Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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abstract for hydraulic jcb 
It is rightly said that observation is a very important part of learning. Watching or surrounding can learn many things. A child's brain is affected primarily by the things he sees and observes in real life. Most students think science is a boring subject. So at EESPL we are providing projects that are based on the various fields of science. This project is demonstrating the operation of the JCB. JCB is a type of mechanical excavator with a shovel in the front and a digging arm in the rear. This project presents a JCB working model that is based on the simple principle of the hydraulic system. Hydraulic pumps are attached to each gasket of the model and four pumps are kept outside the model are connected to the pump that are attached to the joint with the help of the pipes. When the pumps that are present on the outside are pushed, a pressure is exerted that in turn pushes all the pumps that are present in the joints. In this way JCB's arm will move and the object will be picked up. This is the work of this project based on the hydraulic system. We are providing a working model of this project in EESPL along with the CD's and tutorials of this project. This will help your children to improve their knowledge since they themselves will do the project that will help them to understand the project correctly.

It can be understood in the following video: