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i want some imformation about the phs based vehicle tracking system.
vehicle tracking using personal handy system images


PHS (personal handy system) this system acts like an cordless phone in home, and mobile phone outside the home and satellite phone once it goes out of reach where GSM cannot track at that time.

This system is recently launched in Japan, china, and Taiwan.

PHS comes under 3.9 G
It has very vast application.

PHS is, essentially, a cordless telephone like DECT, with the capability to handover from one cell to another. PHS cells are small, with transmission power of base station a maximum of 500 mW and range typically measures in tens or at most hundreds of meters (some can range up to about 2 kilometers in line-of-sight), as opposed to the multi-kilometer ranges of GSM. This makes PHS suitable for dense urban areas, but impractical for rural areas, and the small cell size also makes it difficult if not impossible to make calls from rapidly moving vehicles.PHS uses TDMA/TDD for its radio channel access method, and 32Kbit/s ADPCM for its voice codec. Modern PHS phone can also support many value-added services such as high speed wireless data / Internet connection (64 Kbit/s and higher), www access, e-mailing, text messaging and even color image transfer.

This paper presents the detailed description about “Personal Handy System” (PHS) which is the alternative technology for Global Positioning System (GPS).PHS is a effective system for network system of vehicle tracking & locking facility from a remote end like control room or even vehicle owner‟s mobile. The operator can see the vehicle‟s current location in real time mode. Here the communication network is comparable to the cellular network in operation.In this paper prototypes are made to illustrate the tracking and locking of vehicle.

Local Area VHF Transmitter IR Receiver BLOCK DIAGRAM The simplified block diagram of PHS based vehicle tracking is depicted as follows: Area ‘A’ VHF Transmitter IR Receiver PHS Area VHF Transmitter IR Receiver Satellite VHF Transmitter IR Receiver Fig 1 Start Check for the input If port address=0XFE If port address=0XFD If port address=0XFC Display message1 Display message2 Display message3 End End End YES YES YES NO NO NO Functional units The online vehicle tracking with remote locking is better understood by explaining the block diagram units in separate sections namely
Vehicle ID transmitter,
Cell unit/cell broadcaster,
Centralised monitoring unit,
Remote locking unit. Power Supply Unit IR ID Transmitter Amplifier ID Generator Fig 2 1. Vehicle ID transmitter: 3. Receiving end(Microcontroller) RF Receiver Buffer Driver Relay Micro controller As seen from the above block diagram, the RF/VHF signal is received by the receiver and then interfaced to the microcontroller through a set of buffer circuit, driver stage and relay switching network and to the parallel port. The explanation of each block in the receiving unit goes like this:

1) RF/IR ID receiver/decoder: The radio frequency signal (which contains each vehicle’s registration number in unique RF/IR code) transmitted by the moving vehicle is received by this receiver. This block processes the received signal and gives the output. VHF Transmitter Driver Stage Buffer IR code receiver Pre -Amplifier IR ID Transmitter 2. Cell unit/cell broadcaster Fig 3 Fig 3 shows the IR ID transmitter installed within the vehicle.
The fitting arrangement is done besides the number plate of the vehicle.

The IR ID transmitter transmits the location information which is received by the IR code receiver.

The received information is very weak and hence cannot be transmitted over a large distance without amplifying it. Hence it is given to the pre-amplifier and subsequently to the buffer and driver stages.

Finally it is given to the very high frequency (VHF) transmitter to broadcast.
4. Remote locking unit:

This unit is required to immobilize the vehicle when required.

The phone for remote locking will be at the control room. At the time of immobilizing the vehicle, information transmitted from the phone at the control room will be received by a GSM receiver embedded inside the vehicle.

The transmitted information is decoded by a DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) decoder which passes the decoded information on to the vehicle control unit to take necessary action (either to immobilize the vehicle or to mobilize back the vehicle). DTMF Decoder Vehicle control unit DC motor GSM Receiver Phone for remote locking Phs Based online vehicle tracking with remote locking By
Srinidhi S ,
Adarsh S Nayak,
Ashish K,
Vikranth Reddy DISPLAY CODE To enable display we are using microcontroller-‘ATMEL’ (AT89C51).The coding language used is ‘C’. Referring to the simplified block diagram of PHS based tracking system, for each of the three possible zones, we can have a separate message frequency.

Whenever a vehicle moves in the corresponding zone, that corresponding message frequency will be frequency modulated and carried by the carrier. In the receiver, demodulation takes place, thereby message signal will be recovered. After the corresponding message signals are recovered, they are given to buffer and driver stages and the relevant relay gets activated.

There is a connection between relay and microcontroller. Whenever a relay gets activated, the common terminal of the relay which is grounded, will deliver a low signal to a corresponding pin on the microcontroller port. From finding out which pin has got a low signal, corresponding message will be displayed on the LCD screen. The two systems of vehicle tracking systems currently being used are:
GSM based VTS, where the vehicle is tracked for its real time location with the help of the existing GSM towers. As the vehicle moves, it communicates with the nearest GSM tower, which in turn passes on the information to the Base station controller.
GPS based tracking system, in which there is a GPS device inside the vehicle which communicates with the satellite. In this way the coordinates of the place where the vehicle is currently moving can be obtained.

Drawbacks in the existing VTS
Whenever a vehicle enters an area having no network coverage then GSM based tracking system fails.
Whenever a vehicle enters an area whose map is not available or not pre-loaded on the GPS device then GPS tracking fails.

