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Respected sir/madam,
Please send me news paper of gujaratmitra, Surat dated 17/10/2013 on my email id

Email id  - harah99791[at]

Guajratmitra (Gujarati: ગુજરાતમિત્ર) is a main newspaper of Surat and Gujarat. Gujaratmitra is a newspaper of more than 150 years published in Surat. It is published in Gujarati and was founded in 1863. It is also one of the oldest newspapers in India. Founded in 1863, the 'Gujaratmitra is one of the oldest newspapers in the country. A bi-weekly called 'Gujaratdarpan' was amalgamated in 1894 with the 'Gujaratmitra' and hence the paper is known as 'Gujaratmitra and Gujaratdarpan'. Initially started as a weekly paper in 1936 became a newspaper. The spirit of patriotism and missionary zeal established by its founder Shri Dinshaw Ardeshir Talyarkhan was in his Zenith during the struggle for freedom and has remained to this day.

In 1998, the Reshamwala family alliance with the 'Gujaratmitra' completed its 100 years as Shri Uttamram Reshamwala joined him as a subeditor in 1898. Deeply concerned about the noble and idealistic policies of paper and its future, in 1920, Aging and The weak owner of Parsi could find no one more dignified and devout than Shri Uttamram and urged him to buy the press and take over the reins of the newspaper. Since then, the 'Gujaratmitra' belongs to the 'Reshamwala' family. In 1937 Pravinkant, the younger son of Shri Uttamram Reshamwala had to take over the reins of the newspaper at the tender age of 19 years in the sudden and untimely death of his older brother Shri Champaklal. With his firm determination, his progressive policies and his dedicated love towards the 'Gujaratmitra', the late Shri Pravinkant Reshamwala fed the paper to a good footing. After his death in 1983, the 'Gujaratmitra' is in the hands of his son Shri Bharat Reshamwala.