Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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This Introductory segment of the seminar report on DNA-based Computing (DNAC) will provide participants with the basic tools necessary to understand current research in DNAC, along with a discussion of potential applications to Robotics and Smart Machines. Following a brief review of DNA structure, an overview of the basic tools from molecular biology utilized for DNAC (e.g., DNA annealing, ligation, polymerization, restriction, PCR, etc.) will be undertaken. A discussion of the major, basic computational architectures of BMC (e.g., Adleman's algorithm for HPP, DNA Chip-based SAT) will then be provided, in each case presenting an animation detailing execution of a simple example. Finally, attention will turn to advanced topics related to robotics and artificial intelligence in DNAC. In particular, a new robotics and smart machine will be presented, which implements a DNAC-inspired semantic model. A discussion of the model and implementation will be undertaken, with attention to both theoretical and chemical points of view.