Student Seminar Report & Project Report With Presentation (PPT,PDF,DOC,ZIP)

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hii i am nisha. i would like to get details on patents for online FIR system.
A first information report is a document prepared by the police organization. FIR online is to develop an online crime reporting and management system that is easily accessible to the public, the police department and the administrative department. A FIR is an important document because it sets in motion the criminal justice process in motion. Only after the FIR is registered at the police station will the police begin the investigation of the case. The person giving Information or filing a complaint has the right to demand that the information be recorded by the police be read to him or her. Once the information has been recorded by the police it must be signed by the person giving the information.

Online crime reports provide the functionality of effectively identifying, responding, and tracking claims and problem requests. The primary goal of the electronic crime process is to restore normal service operation as quickly as possible and minimize the adverse impact on crime reporting and status update, thereby ensuring the highest levels of service quality and availability.