Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

Full Version: aims and objectives of opening a demat ac
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Hi am Mansi,
I would like to get details on aims & objective of opning a demat account.Iam living at pune.I studied in CES College.I need help on .....
The Compact Oxford English Dictionary and others interchangeably define the noun "objective" as, Objective: noun 1 a goal or aim.[1] Although the noun forms of the three words aim, objective and goal are often used synonymously, professionals in organised education define the words aim and objective more narrowly and consider them to be distinct from each other.

Aims are concerned with purpose whereas objectives are concerned with achievement.Usually an educational objective relates to gaining an ability, a skill, some knowledge, a new attitude etc. rather than having merely completed a given task. Since the achievement of objectives usually takes place during the course and the aims look forward into the student's career and life beyond the course one can expect the aims of a course to be relatively more long term than the objectives of that same course.