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i need a source code image stegnography in scilab.
steganography code in scilab

scilab tutorial videoScilab Projects is a programming language, which integrate with various collections of numerical algorithms. We offer Scilab projects for M.Tech Students with various types of graphical features for image processing such as histogram equalization, segmentation, image Transformation, plotting function, and feature extraction tool. By Scilab tool we develop many images, audio, video and digital signaling projects. We use scilab toolbox for image processing projects such as Scilab image video processing (SIVP) and SIP (Scilab Image processing). By SIP and SIVP Tools it ensure all image processing functions to solve real world problem application range from traffic control system, Digital Image processing and automatic segmentation of bio-medical Images based on the concept of Springer journal paper.


Scilab is an Open Source Software for numerical calculation, graphics environment and programming simulation. We ensure scilab to support UNIX, Linux and Windows OS. Scilab package composed of xcos, graphic model and simulation tool. The important components of Scilab are interpreter, user interface for TCL, C, C++, Java and library functions.


We provide Scilab projects with numerical methods and implementation procedure to students. We deployed scilab in more than 80+ projects to handle enhancement, edge detection, image filtering, and smoothing, multimedia data processing and object recognition. Scilab ensure numerical and built in class library function to perform all operations.


We use Artificial intelligence networks, traffic control system and video conferencing system for voice processing to instruct and control operations which developed in academic projects. The above system gets input as sound signal waves and process wavelength, signal frequency to analyze information. We implemented Digital Image processing projects to eradicate noise from
original audio signal by filtering and smoothing algorithms. These algorithm are used by Scilab to perform denoise operation.


We perform image, retrieval, image pre-processing, image segmentation and identify Region of interest in Remote sensor image and efficient classification of medical image operation by Scilab Tool. We use feature extraction algorithm in Scilab for Retrieve accurate object based on user’s query. We mainly use Scilab for segmentation, car license plate Recognition, Classification method for Brain tumor, breast cancer, lungs and types of human diseases. We implement algorithm such as Fourier Transform, Gaussian filter, K-means clustering, discrete wave Transform, fuzzy C-means clustering and various image processing algorithm are processed by Scilab. Scilab ensure efficient result in edge detection and edge enhancement operations.


We implement this system which requires efficient mechanism to detect authorized person. For this reason we develop recognition system such as face recognition, finger print recognition, finger vein Recognition and iris recognition. We mainly use Scilab to accurately find the authorized person by performing some matching operation. Matching process provide data base information by Euclidean (or) Dirichlet coefficient algorithm to match input information.Scilab Projects