Advantages of PHS based tracking system over the existing VTS
The limitations existing in GSM and GPS based vehicle tracking systems are over come in PHS based tracking system as whenever there is network coverage, this system makes use of the existing GSM towers for tracking purposes.
When a vehicle enters an area of no network coverage then this system directly communicates with the satellite thereby enabling the tracking of vehicle in unreachable area as well EXISTING VEHICLE TRACKING SYSTEMS This system can be used to trace the stolen vehicles.

This system can also be used as advanced Global Positioning System

This project can be efficiently used in ‘Vehicle Tracking & Automation’ with further improvements.

This can be used to limit the service area of a rented vehicle by its owner (like taxi owners) FUTURE ENHANCEMENT INTRODUCTION Personal Handy phone system(PHS) is a system that acts like a cordless phone in home, and mobile phone outside the home and satellite phone once it goes out of reach where GSM can not track at that time.

PHS comes under 3.9G standard for mobile communication.

PHS is essentially a cordless telephone like DECT(Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) with the capability of handover from one cell to another.

PHS cells are small, with transmission power of base station limited to a maximum of 500 mw and range typically measures in tens or at most hundreds of meters, as opposed to the multi kilometer ranges of GSM. This makes PHS suitable for dense urban areas, but impractical for rural areas, and the small cell size also makes it difficult if not impossible to make calls from rapidly moving vehicles. This project deals with a vehicle tracking technology which is much economical, simple and Indigenous in design.

With the help of this project, it is possible to easily track particular vehicle for its geographical locations on a microcontroller screen.

Here the communication network is comparable to the cellular network in operation. So whenever a vehicle equipped with an ID Transmitter enters a geographical location, that particular “Cell Unit” or “Cell Broadcaster” sends a wireless message to the centralized base unit. In turn the base unit receives the VHF message from the “Cell Broadcaster” and after processing and decoding displays the geographical location of the vehicle in a graphical form on the Micro-controller monitor screen. If for any reason finds it necessary to lock or immobilize the vehicle under observation, he can do so with the help of control software.

With the help of PHS technology, it is possible to detect the vehicle in not reachable area also. As shown in Fig 1, we have taken ‘local area’, ‘Area A’ and ‘PHS area’ as the three possible zones within which a vehicle is moving. Whenever a vehicle is in any one of the three zones, the corresponding zone name has to be displayed on the operator’s screen.

Local area or home location scenario arises whenever the vehicle moves within its home area or within its base station.

‘Area A’ scenario arises when a vehicle moves out of its home area but is moving along an area which has network coverage. In real time situation for the second case, the vehicle can be tracked making use of the existing GSM towers.
‘PHS area’ situation arises when the vehicle goes into an area having no network coverage. In such a case the RF/IR ID transmitter embedded inside the vehicle directly communicates with the satellite and hence can tracked
CONCLUSION When this project is implemented in real time, there will be a frequency tuner which will be installed within the vehicle. This tuner will be continuously searching for the available frequencies. Whenever a GSM tower is available, it communicates with that tower and thereby the vehicle can be tracked.

When the vehicle enters an area of no network coverage, then the tuner will not be able to get any GSM tower. So after a certain amount of time delay, the vehicle directly communicates with the satellite by virtue of a satellite phone/ communicator installed within the vehicle and thus the vehicle can be tracked.

This system of vehicle tracking is effective in places which have no network coverage and in cases where GPS tracking fails that is preloaded map of an area is not available. Therefore the vehicle can be continuously monitored for its location without any limitations and if for any reason has to be immobilized, it can be done so from the control room. Thank you Fig 1 shows the RF (Radio Frequency)/ IR (Infrared) ID Transmitter fitted besides the Number Plate of the Vehicle. The explanation of each block goes like this:

RF / IR ID CHIP: This is the heart of the RF/IR ID transmitter, as it contains the vehicle’s registration number in unique RF/IR code. Every such transmitter fitted besides the number plate is implanted with one RF/IR ID chip.

2) AMPLIFIER: The RF/IR ID coming out of RF/IR ID chip are very weak in nature, and cannot be transmitted as it is. So certain level of amplification is done using amplifier stage.

3) RF / IR TRANSMITTER: This block has nothing but one antenna coil which is tuned for radio frequency range signals. This antenna helps the RF/IR ID signals to spread around the area for identification purpose.

4) PSU: As the whole RF/IR ID transmitter goes with the vehicle, its power supply must be kept compact and compatible with all kinds of vehicles and its power generators. 2) Buffer: This is to provide the stronger current path to the decoded signal and also to isolate the RF/IR ID receiver section from the rest of the circuit. This stage is there because the next section deals with the relay and needs the strong signal to drive its switch to saturation region

3) Driver: This block is introduced as decoded signals are fed to the microcontroller through relay stage. The relay needs driver stage for its activation.

4) Microcontroller with software and data base: The software recognises the decoded signal and starts scanning its database for details. After fetching the details, it shows in standard fashion on the screen for operator’s knowledge. Thus the operator is able to see the current location of the vehicle on a screen.

5) PSU: As this stage has driver and relay stages, it requires dual regulated power supply for working purpose. Specially designed +12 and +5 Volts regulated power supply is used to give proper working voltage to the whole section. Phs Based online vehicle tracking with remote locking By
Srinidhi S ,
Adarsh S Nayak,
Ashish K,
Vikranth Reddy