Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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In their article, Is the Brain a Quantum Computer,? Litt, Eliasmith, Kroon, Weinstein, and Thagard (2006) criticize the Penrose“Hameroff Orch OR quantum computational model of consciousness, arguing instead for neurocomputation as an explanation for mental phenomena. Here I clarify and defend Orch OR, show how Orch OR and neurocomputation are compatible, and question whether neurocomputation alone can physiologically account for coherent gamma synchrony EEG, a candidate for the neural correlate of consciousness. Orch OR is based on quantum computation in microtubules within dendrites in cortex and other regions linked by dendritic“dendritic gap junctions (dendritic webs) acting as laterally connected input layers of the brain™s neurocomputational architecture. Within dendritic webs, consciousness is proposed to occur as gamma EEG-synchronized sequences of discrete quantum computational events acting in integration phases of neurocomputational integrate-and-fire cycles. Orch OR is a viable approach toward understanding how the brain produces consciousness.

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• Neurocomputers, “Computers with Brain”
• Artificial intelligence allow a computer to get really smart
• neuro-electronics
• Trents in improvements
[/b]Reasons for Doing Study on Neurocomputers
• main reason
• advantages of neural networks and neurocomputers
• repetition of new and old information
• neural networks and neurocomputers better than more conventional kinds of software and hardware
[b]Advantages of Neurocomputers

• demonstrations of adaptiveness
• learning
• associative memory
• optimization and classification of information
Breakthroughs in Neurocomputing
• Since the first working model of neurocomputing was invented only five years ago, this technology is still very much in its infancy
• Some automated procedure, whether enzymatic, mechanical, or electrical, must facilitate the placement of neurons in their wells without a human technician guiding each separate cell.
• Eve Marder of Brandeis University developed a computer program to translate neural communication
Processing Characteristics
• Self-organization
• Multiple States
Neurocomputers Inside Supercomputers
• Exists in the form of the program that implements the neural network algorithm of the optimal loading distribution between processors
• The neural network is considered as the component part of the optimization compiler
• For maximal efficiency for the distributed information processing system, one needs to equalize the load feeding to each processor
• Medicine
• Quantum Mechanics
• Processing Efficiency
Consequences of Neurocomputing
• Direction of synthesizing intelligent life from machine parts
• The Matrix?
• The rational thinking of manipulated brain cells combined with the memory and storage capacity of traditional computers would create a mind far superior to any natural human mind.
• Bare–bone architecture
• -In about 10 years or so neurocomputers will go commercial.