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Hii i want ppt onĀ trivector meter working principle pdf
The trivector meter is a measuring instrument that measures the kW, kVAr, the kVA of a power line. These instruments can measure both energy and energy. Trivector meters are normally used in substations and to measure the power flowing through the feeders. They are used for the billing power of industrial customers. The Trivector allows the simultaneous measurement of different electrical parameters that allows an accurate evaluation of the power consumed.

Trivector is called so it measures three vectors that represent the active, reactive and apparent energy of a line. Trivector meters come in two quadrants and four quadrants. The four-quadrant model can measure both input (import) and output power (export), while the two trivial meters can measure imported or exported power.

In previous days, electromechanical trivetro meters were used. Today, however, almost all Trivector meters are static type. Modern Trivector meters can measure many parameters apart from active, reactive and apparent power.