Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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Naveen Kumar constable rpf sem out post pf no IE151220
About the department

The Personnel Department is one of the key departments of South Central Railway, entrusted with the task of human resources development. Personnel Department is the vital page link in SCR’s journey into the future as a modern, customer friendly organization, functioning through Headquarters at Secunderabad and six divisional organizations at Vijayawada, Guntur, Guntakal, Secunderabad, Hyderabad and Nanded.


As Indian Railways is stressing towards improvement in quality and productivity, the Personnel Department of SCR aims to play a critical role in Building South Central Railway as an efficient, responsive organisation by recruiting ideal people, training them to face the challenges of the future, and serving the employees with dedication and commitment.


Recruitment : Right man at the right place.
Administration : Promotion and sustenance of skills and attitudes.
Employee welfare and employee relations : Modal Employer

Personnel department at a glance
• Departmental strength of 2,166 employees (around 2% of the total SCR Workforce)
• Leading personnel service provider to the railway
• In-charge of all Establishment and Personnel matters.
• Continuous and sustained employee friendly initiatives
• 100% Computerised Salary Bills
• Overseeing functioning of 60 educational institutions and Recreational centers in Zonal,
Divisional and Sub-divisional

• Low employee per gross ton transportation ratio
• Constant profit earning Railway
• Unique Degree College at Secunderabad in Railway Network
• Holiday home at Tirupathi, Horseley Hills.
• 30,000 strong contingent of Scouts and Guides, involving themselves in social welfare
activities like tree plantation (aiming at a massive tree plantation of 30,000 plants every year), generating awareness about AIDS, etc.
• Computerisation of all employees’ salary bills
• Aakansha – Vocational Training Centre for mentally retarded Children

Human Resources of SCR at a glance

Total workforce- 95.64 thousands
Department Group A Group B Group C Group D Total
Accounts 31 50 1748 233 2062
Administration 28 17 1115 501 1661
Civil 71 117 8671 19713 28572
Mechanical 35 45 16262 4836 21178
Commercial & Operations 46 69 13617 4304 18036
S & T 35 43 2928 1852 4858
Electrical 32 28 5936 3028 9024
Medical 141 09 696 2315 3161
Personnel 12 35 1791 328 2166
Stores 28 25 1118 767 1938
RPF 12 2932 45 2989
Total 471 438 56814 37922 95645
• Recruitment, Training and Administration
• Computerisation
• Employee Welfare


Methods of recruitment in SCR
• Through Union Public Service Commission for Group "A" Officers
• Through Railway Recruitment Board
• Direct Substitute appointments
• Appointments on compassionate grounds
• Appointments of Sportspersons (1) Rules (2)Notification
• Appointments of Cultural artists - Rules
• Appointments of Scouts & Guides (1) Rules (2) Notification
• Appointment of Handicapped persons
• Special recruitment drive for SCs & STs


Types of Training
Initial training at recruitment stage

• Promotional Training
• Prescribed Technical Skill upgradation Training
• Periodical Training related to safety, puctuality, publicity, passenger amenities and
customer care
• Special Training courses
• First Aid Training courses

Departmental Staff Training Institutions

Zonal Training Centre, Moula-Ali
Zonal S&T Training centre, Moula-Ali
Zonal Electrical Training centre, Lallaguda
Supervisor Training centre, Lallaguda
Zonal Civil Engineering Training centre, Kachiguda
Electric Traction Training centre, Vijayawada
Diesel Traction Training centre, Guntakal
Basic Training centres in each Division and Workshop for technical staff


Salary Payment - an Outlay of Rs.240 crores per month
Four types of Payments
• Ministerial payment by month end A-40%
• Gangmen and workshop staff payment by 7th of every month - B-30%
• Line Staff payment by 14th of every month - C-20%
• Running Staff payment by 22nd of every month - D-10%

Promotion of skills and Attitudes

• Selection by positive act 20%
• Suitability by scrutiny of Service. 40% through Registers/Confidential Reports
• Trade test 40%

Transfer and posting of employees

Representation of weaker sections of society
• Other Backward classes representation in Recruitment (27%)
• Scheduled Castes in Recruitment and Promotion (15%)
• Scheduled Tribes in Recruitment and Promotion (7.5%)
• Others (50.5%)


The Personnel Department, moving towards modernization, transparency in functioning,
deliver promptly and effective service to its internal customers who are none other than the
employees of the railway itself, has computerised its various activities.
• The salary payments of all the employees throughout the railway have been computerised.
The computerised payslips given to the employees show details of pay, allowances, deductions,
leave balance, increment due date etc.
• The Personnel Department at Headquaters, Divisions and other units of the railway has
computerised different activities like , seniority lists of the employees, handling of the
grievances of the employees, details pertaining to the appointments made/being made, pensionary
and terminal benefits of the employees etc.

