adultQuantityCombo = new JComboBox(adultQuantityList);
JComboBox childQuantityCombo = new JComboBox(childQuantityList);
JComboBox oapQuantityCombo = new JComboBox(oapQuantityList);

//ArrayList for a Combobox that shows Film Times
String[] timeList = {"-", "1.00 PM", "3.00 PM", "5.00 PM", "7.00 PM", "9.00 PM"};
JComboBox timeCombo = new JComboBox(timeList);

// ArrayList that holds the vaules of seats that are available
ArrayList<Integer> seatArrayList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
String timeString = new String();

//Creation of JPanels to be added to the frame
JPanel bannerPanel = new JPanel();
JPanel p1 = new JPanel();
JPanel p2 = new JPanel();
JPanel p3 = new JPanel();

    public Main()    // Constructor Method for GUI
        setLocationRelativeTo(null);                    // Centers the Frame (NOTE: Multi-monitor setups may not center correctly depending on collective resolution
        setTitle("JSRP Cinema Booking System ver 1.2");    // Set Title of Main Window
        setSize(775,480);                                // Set frame resolution to [x,y] pixels
        setResizable(false);                            // Keeps Frame a constant resolution (Stops Resizing of Frame by user)
        setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);        // Set frame to exit when 'CLOSE' window button is clicked

        // Add Panels to the Frame and state Layout Manager constructor arguments
        add(bannerPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH );
        add(p1, BorderLayout.EAST);
        add(p2, BorderLayout.WEST);
        add(p3, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        // Addition of Content to respective Panel (Order determines position within panel)

        // Set number of visible entries when a combobox is selected

        // Makes textfields non-editable, so that they can be used to display content

        // Addition of Action Listeners to Objects

        setVisible(true);    // Set frame to be Visible, thus updating frame with all the selected elements


    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent action)    // Method that contain all conditions where an ActionEvent is needed

        // ActionListener for Combobox that displays Film Viewing Times
        if (action.getSource() == timeCombo)
            // Create New Instance of the Database class
            FullDataBaseGenerator db = new FullDataBaseGenerator();

            // Get Name of database
            String selectedTime = db.returnFileName(timeCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());

            // Make Name of Database global
            timeString = selectedTime;

            // Call DataBase Generator (will generate fresh database for that time if one does not exist)

            //Fetch array of available seats and pass it to the global ArrayList 'seatArrayList'
            ArrayList<Integer> timeArray  = db.AvailableSeatsArrayReturn(selectedTime);
            seatArrayList= timeArray;

            //Reset any user selection of tickets when a new database is selected

            //Repaint the Frame

        // ActionListener for all ticket type comboboxes collectively
        if (action.getSource() == adultQuantityCombo || action.getSource()
        == childQuantityCombo|| action.getSource() == oapQuantityCombo)

            // Remove all existing items from each cb

            // If the arraylist no longer contains a zero (default answer)
            // Add a zero at the beginning of the array
            if (seatArrayList.contains(0) != true)
                seatArrayList.add(0, 0);

            // Add contents of the ArrayList to each combobox that display available seats
            for (int z =0; z< seatArrayList.size(); z++)

            // Get new total price as a String and affix to a Label for display on Frame
            String totalString = getTotal();
            ticketTypeCostValue.setText("£" + totalString);

            // Calculate total quantity of Tickets and affix to a label for display on Frame
            Integer adultCounter = Integer.parseInt((adultQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString()));
            Integer childCounter = Integer.parseInt((childQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString()));
            Integer oapCounter = Integer.parseInt((oapQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString()));
            Integer countTotal = (adultCounter + childCounter + oapCounter);


            // Only 5 tickets can be ordered at one time. Returns error message if more are selected
            if (countTotal >5)
            {    adultQuantityCombo.setSelectedIndex(0);

            // Following 6 if statements state what labels/comboboxes should show when the ticket number changes:
                // E.G. if no tickets are selected then no labels/cbs show
                // if 3 tickets are chosen, then the labels/cbs for Ticket 1,2 and 3 are shown
                // if 1 ticket is then chosen, cb/label for Ticket 2 and 3 dissapear by 1 stays
            if (countTotal ==1 || countTotal ==2 || countTotal ==3 || countTotal ==4|| countTotal ==5 )

            if (countTotal ==2 || countTotal ==3 || countTotal ==4|| countTotal ==5 )

            if (countTotal ==3 || countTotal ==4|| countTotal ==5 )

            if (countTotal ==4|| countTotal ==5 )

            if (countTotal ==5 )


            if (countTotal ==0 )

