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smart card prepaid electricity system ppt
SMART CARD based prepaid Energy Meter

AIM:- The purpose of this project is to design and develop an intelligent energy metering system that can efficiently control the amount of electricity consumed by the user. Electricity users can buy specific amount of energy to use it only when they needed. This is achieved by interfacing energy meter with smart card technology.
Working:- The project consists of a microcontroller, energy meter, relay, buzzer, LCD, Keypad and LED indicators. The microcontrollers internal non-volatile memory is used to store the electricity consumed. The nonvolatile memory inside the Smartcard is used to store the prepaid amount. When the recharged units become zero on power consumption, the microcontroller put off all the loads connected to it by giving an audible beep sound. User has to recharge the same Smartcard for further usage of electricity.
The main objectives of the project are:
1. Energy conservation.
2. User can recharge number of unit's required (prepaid system).
3. Lots of time and power saving for electricity department.
4. Automatic controlling of energy meter.
5. Non-volatile memory based energy meter storage.

The project provides the following learnings:
1. Smart card technology.
2. Interfacing Smart card reader to Microcontroller.
3. Relay working principle.
4. LCD displays.
5. Buzzer working.
6. Embedded C language.
7. Energy meter interfacing to Microcontroller.

The major building blocks of this project are:
1. Regulated Power supply.
2. Microcontroller.
3. Smartcard Reader.
4. Smart card.
5. Digital Energy Meter.
6. Opto coupler.
7. Keypad.
8. Crystal oscillator.
9. Electromagnetic Relay with driver.
10. LCD Display with driver.
11. LED indicators.
12. Buzzer with driver.

1. Household electrical systems.
2. Hotels and short term residential houses.
3. Industrial power consumers.
4. Shared meter systems.
Software used:
1. PIC-C compiler for Embedded C programming.
2. PIC kit 2 programmer for dumping code into Micro controller.
3. Express SCH for Circuit design.