Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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 valedictory function of summer camp in school

A short-term course on Computer Literacy Program this year Summer Camp organized and led by tenth grade students from Aziznagar village came to end with an appropriate end on May 11, 2012.

The great light of the program was the demonstration given by the students to the audience. Some of the students who attended the course were asked to demonstrate to the public the skills they learned during the course. They made a power point presentation to show the public about the schedule of the summer camp program, the details of the participants such as the name of their school, class, town, etc. They also expounded their skills in developing a document through Word-Pad, tabulations with calculations about the excel program that they learned. They also browsed information on the network for the "Statue of Liberty and Taj Mahal showing all colored images.

The confidence and courage they displayed on the show was incredible. The audience observed with a deep silence. Some of them approached to talk about their experiences during the course.

The students thanked the KMRF team and the SN.D ITT for helping them learn the skills.

There were a total of 38 students attending the course, of which 11 students are from private schools and 27 from the Zillah Parishath School, Aziznagar (School adopted by KMRF).