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Mass customization manufacturing (MCM) has been gaining recognition as an industrial revolution in the 21st century. This paper presents innovative approaches in realizing and exercising MCM in theoretical and practical applications. Strategies of generalized production line platform and modularization are explored to support dynamic reconfigurations of MCM. NISTâ„¢s XML-based Shop Data information integration specification is utilized to derive a data driven reconfigurable MCM modeling methodology. A simulation model of a Boeing aircraft major component assembly line is created and driven by a batch control file, which is generated from the XML-based Shop Data specification.

Presented By:
Guixiu Qiao, Roberto Lu, and Charles McLean

1 Introduction
Competition in the manufacturing industry over the next decade will be focused on the ability to flexibly and rapidly respond to changing market conditions. With significantly shortened product life cycles, manufacturers have found that they can no longer capture market share and gain higher profits by producing large volumes of a standard product for a mass market. Success in manufacturing requires the adoption of methods in customer-acquisition and order-fulfillment processes that can manage anticipated change with precision while providing a fast and flexible response to unanticipated changes (Fulkerson, 1997). Many companies are confronted with the challenge of changing their strategic orientations to meet demands of the current market place. Mass customization manufacturing (MCM) is a solution to this challenge. The concept of mass customization was first expounded formally in the book Future Perfect by Stanley M. Davis in 1987. In 1993, Joseph Pine (Pine, 1993) gave MCM a clear definition as a strategy that sought to exploit the need to support greater product variety and individualization. Further, the goal of MCM was to produce and deliver customized products rapidly while keeping costs at the mass-production level. Since 1993, advancements to this innovative trend of manufacturing strategy have been drawn from many related knowledge and technology domains (Piller/Stotko, 2002; Kotha, 1996; Tu/Vonderembse/Nathan, 2001; Tait, 2001). In recent years, advances in computer aided design (CAD), product data management (PDM), and networking technologies have made mass customization no longer a legend, but closer than ever (Ruddy, 2002; Heikkila, 2002). Richard Morley, inventor of the programmable logic controller and co-author of The Technology Machine: How Manufacturing Will Work in the Year 2020, forecasted that, the word Ëœpersonalâ„¢ will take on more applications: personal families, personal food designed to maximize custom diet needs, personal clothing [clothing sized to individual bodies and fabricated to personal climate and skin needs], and personal [customer-designed] cars (Felton, 2001). Mass customization is about to take center stage. MCM competent manufacturers will enjoy superior market share and greater profit margins, and it is the promise of these economic incentives that will compel other manufacturers to move to MCM sooner than later. This strategy brings radical changes to methods used to operate traditional manufacturing enterprises. It is changing the way customers make purchases and has a strong impact on how products are made (Smirnov, 1999). Much of the emerging literature has focused on highlighting the differences between mass-production and mass-customization (Silveira/Borenstein/Fogliatto, 2001). This paper proposes enabling technologies for mass-customization manufacturing systems, and an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) based information integration platform to support MCM.

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