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I want to download hyderabad karnataka certificate 

1. Obtain the study certificate in the format provided by the karnataka development council of hyderabad (the candidate must have studied at least 10 years in the HK region), study certificates must be signed by the BEO officer.
2. Obtain a court affidavit stating that you are the resident of the HK region.
3. The candidate must have at least 3 identification tests, which must be mentioned in the affidavit. (DL, PAN, Certificate of Birth, ID, Passport, Adhar)
4. Obtain tax receipts paid for 10 years and recently & khata extract house in the name of the owner. Or the owner's rental agreement document and the tax receipts paid from the owners.
5. All documents must be attested.
6. Present all these documents in the office of Tehsil.
7. The stipulated time is 30 working days.