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will u please send or post on ur webpage compiler design lab VIVA QUESTIONS
1. What is a compiler?
2. What is a cross-compiler? It is a compiler that runs on one machine and produces the object code for another machine
3. What is lexemeSequence of the characters forming atoken
4. What is a symbol?
5. Regular expression: a notation used for the specification of chips.
6. What is Finite Automata
7. What is DFA (deterministic finite automata)? Finite automata in which there is only a transition from a state to an input symbol.
8. What is NFA (finite non-deterministic automata) A finite automaton in which there is more than one transition from a state to an input symbol.
9.Difference between the system software and the application software
10. Define the transition graph
11. What is the difference between phase and step
12.What is Backtracking?
13. What is the function of the lexical analyzer
14. Syntax Analyzer: At this stage, a compiler verifies whether the tokens generated by the flexibility analyzer are grouped according to the syntactic rules of a language.
15. Why is CFG (Context free grammar) used in the parser phase? Bcoz for this grammar class, we can automatically construct an efficient parser that determines whether a pgm source is syntactically correct.