            // if more tickets than available seats remaining is selected
            // Then an error message states this face
            if (countTotal > seatArrayList.size()-1)

            // if no tickets are selected, then the 'order' button does not appear
            if (countTotal >0)


        // ActionListener for orderButton
        if (action.getSource() == orderButton)

            // Validation for purchase of ticket(s)
            Integer orderConfirm = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getContentPane(),
            "Are You sure you want you want to confirm this purchase?",
            "Confirm Ticket Purchase?",
            if (orderConfirm ==1)

            // Get the Values of Each Ticket Quantity ComboBox (e.g. 102, 301, etc)..
            Integer seat1Store = Integer.parseInt(seatCombo1.getSelectedItem().toString());
            Integer seat2Store = Integer.parseInt(seatCombo2.getSelectedItem().toString());
            Integer seat3Store = Integer.parseInt(seatCombo3.getSelectedItem().toString());
            Integer seat4Store = Integer.parseInt(seatCombo4.getSelectedItem().toString());
            Integer seat5Store = Integer.parseInt(seatCombo5.getSelectedItem().toString());

            //Create an array to hold theese values
            Integer[] proceedArray = new Integer[5];
            proceedArray[0] =seat1Store;
            proceedArray[1] =seat2Store;
            proceedArray[2] =seat3Store;
            proceedArray[3] =seat4Store;
            proceedArray[4] =seat5Store;

            // Repeat code to get value for number of Tickets
            Integer adultCounter = Integer.parseInt((adultQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString()));
            Integer childCounter = Integer.parseInt((childQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString()));
            Integer oapCounter = Integer.parseInt((oapQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString()));
            Integer countTotal = (adultCounter + childCounter + oapCounter);

            // for the number of tickets selected
            // if that ticket number equals zero (the default value)
            // then state that not all tickets have been assined seats //128
            for (int z=0; z<countTotal; z++)
                if (proceedArray[z] ==0)

            // Create a boolean that when true carries out the database portion of this ActionEvent
            boolean proceed = false;

            // Iterates through each object of the array and compares then with each other
            for(int i = 0; i<proceedArray.length;i++)
                for(int p=0; p<proceedArray.length; p++)
                    if(i != p)
                        // if the two compared objects have the same seat number...
                            //...and is not a zero (this is a default value, not a seat number)
                            // then call an error stating duplicate seats have been allocated

                            if (proceedArray[i] != 0 || proceedArray[p] != 0)

            // if no duplications are found, the rest of the event can proceed
            proceed = true;

            if (proceed == true)

                // Remove the send values from the array

                try{ // Start try/catch

                    // State dependables for reading the database
                    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(timeString);
                    DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fs);
                    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));

                    // While there are Lines left to be read
                    String stringLine;
                    while ((stringLine = br.readLine()) != null)
                        // Create dependencies for writing to same file
                        BufferedWriter fw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(timeString));

                        int x=0;
                        // Iterate through the new edited array (orginal array minus selected seat)
                            // Rewrite every line of the text file with each entry in the new array
                            String line = seatArrayList.get(x).toString();
                            fw.write(line + ";");
                    //Close the file writing dependency


                    //try/catch end, if error- prints message to command line followed by error code
                    }catch (Exception ex){ System.err.println("Error in database manipulation, code: " + ex.getMessage());}

            // Call Pop-up asking user if they want to restart the program for another transaction

        // ActionListener for database reset button
        if(action.getSource() == resetButton)
            // When button is selected, A YES/NO messagebox displays
            Integer end = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getContentPane(),
            "(NOTE: You can only delete databases upon initially loading"+
            " the program and before selecting any databases).\n"+
            "If you haven't already done so, please re-run the program and"+
            " select this option again if you wish to delete the databases.\n"+
            "The Command will still run regardless, but will not work without"+
            " the the above steps\n\n"+
            "Would you like to Reset all the Databases?\n",
            "Delete Databases?",

            // Is selected answer is YES
            if (end == 0)
                // Ask for validation of deltion
                Integer yesno1 = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getContentPane(),
                "Are You sure you want you want to delete all the databases?",
                "Delete Database?",

                // if selected yes
                if (yesno1 == 0)
                    // Delete the current instance of the program

                    //Delete Current database
                    File fileToDelete = new File(timeString);

                    // Delete all the databases (stated by name)
                    File file1 = new File("SEAT DATABASE 1.00 PM.txt");
                    File file2 = new File("SEAT DATABASE 3.00 PM.txt");
                    File file3 = new File("SEAT DATABASE 5.00 PM.txt");
                    File file4 = new File("SEAT DATABASE 7.00 PM.txt");
                    File file5 = new File("SEAT DATABASE 9.00 PM.txt");

