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hii I am shraddha I would like to get details on literature review on spy robot with night vision wireless camera. i am studying in the SRES COE . I need help to find out literature survey on spy robot
The spying robot as its name suggests in the one used for the purpose of spying on enemy territories. Its applications can be:

At the time of war where it can be used to collect information from the enemy terrain and monitor that information at a far secure area, and safely devise a plan for the counter attack.
Tracking locations of terrorist organizations and then plan attack at suitable time.
Making a surveillance of any disaster affected area where human beings can’t go.
A Brief Idea about War Field Spying Robot

So let us have a brief idea about how we can use a robot in war fields for spying purpose. All that is needed is a wireless camera fitted on the robot circuit which captures images and videos of enemy territories and transmits these images, which are received by the receiver unit of the TV.

We can design a simple prototype of a war field spying robot which can controlled remotely and the images transmitted by the camera can be monitored and analyzed on a television.

Hardware Implementation of War Field Spying Robot

All we need to have is the following components to design a war field spying robot apart from a base with wheels and motors.

Sensor Unit – A wireless Night Vision Camera: Apart from what a basic camera consists of, it consists of a transmitter unit. It captures images and transmits these images through the transmitter in form of digital signals, which are received by the receiver unit connected to the TV or computer. The camera can be as far as 30 miles away from the receiver. A night vision camera can receive illumination either by amplifying the visible light using image intensifiers or using infrared light directly by objects – thermal imaging or infrared light reflected by objects-near infrared illumination.
A Receiver Unit: The robot also consists of a receiver unit which receives the command signals for controlling the motors and thus the robot unit.
Actuators: It consists of two DC motors as actuators which provide reverse and forward motion to the robot.
Control Unit: It consists of a remote transmitter unit consisting of microcontroller, encoder and a RF module and a receiver unit embedded on the circuit consisting of an RF receiver module, a microcontroller and a decoder.