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Luminious circuit diagram for 750VA inverter Serial no. A2 01594 0303
Stages of an Inverter

[Image: Inverter-circuit-diagram-800w-luminous-i...erters.jpg]
As its name suggests DC to AC inverter is an electronic device that is capable of converting a DC potential normally derived from a lead battery into an increased AC potential which may be very comparable to the voltage found in our domestic AC outlets .

Repairing sophisticated investors is not easy due to its many complex stages involved and requires expertise in the field. Inverters that provide sine wave output or those that use PWM technology to generate modified sine wave can be difficult to diagnose and troubleshoot for people who are relatively new to electronics.

However, simpler inverter designs involving basic operating principles can be repaired even by a person who is not specifically an expert with electronics.

Before moving on to breakdown details, it would be important to discuss how an investor works and the different stages that an investor can understand:

An investor in its most basic form can be divided into three fundamental stages viz. Oscillator, conductor and transformer output stage.

Oscillator: This stage is basically responsible for the generation of oscillating pulses either through an IC circuit or a transistor circuit.

These oscillations are basically the productions of alternating negative and positive voltage peaks of the battery with a specified specific frequency (number of positive peaks per second). Such oscillations are generally in the form of square pillars and are referred to as square waves and the inverters that operate with such oscillators are called square wave inverters.

It can be understood in the following video: