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The stop go traffic condition has become synonymous with driving in our big cities. In such a case will automatics transmission make sense to the Indian customer. Well the Indians haven?t taken to automatics like fish to water. The reason being conventional automatics always consume slightly more fuel than manual transmission and the lack of sophisticated automatics.

With the increase in traffic conjunction in the cities stop go traffic has become a big hassle with constant gear changing. In such a situation CVTs or continuous variable transmission proves it usefulness. It is advantageous to use CVT over manual transmission as the engine will always operate at the optimum regime and throttle position. Thereby it could maximize the power output relative to fuel position.

The continuously variable transmission will be commercialized within the next few years. This trial blazing technology has the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry. The superior performance attained by this technology ahs been hitherto unimaginable. The reduction in exhaust emission and fuel consumption make this technology truly amazing and promising.

and see this also for more about Continuously Variable Transmission