Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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presented by:
David Sykes
R. J. Brennan, MSC

Nanotech Materials for Truly Sustainable Construction
The time to start watching how companies are investing in and deploying nanotech won’t come in some distant future . . . that time is now!”
 First described 24 years ago
 Manipulating individual atoms
 Smaller than “micro”
- a nanometer is one billionth of a meter
 A revolution in building materials
 Important as part of 3BL
 The “sustainable buildings” initiative
 High “performance” workplaces
Three Questions:
 Do you assume “going green” adds to your first cost?
 Can you name 3 nanotech base building materials?
 How will nanotech enhance the building stock?
Five Segments
1. Context
2. The revolution in building materials
3. How to integrate nano-materials with business goals
• Case study #1: office work environment
4. Current “green” nano-material example: aerogel
• Case study #2: Base Building Design
5. Next steps, resources & contacts
CRE is a big target
 60% of global industrial waste is from the construction and demolition of buildings
 60% of electrical use in developed nations is by buildings
 40% of total energy consumed is by buildings
What is Nanotechnology?
What is it?

 Nano is Greek for “dwarf”
 Manipulation of matter < 100nm
 (1 10,000th the size of a bacterium)
 80,000X smaller than a human hair
 Revolution began 47 years ago
Why now? We can do it!
 Tools are available
 Global competition (Asia vs. Europe vs. North America)
 $10 billion global investment
 Real, useful products are already here
 Useful response to global climate change
Old or new? (Damascus 900-1750AD
Arms race? The first crusaders encountered better steel
 Wootz steel, developed in India & Sri Lanka ~300 BC
 greater strength & flexibility due to carbon nanotubes
 technique lost ~1750AD
Tipping point was 2000
R & D nano spending in 2004
2006: Seven Program Component Areas

1. Fundamental nano-scale phenomena & processes ($234 mil)
2. Nano-materials ($228 mil)
3. Nano-scale devices and systems ($244 mil)
4. Instrumentation research, metrology, and standards for nano-technology ($71 mil)
5. Nano-manufacturing ($47 mil)
6. Major research facilities & instrumentation acquisition ($148 mil)
7. Societal dimensions ($82 mil)