Future plans for the new year

• On-line leave enquiry
• On-line PF enquiry
• On-line Pass Account enquiry
• On-line Vacancy enquiry
• On-line Rules enquiry


Types of Retirements
• Voluntary Retirement - One who completes 20 years of service can retire voluntarily with bonus benefits.
• Normal Retirement -On completion of 60 years of age
• Other than Normal Retirement like Death, Medical Decategorisation and Missing Benefits after Retirement
• Monthly Pension @ 50%- of average emoluments drawn during the last 10 months/Family
Pension @ 30 percent of last pay drawn for those completing 33 years of qualifying service
• Retirement/Death Gratuity
• Commutation of Pension to the maximum extent of 40% of monthly pension
• Leave encashment
• Insurance amount
• Provident fund
• Post Retirement/Widow Complimentary yearly passes for free travel on Railway Network
• Kit Pass
• Transfer pass, Transfer grant, Packing Allowance and Travelling Allowance
• Compassionate Appointment in case of death/missing
• Railway Employees Liberalized Health Scheme for medical assistance on par with serving
employees .

Pension Adalat

On the spot redressal of grievances of retired Staff by a Single High Level Officer Committee on
15th December every year

Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations are maintained through:
• Direct contact with employees by Officers and Welfare Inspectors
• Periodical negotiations and participation in Management with the recognised Labour
Organization called South Central Railway Employees’ Sangh at Zonal, Divisional and
Workshops level.
• Periodical negotiations and participation in Management with the recognised Labour
Organisation called South Central Railway MazdoorUnion at Zonal, Divisional and Workshops
• Receipt of Memoranda from OBC/SC/ST Welfare Associations in Zonal, Divisional and
Workshops level.
• Participation in Management with Promotee Officers Association
• Participation in Management with Railway Officers Association
• Participation of Railway Employees in Management (PREM)

Railway Housing facilities

Railway housing for comfortable and homely living:
Total quarters (i.e., Type I, II, III, IV, V, and VI) 39,676
Type-I (single room) 24,561
Type-II (double room) 11,985
Type-III (double room special) 2,536
Type-IV (double bed room) 1,263
Type-V (3 bed rooms) 431

Welfare activities at field level

• Annual Sports Competitions by South Central Railway Sports Association
• Annual Cultural Competitions
• Colony care committees to take care of amenities of residents in railway colonies

Redressal of employee grievances

• Well-trained Ministerial Staff in Personnel Department in each Division
• Grievance Cell in each Division headed by Divisional Personnel Officer
• Divisional Railway Manager Line Inspection
• GM’s Annual Line Inspection
• Memorandums received during Departmental Officer’s Inspection
• Welfare Inspectors personal contact scheme–every employee will be contacted once in a
• Memorandums directly received by General Manager, PHODs, DRM, Branch Officers every day
from 16hrs. to 17 hrs.

Educational Facilities

• 1 Degree College at Lallaguda, Secunderabad
• 4 Junior Colleges at Secunderabad,Guntakal, Vijayawada and Kazipet
• 14 High Schools in six Divisions
• 2 Upper Primary Schools in Two Divisions
• 9 Primary Schools in five Divisions
• 22 Austerity type Primary Schools in five Divisions

• Officers Clubs for Recreation of Officers
• Staff Institutes for Recreation of Staff.
• Community Halls for Customary functions
• Holiday Homes for Pilgrimages/Outings
• Rest Houses for rest on short leave

General Facilities

General facilities

• Subsidised Hostels for economically backward Students
• Cycle/Scooter/Car/Computer/House Loans
• Privilege Travel Passes and concessional P.T.Os
• Canteens with nutritious food in all major Centers of workforce

Co-operative Scheme

• Co-operative societies for economic living
• Cooperative Credit societies for Banking purpose
• House Building Society for Housing activities

Welfare Facilities for the needy

General Manager’s Relief Fund - Rs.10 lakh
(This fund is granted for relief of deserving patients taking major medical treatments)

Staff Benefit Fund: Total outlay every year - Rs.36 lakh
It is a fund available from Ministry of Railways to grant money to needy Railway Staff by joint decision of Management and recognised Labour Organizations for,
• Grant of Scholarships to the students pursuing technical education
• Reimbursement of cost of text books
• Educational facilities to employees’ children at wayside stations
• Grants for recreational amusements
• Relief to distressed/sick
• Maintenance Grant
• Financial assistance to chronic TB patients
• Reimbursement of cost of spectacles and lenses
• Financial assistance to deaf, dumb, blind and mentally retarded
• Grants to homeopathic and Ayurvedic dispensaries
• Reimbursement of Medical Expenses
• Grants to 18 Social Welfare Centres, 70 Handicraft centres forwomen
• Promotion of Sports and Cultural and other activities
• Promotion of employees and children annual camps at Zonal and Divisional levels

South Central Railway Women's Welfare Organisation

The South Central Railway Women’s Welfare Organisation (SCRWWO) has been formed mainly to
supplement efforts of the Railway Administration in arranging relief to the distressed staff and to extend the assistance to the needy employees and their offspring. Wives of Railway Employees are eligible to become members of this organisation. Various schemes undertaken by SCRWWO inter alia include:
• Technical assistance in functioning of 66 Handicraft centres to augment Railway Staff
family income through tailoring, embroidery work etc.
• Vocational Training Centre at nominal fee
• Ashakiran for mentally retarded/handicapped children
• Arogya Niketan to extend helping hand to chronic patients
• Athmabala – Widow Welfare scheme by which Rs.1000/- is being given to meet immediate
relief to the deceased families of Group D employees
• Jagruthi – Financial aid to Adult Literacy centres.
• Cr-ches – to take care of children of working women.
• Schools for meeting Primary Educational needs of the children of the staff
• Gold Medals for the meritorious students of Railway Schools/Colleges
• Scholarships for needy children of Railway Staff