Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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May I request for a sample impression message after seminar
Impression Speech Sample
This was my impression speech in the very first Association of Local Colleges and Universities - Region 3 last May 11-12, 2012, held at Shanghai Palace Restaurant, Angeles City, Pampanga. It had a theme, Restrengthening the Local Colleges Subsystem in the Pursuit for Excellence.

Hope this could serve as your guide when you would be tasked to do some sort of this speech in time. Feel free to use this material if you wish to. Enjoy! Thanks!

Distinguished guests, colleagues, friends, fellow educators, ladies and gentlemen, a blessed afternoon.

I am indeed certain that everyone is thankful that he/she was given a chance to participate in the very first ALCU Region 3 assembly - seeing how blessed and fortunate the youths and students of each participating college and university of this association.

With the ALCU’s primary thrust of improving the quality of instruction, research, and extension of its member schools and to provide value public tertiary education, especially to the poor and disadvantaged youth, well, I can proudly say that today’s generation is in good hands.

This assembly also allows us to meet our fellow educators, school administrators, and education enthusiasts in which we could be able to share valuable insights and inputs that we could use to restrengthen our school and together, obtain professional growth.

In my case, I was able to meet old friends whom I fail to meet for a long time and be able meet a handful of new acquaintances – for me that has served a good purpose.

With its well-ventilated and well-lighted venue, with meals and snacks served with much palatability and satisfaction, along with today's invaluable seminar packages and sessions, participants just couldn’t find reasons to leave the room and miss an event. However, it could have been a lot better and happier if there were more participants from each member college not only to augment the expenses but also to build wider and bigger networks and linkages.

This two-day seminar/assembly also caters to the needs of each college in enhancing some areas on research, faculty development, curriculum and instruction, and a lot more. It is also a good point that this includes trends, issues and concerns that are really timely to address the needs of our stakeholders as well as the demands and challenges of the 21st century.

Truly, this assembly has met its purpose to help each participating college to retool and restrengthen its areas and uphold quality higher education.

To the organizers, members and participants, congratulations.

Thank you and God bless everyone!