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Aim and purpose of anti plastic campaign
The proliferation of plastic wastes in urban settings and in the villages of Goa and the abysmally hopeless and inadequate arrangements of municipalities and panchayat authorities for the disposal of this plastic garbage are topics that many NGOs and citizens of the environment expressed anguish since the beginning of the Goa Environment Federation (GEF).At the first meeting of the GEF in June 1998, the problem of the disposal of plastic wastes was highlighted as a major environmental problem facing Goa no less than five NGOs and several citizens in written submissions to the Goa Environment Commission by the GEF.

Thereafter, at each subsequent meeting, the subject was discussed. Non-governmental organizations such as Nirmal Vishwa - who have worked on the problem of disposal of plastic waste in recent years - explained the difficulties they faced in getting rid of the plastic waste after organizing the collection units in Ponda taluka. These units, organized through schools and other educational institutions, received the cooperation of the public, but they had not dissuaded the use of disposable plastic by the citizens themselves. In addition, the problem of what to do with the plastic garbage, once collected, remained unresolved.

When the GEF learned that the Bank of Goa of the Bombay High Court had resumed the problem of garbage disposal in the state of Goa in a written request, the GEF considered it to be able to actively support the court's initiative . Four organizations submitted applications for intervention: Nirmal Vishwa - Ponda; Popular Movement for Civic Action - Panjim; Goa Foundation - Mapusa; and Margao first - Margao.

A reading of the affidavits submitted by municipalities and panchayats in judicial proceedings revealed that none of these institutions had plans to deal with this problem. Neither did the government make the necessary arrangements to take over the collection and disposal of the growing quantities of non-biodegradable waste generated in the cities and towns of Goa.

Through judicial proceedings, the government was forced to consider the problem of disposal of plastic waste as a separate category of general garbage. The GEF informed the Court that there were in fact two statutes directly related to the problem of disposal of plastic waste: the Goa Non-Biodegradable Garbage Act 1996, which entered into force on 1 January 1998; and the 1999 Recycling, Manufacture and Use of Plastics Regulations issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forests under the Environmental Protection Act, 1986.

Although the Goa Law had been in force since 1998, the authorities had hardly taken steps to establish mandatory waste management committees, which would study the local situation, prepare appropriate action plans and ensure their implementation. With regard to the Plastic Rules of 1999, nothing has been done for its implementation by the State. In fact, the authorities responsible for its implementation, namely, the State Pollution Control Board and District Gatherers, remained unaware of their vital role in the application of those Rules.

It was during these proceedings that the State Government informed the Court that it had notified on 7-1-2000 a Committee to review all aspects of solid waste management in the state of Goa, including relevant laws, and to produce a comprehensive report within three months, outlining a scheme of action and various measures to be taken by different authorities to address the problem. The Popular Movement for Civic Action was the representative of the NGO named in the Committee.

The periodic meetings of the Committee over the following three months resulted in the finalization of a report entitled "Solid Waste Management in the State of Goa" (SWM Report) presented to the Court in April 2000. In July, the Government of the State informed the court that it had accepted the report and would immediately initiate the steps for its implementation.