Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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*Number of colours in visible light
Ans :  7 (VIBGYOR - Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red)
*Primary Colours 
Ans :  Red, Blue, Green 
*Secondary Colours
Ans : Yellow, Magenta, Cyan 
*Primary colours used in colour television Red, Blue, Green
*Primary colour pigments used in printing 
Ans : Yellow, Magenta, Cyan 
*Colours obtained by mixing any two primary colours
Ans : Secondary Colours
*Green + Red -> Yellow
*Blue + Red  -> Magenta
*Green + Blue  -> Cyan
*Any two colours which combine together to form white colour is called as Complementary colours 
*Complementary Colours
*Green + Magenta ll White
*Red + Cyan ->White
*Blue + Yellow  ->White 
*Combining three primaiy colours Red, Blue and Green, we get - White ie, Red+Blue+Green -» White
*The distance between Sun and Earth is generally expressed in 
Ans : Astronomical Unit 
*Wavelength of visible light 
Ans : 400 - 700  nanometer

Twisting Facts
*‘Blue colour of the Sky’ was explained by 
Ans : Lord Rayleigh
*‘Blue Colour of the Sea’ was explained by Sir. 
Ans : C.V. Raman
*Photo Electric effect was discovered by 
Ans : Henrich Hertz
*Photo Electric effect was explained by 
Ans : Albert Einstein

*Corpuscular theory of Light was proposed by 
Ans : Isaac Newton
*Wave theory of Light was proposed by
Ans : Christian Huygens
*Scientist who discovered that Sunlight consists of 7 Colours
Ans : Isaac Newton
*Scientist who discovered that ‘The light travels fastest in Vacuum’
Ans : Leon Foucault
*The principle of Three Primary Colours was proposed by 
Ans : Thomas Young
*The Scientist who discovered that constituent colours join together to form composite light 
Ans : Isaac Newton
*Electromagnetic wave theory was formulated by 
Ans :  James Clerk Maxwell'
*First accurate measurment of speed of light was made by 
Ans :  Ole Christian Romer
*Scientist who proved that light is an electro magnetic wave 
Ans : Henrich Hertz
*Tachyon is the particle which is supposed to travel fester than light and was discovered by an Indian Scientist
Ans : E.C.G. Sudharshan