                    // Create new instance of the program (hence restart it)
                    new Main();



    // Method that returns total price as as String
    public String getTotal()
        // Get current value of each selected option that effects the price
        Integer childInput = Integer.parseInt(childQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
        Integer oapInput = Integer.parseInt(oapQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());
        Integer adultInput = Integer.parseInt(adultQuantityCombo.getSelectedItem().toString());

        // Pass this value to 'Ticket.getSeatPrice' method to obtain price
        int childTicketPrice = Ticket.getSeatPrice(childInput, "child");
        int adultTicketPrice = Ticket.getSeatPrice(adultInput, "adult");
        int oapTicketPrice = Ticket.getSeatPrice(oapInput, "oap");

        // Calculate total
        int total = (childTicketPrice +adultTicketPrice+oapTicketPrice);

        //Convert this integer value to a string in the correct format
        String totalString = Ticket.calculateStringTotal(total);

        return totalString;

    public void ticketBought()
        // Display Message Stating the price of the ordered tickets
        "The total Cost is..£"+getTotal(), "Total Cost", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE);

        // Ask user if they want to restart the program
        Integer a = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(getContentPane(),
        "Transaction complete\n Would you like to make another?",
        "Transaction Complete", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);

        // If yes, deletes current instance of program then creates a new one
        if (a == 0)
            {System.out.println("Program Restart Initiated");
            new Main();
        // If no, then instance of program is deleted but no new instance is created, hence ending the program
        if (a==1)

    // Methods for displaying error messages

    public void tooManyTickets()
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getContentPane(), "You cannot Process more than 5 tickets at a time!", "Ticket Quantity Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

    public void notEnoughSeats()
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getContentPane(), "There are not enough seats remaining to process the number of tickets selected", "Ticket Quantity Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

    public void duplicateSeats()

        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getContentPane(), "There is a duplication of seats!", "Seat Selection Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

    public void notSelectedAllSeats()
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(getContentPane(), "Not all seats have been Assigned!", "Seat Selection Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

    // Drawn Graphics Method
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        //ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(array);

        super.paint(g);                    // Clears the frame when method is called

        int width = 32;                    // State width of each Rectangle
        int height = 32;                // State height of each Rectangle

        int leftBlockSeatsCol = 6;        // State number of Rows in the Left Block
        int leftBlockSeatsRow = 6;        // State number of Columns in the Left Block
        int centerBlockSeatsRow = 5;    // State number of Rows in the Center Block
        int centerBlockSeatsCol = 8;    // State number of Columns in the Center Block
        int rightBlockSeatsRow = 6;        // State number of Rows in the Right Block
        int rightBlockSeatsCol = 6;        // State number of Columns in the Right Block

        int leftBlockPosX = 15;                                                        // Sets Left Block X-axis Position (in Pixels)
        int leftBlockPosY = 225;                                                        // Sets Left Block Y-axis Position (in Pixels)
        int centerBlockPosX = (leftBlockPosX+(leftBlockSeatsCol*width)) +50;        // Sets Center Block X-axis Position (in Pixels)
        int centerBlockPosY = 225;                                                    // Sets Center Block Y-axis Position (in Pixels)
        int rightBlockPosX = (centerBlockPosX +(centerBlockSeatsCol*width)) +50;    // Sets Right Block X-axis Position (in Pixels)
        int rightBlockPosY = 225;                                                    // Sets Right Block Y-axis Position (in Pixels)

        g.setColor(;        // Set Default Draw Color to black

        g.drawString("Left Block", (leftBlockPosX+(32*(leftBlockSeatsCol/2)-25)), (leftBlockPosY - 10));            // Title for Each Block
        g.drawString("Center Block", (centerBlockPosX+(32*(centerBlockSeatsCol/2)-30)), (centerBlockPosY - 10));
        g.drawString("Right Block", (rightBlockPosX+(32*(rightBlockSeatsCol/2)-25)), (rightBlockPosY - 10));

        Color custom_grey = new Color(175,175,175);


        for(int i=0; i<leftBlockSeatsCol;i++)                                                // Loop while there are Columns..
            String colString = new Integer (i+101).toString();                                // Creates an Integer of relative Seat Number and converts it to a String
            g.drawString(colString, leftBlockPosX+5+(i*width), leftBlockPosY+20);            // String is affixed to drawSring method and co-ordinates tweaked to center the text in each box.
            g.drawRect(leftBlockPosX+(i*width), leftBlockPosY, width, height);                // Draw a rectangle at the stated X and Y- Pos. The next rect = X-Pos + (width of rectangle * horizontal psotion) [hence in a sequence]

            if (seatArrayList.contains((i+101)) != true)                                        // If The Array of available seats does not contain i+101 (Seat 1 of leftBlock is 101, Seat 2 is 102, etc)...

