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Anchoring script for freshers party in hindi
A model is given below:

I would like to tell you about my experience. When I was fresher, I was very afraid of anger and did not know any other boy in my university. The newcomers were invited to the freshers party at a club that was out of town. I had not even heard of that club. We had some wonderful seniors who made us feel part of the group. Yes, they did the ragging part, but then it was fun. We are NOT intimidated by them. In fact, I made friends for life. I do not remember the catchy phrase that they used or the attractive ones in the party. What I remember is that I was able to connect with my elders.

My Majors were very kind, Pratik Shah was one of them. I always remember the party of the freshers.

By being at the Freshers' party, you should break the ice between beginners and seniors. Make newborns feel comfortable and let them feel like they are part of their university and enjoy the day as if there were no tomorrow.

It does not matter what attractive phrases you use. What matters is how comfortable they are at the end of the day.

Help newborns build bonds with older people. Introduce the elderly to the young and have fun :-)

Have fun.