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Bi-fuel vehicles are vehicles with multifuel engines capable of running on two fuels. One of the fuels maybe gasoline or diesel. The other alternate fuel used can be natural gas (CNG), LPG, or hydrogen. Two fuels maybe stored separately but the engine uses only one of these at any time. The difference from the flexible-fuel vehicles is that the two fuels don' t mix with each other during the running of the engine. The switching from the one fuel to another maybe either manually or automatically.
Mostly, the bi-fuel gasoline cars make use of the natural gas (CNG) as the alternate bi-fuel. Aftermarket 'bi-fuel' and even 'tri-fuel' conversions and are also available. Many cars can be modified in that way.
But factory made bi-fuel cars are:Chevrolet Silverado, Ford F-150, F250 etc.

Low and middle speed conversion
individual gas electromagnetic valves installed as close to the suction valves as possible injects the gas into the cylinder inlet manifold. The injection control unit times the injection of the fuel. during the long overlap of the suction and exhaust valves, the system interrupts the supply of the fuel. This conversion is adjusted for low speed engines up to 1000 RPM.

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