Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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* Study of Sound 
Ans:  Acoustics
*Sound waves can’t travel through
Ans : Vacuum
*Sound is a longitudinal wave
*A medium is necessary for sound to travel
Sound travels faster in 
Ans : Solids
*Sound travels slower in
Ans : Gases
*Solid medium in which speed of sound is greater
Ans : Steel
*Hearing capacity of human-20 to 20,000 Hz  Speed of sound in air
Ans : 340 m/s
*Speed of sound in water 
Ans : 1453 m/s
*As the density of medium increases speed of sound
Ans : Increases
*As the temperature of the medium increases speed of sound 
Ans : Increases 
*Properties of sound 
Ans : Pitch, Loudness, Timbre (Quality)
*Shrillness of sound is called as 
Ans : Pitch 
*Intensity of sound is identified by 
Ans : Loudness 
*Unit of frequency of sound 
Ans : Hertz (Hz) 
*Unit of intensity of Sound 
Ans : Decibel (db)
*The unit which is usually used to denote the intensity of pollution
Ans : Parts Per Million 
*Unit of measuring sound pollution
Ans : Decibel 
*Normal sound level in decibel 
Ans : 60 -120db 
*Intensity of human sound 
Ans : 60-65 db 
*Sound causing damage to hearing 
Ans : above 120 db
*Sound allowed in hospital areas in night 
Ans : about 40 db
*Sound allowed in residential areas 
Ans : 50 db (day), 40db (night)
*Organ in human beings which helps to produce sound 
Ans : Larynx 
*Sound is produced due to 
Ans : Vibration
* When sound waves are obstructed by a hard surface it is sent back to the sound source. This phenomenon is called 
Ans : Reflection of Sound 
*Echo and Reverberation are due to 
Ans : Reflection of sound
*The phenomenon that occurs where a vibrating system or external force drives another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at a specific preferential frequency 
Ans : Resonance

*Term used to denote the speed lower than the speed of sound 
Ans : Subsonic
* Term used to denote 2 times the speed of Sound 
Ans : Supersonic 
*Term used to denote 5 times the speed of Sound 
Ans : Hypersonic
*Sound waves produced by Elephants and Whales for Communication 
Ans : Infrasonic
*Sound waves produced by Bat, Dolphin etc 
Ans : Ultrasonic 
*Sound waves used in Ultrasound Scanning 
Ans : Ultrasonic sound 
*Audible Sound (20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz) 
Ans : Sonic sound 
*Sound lower than 20 Hz 
Ans : Infrasonic sound
*Sound higher than 20,000 Hz 
Ans : Ultrasonic sound