                g.setColor(;                                                        // Then change Draw Color to red
                g.fillRect(leftBlockPosX+(i*width), leftBlockPosY, width, height);            // Fill in the currently iterated rectangle
                g.setColor(;                                                    // Change color back to default
                g.drawRect(leftBlockPosX+(i*width), leftBlockPosY, width, height);            // Redraw the Rectangle
                g.drawString(colString, leftBlockPosX+5+(i*width),leftBlockPosY+20);        // Redraw the number


            for(int x=0; x<leftBlockSeatsRow; x++)                                                    // For each column, loop while there are Rows..
                String rowString = new Integer((i+(leftBlockSeatsCol*x))+101).toString();            // [As above]
                g.drawString (rowString, leftBlockPosX+5+(i*width), leftBlockPosY+(x*height)+20);

                g.drawRect(leftBlockPosX+(i*width),leftBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);        // Draw A rectangle exactly like before but with Y-Pos + (height * vertical postition)
                if (seatArrayList.contains((i+(leftBlockSeatsCol*x))+101) != true)                    // If the Array of available seats does not contain the relevent seat number...
                    g.setColor(;                                                                 // Change Draw Color ot red
                    g.fillRect(leftBlockPosX+(i*width), leftBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);        // Fill in the currently iterated rectangle
                    g.setColor(;                                                             // Change draw color back to default
                    g.drawRect(leftBlockPosX+(i*width), leftBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);        // Redraw outline of rectangle
                    g.setColor(custom_grey);                                                             // Set Color to Custom
                    g.drawString (rowString, leftBlockPosX+5+(i*width), leftBlockPosY+(x*height)+20);     // Redraw number
                    g.setColor(;                                                             // Change color back to default



        for(int i=0; i<centerBlockSeatsCol;i++)                                                    // [Refer to Left Block Code comments]
            String colString = new Integer (i+201).toString();
            g.drawString (colString, centerBlockPosX+5+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+20);
            g.drawRect(centerBlockPosX+(i*width), centerBlockPosY, width, height);

            if (seatArrayList.contains((i+201)) != true)
                g.fillRect(centerBlockPosX+(i*width), centerBlockPosY, width, height);
                g.drawRect(centerBlockPosX+(i*width), centerBlockPosY, width, height);
                g.drawString(colString, centerBlockPosX+5+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+20);

            for (int x=0; x<centerBlockSeatsRow; x++)
                String rowString = new Integer ((i+(centerBlockSeatsCol*x))+201).toString();
                g.drawString(rowString, centerBlockPosX+5+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+(x*height)+20);

                g.drawRect(centerBlockPosX+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);
                if (seatArrayList.contains((i+(centerBlockSeatsCol*x))+201) != true)
                    g.fillRect(centerBlockPosX+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);
                    g.drawRect(centerBlockPosX+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);
                    g.drawString (rowString, centerBlockPosX+5+(i*width), centerBlockPosY+(x*height)+20);


        for (int i=0; i<rightBlockSeatsCol;i++)                                                    // [Refer to Left Block Code comments]
            String colString = new Integer (i+301).toString();
            g.drawString(colString, rightBlockPosX+5+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+20);

            g.drawRect(rightBlockPosX+(i*width), rightBlockPosY, width, height);
            if (seatArrayList.contains((i+301)) != true)
                g.drawRect(rightBlockPosX+(i*width), rightBlockPosY, width, height);
                g.drawString (colString, rightBlockPosX+5+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+20);

            for(int x=0; x<rightBlockSeatsRow; x++)
                String rowString = new Integer ((i+(rightBlockSeatsCol*x))+301).toString();
                g.drawString (rowString, rightBlockPosX+5+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+(x*height)+20);

                g.drawRect(rightBlockPosX+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);
                if (seatArrayList.contains((i+(rightBlockSeatsCol*x))+301) != true)
                    g.fillRect(rightBlockPosX+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);
                    g.drawRect(rightBlockPosX+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+(x*height), width, height);
                    g.drawString (rowString, rightBlockPosX+5+(i*width), rightBlockPosY+(x*height)+20);

    public static void main (String[] args)        // Main Method Declaration
        new Main();                                // Create a new Instance of the main Program when ran
It can be understood in the following video: