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Maglev- Magnetic Levitation Vehicle



Levitation means to raise or float against the gravitational force. So, Magnetic Levitation is that a raise made using magnets or magnetic field. The train which runs using this principle is called as “Magnetic Levitation Trains” or “Maglev Trains”.
These trains will float over a track called the guide way using the basic principles of magnets, replacing the steel wheel and track trains.


110 KV power is supplied by two sub stations.
Batteries on the train power the system, and therefore it still functions without propulsion.
The batteries can levitate the train for 30 minutes without any additional energy.
Linear generators in the magnets on board the train use the motion of the train to recharge the batteries.
Levitation system uses less power than the trains air conditioning.

Application Information

The trains are virtually impossible to derail because the train is wrapped around the track.
Collisions between trains are unlikely because computers are controlling the trains movements.
There is very little maintenance because there is no contact between the parts.


Maglev trains use magnets to levitate and propel the trains forward.
Since there is no friction these trains can reach high speeds.
It is a safe and efficient way to travel.
Governments have mixed feelings about the technology. Some countries, like China, have embraced it and others like Germany have balked at the expense.